Kagome Satori

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Kagome Satori
Japanese Name (佐鳥かごめ) Satori Kagome
Character Designer
Primary Artist
Ume Aoki
Voiced by Japanese: Kanon Takao
ID No: 1020
Release Date (JP): November 25, 2022

Kagome Satori (佐鳥かごめ Satori Kagome) was a playable character in the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record. She first appeared in August 2019 in the event Crimson Resolve. She was not a magical girl but she was able to observe them and hear their telepathy thanks to the rumor that Nemu Hiiragi infused her with. She was infused with a small Rumor in order for her to write about and pass on the legacy of Magical Girls, whose hard work and exploits are not known to the general public thanks to their magical nature. She later contracted with Kyubey at the end of Chapter 11.

General Info

Physical Features
Age 12-13 (estimated; [1])
Eye colour Light Green
Hair colour Blonde
Soul Gem Upside-down Green dewdrop (Set in lotus shaped crown)
Weapon Al-chan
Witch Form Sukhavati Smriti (Sukhavati Smriti)
Powers and Abilities Information Collection
Wish “Kyubey, I want you to make it impossible for you to interfere with the automatic purification system for all eternity!”
Japanese pronoun watashi ()
Known relatives Unnamed father, Unnamed mother, Lii/Uwasa of the Wind Evangelist (fused with by Nemu Hiiragi)
Origins Unknown city; moved to Shinsei Ward in Kamihama City
School East Konohana School (transferred)
  1. In her personal story, Kagome reveals that she graduated from elementary school before moving to Kamihama City and being transferred to East Konohana School due to her father's job, meaning she might be already a middle school first year.

Game Info

Stats, Connect, Magia Data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute

4★→ 5★




Initial 6678 1876 1937

Max at ★4 24735 6607 6872
Max at ★5 30916 8257 8589

Max SE 37919 10517 11010
Connect: Now it's my turn to help!

★4 Attack UP [VII] & Guaranteed Dazzle & Remove Status Ailments
★5 Attack UP [IX] & Guaranteed Dazzle & Remove Status Ailments
{{{2}}} Magia: Albero Fantasia

★4 Damage to All Enemies [V] & Guaranteed Poison (All / 3T) & Forest Attribute Attack UP (All / 3T) & HP Regenerate (All / 3T) & Remove Status Ailments (All)
★5 Damage to All Enemies [VII] & Guaranteed Poison (All / 3T) & Forest Attribute Attack UP (All / 3T) & HP Regenerate (All / 3T) & Remove Status Ailments (All)
{{{2}}} Doppel: Sukhavati Smriti

★5 Attribute Strengthened Damage to All Enemies [IX] & Guaranteed Poison (All / 3T) & Forest Attribute Attack UP (All / 5T) & HP Regenerate (All / 3T) & Remove Status Ailments (All)
Spirit Enhancement Data
Max Stat Bonuses
HP ATK DEF Accele Blast Charge

4★ +8% +5% +5% +6% +4% +6%
5★ +9% +6% +6% +7% +5% +7%

SE +9% +6% +6% +13% +8% +17%
Spirit Enhancement

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

Accele Adept Accele MP Gain UP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Morale Adept MP Gain UP [II]

Skill Quicken Chance to Skill Quicken [III]

Shield Adept Damage Cut [II]

Anti-Seal Magia Guaranteed Anti-Magia Seal

Aqua Shield Aura Aqua Attribute Damage Cut (All / 5T on Battle Start)

Mesmerize Edge Chance to Dazzle on Attack [III] (1T)

Fast Mana UP MP Gauge 30% Full on Battle Start

Despair Guaranteed Fog (Single / 5T) & Guaranteed Blind (Single / 5T) & Guaranteed Dazzle (Single / 5T) CD: 12 turns


A Magical Girl continuing her work to make their existence known. She and her best friend since childhood, a stuffed mandragora named "Al-chan", collect information and compile memoirs together. She used to get extremely agitated and would speak through her stuffed animal.

Doppel Description

Sukhavati Smriti, Kagome's doppel

The Doppel of sowing. Its form is a heavenly flower. The master of this emotion dreams of a world of paradise, but loses her roots to her doppel. This doppel, which lacks a mind of its own, simply extends its roots and sucks up energy from the ground to bloom into a large flower. The flower grows until it envelops the sky and covers everything, moving its intricate patterns like a kaleidoscope, stopping the thoughts of those who see it and inviting them to inhale its powdery pollen, leading them to a paradise. The people on the road to paradise tell others in order spread it, but they are not sure if it is truly happiness themselves. No matter what you do, it will not stop, but as soon as you pull out its roots, it will wither and disappear.

