Seika Kumi
Seika Kumi | |
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Japanese Name | (桑水 せいか) Kumi Seika |
Character Designer Primary Artist |
Hanokage |
Voiced by | Japanese: Azumi Waki |
ID No: | 3014 |
Release Date (JP): | March 12, 2018 |
Release Date (NA): | September 30, 2019 |
Seika Kumi (桑水 せいか Kumi Seika) was a playable character in the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record.
General Info
Physical Features | |
Age | 14 |
Eye colour | Light purple |
Hair colour | Light blue |
Height | 162cm |
Magic | |
Soul Gem | Indigo Diamond (right ear earring) |
Weapon | Whip - attached to a wand with a crescent moon symbol on top |
Witch Form | Khlestakov |
Powers and Abilities | Teleportation from one water body to the next water body (a form of underwater travel) |
Wish | “Then I want to make it like Leila never jumped! Like this never happened! Bring her back… Bring Leila back to life!” |
Other | |
Japanese pronoun | watashi (私) |
Known relatives | Unnamed mother |
Origins | Daito Ward |
School | Kamihama City University Affiliated School, 8th grade |
Affiliation | Kamihama Magia Union |
Game Info
Stats, Connect, Magia Data | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Seika is an introverted Magical Girl who has social anxiety. She lives in the same apartment complex as Leila and Mito, and keeps her distance from anyone but them. People think her to be cold and uninterested, but she secretly has a deep passion for teen dramas.
Doppel Description

The Doppel of Reversal. Its form is a government inspector.
The master of this emotion is embarrassed to know that her continued attempts to polish her comedic skills have led people to mistakenly assume that she has an eccentric personality.
In much the same way, this Doppel often frets over how to make itself known to those around it, as it has no true form hidden beneath its mask. But it doesn’t mind being misunderstood if it benefits in the process, so it plays the role of an authority figure while stealing everything of worth from those around it. This includes lives and memories, on top of material goods. If you were to chuckle back at the Doppel upon hearing its satisfied laughter, it would assume that you’ve figured out its ruse, and quickly hide.
Side Story
Warning, this section contains spoilers. |
Seika celebrates her birthday with Leila Ibuki and Mito Aino. Seika thinks she's still worried about something she's always dealing with: social anxiety. The rest of the story is told in flashback. One day, some time ago, Leila was walking home alone when she sensed a familiar. Suddenly, Kanoko Yayoi appears, saying she was just passing through. Seika thinks Kanoko seems weird. Kanoko tries to introduce herself, but Seika is unable to talk. Kanoko thinks Seika looks angry - which is how she looks when anxious - and says she'll just take care of the familiar herself. Seika narrates that this usually happens. On another day, Seika walks home wondering if she'll ever overcome her shyness. Suddenly she notices Ayaka Mariko putting on a comedy show. Seika decides to watch, but notices the crowd is not laughing at Ayaka's (bad) jokes. Despite this, Seika notices that Ayaka is unfazed by this, and wonders if she can have Ayaka's strength of heart. Seika attempts to approach Ayaka, but gets scared and runs off. However, Seika is inspired to study laughter. Looking up laughter in the dictionary, she learns it's considered an expression of emotions. She thinks it's something she's bad at. Seika decides to study comedy and continues to attend Ayaka's shows. Inspired by the manga she reads, she resolves to improve herself by her birthday. She practices jokes in her room, accidentally getting the attention of her mother. Seika insists everything is fine. While she attends Ayaka's shows, Seika notices Shizuku Hozumi in the crowd, and thinks she's a fan of Ayaka. One day, Seika senses another familiar on her way home. Before she can fight it she's shocked to see Shizuku and Ayaka destroy it first. Afterward, both Ayaka and Shizuku recognize Seika, and Ayaka asks her name. Seika finds she can't talk, and Ayaka wonders if she's hurt. Seika thinks it does in a way, and resolves to get the words out. She then announces she's a magical girl. At this point, Ayaka makes another pun, and Seika counters with one of her own. Shizuku can only marvel at the pun war. Afterward, Ayaka and Shizuku invite Seika to a coffee shop. Seika was able to tell them everything. Shizuku questions if she's a fan of Ayaka and says she only goes to Ayaka's shows because she's invited. Ayaka tells Seika she used to be gloomy herself before she made her wish. Ayaka says she believes Seika can change, claiming that wanting to become who you want to be is the same as making that wish come true. Ayaka offers to help Seika and even lend her a "trademark routine". Back in the present day, Seika tries to show Mito and Leila the joke she learned from Ayaka. The girls act confused by the joke, causing Seika to think it's embarrassing. However, she recalls that Ayaka told her that "to break is to lose" and so keeps continuing with the joke. Just when Seika thinks she'll stop, Mito and Leila join in the joke, despite not understanding it. Seika is relieved, and mentally thanks Mito and Leila for celebrating with her. Seika resolves to change herself, even if it's hard. |
Event Appearances
- See You Tomorrow
- Let's See What You're Maid Of
- Summer With Mikazuki Villa
- Mitama's Festive Feast
- The Flowers' Lament
- Kamihama in a Circle
- Halloween Login Bonus 2019
- Magia Clash!
