Magia Record Main Story Part 2 Chapter 2 Script

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English text translated through DeepL and fixed by editors.

Section 1

Part 1
Name Japanese Translation
"魔女を捕らえて穢れを増やせ、ローブを被った同志たち。作ったうわさは町に広めて、みんなの心を揺らしましょう。" "My robed comrades, go forth and capture the witches, increase the impurities. Spread the crafted rumors throughout town, sway the hearts of all."
"魔女化を忘れるその日まで、解放されるその日まで、心血注いで尽くしきり、祝福の時を迎えましょう。" "Until witching becomes a forgotten nightmare of the past, until the day we are liberated, let us devote our hearts and souls in greeting the time of blessing."
"弱さに挫ける少女たちも、未来が見えない少女たちも、“マギウスの翼”では全てが平等。" "Girls frustrated with their own weakness, girls without a future, they are all equal among the "Wings of Magius"."
"だって、誰もがかよわい少女だから…。" "Because everyone is a weak girl..."
"いろはさんが神浜に通い始めた頃…。遠く思える近い過去…。マギウスの翼の黒羽根と白羽根は、せっせせっせと活動していた…。" "When Iroha-san first came to Kamihama…That memory seems so distant now…The Magius black feathers and white feathers been working feverishly…."
"自分たちを救うために、マギウスに言われたことを守って、毎日毎日、 せつせせつせと…。" "In order to save themselves, they carried out the Magius’ will, day after day, feverishly…"
"だけど、 いつしかそれは人を傷付けることになっちやって彼女たちは怒った他の魔法少女たちとぶつかるようになったみたい…。" "But someday, they will hurt people, and clash with angry magical girls, it seems…"
"それを始まりに事態は悪化していって、神浜は大災害に蓑われた…。拘束を解かれたエンブリオ ・ イブと ・来襲したワルブルギスの夜がビュオ一…ドド-ン…って町を壊したから。" "Things got worse after that, Kamihama was hit by a catastrophe ...released from the embryo was ・Eve・ Walpurgisnacht attacked like BYOOOM…B-BOOM and destroyed the town."
"そして最後には、イブのコアになつていたういちゃんの代わりにもちがコアになつて、イブの体が神浜中に飛び散った。" "And finally, Mochi replaced Ui-chan as Embryo Eve's core. Eve's body splattered all over Kamihama."
"この時に生まれたのが“キモチ”。" "It was during this time that Kimochi was born."
"イブだった時の強大なエネルギーを持っていて、神浜に来た魔法少女たちはみんなそのエネルギーを狙っている…。" "When she was Eve, she had a powerful energy, and all the magical girls who came to the Kamihama are aiming for that energy..."
"“自動浄化システム”を手に入れるために…。" ""To get the Automatic Purification System....""
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "魔法少女の真実について、一族のみんなは理解してくれたわ" "Everyone in the tribe understood about the truth about magical girls."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ユニオンと協力するのはちょっと微妙な反応だったね…" "That was a bit of a subtle response to working with the Union..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "日の本を守る時女としては、根本的に違う部分があるもの" "As a woman who defends the book of the day, there are some fundamentally different parts of me that are different."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "そればかりは少しずつ理解してもらうしかないですね" "That's all we can do is make them understand a little bit more."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ええ、環さんが言う理想自体は、間違いだとは思えないもの" "Yes, the ideals that you say, Tamaki-san, are in themselves something I don't think are wrong."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "ダメな私たちの仲間になんて誰もなってくれない…" "No one is going to be one of us who's no good..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "石をひとつでも持ってたら、説得できるかもしれないけど…" "If I had a single stone, I might be able to convince you..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "無理だよ…ボクたちでキモチの相手なんて…" "I can't... you can't... you can't have Kimochi with us..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "そうだね、わかってる…手が届くような相手じゃない…" "Yes, I know... not someone you can reach..."
image=File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "静かにしてるしかないのかな…この、ユニオンの中で…" "I guess we'll just have to be quiet... here, in the Union..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "神浜の奴に手は出すなって、樹里サマが負けるってのか…?" "Don't mess with that guy from Kamihama, and Juri Sama will lose...?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "概ね相手の戦力を把握できた以上無闇に戦うべきじゃないのよぉ" "Now that we have a general idea of our opponent's strength, we shouldn't fight them blindly."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "神浜の頭脳を潰せなかったのは、悔しいっすけど…" "It's frustrating that we couldn't crush the brains of Kamihama, but..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "まずは石を集める方に集中しようっていうことだよね~" "Let's focus on collecting the stones first~"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ただ、わからないのよねぇ…キモチを見つける方法だけは…" "I just don't know...I just don't know how to find the kimochi..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…手を取り合いたいけど、どうすれば良いのかわからない…" "...I want to hold your hand, but I don't know how to do it..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "(良い顔をしたところで昔の私…何も変わることなんてない…)" "(Putting on a good face is the old me... nothing will ever change...)"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "(だから、きっと今は相手を知る努力をしなきゃ…)" "(So, I'm sure I'll have to make an effort to get to know them now...)"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…ぶつかりあってでも?" "...even if they bump into each other?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "こんな仕組まれた戦いの中で、傷付けあいたくないな…" "I wouldn't want to hurt each other in a set-up battle like this..."
Kyubey "「ドッペルになるのと魔女になるのは同じ」" "Being a doppel is the same as being a witch."
Kyubey "「ボクにとっては希望と絶望の相転移で発生するエネルギーを得られるわけだからね」" "So, for me, it's the energy generated by the phase transition of hope and despair."
Kyubey "「だからボクは戦う場を用意したんだ」" "That's why I'm prepared to fight."
"その争いを私は記録する…。" "I will record that conflict...."
"みんな同じように宿命から救われたいのに、ひとつひとつの想いの違いが、衝突を生み出してしまっているから…。" "Because we all want to be saved from the same fate, but the differences in our individual feelings have created a conflict...."
"人類の長い時間をかけてこじれた糸は、何も知らない色んな人に知ってもらうことで、きっと少しずつほつれていく…。" "The threads that have been frayed by humanity over a long period of time are sure to unravel a little by letting various people who know nothing about it get to know each other...."
"そう信じてるから…目の前のことをひとつずつ記していく…。" "That's what I believe....I'll write down what's in front of me one by one...."
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin


File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "――っ!?" "--?!"
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "アリ…ナ…先輩?" ""
File:Card 10084 d.png Alina "グッモーニン" "Gummonin."
File:Card 10124 d.png Karin "グッドじゃないの…体が痛くてバッドなの…" "It's not Good... my body hurts and it's Bud..."
Part 2
Name Japanese Translation
Felicia "お願いします!!" "Please!"
