Hagumu Azumi

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Hagumu Azumi
Japanese Name (安積 はぐむ) Azumi Hagumu
Character Designer
Primary Artist
Ume Aoki
Voiced by Japanese: Tomoyo Takayanagi
ID No: 1030
Release Date (JP): February 25, 2020

Hagumu Azumi (安積 はぐむ Azumi Hagumu) was a playable character in the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record. She was the founder of the Neo-Magius group alongside Shigure Miyabi, and its initial leader before Himena Aika took over.

General Info

Physical Features
Age 16
Eye colour Light Brown
Hair colour Light Brown
Soul Gem Red circle on a butterfly shaped bolo tie
Weapon Sword
Witch Form Abigail
Powers and Abilities Witch Slayer (Attacks against witches are extremely effective, if not lethal)
Wish “Erase the Witch that's controlling this person...!”
Japanese pronoun watashi ()
Known relatives Unnamed mother
Origins Daito Ward
School Daito Academy
Affiliation Wings of the Magius (black feather), Kamihama Magia Union (briefly), Neo-Magius

Game Info

Stats, Connect, Magia Data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute

4★→ 5★




Initial 4897 2171 1600

Max at ★4 17501 7928 5801
Max at ★5 22025 10016 7306

Max SE 28773 12563 9645
Connect: Oh, if I'm good, then I can help

★4 Attack UP [VII] & Charged Damage UP [VIII] & Damage UP Versus Witches [IV]
★5 Attack UP [IX] & Charged Damage UP [X] & Damage UP Versus Witches [V]
{{{2}}} Magia: Great Red Cyclone (Spin Around and Goodbye)

★4 Damage to All Enemies [V] & Defense DOWN (All / 3T) & Charged Damage UP (All / 1T)
★5 Damage to All Enemies [VII] & Defense DOWN (All / 3T) & Charged Damage UP (All / 1T)
{{{2}}} Doppel: Abigail

★5 Damage to All Enemies [IX] & Defense DOWN (All / 3T) & Charged Damage UP (All / 1T)
Spirit Enhancement Data
Max Stat Bonuses
HP ATK DEF Accele Blast Charge

4★ +5% +8% +4% +4% +6% +6%
5★ +6% +9% +5% +5% +7% +7%

SE +6% +9% +5% +9% +13% +12%
Spirit Enhancement

Technical Adept Charge Disc Damage Up [III]

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

Argent Adept Damage UP Versus Witches [III]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Morale Adept MP Gain UP [III]

Charge Adept Charged Attack Damage UP [II]

Charge Combo Plus Charge Combo Charge Count UP (+2)

Aiming Adept Chance to Anti-Evade [III]

Critical Adept Chance to Critical [II]

Charge Expert Charge Disc Damage Up [III] & Charged Damage UP [IV]

Parry Adept Chance to Evade [II]

Full Swing Up Blast Damage UP [III] (Self / 1T) & Charged Damage UP [IV] (Self / 1T) CD: 8 turns


A Magical Girl who is lacking in self-confidence and belonging to the group Neo-Magius. She's not good at multitasking and panics when she's asked to do more than one thing at a time. Her self-esteem tends to be very low, and she desires to be recognized by the people around her. She likes sewing and other things like that.

Doppel Description

Abigail, Hagumu's doppel

The Doppel of False Bravado. Its form is a Reversible Garment. Despite knowing about the beings called Doppels, the master of this emotion is still paralyzed with fear upon seeing this representation of herself that appeared from within her heart. In contrast to its master, who displays her full power against witches, her Doppel’s inner lining boasts lethal capabilities against other Puella Magi. But since its personality is similar to its master’s, if it’s summoned in the heat of battle, it immediately panics and assumes a defensive posture. Incidentally, its master closes her eyes out of fear whenever her Doppel manifests, so she’s never gotten a good look at it. Any enemies will have vanished by the time she opens her eyes, so she admires the Doppel considerably.