- From Beyond, To You ~ The Twilight in Kamihama Daito Apartment
Magical Girl Story Appearances
Other Appearances
- See also Leila・Seika
Powers and Abilities
Seika posesses a form of underwater travel, being able to travel from one body of water to the other. Aside from that, she also seems to be able to summon fog that masks her movements and disables her enemies.
- The characters in her last name mean "mulberry" (桑) and "water" (水), respectively.
- Seika was event-limited.
- In her card art, her whip slowly evolves to have more spikes on it.
- Her doppel, Khlestakov, is a reference to Khlestakov, the protagonist from Nikolai Gogol's 1836 satirical play "The Government Inspector". In it, the corrupt officials of a small town confuse the foppish Khlestakov for a feared inspector. They fail to realize that he is just a figure who stays at the town by coincidence until right before he leaves, they realize who he is. Afterwards, the real inspector shows up and the story ends.
- 1836 was also the same year that the Gogol published "The Nose", where the namesake of Leila Ibuki's doppel comes from.
Game Gallery
Magia Record Two Star card
Magia Record Three Star card
Magia Record Four Star card
Magia Record Five Star card
In-battle Sprite
In-battle Sprite (Five Star)
Doppel Sprite
Magical Girl Seal 2019
Magical Girl Seal 2024 (Leila・Seika ver.)
Official Art
Memoria Cards
To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria
Card | Effect | Cooldown | EN Text | JP Text |
![]() (NA: An Obsessive Secret Collection) |
**Unique to Seika Kumi** I have a secret interest that only Mito, Leila, and my family knows about...inspiring teen sports epics! I love them, and I collect them all, look! Movies, TV dramas, novels, comics, anime... And of course, I love real sports too! I wonder, maybe I could talk without getting nervous if I met someone like me! | 家族とれいらとみとしか知らない、私の密やかな趣味…それは...青春熱血スポ根好き!そして、これが私のコレクション!映画、ドラマ、小説、漫画、アニメ…もちろん、実際のスポーツも!どこかに私みたいな人がいたら緊張せずに話せるかも…!? | ||
![]() (NA: After the Rain - Seika) |
It was raining all day, but the sun finally came out after school. It feels so nice after it rains. If I see a rainbow, maybe I should say something to Leila and Mito? Something cheery and fun like, "Let's run and find the end of the rainbow!" | 今朝から降り続いていた雨も、放課後にはようやく晴れて…うん、気持ちがいいな、雨上がりって…これで虹でも架かってたら…れぃらとみとに言ってみようかな…『あの虹に向かって走ろうよ!』って…!青春っぽくないかな? | ||
![]() (NA: After the Rain - Leila) |
There she goes, Mito's jumping in a puddle! This always happens when we walk home in the rain. I can guard against it no problem since I know it's coming. I'm totally used to it, hahaha! Maybe I'll try next time? Though I have to say, Seika avoids it so naturally she's a master! | 雨の日の帰り道、こういう時は決まって…ほら、みとが水たまりに飛び込んだ!そこを予想してガード!ふふ〜!もう慣れっこだもんね!次は私もやってみようかな…!?それにしても、こういう時自然に避けてるよね〜せいかは…! | ||
![]() (NA: After the Rain - Mito) |
There's lots of people who feel down on rainy days. But try this...SPLOOSH! Jump into a puddle, and rainy days turn fun! My shoes? Yeah, they're soaked, duh! But I feel like I just did somethin' awesome! | 雨の日って、ちょっと気分がしょんほりって人、多いよねでも、こうやって...バッシャーン!水たまりに飛び込んだりすると楽しいんだよ!足元?もちろんビシャビシャ!でも「やったぞー!」って気分! | ||
![]() (NA: Hello from the Stairwell) |
Leila, Seika, and Mito have lived together in this apartment complex since they were little and always loved racing up and down the stairs! Those steps felt so huge before, and now they walk them so easily. The world may get smaller, but their friendship keeps growing! | 小さい頃から団地で一緒に暮らしているれいら、せいか、みと一緒にバタバタと階段を駆け上がったり駆け下りたり!あの頃は大きいと感じていた一段も、今では普通に足をかけている変わっていくこともあるけれど、三人は変わらず、今も友達...! | ||
![]() (NA: Sunlight Shining Down) |