Felicia "“デカゴンスタンプラリー”をさせてください!!" "Let me do a 'Decagon Stamp Rally'!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "なっ…フェリシアが敬語…?" "What... is Felicia a respectful...?"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "それぐらいやりたいんだよ!" "That's how much I want to do it!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "スタンプを全部集めたら、限定グッズだけじゃなくて" "When you collect all the stamps, it's not just limited edition merchandise."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "“モーモーファーム”の団体券も当たるんだぜ!?" "You could win a group ticket to Mo-Mo Farm!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "気持ちはわかるけど…ウロウロすると危険だよ…" "I know how you feel... but it's not safe to just hang around..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "二木市の魔法少女にどこで襲われるかわからないし…" "I don't know where the magical girls in FutatsugiCity will attack me and..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そうよ、今は身を護るためにも派手な行動は避けたいわ" "Yes, I don't want to do anything fancy right now to protect myself."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "んなこと言って!!" "You don't say that!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ぜってーにデカゴンボールの良さが伝わってねーだけだ!!" "You just don't know how good the Decagon Ball is!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "見てろよ!" "You'll see!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "これが本気のっ…" "This is the real deal..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "消えん弾(だん)だーー!!" "It's a bullet that won't go off!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "はぁ…ふぅ…" "Huh..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そう…" "So..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "じゃねーよ!鰤鈴(ブリリン)の技じゃんか!" "It's not! That's a beri-ling technique!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "かっこいいだろ!?グッてアツくなれただろ!?" "What's so cool about it? Isn't it cool?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ただのモノマネなのよね…" "I know it's just an imitation, but..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "う~!!こんな、言ってるのにぃ…!!" "Ugh! I'm saying this, but...!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "周りに人がいれば、簡単に襲ってこないと思うし" "I don't think it would be easy to attack me if there were people around."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "1日ぐらい良いんじゃないかな?" "I think it's good for a day or so."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "過保護なのも良くないし、ほら、これぐらい気晴らしだよ!" "It's not a good idea to be overprotective, and, see, this is as much of a distraction as it gets!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "鶴乃もこう言ってるぞ!" "Tsuruno says this too!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "自分でも、過保護のきらいがあるとは思うけど…" "I know I'm a bit of an overprotective person myself, but..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "一生言うこと聞くから!ちゃんとコップ洗うから!" "I'll listen to you for the rest of my life! I'll wash the cups properly!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "家事を手伝って宿題をして、テストも頑張るって約束できる?" "Can you promise to help me with my chores, do my homework, and work hard on my tests?"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "…………" "............"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "っ、諦めるしかねーのか…" "Nah, I guess I'll just have to give up..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "言うこと聞く気ないじゃない" "You're not going to listen to me."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "あの…そろそろ出ないと、本当に遅刻しちゃいますよ…!" "Um... we should get out of here soon, or we'll be really late...!"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "あはは、それは大変だったね" "Haha, that's a tough one."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "ほんと、みかづき荘に住んでたら朝から体力なくなりそう…" "Really, if I lived in Mikazuki Villa, I would lose my strength in the morning..."
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "私は息抜きも必要だと思うし、スタンプラリーは良いと思うけど" "I think I need a break, and I think a stamp rally is a good idea."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "息が詰まっちゃうもんね…" "You're going to get choked up..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "そう!心の栄養補給は大事だよ!" "Yes! It's important to nourish your mind!"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "アタシはやちよさんの気持ちもわかるけどな…" "I understand how you feel about Yachiyo-san, though..."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "大庭樹里と笠音アオだっけ?" "Oba Juri and Kasane Ao, was it?"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "アタシも戦ったけど野放しにできない強さだったよ" "I fought Attah, too, but he was too strong to let loose."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "それは、そうだよね…かりんちゃんも大ケガだし…" "That's true...Karin-chan is badly injured too..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "まだ、お見舞いには行けないんですか…?" "You can't go to visit him yet...?"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "容体が安定しなくて面会謝絶だって…" "He's not stable enough to make contact..."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "そりゃね…" "That's right..."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "樹里とかいうヤツの攻撃、すごい火力だったし…" "That guy Juri or something like that, his attack, he had great firepower..."
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "うゅ…" "Ugh..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…かりんちゃんのこと" "...Karin-chan."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "もう少し相談に乗れてたら違ってたんでしょうか…" "Would it have been different if I had been able to consult with you a little more...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "アリナさんのことで悩んでたし…" "I've been having a lot of trouble with Alina-san..."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "気負いすぎだよいろはちゃん" "You're being too uptight, Iroha-chan."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "そうそう、わたしたちはチームでグループ!" "Oh yes, we are a team and a group!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ひとりで抱え込むのはよくないよ!" "You shouldn't keep it to yourself!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "すみません…" "I'm sorry..."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "それに、この一件については、アタシらの責任だ…" "Besides, it's our fault for this one..."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "退こうとしてた相手を深追いしすぎた…" "I went too deep with someone who was trying to retreat..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…………" "............"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "また、面会できそうなら連絡するよ" "I'll let you know if I can visit you again."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "定期的に追いかけるからさ" "I'll be chasing you on a regular basis."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい" "Yes,"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "にしても、ケガをさせた張本人は姿を見せなくなったわね…" "But the person who injured you has stopped showing up..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "神浜の実力を測って方針を変えたかもしれないって" "He said he might have changed his policy by measuring the strength of the goddamn beach."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "やちよさんは言ってたけど…" "Yachiyo-san said..."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "それはありそうだけど、アタシらも困るんだよなぁ" "That's likely to happen, but we're in trouble, too."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "相手の動きが変わると、動きが読めないからさ…" "It's hard to read your opponent's movements when they change..."
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "それなら、今のうちに私たちで、キモチを見つけちゃえば…" "Well then, why don't we find a kimoi while we're at it..."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "えっ?" "What?"
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "ういちゃんなら、居場所がわかるんだよね?" "Ui-chan would know where to find you, right?"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "敵が動く前に石を手に入れて、争いの幕引きを図るって?" "You mean we're going to get the stone before the enemy moves and try to end the conflict?"
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "うん!" "Yeah!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ただ、目立ち過ぎると、ういちゃんが狙われちゃうよ" "It's just that if you show off too much, they're going to go after Ui-chan."
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "あ…そっか…" "Oh...I see..."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "ほんと、頭が痛くなるわね…" "Really, it's giving me a headache..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "とりあえず細かい話は放課後に竜真館でしよう" "For now, let's talk about the details in Ryushinkan after school."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あの夜、電波望遠鏡で何があったのか" "What happened at the radio telescope that night?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "今日はみんなに伝えなくちゃいけないから" "Because I have to tell everyone today."
Part 3
Name Japanese Translation
Touka "竜真館の道場に集まってるみんなにほうこーーーく!!" "Ho-Ko-Koo to everyone who has gathered at the Ryushinkan dojo!"
Touka "もう、聞いたかもしれないけど自動浄化システムを世界に広げるのに必要なエネルギーが判明しましたー!" "As you may have already heard, we've found the energy needed to spread the automatic purification system around the world!"
Touka "それはお姉さまが手に入れたブレスレットに付いている石!" "That's the stone on the bracelet your sister got!"
Touka "“キモチ”っていう敵のコアなんだけどねイブが散って生まれた存在だから自動浄化システムと同じ性質のエネルギーを保有してるんだよ!" "It's an enemy core called Kimochi, and since Eve is a scattered being, it possesses the same nature of energy as the automatic purification system!"
Touka "つまり、わたくしたちも石を集めてエネルギーを使えば自動浄化システムを世界に広げられるってことだねー!" "That means we can collect the stones and use the energy to spread the automatic purification system around the world too!"
Touka "というわけでみんなで石集めを頑張ってね!どっちみち放っておくと他の人に取られちゃうからねー" "So good luck with your stone collection, everyone! If you leave it alone anyway, someone else will take it away from you!"
Touka "以上、里見灯花からの報告でした" "That was the report from Satomi Touka."
Touka "ちなみに電波望遠鏡が特定されちゃったので研究拠点の引越しをしまーす!" "By the way, the radio telescope has been identified, so we're moving our research base!"
