Ao Kasane
Ao Kasane | |
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Japanese Name | (笠音 アオ) Kasane Ao |
Voiced by | Japanese: Satomi Amano |
ID No: | 1023 |
Release Date (JP): | April 13, 2020 |
Ao Kasane is one of the original characters of the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record. She first appeared in August 2019 in the event Crimson Resolve. She is the leader of the Janomiya faction - also known as "The Venom of Janomiya(蛇の宮の毒)" and one of the "three sisters" that lead Promised Blood.
General Info
Physical Features | |
Age | 14 ([1]) |
Eye colour | Purple |
Hair colour | Light Blue |
Magic | |
Soul Gem | Blue triangle earring hanging on her left ear |
Weapon | Axe |
Witch Form | Halifax |
Powers and Abilities | Manipulation of another person's body (can feel the senses of those who she controls) |
Wish | To have friends to play board games with her. |
Other | |
Japanese pronoun | watashi (わたし) |
Known relatives | Unnamed parents |
Origins | Futatsugi City |
School | Janomiya Junior and High School |
Affiliation | Ryuugasaki, Janomiya, Promised Blood |
- ↑ In Chapter 10 Episode 4, Yuna, Juri, and Hikaru raise her from a baby back to her current age, and they state that the time passage was 14 years.
Game Info
Spirit Enhancement Data | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A magical girl who is good at tactics and is one of the three sisters who leads Promised Blood. She provokes others with her arrogant attitude, but inside she’s a cautious person who calmly analyzes her surroundings. For this reason, she can often get fed-up with her sisters’ impulsive behavior. She likes to play games and read books by herself.
Doppel Description

The doppel of undesirable results. Its form is a gathering cloud. The master of this emotion is a compassionate being who feigns being cold-hearted. As she cannot get rid of her self-reproach when she cannot avoid hurting others, she tries to escape the situation by hurting others once more, which repeats the chains of negativity. This Doppel captures such a master, who is beheaded to be released from her distress, as she feels freedom from the sense of taking responsibility only for that single moment. But the intelligent master knows, as everything is just a deception of self-satisfaction as she anguishes, the self-reproach that can never be released solidifies into a single giant entity, and it vents its anger as it tries to release these emotions that has no place to go. As this sin never reaches its conclusion nor does it die out, it will continue to grow.
Costume Stories

Ao is playing video games with Ranka Chizu. Ao has been practicing lately and is actually able to beat Ranka this time. Ranka is impressed with Ao’s skills and asks if she wants to play a fighting game next. She shows her the game and says they updated it recently with a swimsuit editing mode. They can design their own swimsuits and make their characters wear them in game. Swimsuits aren’t really Ao’s thing but she’s willing to check it out. They boot up the game and head to the swimsuit edit menu. The two of them play around with the editor, adding ribbons, crazy patterns and other design elements to the swimsuit on screen. As the girls are wrapping up the design, Ranka says that Ao ended up designing the kind of swimsuit she would wear in real life. She asks Ao if she wants to go to the beach with her next but Ao shakes her head and insists that an indoor girl like her would never want to go outside to the beach. Ranka admits it’s a little hard to imagine but before she can elaborate further Ao deletes the swimsuit they designed and turns off the game and asks if they can’t play a different game. Ranka asks if she’s sure she’d rather play something else but Ao insists.
A few days later, Ao is playing video games with Hikaru Kirari online. Thanks to video-chatting,t hey were able to coordinate their attacks and beat the game easily. Hikaru wraps up the call just as Ao’s package arrives at the door. Ao goes and opens the package: she ordered a swimsuit that looks remarkably like the one she created in the game editor. She tries it on and checks herself out in the mirror, commenting on how much better it looks than she expected. Hikaru asks her why she’s wearing a swimsuit much to Ao’s shock. Ao asks Hikaru why she’s still on call but Hikaru doesn’t know either. All she knows is she suddenly heard Ao’s voice, turned around and saw Ao on screen wearing the swimsuit. Hikaru asks her why she’s wearing it but all Ao can say is what’s wrong with wearing one indoors. Hikaru is just surprised that such an indoor type of girl would be interested in beachwear. Ao claims she’s usually not interested in this kind of thing, then asks if it would be weird if she wanted to go to the beach. Hikaru says it’s summer so there’s nothing wrong with that so Ao suggests they all go together the next time the weather is nice.

