Magia Record Main Story Arc 2 Prologue/Script

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English text translated through DeepL and fixed by editors.

Part 1

Name Japanese Translation
Kagome "どうして…" "Why..."
Kagome "どうして私ばっかりこんな目に遭うの…" "Why am I the only one end up in this situation..."
Kagome "転校してきただけなのに…" "I've just moved to a new school, and now..."
Kagome "悪いことなんてしてないのに…" "I haven't done anything wrong."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "なに…これ…" "What's... that..."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "紙…?" "Paper...?"
"誓約ショワタシハ、魔ホウ少ジョヲ滅ボスコトヲ、誓イマ、スナマエ:________" "I swear to thou that I shalt not be destroyed by the devil. Sign name:"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "私、知らないよ…魔法少女なんて、知らない…!" "I don't know anything about... magical girls!"
"誓約ショワタシハ、魔ホウ少ジョヲ滅ボスコトヲ、誓イマ、スナマエ:________" "I swear to thou that I shalt not be destroyed by the devil. Sign name:"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "ほんとだよ!何も知らないの!" "I really don't know anything! I swear!"
"菫wp*斬翫Лq!!" "菫wp*斬翫Лq!!"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "ヒッ…" "Eek..."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "なに…?書けばいいの…?" "What...? Should I write...?
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "ここに、私の名前を書けば…" "If I write my name in here..."
"菴輔ЁЛ*ォ!?" "菴輔ЁЛ*ォ!?"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "えっ…!?" "Eh...?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "大丈夫!?" "Are you okay!?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "待っててね、すぐに使い魔を倒すから!" "Just wait, alright? I'll defeat the familiar in a minute!"

Part 2

Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はぁ…なんとか倒せたよ…" Hah... I managed to beat it...
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あの…あなたはいったい…" "Um... You're"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あの日、環いろはさんが言ってたことは本当なんですね…" "So what Iroha-san said that day was true..."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "魔女や使い魔が人を傷付ける危険な存在で" "Witches and their familiars are dangerous and capable of hurting people."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "それを魔法少女が倒してるって…" "And a magical girl can defeat it..."
"「私も調査を進める中で知ったんだ」" "I found out as I was going through my research."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "すごく、悲しいです…" I'm so sad...
"「悲しい?」" "Sad?"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "みんなのために戦ってるのに、誰もそれを知らないなんて…" I can't believe they're fighting for everyone and no one knows it..."
"「そうだね… 誰も死にゆく魔法少女の姿を知らない…」" "Right... no one knows what a dying magical girl looks like..."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あの…" Um...
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "キュゥべえは魔法少女の契約を交す時に" When Kyubey made a magical girl contract.
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "願いを叶えてくれるんですよね?" "He's going to make my wish come true, right?"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "それなら今度は私が助けるために願います…" Please, let me help you this time...
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "“魔法少女を助けて”って…" "Help a magical girl."
"「どういう叶い方をするかはわからない無闇に命を差し出すのは賢明じゃないよ」" "We don't know how it will come true, so it's not wise to give your life away for nothing."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "じゃあ、どうすれば…" What do I do now?
"「私達には記すことしかできない」" "We can only write it down."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "記す…?" "Write down...?"
"「私達は魔法少女を知る数少ない者として真実を世間に知ってもらう努力ができるそれが彼女たちを救う大きな道筋になるはずだ」" "We can strive to be one of the few who know about magical girls and let the world know the truth, which should go a long way to saving them."
"「私はこれからも調査を続けるそして君は同じ年頃の少女としてきっと彼女たちのリアルを伝えられるだろう」" "I'm going to continue my research, and I'm sure you, as a girl your age, will be able to tell them what they are really like."
image=File:Card 80011 d.png Kyubey "本当にいいのかい?佐鳥かごめ" You sure you want to do this? Satori Kagome."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "うん…" Yeah.
image=File:Card 80011 d.png Kyubey "キミの願い事が、なんでもひとつ叶うんだよ?" "You can have one wish for anything you want, you know?"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "私はあなたと契約を交わす前に、約束を交わしたから…" I made a promise before I made a contract with you..."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "それに…あなたと話してね、伝えることが増えたの…" And... when talking to you, I have more to tell you..."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "私、願いの対価は、魔女と戦うことだと思ってた…" I thought the price of my wish was to fight witches..."
image=File:Card 80011 d.png Kyubey "そんな悲観的になることかな?" "Is it really such a pessimistic thing to do?"
image=File:Card 80011 d.png Kyubey "“魔法少女が魔女になる”ことでこの宇宙は存続できる" The only way for this universe to survive is for magical girls to become witches.
image=File:Card 80011 d.png Kyubey "それは人類の存続にも繋がる以上悪い話じゃないはずだよ" That's not a bad thing, since it's a matter of survival for the human race.
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "…………" ......
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "もうみんな駅前のカフェに集まってるって" "Everyone's already gathered at the cafe in front of the station."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "(誰も知らない…)" (No one knows.)
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "その件につきましては、今から説明に伺いますので" I'm going to come to you right now to explain that to you.
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "(自分が知らないうちに護られていることを…)" "(That we are protected without our knowledge...)"
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "やーっと授業が終わったーこの後、どうしよっか" The class is over... what will we do afterwards?
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "(誰かの命が犠牲になる代わりに生かされていることを…)" "(That someone's life is being kept alive instead of being sacrificed...)"
Kagome "私たちを不幸に追いやる魔女と魔法少女は戦っている" Puella Magi are at war with the witches who are driving us into misery.
Kagome "だけど理不尽な運命に翻弄されている" But I'm at the mercy of an unreasonable fate.
Kagome "救うために伝えなきゃ伝えるために記さなきゃ" We have to tell them to save them, we have to write them down to tell them.
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あれから随分と時間がたったけど今まで何もできなかった…" "It's been so long since we've been here, but we've never been able to do anything about it..."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "でも、環いろはさん" But, Iroha-san.
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "私はようやく自分の足で動けるようになりました…" I can finally stand on my two legs..."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あなたは今…何をしてますか…?" What are you doing right now?