Touka "みんなで手伝いにきてねおーわり!" "Come on guys, come help me out... ooohhhh!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "これで、みんなに伝えることは全部なんですけど" "That's all I'm going to tell you guys,"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "まったく、自由だな…" "Totally free..."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "判明したことがあっても喜べない状況だし…" "It's a situation where we can't be happy about what we've found out..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Midori Ryo "そりゃ観鳥さんたちは、白ダヌキの盤上にいるんだから…" "That's right, Kwando and the others are on the white danuki board..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Midori Ryo "今もドッペルを使った実験に付き合わされてるんだよね?" "You're still going along with your experiments with doppelgangers, aren't you?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい…" "Yes..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "今回の争いはそのために仕組まれたんです…" "This conflict was set up for that purpose..."
File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "なのに、他のグループの人たちは争うつもりなの…?" "And yet, the rest of the group is going to fight...?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "あくまで自分たちのために戦おうとしているのよ" "We're just trying to fight for ourselves."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "キュゥべえに協力してるわけじゃなくてね" "It's not like I'm cooperating with Kyubey."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それに、私たちへの復讐が目的の人たちもいますから…" "Besides, there are people who want revenge against us..."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "他に自動浄化システムを狙っている魔法少女がいるとして" "Assuming there are other magical girls out there who are after the automatic purification system."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "今のところ神浜に居るのは時女一族とプロミストブラッド" "For now, the only ones on the Kamihama are the Tokime Tribe and the Promise Blood."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "そして、ネオマギウスと我々といったところか?" "And you mean like neomagius and us?"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "時女の人たちはわたしたちの味方だよっ!" "The Tokime are on our side!"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "うむ、そうだな" "Mmm, yeah."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "それにネオマギウスは、解散しているような状態なので…" "And since Neo-Magius is in such a state of dissolution..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "今のところ危ないのは、プロミストブラッドでしょうか…" "I guess the one in danger at the moment is the Promise Blood..."
Ryo File:Card 30463 d.png "それならこっちは早めに動いたらどうだい?" "Then why don't you guys move quickly?"
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "観鳥さんたちには、ういちゃんがついてるし" "And I've got a ui-chan for the birds of prey."
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "他よりキモチを探りやすいから有利って寸法だよ" "It's an advantageous dimension because it's easier to probe for kimochi than others."
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "それにプロミストブラッドの動きがない今ならチャンスだ" "And now that we don't have a Promise Blood in motion, we have a chance."
File:Card 30534 d.png Ikumi "それって、ひとつずつ見つけてキモチを倒すっていうことぉ?" "Does that mean you're going to find them one by one and beat the kimochi?"
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "そう、しらみつぶしにね" "Yes, just for the lice."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "だが、相手も聡い" "But they're smart too."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "うい君の重要性については、薄々気付いてるはずだ" "I'm sure you're dimly aware of the importance of Ui-kun."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "確信されてしまえば危険にさらすことになるわね…" "You'll be putting yourself in danger if you're convinced..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "…………" "............"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "それだけじゃない" "That's not all."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "うい君が相手にとって、キモチを探る道標になってしまう" "Ui-kun would be a signpost for the other person to explore the kimochi."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "探して見つける度に敵も現れて奪い合いになるし" "And every time we look for it and find it, our enemies show up and fight over it."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "それがひどくなれば、電波望遠鏡と同じ惨事になるかも" "If it gets bad enough, it could be the same disaster as a radio telescope."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "本当は目立たないように動いて、キモチを探りたかったんですけど" "I really wanted to move inconspicuously and try to find out what's going on with my kicks."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それってただの理想でしょうか…?" "Is that just an ideal...?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "あんな惨事になるのはごめんよ" "I don't want it to be a disaster like that."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "それに、語らないと理想も叶わないわ" "Besides, if you don't talk about it, your ideals won't come true either."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "やちよさん…" "Yachiyo-san..."
File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "秘密裡に動いて、裏をかくのは難しい課題だ" "It's a difficult task to work in secret and get behind the scenes."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "だが" "But,"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "アタシだって小学生のちびっ子に負担を押し付けるつもりはない" "I'm not going to put the burden on a little boy in elementary school, either."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "都、待て!その理屈だとユニオンが危機に陥るぞ…!!" "Capital, wait! By that logic, the Union is in danger...!"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "んな、んだと…!?" "Nah, what...?!"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "ちびっ子に負担禁止となると、都は南のリーダーを退くべきだ…" "If the burden is banned for the little ones, the capital should step down as leader of the South..."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "っ!" "Huh!"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "だーれが身長の話をしてる!年齢の話だ、バカ!!" "Dude, you're talking about height! It's about age, you idiot!"
Part 4
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…………" "............"
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "それなら、今のうちに私たちで、キモチを見つけちゃえば…" "Well then, why don't we find a kimoi while we're at it..."
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "観鳥さんたちには、ういちゃんがついてるし" "And I've got a ui-chan for the birds of prey."
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "他よりキモチを探りやすいから有利って寸法だよ" "It's an advantageous dimension because it's easier to probe for kimochi than others."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "(危険にさらしちゃうけどきっとういは…)" "I'll risk it, but I'm sure I'll..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "ねぇ、お姉ちゃん…" "Hey, sis..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…ん?" "...hmm?"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "今日の話なんだけど、わたしなら平気だからね!?" "I'm talking about today, but I would be fine with it!"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "怖くっても頑張るよ!" "I'll do my best even if I'm scared!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "(こう言うよね…)" "(You say that...)"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ういだけじゃないよ" "It's not just ui,"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "みんなにケガして欲しくないから穏便に済ませたいと思ってるの" "I don't want everyone to get hurt, so I'm trying to keep things quiet."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "特に今は石を見つけるのが最優先だから" "Especially now, because finding the stone is a top priority."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "無駄に傷付け合うのは極力避けたいわ…" "I'd like to avoid hurting each other needlessly as much as possible..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "あ…" "Oh..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "もしかしたら、同じかもしれませんよ…" "Maybe it's the same..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "プロミストブラッドも私たちと同じで" "Promise Blood is just like us."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "衝突を避けたいから姿を見せないのかもしれません…" "Maybe he doesn't show up because he wants to avoid a collision..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そうだね" "Yes,"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あくまで石を探すのが最優先なのかも" "Maybe the first priority is just to find the stone."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "みんなケガはしたくないもんね…" "We all don't want to get hurt..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ただ、本当にそうだとすると、裏の読み合いになると思うわ…" "But if that's really the case, I think it's going to be a backwards reading..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "はぁ…" "Huh..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "どう?フェリシアは電話に出た?" "Well? Did Felicia pick up the phone?"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ぜーんぜんまだ家ですねてると思う" "I think he's still at home sulking, for all I know."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "よっぽどスタンプラリーに行きたかったのね" "You must have really wanted to go to the stamp rally."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "…………" "............"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "悪いことしちゃったかしら…?" "Have I done something wrong...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…………" "............"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "いろは?" "Iroha?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "やちよさん!" "Yachiyo-san!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "スタンプラリーをしませんか!?" "Why don't we do a stamp rally?!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "なるほどね…" "I see..."
Felicia "ぇええええぇぇぇええぇえッ!?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ホントのホントにホンキでいいのかっ!?" "Are you sure you want to be a real, honest-to-goodness liar?
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ホントのホントにホンキでいいわよ" "I'm going to be a very, very, very, very good judge of that."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "デカゴンスタンプラリー…" "Decagon Stamp Rally..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "やっっっ…" "Yup..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "たーーーーーー!!" "Ta-tah!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "った!" "Ta-tah!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "サンキューな、やちよ!" "Thank you, Yachiyo!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そのかわり、ちゃんと宿題はしっかりしなさいよ?" "In return, you should do your homework properly, okay?"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "1週間は頑張るぞ!" "I'm going to work hard for a week!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "それだけ?" "That's it?"
