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Japanese Name まどか・いろは
Character Designer
Primary Artist
Ume Aoki
Sasagi Koushi
Voiced by Japanese: Aoi Yuuki

Japanese: Momo Asakura

ID No: 2104
Release Date (JP): August 22, 2021
For their full bio, see Madoka Kaname (or in Magia Record) and Iroha Tamaki.

Madoka・Iroha (まどか・いろは) was a playable unit in the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record.

General Info

Physical Features
Date of Birth October 3August 22
Age 14 15
Eye colour Pink
Hair colour Pink
Height 152cm156cm
Blood type AUnknown
Soul Gem Pink Teardrop located at base of her neckPink circle with chain (forms cloak clasp)
Weapon BowWrist-mounted Crossbow, Wrist-mounted Dagger
Witch Form Kriemhild Gretchen Giovanna
Powers and Abilities UnknownHealing Revealed to be "Reversal" in Arc 2 Chapter 12
Wish Depends on the timeline“Make Ui healthy again!”
Japanese pronoun watashi (わたし)watashi ()
Known relatives Tomohisa Kaname (father), Junko Kaname (mother), Tatsuya Kaname (younger brother)Ui Tamaki (younger sister), unnamed parents
Origins Mitakihara CityTakarazaki City (formerly); moved to Kamihama City
School Mitakihara Middle School Eighth GradeTakarazaki Municipal First Middle School (formerly); transferred to Kamihama City University Affiliated School, 9th grade
Affiliation None knownKamihama Magia Union (leader)

Game Info

Stats, Connect, Magia Data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute

4★→ 5★




Initial 7362 2375 2139

Max at ★4 26503 8550 7700
Max at ★5 32512 10004 9504

Max SE 37012 12104 12004
Connect: Onward, to the path of hope!

★4 Damage UP [VII] & HP Restore [VII] & MP Restore [VI]
★5 Damage UP [IX] & HP Restore [IX] & MP Restore [VIII]
{{{2}}} Magia: Pluvia Futuro

★4 Attribute Strengthened Damage to All Enemies [V] & All Disc Effects UP (All / 3T) & Anti-Debuff [1x] (All / 3T) & Barrier [3,000 HP] (All / 3T) & HP Restore (All)
★5 Attribute Strengthened Damage to All Enemies [VII] & All Disc Effects UP & Anti-Debuff [1x] (All / 3T) & Barrier [5,000 HP] (All / 3T) & HP Restore (All)
{{{2}}} Magia 2: Magia☆Magica

★5 Attribute Strengthened Damage to All Enemies [IX] & All Disc Effects UP & Anti-Debuff [1x] (All / 3T) & Barrier [8,000 HP] (All / 3T) & HP Restore (All)
EX Skill: Ignore Seal Magia

1 - 3 slots Doppel Damage UP [I] (Self) & Magia Damage UP [I] (Self) & Guaranteed Anti-Magia Seal (Self)

4 slots Doppel Damage UP [II] (Self) & Magia Damage UP [II] (Self) & Guaranteed Anti-Magia Seal (Self)
Spirit Enhancement Data
Max Stat Bonuses
HP ATK DEF Accele Blast Charge

4★ +6% +5% +7% +6% +6% +4%
5★ +7% +6% +8% +7% +7% +5%

SE +7% +6% +8% +13% +10% +15%
Spirit Enhancement

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Charge Adept Charged Attack Damage UP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

Shield Adept Damage Cut [II]

Mana Spring Adept Regenerate MP [VII]

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Magia Adept Magia Damage UP [II]

All Disc Aura All Disc Effects UP [III] (All / 5T on Battle Start)

Anti-Magic Aura Anti-Debuff [2x] & Negate Status Ailments [2x] (All / 5T on Battle Start)

Resist Adept Status Ailment Resistance UP [II]

Technical Adept Charge Disc Damage UP [II]

Accele Draw Draw Accele Discs CD: 5 turns


Magical Girls who endure pain and heartbreak for others' happiness, and weep for others' misfortunes. After fighting together, they kept in touch, perhaps because they shared a similar past of low self-confidence and reservation. Both unaware their encounter was a miracle.