Part 3

Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10201 d.png "|『』『』『』!!|"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "これ“絶交ルール”の時の“ウワサ”!?" This is the same rumor from the Breakup staircase?
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "もう“ねむ”は作ってないし、全部消したって言ってたよね!?" Nemu doesn't make them anymore, and she said they were all gone!
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うん!" Yeah!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "もう万年桜のうわさ以外は全部消えてるはずです!" "Everything should be gone by now, except for the rumors of the Enternal Sakura!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "魔女とは違う反応だからみんなに来てもらったけど…" It's not a witch and it didn't react the same way, so I asked everyone to come and see, but..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "こんな変なところだなんて…" I didn't know this was such a weird place.
image=File:Card 80011 d.png Lil' Kyubey "モキュゥ…" "Mokyuu..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "気をつけて何が起きても不思議じゃないわ!" "Be careful, anything can happen to you!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "へーきだろ!叩いてみりゃなんかわかるって!" You're kidding. You'll know something when you hit it!"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "言ったそばから!!" As I said!
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ステイですよ…!フェリシアさん…!" Please stay back, Felicia-san...!"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png "|ラン↑ララ↓ンララ↑|"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ぬぁっ、マジか…なんだよコイツ…!" "Nurgh, seriously... what the hell is this thing anyway...!"

Part 4

Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "やってやる…オレひとりで十分やれるぞ…" I'll do it... it's enough for me.
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ズガンとやって、ドーンとぶっ飛ばしてやる!" I'm going to do it with a BAM!
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ちょっと、ひとりで突っ走っちゃだめだよ!" "Hey, you can't just run around by yourself!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "せめてふたりでいかないと危ないって!" At least it's not safe unless we two go together!
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "あの、わたしも!" Um, me too!
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "ごめんなさい巻き込んじゃって…!" I'm sorry I got you involved.
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "気にしなくていいよういちゃん!" That's okay, Ui-chan!
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "どんな敵が出るかなんて、誰にもわからないんだから!" You don't know what kind of enemy you're going to have!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "今は目の前の敵をぶっ潰すだけだぜ!!" We're going to defeat the enemy!