File:Card 10052 d.png Tsuruno "じゃあ、わたしはみんなに連絡しておくね!" "Well, I'll keep everyone posted!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Tsuruno "手伝ってくれる人が多いと、早く済むと思うし!" "And I think the more people who help me, the quicker it will go!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ええ、よろしく" "Yeah, nice to meet you."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私も静香ちゃんたちにお願いしておきますね" "I'll ask Shizuka and the others to do the same for me."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あと、時雨ちゃんたちも、手伝ってくれるかな…?" "Also, can Shigure and the others help me out...?"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "せっかくユニオンに参加してくれたので" "Since you've joined the Union,"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "少しだけでも、距離を縮めたいですよね…" "I'd like to get a little closer to you..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うん" "Yeah."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そのためには、自分から話しかけないとね" "I'll have to talk to you for that."
Part 5
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "む、なんだこのチラシは…スタンプラリー?" "Mmm, what's this flyer about... a stamp rally?"
File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "フェリシアちゃんが興味あるかなーって思って" "I was wondering if Felicia would be interested in that."
File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "置いてみたのよぉ" "I put it down."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "デカゴンボールか" "The Decagon Ball."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "まさか七海のぼやきの原因が、ここにあったとはな…" "I didn't expect the cause of Nanami's blurbs to be here..."
File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "ぼやき?" "Blurbs?"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "深月君が行きたがって、駄々をこねているらしい" "I heard that Mitsuki-kun wants to go, and he's spoiling it."
File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "あら、困らせるつもりはなかったんだけどぉ…" "Oh my God, I didn't mean to embarrass you, but..."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "何をのんきに喋ってるんだ?こっちは使い魔退治、終わったぞ" "What are you talking about carefree? I'm done with this one, eradicating the demons."
File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "あらっ、ありがとう、ももこ" "Oh, thank you, Momo."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "はぁ…" "Huh..."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "調整屋が戦えるようになって敵退治もお役御免かと思えば…" "Just when you think the adjuster is ready to fight and you're not going to be able to slay the enemy..."
File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "それでもわたしは、ももこが狩ってくれるから安心よぉ?" "But I'm still going to be safe because Momoko will hunt me, okay?"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "そういう話じゃないんだけどな…" "That's not what I'm talking about..."
File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "もう、何が不満なの?ちゃんと報酬もあげたじゃない" "What's the matter with you already? I've paid you well."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "これ…?" "This...?"
Mitama "「おはよぉ、ももこ!朝よぉ!早く調整屋の使い魔を倒して~」" "Good morning, Momo! Morning. Hurry up and defeat the adjuster's messenger~"
File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "そう、調整屋さん特製スマホの目覚ましボイスぅ♪" "Yes, the tuner's special smartphone alarm voice."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "…寝覚めが悪い" "...I'm having trouble sleeping."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "うちのメイドカフェだと、良い額で売れる価値はあるがな" "With our maid café, though, it's worth a good price to sell it for."
File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "それに、もしも神浜市の条例でわたしの声に価値が付いたら" "Besides, if the ordinance of the City of Kamihama adds value to my voice,"
File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "もーっと高値になるわよぉ?" "It's going to be a lot higher, huh?"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "そんな有り得ない話をされてもなぁ…" "I don't know if that's possible..."
File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "ふふ、わからないわよぉ?" "Huh, I don't know, huh?"
File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "次の神浜市長選では、大東からも出馬するって話だし" "I've heard that he's going to be running for mayor of the next mayor of Kamihama from Daito."
File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "もしかすると、もしかするかもしれないわ" "Maybe, just maybe,"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "確かに一理あるな" "You certainly have a point."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "実現したら世間が揺らぐって" "He said it would shake the world if it happened."
"~~♪~~♪" "~~♪~~♪"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "む…" "Mm..."
File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "バイトの呼び出し?" "Calling a bite?"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "いや、これは都からだな…あの件か…" "No, this one's from the capital... that one..."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "十七夜か、今大丈夫か?" "Kanagi, are you okay now?"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "ちびっ子呼ばわりしたことは謝罪する…" "I apologize for calling you a little boy..."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "その話じゃない!" "I'm not talking about that!"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "アタシがツッコんで終わった!それでいい!" "I ended up tsking! That's fine!"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "そうか、ならどうした?" "Okay, then what's up?"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "やちよさんから連絡があってな" "I just got a call from Yachiyo-san."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "うむ…" "Um..."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "明日、スタンプラリーを手伝って欲しいらしい" "They want you to help with the stamp rally tomorrow."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "どうしてもモーモーファームの団体券が欲しいのだとか" "They really want to get a group ticket to MooMoo Farm."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "狂犬の駄々に負けたか…" "You've been defeated by the spoils of a mad dog..."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "二木市の連中が動かない今、不安は解消していないんだがな…" "Now that the guys in FutatsugiCity haven't moved, I'm not sure my anxiety has been resolved..."
Part 6
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "神浜の連中に動きがないのに、残されるなんて不安すよ!" "I'm worried that I'll be left behind when there's no movement by the guys in Kamihama!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "なんでまた二木に戻るんすか!" "Why are you going back to Futatsugiagain?!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "珍しくひかるが駄々っ子になってる~" "Unusually, Hikaru is being a spoiled child~"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "姉さんが仲間に呼ばれたって、聞いた瞬間からこれだっつーの" "This is what I've been saying from the moment I heard that my sister was called to join us."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "いやっす!" "No!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "仕方ないじゃなぃ…" "I don't have a choice..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "私も樹里も呼び出されてしまったんだもの…" "I've been called out to Juri and myself, you know..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "なら、ひかるも結菜さんと帰るっす!" "Then Hikaru is going home with Yuna!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "あーもう…無理だって言ってるだろ駄馬!" "Oh my god...I'm telling you, you can't do it, you spoiled horse!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "暴言す!樹里さんが暴言吐いたっす!" "Rant! Juri-san spoke out of turn!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "ひかるは結菜さんの優しさに触れないともう…" "Hikaru needs to be touched by Yuna's kindness already..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ひかるぅ…" "Hikaru..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "くぅん…だってぇ…" "Aww, that's...