Costume Stories


After receiving a pair’s ticket to the water park from a drama club classmate, Hagumu invites Shigure to go with her, but she first needs a new swimsuit, as her one from middle school is now too small. However, she decides that she wants to make her own instead of just buying a new one. All she needs is a design to go off of, though she admits that she would want to one day design her own outfits from scratch. Since most stores don’t sell swimsuit fabric, the two head to a wholesaler and browse through the options. Hagumu shows Shigure the design that she was initially after, which included a skirt, but it was also with a combo of pants, which may clash with certain patterns. Shigure suggests trying out 3D modeling before she makes a final choice, and even offers to make a program that would help her design future outfits. Quickly realizing that they can combine their skills, Hagumu excitedly accepts, and the next day, two meet up at her house to get to work. With Shigure bringing over electronic tools and spare parts, Hagumu prepares to practice making a swimsuit with regular fabric.

Several hours pass, and Shigure turns on her PC, which begins flashing colored lights, since it’s made for gaming. After some more light flashes, the computer prints out a gaming based design onto Hagumu’s prototype. Realizing that it would probably draw a lot of attention at the pool, the girls share a laugh as Hagumu tries it on. Considering that hand making a swimsuit would be more difficult than they anticipated, the two decide to just buy their own for now, but it was still a fun learning experience. Still, Hagumu wants to make something as a thanks for Shigure’s help, and decides to make matching flower bracelets. She gives one of the bracelets to Shigure while they shop for swimsuits, which she later gets a message thanking her for it. Then a few days later, the two meet up at the water park, and show off their swimsuits and matching bracelets. Hagumu hopes that they will one day again make something together.


Event Appearances

Powers and Abilities

Hagumu's magic is extremely effective against witches, being called "Witch Slayer". This makes her able to kill most witches in one single attack of her sword.


  • The characters of her last name mean "cheap" (安) and "product" (積) respectively.


  • She is the first character to have a connect that specifically aims for damage against witches.
  • Her doppel seems to be named after Abigail Williams. All historical accounts agree that Abigail was just a normal girl who accused others of being a witch, and just happens to be the first one to have accused someone during the Salem witch trials. However, due to pop-cultural osmosis, her persona has changed to a witch who accuses others as being witches so that they get killed.
  • Due to her wish, Hagumu is very effective in killing Witches. Inversely, her Doppel is very effective at killing Magical Girls.
  • The memoria "A Little Success" makes references to "Hinamatsuri" (はひな祭り) and "Hina" (雛). Hinamatsuri is more commonly known as Girls' Day or Girls' Festival. Dolls representing the Emperor, Empress, and their court are called Hina and are arranged on a tiered display stand in people's homes.


Game Gallery

Official Art


Memoria Cards

To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
Behind the Scene Performance
Blast Damage UP [V] & Damage UP [III] (Self / 1 T) 7 turns
Max Limit Break
Blast Damage UP [VI] & Damage UP [IV] (Self / 1 T) 6 turns
A solo performance in front of a mirror in the corner of the drama club.

If I were to suddenly twirl around in a newly finished costume, I'm a lovelier princess than anyone else in the mirror.

...why, just imagine it.

仕上がったばかりの衣装をまとってくるりと回れば 鏡の中の私は誰より素敵なお姫様

The Connection Under the Hood
Blur Haze
Blast Damage DOWN [VII] & Chance to Fog [XV] (Single / 3T) 8 turns
Max Limit Break
Blast Damage DOWN [VIII] & Guaranteed Fog (Single / 3T) 7 turns
This person is bright, gentle, and a smile seems to suit them,

Someone who can talk to lots of people who are completely different from me. But sometimes I noticed that that smiling face seemed to be lonely and crying.

We're together, because you're here together with me. The hand I held was very warm.