Part 5

Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10201 d.png "|ラ↑ン↓ララ↓/ラ…|"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "はぁ…はぁ…" *pant* *pant*
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "あースッキリした" That's a relief.
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "よくやったわね、ういちゃん" You've done well, Ui-chan.
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "う、うんっ…" Y-Yeah...
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "オレにはねーのかよ!" "You don't have one for me?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "はいはい、頑張ったわね" "Yes, yes, you're doing great."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "へへっ!" "Hehe!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "…今のがウワサ?" That's a Rumor?
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ういちゃんは、戦うの初めてだよね…" It's the first time you've ever fought, right Ui-chan..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うん…" Yeah...
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "前の神浜には色々な都市伝説があってね…" "There are many urban legends about the previous Kamihama..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "それを現実にしてた敵が、今のウワサなんだよ…" The enemy who made it a reality is now a rumor..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "大本のウワサを倒したから結界が消えるはずなんだけど…" The labyrinth is supposed to be gone now that we've defeated the big book rumor...
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "でも、変わらないよ…?" But it's still the same...?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "魔女でもウワサでもないし、何かが違うのかも…" "That's neither witch nor a Rumor, or anything else..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "それより、そもそも結界が消えないということは…" "More importantly, if the labyrinth didn't disappear in the first place..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "やっ、やっぱりぃ!?" I knew... it!?
Ui "キャアアッ!" Kyaah!
Felicia "魔女か…!?" A Witch!?
Yachiyo "反応が違うわ…" The reaction is different...
Tsuruno "ただ、この魔力の強さ普通じゃないよ" "It's just that the strength of this magic is not normal."
Tsuruno "マギウスの翼は解散したのにこんな魔女がいるなんて…" "The Wings of Magius have been disbanded, and now this witch is here..."
"∵くすくす_ ̄あはっ!"
Iroha "私たちを狙ってます…" It's trying to get us...

Part 6

Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10011 d.png "∵ヒヒッ_ふふっ―!!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "っ、まだ動くの…!?" It's still moving!?
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "いろはさん…!" Iroha-san...!
image=File:Card 10011 d.png "∵フッ―ハハハッ!!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ぁあッ…!!" Aah!
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "さなちゃん!" Sana-chan!
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "うぅ…" "Ugh..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png "…………"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "あ…" Aah...
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "さなのソウルジェムに触れるなーーーー!" "Don't you dare touch Sana's soul gem!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "炎扇斬舞!!" "Flame Waltz!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "本気で撃ったのに…!" I'm really meant what I said...!
image=File:Card 10011 d.png "∵ハッ ̄アハッ―フフフッ!!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ぐぅッ!" Ugh!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "鶴乃…さん…!" Tsuruno...san...!
image=File:Card 10011 d.png "∵にひ_イヒッ!?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "こ、こっちだよ…!" "Hey, come here...!"

Part 7

Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うい、やちよさん、フェリシアちゃん!" "Ui, Yachiyo-san, Felicia-chan!"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ええ…ふたりがかりでダメなら" If two people can't do it...
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "4人で力押しだな!" Four people will make a big push!
image=File:Card 10011 d.png "∵フッハ ̄ははは_イフヒヒッ!"