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "安心しなさぃ" "Don't worry."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "仲間を迎えに行くだけですぐに戻ってくるわぁ" "I'll be right back, just to pick up my friends!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "それに、今は石を集める局面で命をすり減らす時じゃない…" "Besides, now is not the time to wear out your life during the stone gathering phase..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "地理の理解が追いつかない神浜で私たちはただでさえ不利なのに" "We're at a disadvantage in a goddamn beach where our understanding of geography can't keep up."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "衝突が減って、情報も入らなくなるのは痛手なのよぉ" "It hurts to have fewer conflicts and less information coming in, you know?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "むぅ…" "Mmm..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "放っておけば、神浜の連中は間違いなく動きを見せるはず…" "If we leave them alone, the guys in Kamihama will definitely make a move..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ここで差をつけられないためにも情報は掴んでおきたいわぁ" "I'd like to grab the information so I can't make a difference here, huh?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "だからお願い" "So, please."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "アオと一緒に神浜の連中を見ておいてちょうだぃ…" "You and Ao need to watch the guys in Kamihama..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "そうだね、チラッと気になることも言ってたし…" "Yes, you said some things that I was wondering about in glimpses..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うい" "Yes."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "な、なに…?" "What...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ういは誰よりも早く、不思議な魔力に気付いたよね?" "Ui noticed the mysterious magic before anyone else, didn't he?"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うん…" "Yeah..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "どうしてかはわからないけど、見つけられたよ…" "I don't know how, but I've found it..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "クスッ" "Kusu."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "わかったっす" "Okay,"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "結菜さんがひかるを必要として、神浜に残すのであれば" "If Yuna-san needs Hikaru and leaves her in Kamihama,"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "この煌里ひかる" "This Hikaru Kakari Hikaru."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "アオさんと一緒に役目を立派にやり遂げるっす!" "I'm going to work with Ao-san to complete my role with honor!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "わかってくれて良かったわぁ" "I'm glad you understand."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "樹里さん!" "Juri-san!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "もう、駄馬とは言わせないっすからね!" "I won't let you call me a bad horse anymore, you know!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "馬はいいのかよ" "You don't mind horses, do you?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "アオさん!" "Mr. Ao!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "ん~?" "Hmm~?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "アオさんのことは、ひかるがしっかり守るっすよ!" "Hikaru will make sure that Ao-san is protected!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "今さら説得力ないよ~" "I can't convince you now~"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "ま、何か隠してることがあるならわたしたちで暴いてやろう" "Well, if there's something you're not telling us, we'll expose it ourselves."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "っす!" "Sss!"
"ピロン♪" "Pilon♪"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あれ、メッセージ?" "Is that a message?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<やちよさんからだね>" "It's Yachiyo-san, isn't it?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "うん、なんだろう" "Yeah, I wonder."
Part 7
Name Japanese Translation
Kagome "―かごめ―…………" "-Kagome......................."
Felicia "―フェリシア―っしゃー!始まったぞ!デカゴンボールスタンプラリー!" "Felicia Shucks! It's happening! Decagon Ball Stamp Rally!"
Felicia "―フェリシア―目指す豪華な景品は、なんと!モーモーファームの団体券だぞ!!" "-Felicia - what a gorgeous prize to aim for! It's a group ticket to Moe Moe Farm!"
Ui "―うい―わーっ!" "-Yi-wow!"
Iroha "―いろは―フェリシアちゃんのテンションが爆発してる…!" "-Iroha-Felicia-chan's tension is exploding...!"
Felicia "―フェリシア―我慢してた分だけ燃えてるんだよ!ふんすー!" "-Felicia - I'm on fire for putting up with it! Phew!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "いろはさん…" "Iroha-san..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "私たちでフェリシアさんをちゃんと見ないと…" "We need to take a good look at Miss Felicia..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "今日はやちよさんも鶴乃さんもいないですし…" "Yachiyo-san and Tsuruno-san aren't here today, so..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うん、すぐに迷子になっちゃうね…" "Yeah, I'll get lost soon enough..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "アルちゃん…私、ついていけるかな…" "Al-chan...I don't know if I can keep up..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<…………>" "........................"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "うぉー!1個目のスタンプ発見だぞ!" "Whoa, you found the first stamp!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "さっそく迷子の予感!" "I have a feeling we're going to get lost soon!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "私、追いかけます!" "I'm going after it!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ありがとう、さなちゃん!" "Thanks, Sana!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ごめんね、かごめちゃん…なんだか巻き込んじゃって…" "I'm sorry, Kagome...I kind of got you into this..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "迷惑じゃなかった?" "Wasn't it annoying?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あっ、いえ…" "Oh, no..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<特に予定は無かったしね>" "We didn't really have any plans."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "そう、そうなんです…" "Yes, yes..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "こっちに引っ越してきてから、そんなに友だちがいなくて…" "I haven't had that many friends since I moved here..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "だから、嬉しかったです…今日は誘ってくれて…" "So it was nice of you to ask me out today..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それなら良かった" "Good, then."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "はい…" "Yes..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Feliciaの声 "やったー!クーシンサイ先生じゃーん!" "Yes! It's Dr. Cousin Sai!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ういはやらなくていいの?" "You don't have to do it ui?"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うーん、デカゴンボールは知らないから" "Hmm, I don't know about the Decagon Ball."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "でも、見てるだけでも楽しいよ" "But it's fun to watch."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "なんすかこれ…" "What is this..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "ひかるもやる?デカゴンスタンプラリー" "Do you want to do Hikaru too? Decagon Stamp Rally."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "う~ん、結菜さん以外に興味ないんすよね" "Umm, I'm not interested in anyone but Yuna-san, right?"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "それは知ってるけど…" "I know that, but..."
File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "あー、最強さん!それは運ばなくてもいーよー!" "Oh, Mr. Strongest! You don't have to carry that!"
File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "ベテランさんは、そっちの機械類を持って行って" "Veterans, take your machinery over there."
File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "力持ちでしょー?" "You're a powerful man, aren't you?"
File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "みふゆも手伝ってあげて!" "Mifuyu help him too!"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "やっちゃん、ごめんなさい…" "Yacchan, I'm sorry..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "いいわよ" "Okay."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "居所が知れてしまった以上は、拠点を移さないと危険だったもの" "It's something that was in danger if we didn't move our base of operations now that they knew where we were."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "むしろ心配なのは、誘ってしまった佐鳥さんよね…" "I'm rather worried about you, Satori-san, who invited you to join us..."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "スタンプラリーですか?" "Is this a stamp rally?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ええ…" "Yes..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "一般人が紛れてる方が、自然だと思って誘ったんだけど…" "I thought it would be more natural for me to invite the public to mix in, but..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "いやーカオスになってないといいね" "No, I hope it's not chaos."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "いろはと二葉さんがいるしきっと上手く回してくれるわ" "I've got Iroha and Futaba-san, and I'm sure they'll be able to run it well."
Part 8
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "それで、新しい仲間には会ってきたのか?" "So, have you met your new friends?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ええ" "Yes."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "二木に引っ越してきたばかりで、神浜に顔は割れてないはずよぉ" "I just moved to Futatsugi, and I'm sure your face isn't cracked by Kamihama, oh."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "引っ越してきたばっか…?なんか怪しくないか…?" "Just moved in...? Isn't there something fishy about it...?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "この逼迫した状況で争いに首を突っ込む気か?" "Are you going to stick your head into the fray in this tight situation?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "それは、私も気になってるわぁ" "I'm curious about that, too,"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "だから少しだけ試させてもらおうと思うのよぉ" "So I think I'm going to give it a little try."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ちょうど欲しかった手駒だったからねぇ…" "It was just the handheld piece I wanted, you know..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "それで、樹里の方はどういう用件だったのぉ…?" "So, what did you want to do with Juri's side...?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "あぁ、二木市の魔女についてだ" "Oh, it's about the witches of Futatsugi City."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "出現した数だけは、継続的に残すようにしてたからな" "I've been trying to keep the number of appearances that I've had on an ongoing basis."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "目に見えて変わった状況は?" "What are the circumstances that have visibly changed?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "魔女が戻ってきてる裏付けが取れたぐらいだろ" "It's about as close as you're going to get to corroborating that the witch is back."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "今となっちゃマギウスの翼が魔女を集めてるわけでもないし" "It's not like Magius' wings are collecting witches now."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "当然だっつー話だな" "It's only natural, isn't it?