Side Story

Warning, this section contains spoilers.

The following is a summary posted on 4chan's /pmmm/ general.

Iroha travels to Madoka's city of Mitakihara to buy gifts for Yachiyo to give her manager, who helped her greatly through her carreer. Since Yachiyo is too busy, Iroha is doing it for her.

There, she met up with Madoka by chance and they had a great time chatting and catching up. Madoka guides Iroha to the shop, and they have a chance meeting with Madoka's family. After purchasing the famed sweets for Yachiyo's manager and Mikazuki Manor, Iroha accepts Madoka's offer and goes over to her place, playing with Madoka's little brother and then they have girl talk until late at night.

Iroha notices the time and heads back, with Madoka accompanying her to the station, but then realizes the train has malfunctioned, making her stuck. Seeing how Iroha is unwilling to trouble Madoka again after spending the whole afternoon there, Madoka calls Mami and explains the situation, and PMHQ decides to meet up to eat together.

After a brief meal, Mami suggests that they should have a pajama party over at her place, making Iroha feel more comfortable since she is not giving trouble to Mami as it is a party. She offers to cook in return with Madoka as her helper. Everyone agrees.

Iroha cooked up a great feast as PMHQ agreed and it was wonderful, everyone wanting second helpings as Kyoko wolfs down her food while singing praises. After the meal, Mami servers her handmade pudding and poundcake as desserts, and the girls have a great time as they begin chatting on various topics, including how they are dealing with the Witches that have traveled to the city via a branch of the Mirror Witch. It is then they detect the presence of such a Witch.

They enter the branch mirror, dealing with the powerful familiars, but Iroha and Madoka are knocked into a mirror after an ambush caught the whole team by surprise.

In this world, Mami, Sayaka and Kyouko are a team, but there is no Madoka in this world, and she is too afraid to call home. For Iroha, she realizes Felicia and Sana cannot be contacted, and she begins fearing the worst when she learns Yachiyo is still wearing her ice mask and stays aloof as Tsuruno desperately tries to reconnect. As for this world's Iroha, our Iroha learnt from her devastated mother, who thought Iroha was pulling some kind of cruel prank, that she died in a car accident, and Ui has succumbed to her illness.

The two realized that it is a miracle that they are alive and became friends, wanting to return back to their world, wanting to protect and treasure it even more. They find the mirror and return back to their world, reuniting with the rest of PMHQ.

After dealing with the problem, they realize it is already sunrise, and both Iroha and Madoka are eager to return home as their desire to treasure and protect their world has been reaffirmed and would love their world even more than before.

Event Appearances

Other Appearances


  • Madoka・Iroha might be an unofficial early anime unit. The art style of their in-battle sprite strongly resembles this of the official anime units and their second Magia is based on their Connect scene from the anime's second season.
  • Their transformation sequence features the sequences of the other members of their respective quintets, Pyotr, and the Eternal Sakura tree.
  • The name of their Magia, "Pluvia Futura", is a combination of Madoka's "Pluvia☆Magica" and Iroha's "Strada Futuro".
  • The name of their second Magia, "Magia Magica" ("Magical Magic"), is a clear combination of the titles of their respective works.
    • Similar to how their sprites resembling the anime, the Connect symbol appears when they perform it during their second Magia.
    • The shape their combined bows make in their second Magia attack resembles the symbols of Coordinators/Connect.