Part 8

Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "いける…" I can do it.
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "これで、おわりだよ!!" It'll be over... with this!
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はぁ…ふぅ…" *pant* *wheeze*
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "間一髪で助かりましたね…" You were saved by a hair's breadth...
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "最強のはずなのに、面目ない…" I'm supposed to be the mightiest, I'm ashamed...
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "落ち込む必要なんてないわ久しぶりの強敵だったし" "You don't have to be discouraged by this, it's been a long time since we've had a strong opponent."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "なーグリーフシードがねーぞ?" There aren't any grief seeds?
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "えっ、あれだけ頑張ったのに" "What? We tried so hard."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ケチくせーの…" Cheapskate.
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "あ?" Ah?
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "キャッ!" Kyaa!
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "いろは!" Iroha!
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…………" .....
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あれ、なんともない…?" "Oh, it's nothing...?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "…腕を見て" ...look at your arm.
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "何か付いてるよっ" There's something on you.
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "え?" "Eh?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "な、なにこれ…!?" What is this?
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "何だか気味が悪いわね…はずせる…?" It's kind of creepy... can you take it off?
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい" Yes.
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あれ…?" "Huh?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ふっ…んんっ…!はずせませんでした…" Hnnrgh...! I couldn't take it off..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "わたしもやってみる!" I'm going to do it too!
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "すごく固いよ…?" It's so tight...?
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "んんーっ!!" Hnnrgh!
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "ふぅ…ほんとに取れないね…" It's really hard to get it off..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "あの、無理に外さない方がいいかもしれません…!" Um, You might not want to force it off...!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "強い魔力を感じるから、その影響かもしれないしね" I can feel strong magic, so maybe that could be a factor.
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そうね…" Well...
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ただ、得体が知れない以上放置するのは不安だわ" I just don't feel comfortable leaving it unattended, since we don't know what we're dealing with.
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "取りあえず今は連絡網を回して情報を集めてみましょう" "In the meantime, for now, let's just get our contacts around and gather some information."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "うん、それがいいかもね" Yeah, that might be a good idea.
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "いろはさん…なんともないですか…?" Iroha-san... are you all right?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うん、平気だよさなちゃん" Yeah, I'm fine, Sana-chan."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "…………" .....
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うい?" Ui?
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "…どこかに行きたいのかな?" " you want to go somewhere else?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ん?どういうこと?" "Hmm? What do you mean?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "え、ううんなんとなくそう思っただけ" Yeah, no, I just kind of felt that way.
image=File:Card 80011 d.png userName "モキュキュ!" "Mokyukyu!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "userNameもそう思ったの?" Did you feel the same way, userName?"
image=File:Card 80011 d.png userName "モキュ!" "Mokyu!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "なんか、よくわかんねーな" I don't understand it, you know.
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そうだね…" Yeah...
"夕闇は呪いがたれ込む不穏な合図。“魔女”が町を闊歩して、人を闇へと引きずり込む。" The evening darkness is a disturbing sign that a curse is lurking in the air. The "witch" strolls through the town and drags people into the darkness.
"それを救うのはなんだと思う?" Do you think that I will save it?"
"光は希望、希望は願い。白い不思議な動物に少女がポツリと願いを言うと強い希望は光になって、闇を照らす力が少女に宿る。" "Light is hope, hope is a wish. A girl says a wish to the white mysterious animal, a strong hope becomes light, and the power to illuminate the darkness dwells in her.
"“魔法少女”ってね、そうやって生まれるの。" That's how a magical girl is born, you know.
"だけど、闇は光を包み込む。" But the darkness envelops the light.
"闇は絶望、光の希望の裏側。“魔法少女”が乗るのは絶望行きの列車で、“魔女”とせっせと戦いながら、ジワジワと絶望に染まっていくの。" Darkness is despair, the other side of hope of light. The "Magical Girl" rides the train to despair, battling against the "witch" as she fights her way to despair.
"絶望に染まれば闇に堕ちる…。" The first thing that comes to mind when you are in despair is to fall into darkness.
"輝いていた命の“宝石”を真っ黒に染めて、“魔法少女”は“魔女”へと姿を変える。" The "Magical Girl" transforms into a "witch" as the jewels of life are dyed black.
"グルグルグルグル、負の流転。百年ばかりか何千年。犠牲は幾度も繰り返される。" The sacrifices are made again and again for hundreds or thousands of years, creating an endless cycle.
"切ない…悲しい…恥ずかしい…。死を知らなかった私が恥ずかしい。" It's miserable....sad...ashamed... I'm ashamed that I didn't know death.
"だから記すの…。" So I'm writing this down...
"1文字、2文字、少しずつでいいから運命に抗う、私たちの光のために…。" "One letter, two letters, little by little, we defy fate, for our light...."
"知る人がひとりずつ増える度に、今度は私たちが、魔法少女の光になれるから。" The reason for this is that every time we get to know each other, we can be the light of magical girls.
image=File:Card 10201 d.png かごめ "…………" I don't know what to do.
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "…………" ......
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "…アルちゃんちゃんと書けてると思う…?" Do you think I'm writing well, Al-chan?
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Al "<いいと思うよっ>" I think it's fine.
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "良かった…" I'm glad...