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "そう…" "So..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "んじゃ、ちゃっちゃと戻るか馬も寂しがってるだろ?" "Well, I'll just have to get back to it, or my horse will miss me, won't he?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "…………" "............"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "なに黄昏れてんだ…?" "What's going on in there?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "なんの話?黄昏れてないわ" "What are you talking about? I'm not twilight."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "いーや、過去の自分を思い出してただろ?" "Nope, you were reminded of your past self, weren't you?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "…隠せないわねぇ" "You can't hide it.
Yuna "憎まず、嫉まず、利己的にならず何よりも誰かのためであり世の平和と心の安寧を願い続ける" "We will not hate, we will not be jealous, we will not be selfish, and above all, we will be for someone else, and we will continue to wish for peace in the world and peace of mind."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "それが、先輩から受継いだ人としての信念だった" "That's what I believed in as a person who inherited it from my seniors."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ここに戻って来ると、嫌でも思い出してしまうのよぉ…" "When I come back here, I don't like it, but I remember it..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "やっぱりそうかよ…" "I knew it..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "言っておくけど、樹里サマが惹かれたのは昔のアンタじゃない" "Let me tell you, it wasn't the old Anta that Juri Sama was attracted to."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "利他的な正義の服を脱ぎ捨てて復讐に駆られたアンタだ" "It's Anta, who took off her altruistic righteousness clothes and was driven by revenge."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "昔の姿に戻るってんなら、樹里サマはアンタのものじゃない" "If you're going to go back to your old form, Juri Sama isn't yours."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "揺れてるんなら、はっきりしろ" "If you're shaking, get it straight."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "過去の私か、今の私か…?" "Am I in the past or am I in the present...?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "そういうこと" "That's what I mean."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "樹里サマにとっちゃ、今のままでも十分楽しいし" "For Juri-Sama, it's fun enough as it is."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "過去のアンタに戻るなら、それはそれで決着をつけられる" "If we can go back to the past Anta, we can settle that."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "どうなろうが結果オーライなんだよ" "I don't care what happens, it's going to end up okay."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ただ、ハンパなのが一番困る" "It's just that the humping is the worst part."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ふっ…そう…ごめんなさぃ、気を遣わせて" "Huh... so... sorry, I'm sorry to bother you."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "そんなんじゃねーよ" "It's not like that,"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "…私は今の私のままで生きる" "...I will live as I am."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "道を逸れた者になろうとも、外道じゃないと死者を悼めない" "You can't mourn the dead unless you're an outcast, even if you're a wayward one."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "そうかい" "Okay."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "姉さんが、そう言うなら、樹里サマはそれでいい" "Your sister, if you say so, Juri-sama is fine with that."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "らぁあああッ!!" "Raaaaah!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "っ…!" "Huh...!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ちょっとはモヤモヤも吹き飛んだろ?" "It'll blow away some of the cobwebs, won't it?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "そうね" "Yes,"
Part 9
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "わぁ、久しぶりに来たー" "Wow, I haven't been here in a while!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ういたちが入院してた病院の近くだね" "That's near the hospital where we were staying."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "里見メディカルセンターにもスタンプがあるの?" "Does Satomi Medical Center have a stamp?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ううん、この駅の近くだよ" "No, it's near this station."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "色んな鉄道でやってるから神浜中にあるみたいですね…" "They do it on various railroads, so it's like it's in the middle of Kamihama..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "ふぁ~あ…" "Huh-uh..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "あまりにすることがなくて、眠くなってきたっす…" "There's not much to do, and I'm getting sleepy..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "どう見ても、スタンプを集めてるだけだしね~" "No matter how you look at it, I'm just collecting stamps!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "…隙をついてブレスレットごと石を奪った方が良くないっすか?" "...Wouldn't it be better to take the whole bracelet away from the gap?"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "石は集めるのが優先だって姉さまが言ってたでしょ~?" "Didn't your sister say that collecting rocks is a priority~?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "っすけどぉ…" "But..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "何で、ひかるは楽しそうな連中を眺めてなきゃいけないんすか…" "Why does Hikaru have to look at those people who look like they're having fun..."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "ほら、このスタンプでしょ?受け取りなさいよ" "See, it's this stamp, right? Take it."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ありがとう、レナちゃん" "Thank you, Lena."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "モーモーファームの団体券がもらえるみたいだし" "It's like getting a group ticket to Mawmaw Farm."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "かえでちゃんも誘ってみんなで一緒に行こうね" "Why don't we all go together and invite Kaede-chan to join us?"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "ま、そのために、手伝ったようなものだしね" "Well, that's why I kind of helped, you know."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "かえでが動物と触れあうのを絶対に邪魔するのが楽しみだわ" "I can't wait for Kaede to absolutely interrupt you from interacting with the animals."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "ええっ!?ど、どうして…?" "What? Why, why...?"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "牧場に行きたがってたのはかえでなのに" "It was maple trees that wanted to go to the farm."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "今日になって手伝いをドタキャンしてきてんのよ?" "You've been canceling your help today, haven't you?"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "相応の仕返しをしないと、やってらんないわよ" "I can't do this without getting back at you the way you deserve it."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そ、そっか…" "Oh, I see..."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "とりあえず、連絡待ってるわよ" "In the meantime, I'm waiting to hear from you."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "う、うん、また送るね" "Umm, yeah, I'll send you another one."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "よーっし今度は海浜公園だー!" "Yay, now to the beach park!"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "スタンプ台の場所なら調べておいたぞ" "If you want to know where the stampede is, I've looked it up."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "駅の入口にあるモニュメントの前だ" "It's in front of the monument at the entrance to the station."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "モニュモニュだな!" "That's monumental!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "待ってください…!" "Wait...!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "フェリシアさん、絶対にわかってないですよね…!?" "Felicia, you're never going to understand...!"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "おぉ…風の子だなぁ…" "Oh... you're a windbag..."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "で、“本題”の方は今のうちに済ますのか?" "So, are you going to get the 'main issue' out of the way now?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい…!" "Yes...!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うい、今のうちにお願い…" "Yes, please while you're at it..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "…うん" "...Yeah."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "…………" "............"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "お前も魔法少女じゃないのに、体よく巻き込まれたもんだな" "You're not a magical girl either, but how could you get your body involved?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あっ…" "Oh..."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "えっと、確か番記者少女じゃなくて…" "Well, I'm not a watchdog girl, I think..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あの、佐鳥かごめ…です…" "Um, it's Satori Kagome..."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "そうそう、かごめだったな" "Oh yeah, it was a basket,"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "そこまで無理して参加しなくても良いんだぞ?" "You don't have to push yourself to participate that hard, do you?"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "争いに巻き込まれたら、お前の方が危険だろ?" "You're the one in more danger if you get into a fight, aren't you?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "大丈夫です…" "It's okay..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "リィちゃんが守ってくれるし、みんなを間近で見られるから…" "Li-chan will protect me and I'll be able to see everyone up close and personal..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "それに…" "And..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<仲良くなれるきっかけができて少し嬉しいんだよね?>" "<I'm a little glad to have a chance to get to know you better, right? >"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "です…" "It is..."
File:Card 10074 d.png Feliciaの声 "うわぁーー!カニ原人だーーーー!" "Wow! It's the original crab!"
Yuna "ゴッ!!" "Gosh!"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あっ…転んだ…" "Oh...I fell..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "お姉ちゃん…" "Sis..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "思いっきり頭からいったね…" "You went over my head as hard as you could..."
File:Card 10074 d.png Sanaの声 "いろはさーーーん!フェリシアさん、血が…!" "Iroha-san! Miss Felicia, the blood...!"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "興奮しすぎだろ…" "You're getting too excited..."