Memoria Cards

To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
The Story That Starts Here
(NA: Our Story Starts Here)
Fast Mana Up
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
MP Gauge 10% Full On Battle Start
A wish to vanish from the world. A pursuit of endless, solitary revenge. A desire to reclaim lost glory. A chance to protect others by remaining isolated. And...a precious girl, forgotten by all around her. We have all lost something, and now we are assembled here together, linked by a mysterious fate. Our new story has only just begun...消え去りたいと願ったこと。独りで仇を探し続けること。喪われた誇りを追い求めたこと。守るために孤独を選んだこと。そして…忘れ去られた大切な人のこと何かをなくした私たちは、不思議な因果で結ばれ、この場所に集ったいまはもう新しい物語が動き始めている
Everyone, Together
Episode Adept
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
Episode Points UP [II]
The girls who are connected by a mysterious cause and effect, and are born of a miracle that is repeated many times without meeting meet, the girls who have a strong will head towards the end of the story (Lawson Collaboration Memorial)不思議な因果で結ばれて少女たちは出会った巡り会うこともなく幾度も繰り返す中で生まれた奇跡強い意志を持った少女たちは物語の果てに向かう(ローソンコラボ記念)
Welcome Back!
Cure Heal
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
HP Restore [III] (Self) 7 turns
Coffee, cola, orange juice, what do you feel like drinking today? Pasta, pilaf, omelet, what do you feel like eating today? When your feeling somewhat sinks, I will welcome you with a smile of the best with a peek at my face for a while (Sega Collaboration Cafe Memorial)コーヒー、コーラ、オレンジジュース、今日は何が飲みたい気分?パスタ、ピラフ、オムライス、今日は何が食べたい気分?ちょっと気持ちが沈んだときは、ちょこっと顔を覗かせていつでも最高の笑顔でお出迎えするから(セガコラボカフェ記念)
One More Story
Bloom Up
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Attack UP [VI] & Defense UP [V] (Self / 1T) 5 turns
This is the story of a miracle and a wish

Kamihama and Mitakihara, Past and Future, Hope and Despair…and Salvation. There were many encounters, a number of causalities were spun. Everytime they overlap they are connected, into one more story

(Comic Rise Collaboration Memorial)

神浜と見滝原、過去と未来、希望と絶望…そして救い いくつもの出会い、いくつもの因果が紡がれ、重なり合うたびに

One step where the story starts
Episode Adept
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
Episode Points UP [II]
One girl who had forgotten the hope she had hoped for, the encounter which crossed boundaries has spun a new cause and effect, and the story which revives the memory of the beginning starts here...the story of the girl begins (Comic Release Commemoration)願った希望を忘れていた、ひとりの少女 境界をまたいで見つけた出会いは、新たな因果を紡ぎだし、 かつての記憶を蘇らせた スタートはここから…少女の物語が始まる(コミック発売記念)
Everyone Gets Along In Paradise
Esperanza Strike
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Chance to Critical [V] & Attack UP [V] (Self / 1T) 8 turns
Acknowledged by the Uwasa and guided by them to a banquet in the Land of the Pure.

The respite may be cold, but I can't help but feel at peace. I'm certain it's because in the end, we were able to fit together beautifully in a single hand.

...That's what I thought, but a warm voice is trying to pull me back.

休は冷たくなっても、安らかな気分でいられるのは きっと、最期にひとつの手の中で、美しく収まることができたから

Greetings from the Outside
Resist Aura Adept
Normal Passive
Attack UP [III] & Damage Cut [III] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [II]
Max Limit Break
Attack UP [IV] & Damage Cut [IV] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [III]
It's nice to see people you care about getting to know each other through casual coincidences.

But what makes me nervous is that it's just a simple conversation. Because the me I see when I'm with my family and the me I see when I'm with my friends shows up.

It's a little embarrassing, but this kind of daily life is very important to me.

でも、こそばゆいのは、なんてことのない会話の中から 家族といるときのわたしと、友だちといるときのわたしが顔を出すから

Hair Arrangements Exchange Meeting
Glow Adept
Normal Passive
Attack UP [III] & Defense UP [III] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [II]
Max Limit Break
Attack UP [IV] & Defense UP [IV] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [III]
**Unique to Madoka・Iroha**
"Um... can you braid it,

or is it not long enough to braid it and tie it up in the back like you?" "Maybe my hair is too long for it to be like yours?"

We laughed at each other, and with a little creativity, we were able to create something different!

