Mami Tomoe (Scene 0 ver.)

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Mami Tomoe
Japanese Name 巴 マミ (scene0 ver.) (Tomoe Mami (Scene 0 ver.))
Character Designer
Primary Artist
Ume Aoki
Sasagi Koushi
Voiced by Japanese: Kaori Mizuhashi
ID No: 2503
Release Date (JP): January 12, 2024
For her full bio, see Mami Tomoe (or in Magia Record).

Mami Tomoe (Scene 0 ver.) (巴 マミ (scene0 ver.) (Tomoe Mami (Scene 0 ver.)) was a playable character in the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record. She is a version of Mami Tomoe as she appears in Scene 0, a prequel story to Puella Magi Madoka Magica in Magia Record.

General Info

Physical Features
Age 15
Eye colour Yellow
Hair colour Blonde
Height 156-159 cm
Soul Gem Yellow flower on right side of her head
Weapon Ribbons (Turned into Percussion-lock rifled muskets)
Witch Form Candeloro
Powers and Abilities Restraint magic
Wish “I want to live.”
Japanese pronoun watashi ()
Known relatives Unnamed parents (deceased)
Origins Mitakihara City
School Mitakihara Middle School (9th Grade)

Game Info

Stats, Connect, Magia Data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute

4★→ 5★




Initial 7552 2321 2325

Max at ★4 27579 8415 8309
Max at ★5 34047 10389 10258

Max SE 42127 12768 13811
Connect: Not Going to Leave It

★4 Damage UP [VII] & Forest Attribute Attack UP [VII] & Accele MP Gain UP [VII]
★5 Damage UP [IX] & Forest Attribute Attack UP [IX] & Accele MP Gain UP [IX]
{{{2}}} Magia: Calcolato Finale

★4 Attribute Strengthened Damage to All Enemies [V] & Status Ailment Resistance DOWN (All / 3T) & Guaranteed Burn (All / 3T) & Guaranteed Bind (All / 1T) & Forest Attribute Attack UP (All / 3T) & Magia Damage UP (All / 3T)
★5 Attribute Strengthened Damage to All Enemies [VII] & Status Ailment Resistance DOWN (All / 3T) & Guaranteed Burn (All / 3T) & Guaranteed Bind (All / 1T) & Forest Attribute Attack UP (All / 3T) & Magia Damage UP (All / 3T)
{{{2}}} Magia 2: Prevenuto Sfilata

★5 Attribute Strengthened Damage to All Enemies [IX] & Status Ailment Resistance DOWN (All / 3T) & Guaranteed Burn (All / 3T) & Guaranteed Bind (All / 2T) & Forest Attribute Attack UP (All / 5T) & Magia Damage UP (All / 5T) & Restore MP (Self)
Spirit Enhancement Data
Max Stat Bonuses
HP ATK DEF Accele Blast Charge

4★ +6% +6% +6% +4% +8% +4%
5★ +7% +7% +7% +5% +9% +5%

SE +7% +7% +7% +9% +15% +13%
Spirit Enhancement

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

Destroy Adept Blast Damage UP [III] & Doppel Damage UP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Morale Adept MP Gain UP [III]

Full Gauge Drive Attack UP While At Max Health [V]

Anti-Seal Magia Anti-Magia Seal

Fast Mana Up MP Gauge 15% Full on Battle Start

MR Blast Adept Regenerate MP [VI] & Blast Damage UP [IV]

T Noble Adept Regenerate MP [V] & Forest Attribute Attack UP [III]

Rising Doppel Adept Regenerate MP [VI] & Doppel Damage UP [IV]

Blast Draw Blast Draw CD: 5 turns


A proud magical girl in the midst of repeating time. A 3rd year at Mitakihara Middle School. She's a classmate of Mabayu, and is friendly and approachable. She's highly capable and, although her territory is in Mitakihara, she is sometimes forced to operate in another town for some reason.

Side Story



  • Her illustrator is Sasagi Koushi.
  • The Grief Seeds in her transformation are similar to the ones in Magia Record, potentially referencing her role as Holy Mami.
  • Madoka, Sayaka and Mabayu appear in her transformation video, with Nagisa appearing in her second Magia.
  • The name of her Magia, Calcolato Finale is Italian for "Final Calculation".
    • In her Magia, Mami uses an attack called "Tiro Volley". It went unused/unnamed in the original anime, but is a move used in various video games such as Battle Pentagram and Chain Chronicle.
  • The name of her Magia, Prevenuto Sfilata, is Italian for "Prevented Parade".
    • Her second Magia is based on her Tiro Finale train cannon used in the fight against Homulilly in Rebellion.
    • Her second Magia appears in her 5-star card art.


Game Gallery

Official Art

Memoria Cards

To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
Vow of Commandment
F Doppel Up
Magia Damage UP VI[] (Self / 1T) & Doppel Damage UP [VI] (Self / 1T) & Fire Attribute Attack UP [X] (Self / 1T) 10 turns
Max Limit Break
Magia Damage UP [VII] (Self / 1T) & Doppel Damage UP [VII] (Self / 1T) & Fire Attribute Attack UP [XI] (Self / 1T) 8 turns
I'll never use my magic for others again.

I'll use all of this power only for myself, so I'll do whatever I want.

...I don't want to be driven by a trivial sense of justice.

この力は、すべて自分のためだけに使い切る だから好きなようにやらせてもらう

Predecessors Won't Miss
Accele Draw
Accele Draw 5 turns
Max Limit Break
Accele Draw 4 turns
**Unique to Mami Tomoe (Scene 0 ver.)**
A battle in the dark where a momentary lapse of time becomes an enemy.

The released ribbon slicing through the air, and dodging countless bullets.

The battle to capture the shield was on.

放たれたリボンは空気を裂きながら 無数の銃弾をかいくぐると盾を捉える

Betting One's Survival
Enhance T Attack Rise
Damage Increase [IV] & Forest Attribute Attack UP [VI] (Self / 3T) 9 turns
Max Limit Break
Damage Increase [V] & Forest Attribute Attack UP [VII] (Self / 3T) 8 turns
I shouldn't have given her any chance to avoid the ribbons,

but she still had the leeway to aim at my vital points... She's such a scary girl... But there's no shortage of opponents...!

"Now... come at me!"

彼女には私の急所を狙う余裕まである… なんて恐ろしい子…だけど、相手に不足はない…!

A Parallel World
Immunity Step
Chance to Evade [VII] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [II] (Self / 3T) 8 turns
Max Limit Break
Chance to Evade [VIII] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [III] (Self / 3T) 7 turns
A magical girl who carries out her will for a certain girl.

A magical girl who sacrifices everything for the sake of peace in her town. The two of us, who once spent time together like master and student,

will no longer meet together in the time that has taken them by leaps and bounds.

町の平和のために全てをなげうつ魔法少女 かつては師弟のように過ごしたふたりも

We'll be there, Someday, Somewhere
Assault Break
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Attack DOWN [III] (All / 3T) & Damage DOWN [III] (All / 3T) 8 turns
Even if I don't remember it, even if I don't remember seeing it in my dreams,

the warm scene is wrapped in dazzling light and is etched with nostalgia.

If we were to meet again, I'm sure we'll laugh together then, too.

あたたかなシーンはまばゆい光に包まれて 懐かしく刻まれている

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text

External links

Gameplay Videos

Side Story and Dialogue Videos