The apartment complex's park is a regular meeting spot for these three. It gives them a place to be carefree, where they chat after school, and even have picnics on occasion. Bathing in the warm sunlight while enjoying the snacks that Leila brings is one of their favorite things to do. | 団地にある公園は、三人がいつも集まる場所学校帰りにおしゃべりしたり、時にはピクニックみたいなこともそういう時は三人はゆっくりとした穏やかな時間を味わっている暖かい光を浴びながら、れいらが持ってきたお菓子を味わいつつ... | ||
![]() (NA: The Flowers Will Bloom Again) |
A beginner team and an experienced group of Magical Girls met by chance one day. They taught and they learned about the mysterious world that exists alongside reality. Sharing the same fate, in time they could become closer, and speak to each other from the heart. | ある日、偶然に出会った魔法少女の先輩組と後輩組
現実と隣り合わせの不思議な世界のことを教え、そして学ぶ やがて彼女たちは自然と心を通わせるようになる 同じ宿命を背負った者たちが、そっと寄り添うように… |
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**Unique to Leila・Seika** Stuck in a box was a record of days far, far away But I have relegated them to a corner of my room, not wanting to look back on them any longer. But in the end, what I can't throw away are the regrets from a happy past. Even though I know they will never come back, I feel as if I will disappear if I let go of them. | 箱の中に押し込められていたのは、はるか遠い日々の記録
しかし、もう何も振り返りたくはないと部屋の一隅に追いやった それでも結局捨てられないのは、幸せだった過去への未練 二度と帰ってこないとわかっていても、手放したら自分が消えそうで |
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"Seika, Mito! I'll go first, so follow me!"
"Don't get too excited, or you'll lose your footing Leila!" "That's right! Don't rush, don't panic, and stay calm! It's the 3 of us, together!" "Whoops...once I've calmed down...come on, follow me!" | 「せいか、みと!私が先に行くからついてきて!」
「あんまり意気込み過ぎると足元をすくわれるわよ、れいら」 「そうだよ!焦らず、慌てず、落ち着いて!3人で一緒に、だよ!」 「おっとっと…一旦冷静になってから…さあ、私についてきて!」 |
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The lees that have built up in the depths of our hearts without our realizing it will eventually reach the limit of our tolerance and overflow at a moment's notice.
What we couldn't say to each other because we cared about each other. New feelings begin to emerge at the end of the collision of inundated thoughts and feelings | 心の奥底に、気づかないまま積もらせてしまった澱
それはやがて許容の限界を迎えると、ふとした拍子で溢れ出してしまう 互いを気遣っていたからこそ言えなかったこと 氾濫した想いがぶつかり合ったその先に、新たな感情が芽生え始める |
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As the sun sets, the strong western sun illuminates the Kamihama Daito housing complex.
From morning to noon, noon to evening, evening to night... This world is always changing. And yet, there are some people who continue to wish things would never change. Even if that wish doesn't come true in the end, we hope that things will remain as they are for as long as possible... | 日が暮れて、強い西日が神浜大東団地を照らし出す
朝から昼へ、昼から夕方へ、夕方から夜へ…この世は常に変わり続ける それでも、変わらないでいてほしいと願い続ける人々もいる 結局はその願いが叶わないとしても、できるだけ長く、今のままで… |
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The "present" is based on human activities that have continued since long ago.
And if we continue our activities unchanged, we will be able to see the "future". This world is formed by swallowing up everything, good and bad. Everyone is born with a "baton" and passes it on to someone else without knowing it. | はるか昔より連綿と続いてきた人の営みの上にある「現在」
そしてまた、変わらずに営みが続けば見えてくるのが「未来」 良いことも悪いこともすべてを飲み込んで、この世界は形作られていく 誰もが“バトン”を持って生まれ、知らぬ間にそれを誰かに渡していく |
Card | Effect | Cooldown | EN Text | JP Text |
External links
Gameplay Videos
- Recording of Seika's Transformation Video on Youtube (JP)
- Recording of Seika's Magia Video on Youtube (JP)
- Recording of Seika's Doppel Video on Youtube (JP)
Side Story and Costume Story Videos
- Recording of Seika's MSS on Youtube (JP): Episode 1/3, Episode 2/3, Episode 3/3