Konomi Haruna

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Konomi Haruna
Japanese Name 春名 このみ (Haruna Konomi)
Character Designer
Primary Artist
Amane Shiki
Voiced by Japanese: Suzuko Mimori
ID No: 3030
Release Date (JP): August 22, 2017
Release Date (NA): June 25, 2019

Konomi Haruna (春名 このみ Haruna Konomi) was a playable character in the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record.

General Info

Physical Features
Age 17
Eye colour Green
Hair colour Orange with a single yellow streak
Height 162cm
Soul Gem Green diamond (stomach)
Weapon Giant pair of pruning shears
Witch Form Heidesommer
Powers and Abilities To give flowers
Wish To heal the illness of the florist she worked for (exact wording unknown)
Japanese pronoun watashi (わたし)
Known relatives None known
Origins Shinsei Ward
School Kamihama City University Affiliated School, 11th grade
Affiliation Kamihama Magia Union

Game Info

Stats, Connect, Magia Data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute

2★→ 5★




Initial 3321 942 1246

Max at ★2 10700 2993 4042
Max at ★3 13562 3791 5123
Max at ★4 17850 4989 6745
Max at ★5 25215 6522 8347

Max SE 28524 7787 10342
Connect: How's This Flower Arrangement?

★2 Regenerate HP [III] (3T) & Guarantee Fog & Guaranteed Poison
★3 Regenerate HP [V] (3T) & Guarantee Fog & Guaranteed Poison
★4 Regenerate HP [VII] (3T) & Guarantee Fog & Guaranteed Poison
★5 Regenerate HP[IX] (3T) & Guarantee Fog & Guaranteed Poison & Guaranteed Dazzle
{{{2}}} Magia: Peony Bouquet

★2 Damage in a Horizontal Line [I] & HP Restore (All)
★3 Damage in a Horizontal Line [II] & HP Restore (All)
★4 Damage in a Horizontal Line [IV] & HP Restore (All) & Defense UP (All / 3T)
★5 Damage in a Horizontal Line [VII] & HP Restore (All) & Defense UP (All / 3T) & Accele MP Gain UP (All / 3T)
{{{2}}} Doppel: Heidesommer

★5 Damage in a Horizontal Line [IX] & HP Restore (All) & Defense UP (All / 5T) & Accele MP Gain UP (All / 5T) & MP Regen (Self / 3T)
Spirit Enhancement Data
Max Stat Bonuses
HP ATK DEF Accele Blast Charge

2★ +4% +3% +5% +4% +4% +2%
3★ +5% +4% +6% +5% +5% +3%
4★ +6% +5% +7% +6% +6% +4%
5★ +7% +6% +8% +7% +7% +5%

SE +7% +6% +8% +13% +13% +10%
Spirit Enhancement

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [II] & Magia Damage UP [I]

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [II] & Magia Damage UP [I]

Blast Adept Blast Damage UP [II]

Guard Adept Defense UP [III]

Magia Adept Magia Damage UP [III]

Anti-Bind Guaranteed Anti-Bind

Resist Adept Status Ailment Resistance UP [II]

Fast Mana Up MP Gauge 15% Full on Battle Start

Regenerate Adept Regenerate HP [IV]

Fog Edge Chance to Fog on Attack [II] (3T)

Fog Chance to Fog [VII] (All / 1T) CD: 7 turns


A Magical Girl who loves flowers and works at a flower shop. Konomi is kind and works hard for the shop owner, who she respects. She is a great worker, but can at times get distracted by her love of flowers. She is talented at flower arrangement.

Doppel Description

Heidesommer, Konomi's doppel

The Doppel of greening. Its form is humus. The master of this emotion is under the impression that her Doppel uses a good power for the sake of spreading greenery. The Doppel’s body is composed of soil, and contains enzymes capable of decomposing any and all organisms. Those who touch it will rot away and entirely decompose, becoming nutrients to make the land abundant and fertile. The black, downy fluff that it launches by swaying its body will also cling to those it touches; should one touch it, they’ll be devoured in an instant by fast-growing roots and transformed into a plant.

Side Story

Warning, this section contains spoilers.