One day, seemingly out of the blue, Ao eagerly invites everyone to play Old Maid with her. Initially confused, the girls suspect that she may have learned a strategy on how to win, and soon agree to the game, mainly out of worry that Ao would sulk if they said otherwise. Soon after the game starts, Ao’s suspected strategy reveals itself, as she has one particular card sticking up higher than the rest in her hand. Though they see right through this trick, the three adults quietly acknowledge how much she has grown, before Juri, who’s currently the one picking, draws out one of the other cards. It turns out to be a match, disappointing Ao. The other three exchange cards and get matches, except for Ao, and it is soon her turn once again, where she repeats her little trick. This time, Juri decides to take the odd one out for Ao’s sake, but that card is also a match. The next few rounds went in a similar pattern, before Ao eventually lost. However, she was not quick to despair, and demanded a rematch.
Ao then proceeded to lose an astonishing ten games in a row. Afterword, she developed a deep-rooted aversion to Old Maid for a while...Appearances
Event Appearances
- Crimson Resolve
- Mixed Summer! ~ The Phantom Best Shot ~
- Please, Yuna-san ~ Leave All Your Worries To Your Eldest Daughter!
- The Great Banquet that Transcends Time
- Mitsuru Inami Wants to Be "Normal"
Powers and Abilities
Ao can puppet multiple people at the same time, though she needs the permission of her target first. Its limit is also unknown.
- The characters of her last name mean "shade" (笠) and "noise" (音) respectively.
- Her first name means "blue" when written in kanji (青).
- Ao is an avid gamer, and her speech is peppered with gamer language.
- Like a other members of Janomiya, Ao Kasane is a skillful infiltrator. During the Futatsugi Civil War, all of the Magical Girls of Janomiya gang went undercover to infiltrate in the Torayamachi or Ryuugasaki. Even Ao herself went undercover in the Ryuugasaki and almost killed both Juri and Yuna. She and her Janomiya gang's only mistake was that they already had a mole inside Janomiya who took orders directly from Yuna.
- Ao's doppel name, "Halifax", is probably reference to Halifax Gibbet, a British crude version of the guillotine.
- Ao's soul gem also resembles a guillotine blade as in its shape.
- Ao's Magical Girl outfit has references from a serpent, with her frills of her top and skirt resemble snake scales, her hair accessory resembles a snake's fin of some breeds, her habit of sticking her tongue out also resembles that of a snake. It matches with her leading Janomiya.
Game Gallery
Magia Record Four Star Art
Magia Record Five Star Art
In-Battle Sprite
Doppel Sprite
Ao as a child
Magical Girl Seal 2021
Official Art
Memoria Cards
To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria
Card | Effect | Cooldown | EN Text | JP Text |
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Blood drips, one drop, one drop, the crimson of life.
The deep red hardens, spreading outward, a chain of deaths. A vow to some, to ourselves, to grieve over someone, to my brethren. A taste that fills, a rising scent, I will never forget it, the taste of Promise. | 滴る血、1滴、1滴、命の赤
固まる臙脂、広がり連なる、死の鎖 誓いは誰に、我々に、悼みは誰に、同胞に 満ちる味、立つ香り、忘却許さぬ、約束の味 |
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It was the battle that remained at the end of the battle.
It was the plot that was layered above the plot. The sight you're tired of seeing, the final layer, the people change but the same scene is engraved. I wish, I just hope, I just want an end to the end. | 争いの果てに残ったのは争いだった
謀の上に重ねられたのは謀だった 見飽きた光景、上塗りの結末、人が変わって同じ光景が刻まれる 願うばかり、ただ願うばかり、終われ終われと願うばかり |
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“Minami-san, I want you to team up with Hikaru for the next game.”