後ろで束ねるにはちょっと長さが足りないかな…?」 「私もまどかちゃんみたいにするには長いかも…?」

Intruding on Our Daily Life
Sniping Magia
Defense DOWN [III] (All / 1T) & Magia Damage UP [III] (All / 1T) 12 turns
Max Limit Break
Defense DOWN [III] (All / 1T) & Magia Damage UP [VI] (All / 1T) 10 turns
We gathered at the usual fast food restaurant.

A lot of topics were discussed, and we even had a little fight. A scene from an ordinary day, typical of middle school students.

It was exactly what I had heard, and I couldn't help but smile.

いろんな話題が飛び交って、ちょっとケンカもしたりして なんてことのない日常のワンシーンは中学生らしいもの

Love Letter of Guidance
Episode Blast Adept
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
Episode Experience Gain Increased [III] & Blast Damage UP [II]
"That's what I'd just heard, a rumor about your kind words of thanks..."

"Gentle and receptive... those were the words." "Yeah, you look like Madoka!"

"What? I'm completely different!"

「やさしくて包容力のある…そんな言葉だったね」 「うん、まるでまどかちゃんみたい!」

With Any Hope, Any Dream
Cure Heal
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
HP Restore [III] 7 turns
A meeting between two people that should never have happened in the first place.

But since magical girls can make any dream or hope come true Maybe it's no wonder that such an impossible miracle happened.

【MI-Card Collaboration①:Iroha&Madoka】

だけど、魔法少女はどんな夢も、希望も叶えるのだから そんなありえない奇跡がおきたって不思議じゃないのかもしれない

I Had a Feeling We Could Become Magical Girls
I Had a Feeling We Could Become Magical Girls
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Negate Status Ailments [1x] (All /3T) & Remove Status Ailments (All) 12 turns
**Unique to Iroha Tamaki & Madoka Kaname**
Blu-ray & DVD Volume 1 Commemorative Cover Illustration
Blu-ray&DVD 第1巻 描き下ろしジャケットイラスト
Sudden Pajama Party
Morale Magia Rise
Magia Damage UP [VI] (Self / 3T) & MP Gain UP [IV] (Self / 3T) 9 turns
Max Limit Break
Magia Damage UP [VII] (Self / 3T) & MP Gain UP [V] (Self / 3T) 8 turns
A sleepover in pajamas with friends you haven't seen in a while

Drinking tea and chatting, time and distance seem to draw closer The warm and pleasant time passed by

It was like magic that happened overnight

紅茶を飲んでお喋りすれば、時間も距離も近づくように 暖かくて楽しい時間が過ぎていく

Doppel Burst!
Doppel Burst!
Doppel Damage UP [VIII] & Magia Damage UP [VII] (Self / 1T) 7 turns
Max Limit Break
Doppel Damage UP [IX] & Magia Damage UP [VIII] (Self / 1T) turns
"50 consecutive gacha explosions!? If this happens...Iroha-chan!"

"Yes! I'm Everyday Bombing, so I'm always ready!" "Ready, set...Two Platoon・Doppel!!"

As their despair reaches its peak, the two transform into the most ominous magical girls.

「はい!私はエブリデイ爆死なので、いつでも準備OKです!」 「「せーのっ…ドッペル・ツープラトン!!」」

The Event is Witch Extermination
The Event is Witch Extermination
Normal Passive
Damage UP Versus Witches [IV] & Damage Increase [I]
Max Limit Break
Damage UP Versus Witches [V] & Damage Increase [II]
"I'll be the first to hunt down the witch wearing the red-colored jersey!"

"I can't lose to Madoka-senpai when it comes to bearing the title of the main character! I'm here!" "Ah...the witch is running away along the rope...!"

"Then we'll have to snip it! I'm first...and it's bigger than I was expecting!?"

「主人公の名にかけてまどか先輩には負けられません!ここは私が!」 「あっ…魔女がロープを伝って逃げていく…!」

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text

External links

Gameplay Videos

Side Story and Costume Story Videos