Part 10
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "スタンプラリーのパンフをもらってきたっす" "I got a pamphlet for the stamp rally."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "何か秘密があるかちょっと探ってみよう~" "Let's find out what the secret is for a bit~"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "…………" "............"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "…どうっすか?" "...What do you think?"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "牧場の団体券結構タダで入れるみたいだね" "It sounds like you can get a group ticket to the ranch pretty much for free."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "わたしたちも息抜きに行くと楽しいかもしれないよ?" "It might be fun for us to go for a break too, you know?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "この緊迫した状況でっすか…?" "In this tense situation...?"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "姉さまたちの乳搾り姿とか見てみたくな~い?" "Don't you want to see your sisters milking or something?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "…………" "............"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "ありっす!" "Yes, there is!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "でしょ!?" "Right!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "それより、ひかるとしては、ソフトクリームっすよ" "More importantly, as Hikaru, it's soft-serve ice cream."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "結菜さんに美味しい牧場アイスを食べて欲しいっす" "I want Yuna to have some delicious ranch ice cream."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "そう考えると集めといたら良かったっすね…" "When you think about it, it's a good thing I collected them..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "じゃん!実は集めていたのでした!" "Hey! In fact, I was collecting them!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "さすがっす三女さん!" "That's what I'm talking about, third daughter!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "あれ…ひかるがパンフを取る必要ってなかったんじゃ…" "Oh...I thought Hikaru didn't have to take the pamphlet..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "テヘッ" "Teh-heh."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "これで半分ですね…" "That's half of it..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "今のところは順調なんでしょうか?" "So things are going well so far?"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "良い感じだぞ!ふんす!" "It's looking good! Phew!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "手伝ってくれてありがとう時雨ちゃん、はぐむちゃん" "Thank you for your help, Shigure-chan, Hagumu-chan."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "別に…" "It's not..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "力になれることがあればまた言ってね" "If there's anything I can do to help you, let me know again."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…………" "............"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それなら、今度はみんなで牧場に行かない?" "Then why don't we all go to the ranch next time?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "前はふたりのことを怒らせちゃったと思うから…" "I think I pissed you both off before, so..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "今度は一緒に遊んで仲良くなれたら嬉しいなって" "I thought it would be nice to play together and get to know each other better this time."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "ぼくは仲良くできると思えない…" "I don't think I'm going to get along..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "でも、良かったら来てねまた連絡するから" "But if you'd like to come over, I'll get back to you."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "…良い子だよね" "...good girl, right?"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "ぼくにはちょっと眩しすぎる…" "It's a little too bright for me..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "はぐむん、いつまでこうしてるの?" "Hagumun, how long are you going to be doing this?"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "わからない…" "I don't know..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "私たちには何もないし、何もできない…" "There's nothing we can do and nothing we can't do..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "あるのは魔法少女至上主義という言葉だけだから…" "All there is is the word 'magical girl supremacy' so..."
Part 11
Name Japanese Translation
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "…………" "............"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "そろそろ、環さんから連絡がある頃よね?" "It's about time you heard from Tamaki-san, right?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うん、順調に進んでたら、こっちに向かい始める頃だよ" "Yeah, if things are going well, it's about time you started heading this way."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "連絡をもらった時は驚きましたね" "You were surprised when you got the call,"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ほんとだよぅ急にスタンプラリーの話だもん" "It's true, it's suddenly about a stamp rally."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "グルグル町を回って何をするのかと思いましたね" "You wondered what you'd be doing going around the town in circles."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "でも、意味はあったわね" "But it did make sense, didn't it?"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ふふっ、ですね" "Hmmm, I guess."
"ピロン♪" "Pilon♪"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "き、ききき、きた!" "Ki, ki, ki, ki!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "静香、落ち着いてくださいスマホは襲ってきませんから…!" "Shizuka, please calm down, the phone won't attack you...!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ええ…確か、このアイコン…?" "Yeah... I think it's this icon...?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "丸っこくて、先が出っ張った印を押すのよね?" "You're going to make a round, protruding mark, aren't you?"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "はい、それで環さんから来たメッセージが見られますよ" "Yes, so you can see the message that came from Tamaki-san."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ちなみにこのマークは“吹き出し”です" "Those symbols are balloons, by the way.
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ポンチ絵にある台詞が書かれてるやつね" "That's the one with the line on the punch painting."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "間違ってないけど、マンガって言って欲しいよぅ" "I'm not wrong, but I wish you'd call it a comic book."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "…………あっ" "..................ah."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "なんて書いてありました?" "What did it say?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "あといくつかスタンプを押したらここに来るって書いてあるわ" "It says you'll be here after a few more stamps."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "これで他から1歩リードできれば御の字ですね" "If we can get one step ahead of the others with this, we'll be happy."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "そうね" "Yes,"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ちなみに、環さんを待つのはこれで全員でしょうか?" "By the way, is that all of you waiting for Tamaki-san?"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "他にも一族の仲間が集まってたはずですけど" "I'm sure there must have been other members of the tribe here."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ほとんど置いてきちゃったわ" "I almost left it behind."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "さすがにユニオンとの協力に懐疑的な人は連れてこられないし" "As expected, we can't bring in people who are skeptical of working with the Union, and we can't bring in people who are skeptical of working with the Union."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "私たち魔法少女の真実を伝えたあとよ" "After I tell you the truth about us magical girls."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "冷静を装っていても、辛い真実はみんなを蝕んでる…" "Even when we try to keep our cool, the hard truth is eating away at us all..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "少しずつ浸透させてあげないと内部から崩れてしまうわ…" "We have to let it penetrate a little bit, or it will collapse from the inside out..."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "それは、静香の言う通りかもしれませんね…" "Maybe Shizuka's right about that..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "カルチャーショックだもん!" "It's a culture shock!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "強そうな言葉ね" "That's a strong word."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "それだけ強い衝撃!" "That's how strong the impact is!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "だから、今のわたしたちには考える時間が必要なんだよ!" "So now we need time to think!"
等々力(ちはる) "衝撃的な事実は視界を狭めてしまう" "The shocking truth is that it limits your vision."
等々力(ちはる) "それゆえ、我々には事実を寝かせる時間が必要なのである" "Therefore, we need time to put the facts to bed."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "って、等々力耕一も言ってたからね!" "And so did Koichi Todoroki!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "静香が安心できる少数を連れてきたのは" "Shizuka has brought a few that she can feel safe with."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "正解だということですね" "So it's the right thing to do."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "きっとね!" "I'm sure!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ま、とりあえず今のところはここで環さんを待ちましょう" "Well, for now, let's wait here for Tamaki-san for now."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "美味しい干し肉でも食べながらね" "We'll have some good dried meat while we eat it."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "本当に美味しいですよね" "It's really good, isn't it?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "新入りの子が作ったんだっけ?" "Did the new kid make it?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ええ、自分で鹿を捕まえて解体したって言ってたわ" "Yeah, he said he caught and dismantled the deer himself."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "おぉ…急に生命のありがたみを感じてきたよぅ…" "Oh... I suddenly feel so grateful for life..."