“Eh? That’s fine, but… what kind of wind are you blowing?” “We were able to cooperate so well, so playing just one match seems like kind of a waste.” “…Heh heh, Rena thought so too. So do you want to play another round?” | 「水波さん、次の試合もひかると組んで欲しいっす!」
「え?そりゃいいけど…どういう風の吹きまわしよ?」 「上手く連携できたのに、1試合だけじゃもったいないっすもん」 「…ふふっ、それはレナも思ってた。んじゃ、もう1試合やる?」 |
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Oh look! This is a video of everyone playing together~"
"I didn't even think of playing with those things at first. …Or rather, Rena, isn’t it a bit too exciting?!?” "Fufu, it was fun! I wish I could play again..." | 「あ、見てみて!これ、みんなで遊んだ時の映像だ~」
「あのメンツで遊ぶなんて、最初は考えもしなかったわね …ていうかレナ、ちょっとはしゃぎすぎじゃない…!?」 「ふふ、楽しかったよね!また、遊べたらいいなぁ…」 |
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**Unique to Ao Kasane** After school, we lay out the board games across the desks we arranged. You can strategize against like-minded friends, or work together to achieve it. Laughing at the unexpected results…That’s the kind of life I imagined. But Fate began to roll, and the game had begun. | 放課後、並べた机にボードゲームを広げる
気の合う友だちと敵対して駆け引きしたり、協力して乗り越えて 予想外の結果に笑い合う…描いていたのは、そんな人生 だけど運命は転がり始め、あのゲームが始まった |
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After all those battles, all those blood sheds, and all those friends we lost. But, when we wear our school uniforms, we can spend our time in love, studying, and having first world problems. | 戦いに明け暮れて、血を流して、仲間を失って
それでも制服を身に纏えばただの年頃の少女たち 恋に、勉強に、等身大の悩みを抱えて過ごす どうしようもなく下らなくて、愛おしい日常を |
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Her heart is cloudy underneath the clear sky.
Witches, magical girls, fights…I’ve thought about it and there’s no answer. Someday, if everything can be solved, will my heart clear? Is it ok to surrender myself to the gentle light I see when I look up? | 抜けるように晴れ渡った空の下、心は曇り空
魔女、魔法少女、争い…考えたところで答えはない いつか、すべてを解決できれば、心は晴れるのかな 仰げば見える優しい光に、身を委ねてもいいのかな |
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Today, she is hard at work on her homework.
I'm quietly cheering her on from behind so as not to disturb her. Keep up the good work! Concentrate! Just a little more! After she finishes her homework, she leaves without noticing me. | 今日もあの子は一生懸命、机に向かって宿題をしている
自分はそれを邪魔しないように、そっと後ろから応援する 頑張れ!集中!あとちょっとだよ! やがてあの子は宿題を終えると、自分に気づかず去っていく |
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"This shape, it kind of resembles my favorite bamboo shoots!"
"In that case, it's more similar to cheese! I bet Mami feels the same way!" "Hmmm, I'd say it looks more like shortcake to me." When girls of that age get together, competitions become secondary. Food is their topic of conversation. | 「この形、なんだか吾の大好物タケノコに似てるのだ!」
「それならチーズのほうが似てるのです!マミもきっと同じです!」 「うーん、私はショートケーキに見えるわね」 年頃の女子が集まれば競技は二の次。食べ物の話題に花が咲く |
Card | Effect | Cooldown | EN Text | JP Text |
External links
Gameplay Videos
- Recording of Ao's Transformation Video on Youtube (JP)
- Recording of Ao's Magia Video on Youtube (JP)
- Recording of Ao's Doppel Video on Youtube (JP)
Side Story and Costume Story Videos
- Recording of Ao's MSS on Youtube (JP): Episode 1/3, Episode 2/3, Episode 3/3
- Recording of Ao's Swimsuit Story on Youtube (JP)