ぼくとは全然違う沢山の人と喋ることができる人 でも、時々笑った顔が寂しそうで泣きそうで気付かされた

Giant Killing at Twilight
Blast Shield
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
Blast Damage Cut [V] & Damage Cut [II]
Because I have a purpose that I can't give up, I have a desire to share with you.

The girls really collide with each other. “Huh, that’s interesting... but the game has to be like this...!”

“Next time... I won’t hold back... Instructor…!”

少女たちは本気でぶつかりあう 「…ふふっ、面白い…勝負はこうでなくちゃね…!」

A Little Success
Heart Warm Adept
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
Episode Experienced Gain Increased [II] & Regenerate HP [III]
"The children call me 'Ms. Girls' Day Dolls Lender'"

"Heh Heh, Hagumu-chan's Girls' Day Dolls are very popular aren't they" I'm always making mistakes, but just for today it was a huge success.

After all today is Girls' Day...it's a special day for girls.

「ふふっ、はぐむちゃんのお雛様大人気ね」 いつも失敗ばかりだけれど、今日だけは大成功

Naked Heart
Attrition Burn
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Guaranteed Burn (Single / 1T) & Defense DOWN [VI] (Single / 1T) 6 turns
Those cold true intentions melt in the hot water, and hot feelings change to steam. The rising emotions wiped away the haze in front of me and exposed my naked self. I'm sure that the coldness and warmth that you feel when you touch those messy feelings are fake. The only thing that is true is that we are wet with regrettable tears.冷たい本音がお湯に溶けて、熱い想いが湯気に変わる

立ち上る感情は目の前の霞を拭い取って裸の自分をさらけ出した きっと、一糸まとわぬ想いに触れて感じる冷たさと温もりは偽りで

Prickle Prickle Fiddle Fiddle
Charge Draw
Charge Draw 8 turns
Max Limit Break
Charge Draw 7 turns
**Unique to Hagumu Azumi**
Simple cloth, simple string, simple yarn

But, if you proceed stitch by stitch, glance by glance It will transform into a lovely and cute work of art.

What should I make next after the scarf?

でも、ひと針ひと針、ひと目ひと目、と進めれば 素敵で可愛い作品に大変身

Up to 300 Yen Per Person
Regeneration Covering
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Guaranteed Guardian (1T) & Regenerate HP [IX] (Self / 1T) 8 turns
"Let's all come back to buy and eat treats again. Next time, we'll treat you as an instructor ★."

"That's fine, but I don't have the motivation to pay for it." "Why don't we show how much we've grown and impress the instructor again?"

"...ok. However, the next one is limited up to 300 yen per person...”

「それはいいけど、おごりたくなる動機がないとね」 「私チャンたちの成長を見せて、また教官を感動させるってのは?」

Welcome to Junk House!
Full Gauge Bloom Heal
Normal Passive
Attack UP While At Max Health [V] & Defense UP While At Max Health [VII] & Regenerate HP [II]
Max Limit Break
Attack UP While At Max Health [VI] & Defense UP While At Max Health [VIII] & Regenerate HP [III]
"I thought it was a mountain of junk, but I was surprised that it was neatly organized!"

"Well, does that robot work?" "For the time being ... I will reply when I talk to you ... but now it is under maintenance."

"It seems that it also reacts to sleepiness ... Once it was awakened ..."

「なー、そっちのロボって動くのか?」 「一応…話しかけると返事するけど…今は、整備中」

Little Summer Vacation
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Blast Damage UP [V] (Self / 1T) & Damage UP [III] (Self / 1T) 8 turns
"Wow...Santa and his friends kept their promise!"

The last magic of Santa's reindeer that's departed beyond the stars. The colors of freshly caught stardust, delivered to those who walk with faith in the future.

A little summer vacation created in a world without summer.

星の彼方へと旅立った、トナカイサンタの最後の魔法 未来を信じて歩む者たちに届けられた、獲れたての星屑が彩るのは

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text

External links

Gameplay Videos

Side Story and Costume Story Videos

Dialogue Lines