Konomi welcomes Kaede Akino and Kako Natsume into the flower shop she works for part-time. Konomi narrates she began working for the shop, named "Blossom", because of the florist who showed her the beauty of flowers. When she was a child, the florist found Konomi crying from falling down and gave her a flower. Konomi has since done the same thing to other children who enter the shop. She believes that flowers color life with their own colors.

As a woman steps up to buy her flowers, Kaede and Kako help the florist carry things. Konomi thinks the florist got out of the hospital a little while ago. One day, Konomi found an ambulance in front of the shop. She learned that the florist had a hard to cure illness and might have had to close the shop. Konomi wanted to help but couldn't think of anything to do until Kyubey arrived and offers her a contract. Konomi wished to cure the florist's illness. Back in the present, Kako, Kaede, and Konomi soon found the customers have been affected by a Witch's kiss. They track down the witch and kill it.

Konomi thinks that she can be a magical girl because of Kako and Kaede, who she considers close companions. The girls return to the shop for rush hour and they find a long line has formed. Konomi notes that ever since she made a wish, the shop has gotten many young customers. Konomi is grateful she met Kaede and Kako. Konomi thinks back to when the girls first entered the shop.

The remainder of the story is told in a flashback. Kaede and Kako enter the flower shop for the first time. Kako is looking for a flower, which Konomi quickly recognizes. Konomi says she adores making young people happy with their flowers. Afterwards, the girls have tea with Konomi during her break. Kaede asks if it's unusual for her to have young customers. Konomi says it is and has trouble remembering the last time she had one. Kako explains she was looking for flowers she read in a novel, and she never actually went to a flower shop before. Kako says the shop is beautiful and she would like to buy flowers for a friend's birthday. Kaede says she never gave flowers to anyone before, but when someone gave her flowers she got a wonderful feeling. Konomi says she has an idea.

A man walks down a street, saying he won ten thousand yen in the lottery. Konomi suddenly appears, hands him a bouquet of flowers, and leaves. An old man says his life is over. Kaede appears and gives him a present of flowers. When she leaves, the old man wonders if she was a spirit. A boy is happy because he got a girl's number. Kako appears, hands him flowers, and leaves. The boy thought she was going to possess him. Later, the three girls reunite. Kaede says she gave flowers to ten people, while Kako gave flowers to thirteen. Konomi apologizes for making them do this, but Kako says she wanted to show the beauty of flowers to everyone. Kaede says they will work together. Konomi says they'll do this again the day after tomorrow.

People start talking about a rumor where someone suddenly appears and gives you flowers. One day, Konomi, Kaede and Kako meet again to give flowers, but before they leave a girl asks Konomi if she's heard of "The Bursting Flower Girl". The girl says that according to the rumor, a girl hands you flowers that open to reveal mouths. Konomi thinks the story is scary. Kaede mutters it might be a witch, but insists she said nothing. The girl says that the girl in the rumor was sighted in the Shin-Nishi Ward, that she only appears on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and that she gives people a bouquet. Konomi, Kaede, and Kako realize they're the Bursting Flowers Girls.

Konomi thinks that they've made people hate flowers, and wonders how she can face the florist. Kaede says it's her fault because she gave Konomi the idea. Konomi tells her not to apologize. Suddenly they see a little girl crying. The girl says her mom won't let her buy the "Party Jewelry Set" of toys. Konomi gives the girl a flower, but the girl says she wants a ring. Kako takes the flower and makes a ring out of it. The girl tears up and says it's pretty. Konomi comes to a realization. She narrates that if she wants everyone to like flowers, she should try harder.

Konomi explains that when she saw Kako make a ring, she realized that a gift-giver has to understand the other person's feelings. The girls have just been giving flowers without explaining themselves. Konomi says they can use this as a chance to improve and claims they have to devise a plan to get people to like flowers. Kaede says that Konomi once made a bear-shaped bouquet and thinks it would be more eye-catching than a regular one. Konomi asks if she means flower arrangements. Kaede says yes and that Konomi can make impressive ones. Kako thinks Konomi can arrange flowers that would make young people happy. Konomi decides to make an eye-catching arrangement you can give to someone dear to you. She asks the girls for ideas. Kaede says that when she got a flower gift it was for her birthday. The girls continue discussing.