Costume Stories


Event Appearances

Other Appearances

Powers and Abilities

She is able to make Al-chan come to life and clone itself. In Puella Historia she is seen using this ability to spread news amongst the magical girls of Kamihama.


  • The characters of her last name mean "to support" (佐) and "bird" (鳥) respectively.
  • Kagome Kagome is a Japanese children's game akin to Ring Around the Rosie, or Duck Duck Goose. The precise meaning of the title is unclear, but includes "caged bird", "circle you", and "lost".
    • Its possible circle-related meaning parallels Madoka Kaname's given name and Iroha Tamaki's surname, likely signifying her as the next major protagonist.
  • In Japanese Buddhism, Satori refers to enlightenment. Thus "Satori Kagome" (using Japanese name order) is effectively a homophone for "Enlightenment Lost". Satori is also used for a mythological species of mind reading monsters.


  • Although she had not contracted, the Opening theme for the second arc shows her in magical girl form.
  • Her design is based on the mandrake root and the lotus flower, with her Magical Girl outfit has a lotus motif (including the colour palette and a lotus crown). Her stuffed toy resembles a mandrake root.
    • Her doppel's design, however, more closely resembles a Rafflesia flower which uses the scent of carrion to attract flies and other insects to gather its pollen.
  • She shares the same voice actress with Mel Anna.
  • While her first name means "enlightenment", the name of her doppel also references this. Sukhavati refers to the land of pure bliss as referred to in Buddhism.
  • Smriti refers to a body of Hindu texts, which is a reference to the Magical Girl Memoirs that Kagome is working on. The word denotes a 'remembrance', further alluding to this. Together, the name 'Sukhavati Smriti' means something among the lines of 'remembrance of the land of ultimate bliss'.


Game Gallery

Official Art

Memoria Cards

To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
Heirs to Their Memories
Regeneration Skill Quicken
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Regenerate HP [XV] (Self / 1T) & Quaranteed Skill Quicken (Self / 1T) 6 turns
"At first, I just wanted to know.

I wanted to know what kind of person inspired my naming. But now I don't.

I want to share the maiden's thoughts and prayers with everyone alive...!"

私の名づけのきっかけになったのが、どんな人かが知りたかった …でも、いまは違う

Wishing for the Final Act
Morale Break
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
MP Gain Down [VII / 40%] (Target / 3 Turns) 9 turns
Before it flowers. Young leaves plucked from the time they aim for the sky.

If I quietly gather each leaf with my fingertips and scoop up the lush thoughts Let's weave a figure that everyone can see so that they won't be plucked anymore

Behind my eyelids, I see the time of young leaves blooming in the future

1枚1枚を静かに指先で集めて、青々とした想いを掬ったら もう摘まれないように、みんなが見える姿を編んでいこう

Friends From Today
Accele Draw
Accele Draw 5 turns
Max Limit Break
Accele Draw 4 turns
**Unique to Kagome Satori**
A small, trembling hand handed me a stuffed mandragora.

A surprise gift that left my heart pounding and making a sound" "You knew it then, Hibari-chan,

about my most favorite book."

サプライズな贈り物に、胸がドキン!と音を立てる 「あの時、ひばりちゃんは知ってたんだよね

A Moment of Peace
Astral Break
Normal Passive
Magia Damage UP [X] & Accele MP Gain UP [III] & Status Ailment Resistance DOWN [III]
Max Limit Break
Magia Damage UP [XI] & Accele MP Gain UP [IV] & Status Ailment Resistance DOWN [III]
"Goodnight Aru-chan"

I muttered to myself, and hugged the small fluffy body tightly. When I'm looking forward to the field trip tomorrow, or when my heart feels like it's going to be crushed by anxiety

My routine has always been the same.

そう呟いて、小さなふわふわの体をギュッと抱きしめる 明日遠足が楽しみなときも、不安で胸が押し潰れそうなときも

To Protect the Future
HShield Adept
Normal Passive
Damage Cut [I] & Defense UP [II]
Max Limit Break
Damage Cut [II] & Defense UP [III]
The History of Magical Girls Not Taught in Schools.

The professor's words sink in and the world of the past expands in my head. It's hard work with many difficult terms, but I can do my best for everyone.

I believe that this time will one day repay the debt of gratitude I owe to the Magical Girls.

教授の言葉が沁み込んで、頭の中に過去の世界が広がっていく 難しい用語も多くて大変だけど、みんなのためなら頑張れる

Everyone as One
Pesistent Adept
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
Damage UP [III] & Chance to Anti-Provoke [VI]
"You know Aru-chan, it makes the world seem shinier."

<We can solve anything now!> "I'm n-not sure I'd go that far...

...Yeah, with all of us together...we can do it!"

<いまの私たちなら、なんだって解決できちゃいそう!> 「さ、さすがにそこまでは…

Whilst in the Dark
Poison Gaze
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Guaranteed Poison (Single / 1T) & Damage UP Versus Enemies Affected With Status Ailments [IV] (Self / 1 T) 6 turns
The cold night wind whips my exhausted body.

The first defeat consumes my heart with a dark color. "It wasn't supposed to be like this..."

Even the words of my favorite friends sound distant now

初めての敗北が、心を闇色に蝕んでいく 「こんなはずじゃなかったのに…」

Stretching Together With Everybody!
Normal Passive
Chance to Strengthened Counter [VI] & Chance to Provoke [VI]
Max Limit Break
Chance to Strengthened Counter [VII] & Chance to Provoke [VII]
"Now I want you to spread your legs and fall forward. I'm going to push your back...yeah!"

"Ow-ow-ouch!...Kagome is too spartan...Sana, help me! "I think Felicia-san's body is too stiff...?"

"If your body is limber, you're less likely to get injured. Let's work hard...!"

「いててて!かごめがスパルタだぞ…さな、助けてくれっ」 「フェリシアさんの体が硬すぎるんだと思いますよ…?」

Aru-chan? An Apparition?
Noble Adept
Normal Passive
Attack UP [IV] & Regenerate MP [IV]
Max Limit Break
Attack UP [V] & Regenerate MP [V]
**Unique to Kagome Satori (Night Parade of One Hundred Demons ver.)**
Umbrella ghosts, cloth spectres, lantern ghosts, and... a giant blob monster?

Then there's ghost walls, kappas, and sirens!

I was walking along with Aru-chan and his friends, who have somehow taken on the forms of yokai, and they said it was...the "Night Parade of Hundreds of Demons"!

それからぬりかべ、河童、アマビエまで! ひょんなことから妖怪の姿になってしまったアルちゃんたち

A Figure That Should Not Be Seen
Acid Attack
Normal Passive
Chance to Burn [III] (2T) & Chance to Poison [IV] (2T) & Attack UP [IV]
Max Limit Break
Chance to Burn [IV] (2T) & Chance to Poison [V] (2T) & Attack UP [IV]
Wh-what should I do! Such a figure in such a place ... It would be terrible if it was seen!

I have to do whatever it takes to not be seen! At least I have to do this...! Eek! Himena and her friends are here...!

...uh...? Maybe I should cancel my transformation?...Is that...Ye-yes, that's what I should do!

なんとかして見られないようにしなきゃ!せめてこうするしか…! あー、ひめなさんたちまで集まってきて…!

Kamihama Seven Wonders Investigation Corps...?
Timber Adept
Normal Passive
Forest Attribute Attack UP [VII] & Attack UP [II]
Max Limit Break
Forest Attribute Attack UP [VIII] & Attack UP [III]
Rumors of the "Night of the Seven Wonders" spread all of a sudden...

Mikage-chan is excited to hear about it and will check it out in Kamihama, but... I don't know what to do... it's hard to say...

That rumor... it came about because of my appearance...

みかげちゃんはそれを聞いて神浜でも調べるってワクワクしてるけど… どうしよう…なかなか言い出しづらいなぁ…

The Light of Hyakki Yagyou
Hard Covering
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Chance to Guardian [VIII] (Self / 1T) & Defense UP [VIII] (Self / 1T) 9 turns
I've been tossed around so much, in this world where I was led astray by a light.

But even in those times, my precious "friends" have supported me by my side. It's okay now... I can see the path forward clearly.

Because in my hand, I have the light that illuminates this world...!

だけどそんな時にも、私の側で支えてくれた大事大事な“友だち” もう大丈夫…進むべき道はハッキリと見えている

Me and the Materializing New Me
Blinding Slash
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Guaranteed Blind (1T) & Damage UP [IV] 7 turns
A girl meets someone... guided by a light, she arrives at a strange world.

And, before she could realize it, she had transformed herself into an "unknown self". This is neither a dream nor an illusion, but a real-life ghost story.

She has become...a character in a mysterious world

そして、自分でも気づかぬ内に“未知なる自分”へと姿を変えた これは夢でも幻でもなく、実体験としての怪異譚

TV Kamihama Casting!
Enhance Armament
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Damage Increase [V] & Damage Cut [IV] (Self / 3 T) 8 turns
What's should we put on the airwaves?

Behind the scenes? The latest news? Or a corner where we practice something? After checking the script and making sure we're ready, we'll enter the studio and flip the switches!

Now it's time for the show. We'll do our best to make sure everyone enjoys it!

裏話?最新情報?それとも何かを実践するコーナー…? 台本を確認して覚悟を決めたら、スタジオに入ってスイッチON!

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text

See Also

External links

Gameplay Videos

Side Story and Costume Story Videos