Konomi and the girls make a birthday cake made of fifty flowers. The cake also has chocolate and candy in it. Kako calls it a feast for the eyes and the stomach. Konomi says she followed Kako's suggestion to make the cake with birth flowers, so that greetings can be communicated with the language of flowers. Konomi wonders if the cake will work to make people appreciate flowers. Konomi thinks the cakes represent the best collaboration the three of them have made. The girls prepare a fair at the flower shop to show off their cake.

Konomi shows the cake to the florist. However, the florist gives a muted reaction. She says that Komomi can work on her own now and announces she's retiring and will leave Konomi the shop. Konomi says it's suddenly, but the florist says she was thinking about it ever since she got sick. Suddenly Kaede says it's not true, and Kako blurts that the florist has been Witch Kissed. Kaede says to forget they said anything, but Konomi identifies them as magical girls and reveals she's one as well. The three of them team up to track and destroy the witch. Konomi thinks fighting together with friends is reassuring.

The girls return to the shop and starting selling the cakes to customers. The customers enjoy them greatly and eventually a huge line forms. Konomi says they never had this many people before. At the end of the day the girls sold everything. Konomi tells the others that when the florist woke up and saw the shop filled with customers she was really surprised. Konomi gives Kako and Kaede a flower cake as thanks. She says the flowers on the cake are geraniums, which mean "respect", "trust" and "true friendship". Konomi thanks the girls and asks them if they can keep being friends. Kaede thanks her profusely, while Kako says she will cherish this. Konomi narrates that was the beginning of their story together. However, they can't stop because the customers are waiting.

Costume Stories

Winter Outfit

Konomi has invited Kaede Akino to go on a walk with her to view the cherry blossom trees in full bloom. She had noticed the trees before and really wanted someone with her who could appreciate them. Kaede thanks her for inviting her along but she soon begins to sneeze. Konomi remembers that the news had said it would be the coldest day of the season so she apologizes for bringing Kaede out in such weather. Kaede tells her not to worry since she’s used to being in the cold since she takes care of the vegetable garden in the early morning. Kaede asks if Konomi isn’t cold but Konomi is used to it since she prefers to take walks in the early morning since there are less people around. Kaede thinks she’ll start walking in the morning so she can enjoy the early flowers blooming as well and suggests they take their walks together in the morning. Konomi asks Kaede what she thinks of basking in the sunshine. Konomi really enjoys long baths and basking in the sun and she feels that Kaede would be the kind of person to enjoy that sort of thing as well. Kaede admits that her grandmother enjoys those kinds of things so she thinks she’ll give it a try as well. Konomi stares at her for a bit before reminding her she’s still only in high school and not a grandmother.

Christmas Outfit

In a story of two nations, one of fire, and one of ice, Konomi, playing a servant of the fire demon king, is on a quest to obtain a Christmas present for her master, who is always working hard. A shivering Konomi is lead through an ice cave by Kushu, a servant of the ice queen. What Konomi hopes to find, is an ice flower ‘that won’t melt from even the hottest flame’, as when previously given a regular flower, the fire demon king became distraught after accidentally burning it. They soon arrive in a more open area, where the ice flowers reside. Upon being asked why the flowers are not sold in stores, Kushu states that they are difficult to get onto shelves, which is further proven when Konomi tries to cut the stem of one with scissors, not even making a dent. Both girls thought the other would have some knowledge about how to harvest the flowers, but neither of them know. While stumped, Konomi brings up that the flower is one her master liked from a picture book, which told about a girl venturing out to seek the exact flower in order to save her friend from an illness. Despite being immune to fire, the flower’s stem melted from the girls warm heart and thoughts. Encouraged by the story, Konomi gets down and grabs the flower, clearly struggling against how cold it is. However, she refuses to give up, and just like in the story, the stem melts, allowing her to pluck it from the frozen ground.

When Christmas finally came, the fire demon king found a wrapped box in her stocking, which contained the ice flower. She leaps out of her bed, and rushes to share the news with her servant. They share a smile, and the servant’s heart is filled, with her lady’s smile being the best present she could ask for.


Event Appearances

Magical Girl Story Appearances

  • Ren Isuzu - offers Ren chamomile tea.
  • Kyoko Sakura, who confuses her for a witch.
  • Mito Aino - helps her identify a wildflower and Mito later helps her in the flowershop.
  • Ria Ami, who she finds to be odd.
  • Himika Mao - teaches Himika how to dye flowers.

Powers and Abilities

Other than being named "to give flowers" in Magia Archive Volume 1 and her declaration that she'll "bring flowers to [their] battle with [her] power!" during Arc 1 Chapter 10, the exact nature and extent of her abilities is unknown.

Her animations suggest that she can generate any kind of flower she desires, with unclear limits. She can also enlarge her shears and cut through enemies with them. She may also have the ability to heal at greater rates, due to wanting to cure her florist's illness.


  • The characters of her last name mean "spring" (春) and "name" (名) respectively.


  • The specific phrase used to describe her ability, "花を持たせる", is also an expression meaning "to let someone else take credit for a success (lit. "to let someone else carry the flowers​")".
  • Konomi is familiar with both flower symbolism and etymology, as she knew Kyoko Sakura's given name means "apricot girl" in Kyoko's personal story.
  • Konomi makes a cameo appearance in Magia Record Episode 17, as one of the Doppel Syndrome Magical girls enclosed by Mitama.
  • Heidesommer is a cultivar of rose that resembles the flower Konomi wears in her hair.


Game Gallery

Official Art

Anime Screenshots

Memoria Cards

To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
Do You Know the Flower Language?
(NA: Do You Speak Flower?)
Monopolize Draw
Monopolize Draw 15 turns
Max Limit Break
Monopolize Draw 13 turns
**Unique to Konomi Haruna**
Passion, friendship, faith, peace, optimism...
Resentment, enmity, doubt, turmoil, misery...
Each and every flower carries a message.
This is one of the things that gives flowers
their beauty and allure.
The Feelings Behind the Bouquet
(NA: The Heart in the Bouquet)
Attack Rise
Attack UP [III] (Self / 3T) 8 turns
Max Limit Break
Attack UP [IV] (Self / 3T) 7 turns
The aroma, the colors, the shape— No, not just that. She picks just the right ribbons and wraps the sender's feelings inside. Here, take the feelings and the bouquet.香り?色?形?ーそれだけじゃない。
How About Delicious Chocolate?
Regenerate Bloom
Attack UP [IV] & Defense UP [III] & Regenerate HP [IV] (Self / 3 T) 9 turns
Max Limit Break
Attack UP [V] & Defense UP [IV] & Regenerate HP [V] (Self / 3 T) 8 turns
"Oh, what cute customers! Are you elementary school students?"

"You came to see us because of the flyers! They were worth making!" "Thank you for coming. Yes, please have some chocolate!

It's absolutely delicious, so why not take a bite?"

「チラシを見て来てくださったんですね!作った甲斐がありました!」 「来てくれてありがとう。はい、チョコをどうぞ!

Sending Thoughts, Back to You
Burn Flow
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Chance to Burn [V] (All / 1T) 6 turns
"Fire, heat, give us the power to save our loved ones!"

"Ice, snow, our thoughts are with those we love!" Even if we are opposites, if we work together, our feelings will surely reach you.

"Come on, let's all have a happy white Christmas!"

「氷よ、雪よ、私たちの想いを、大好きな人たちに伝えて!」 相反するふたりでも、力を合わせればきっと想いは届くから

The Leaf Mold Witch
Mana Spring Guard
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Regenerate MP [XX] (Self / 1T) & Defense UP [VIII] (Self / 3T) 5 turns
**Unique to Konomi Haruna**
A girl captivated by her longing stands speechless at her wavering origins.

The good intentions she imposed on others were not chosen by anyone, and were discarded and left to decay. The priceless earth spreads its greenery composed of various nutrients and seeds.

The true value of a single flower shines when it finds its own personal path to be appreciated.
憧れに魅了された少女は 揺らぐ原点に 言葉を失くし 立ちすくむ

押しつけた善意は 誰にも選ばれず 捨てられ朽ちる 花蓄 愚直なる大地は 緑を広める養分 数多の物質を己の種とする

喜ばれる 自分本位の道筋を 見出す時こそ 輝ける一輪の真価
Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text

External links

Gameplay Videos

Side Story and Costume Story Videos

Dialogue Lines