Part 12
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "スターンプっと!" "Stamp!"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "ふむ" "Hmm."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "これで残すところは、モーモーファームのみか" "So that's all we have left to do is moo-moo farm."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "おうっ!" "Oh!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ギリギリで駆け込んで、グッズと団体券をゲットだぞ!" "We're going to run in at the last minute and get some goodies and group tickets!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ういの方はどうだった…?" "How was the ui...?"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うーん、わたしの方は微妙かも…" "Hmm, maybe it's more subtle on my part..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "何となく場所はわかるけど、反応がぼんやりしてる…" "I kind of know where it is, but my reaction is a bit fuzzy..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "少し離れすぎてるのかもしれないね" "Maybe we're a little too far apart,"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "北養は森林ばかりで、駅も少ないですから…" "Hokuyo is all forest and there are few stations..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そうだね…" "Well..."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "とはいえ、それも計算のうちだろう" "Nevertheless, I suppose that's part of the calculation."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい…" "Yes..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "今回のスタンプラリーで、リードしたいんです" "We're hoping to take the lead in this stamp rally,"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "やちよさん!" "Yachiyo-san!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "スタンプラリーをしませんか!?" "Why don't we have a stamp rally?!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "どういうこと?" "What do you mean?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私たちが魔力を探知しても、キモチの位置は特定できません…" "Even if we can detect the magic, we can't locate Kimochi..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あれだけ強い魔力を持ってるのに何か見つける方法が必要だから…" "I need a way to find something to do with such a strong magical power, so..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "でも、ういとuserNameはそれを必要としません…" "But Ui and userName don't need it..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "他のグループがそれに気付いてういを襲ってくるのは怖いけど" "I'm afraid the rest of the group is going to find out and attack Ui, though."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "今はキモチの位置を特定した方が良いと思います" "I think it's better to locate the kimochi now."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私たちがリードできるうちに…!" "While we can lead...!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "なるほどね…" "I see..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "それで、スタンプラリーを使って大凡の位置だけでも探ると…" "So, if we use the stamp rally to explore just the general location..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい…" "Yes..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "それはわたしも考えたけど、ういちゃんは…" "I've thought about that too, but Ui-chan..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "心配しないで、鶴乃さん!わたし頑張れるよ!" "Don't worry, Tsuruno-san! I can do my best!"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "電車に乗って色んな所に行って魔力を探るんでしょ?" "You're going to get on the train and go to a lot of places to explore the magic, right?"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "ぜんぜん怖くないし、きっとバレないと思う!" "It's not scary at all, and I'm sure they won't find out!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "…はぁ" "...Huh."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "残念だけど私は演じるのが苦手だから" "I'm sorry, but I'm not very good at acting."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "居るとかえって相手に不審感を与えると思うわ" "I think it would make them feel more suspicious to be there."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そしてフェリシアもアドリブだと対応できないはず" "And Felicia shouldn't be able to handle it if she's improvising, either."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "でも、参加したいのはフェリシアさんですし…" "But it's Felicia who wants to join us, and..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "だから、こうしましょう" "So let's do this."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "全てはフェリシアが気付くまでが勝負" "It's all up to Felicia to find out."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "その方が純粋に楽しんでるし、雰囲気も作れるでしょう?" "That way you're genuinely having fun and you can create a better atmosphere, right?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "で、フェリシアが敵に気付いたりこっちの作戦に気付いたら" "So, if Felicia is aware of the enemy, or if she's aware of our plan,"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そこまで得た情報だけで、早々にスタンプラリーは終了よ" "With all the information we've gleaned up to that point, the stamp rally will end early."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…モーモーファームを最後に回しても良いですか…?" "...Can I turn the MooMoo Farm last...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "明日、灯花ちゃんの引っ越しに行って貰えれば" "If you can get Touka-chan to move in tomorrow,"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "最後にここで合流できますし、敵が居れば引きつけられます" "We can meet up here at the end, and if the enemy is here, we can attract them."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "おぉ、冴えてる!" "Oh, that's brilliant!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "なら、最後の1ヶ所はバレちゃっても問題ないね!" "Then I guess it doesn't matter if they find out about the last one!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "どうせ山奥でなんとなくの位置がわかっても" "Even if you know where you are somewhat deep in the mountains anyway."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "目印なんて木しかないし、簡単には見つけられないよ!" "The only landmarks are trees, and they're not easy to find!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うん、そういうこと!" "Yeah, that's what I mean!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "いやーこれはスタンプラリー燃えてきたね!" "No, this is a stamp rally burning!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "鶴乃はこっちよ" "Tsuruno is over here."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "なんでぇっ!?" "Why?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "フェリシアと一緒に楽しんで目的を忘れそうだもの…" "Because you and Felicia are going to have so much fun together that you're going to forget your purpose..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "なぁああッ…!わたしも参加ッ…したかった…" "Nahhhh...! I wanted to be a part of it.
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "あ、あの私がちゃんと鶴乃さんの分も押しておきます…" "Oh, I'll make sure to push Tsuruno-san's portion properly..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ありがとう、さな…みかづき荘の良心だよぉ…" "Thank you, Sana... the conscience of Mikazuki-so..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "私だって嫌がらせのつもりじゃないのよ…!?" "I didn't mean to harass you either...!"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "概ね状況は理解したが、深月君が気付くまでが問題か" "I generally understand the situation, but is it a problem until you find out, Mitsuki-kun?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい…" "Yes..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "多分なんですけど、魔法少女の気配がありますし" "Maybe, but there's a hint of a magical girl, and-"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "うむ、そうだな…" "Mmm, yeah..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "んは!?" "What?!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "フェ、フェリシアちゃん…?" "Fe, Felicia...?"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "いろは!" "Iroha!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "(気付いちゃった!?)" "(I noticed!)"
Part 13
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "んは!?" "What?!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "フェ、フェリシアちゃん…?" "Fe, Felicia...?"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "いろは!" "Iroha!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "(気付いちゃった!?)" "(I noticed!)"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "フェリシアちゃん!しーーー!" "Felicia! Shhhh!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "んでだよ!近くにアイツらがいるぞ!" "So! There are those guys nearby!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "プロとかミストとか、なんか言うやつら!" "You guys are pro or mist or whatever you say!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "大丈夫だよ!私たちも気付いてたから!" "It's okay! Because we've noticed it too!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "んじゃ、なんで戦わねーんだよ!" "Then why aren't you fighting?!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "集めたスタンプ取られたらどーすんだよ!" "What if they take the stamps you've collected?!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "えと、そっちには興味ないと思うけど…" "Um, I don't think I'm interested in that one..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "でもね、あえて気付いてないフリをしてたんだよ" "But, you know, I dared to pretend that I didn't notice."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "んんん??" "Hmm?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "大丈夫だから信じて…このままゴールすればいいから…" "It's going to be okay, trust me... just keep going and finish..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "むぅ…" "Mmm..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "それでアイツらをズガンってできるんだよな?" "So we can zugan those guys, right?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そのチャンスは作れるはずだよ" "I'm sure you can make that opportunity."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ふんす、わかった!" "Humph, okay!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "んじゃハチャメチャマックスで気付いてない演技をしてやる!" "Then I'm going to play hacha-max and act like I don't even know it!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ヨ、ヨし…イロハ…ツギだ…!ツギにイクゾ…!" "Yo, yo... iroha... tugi...! Tsugi and Ixo...!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ラストだもんナ!うン!" "It's the last one, Na! Unh!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "急に固いです…!" "It's suddenly hard...!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "フシュー…フシュー…" "Hushu... hushu..."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "叩きのめしたい衝動を必死に押さえ込んでいるな…" "You're desperately trying to suppress the urge to beat it up..."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "とりあえず気付いたのが最後だったのが救いか…" "I guess it helps that it was the last thing I noticed anyway..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "傷は浅くて済みそうです…" "It looks like the wounds are pretty minor..."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "では、自分はバイトだから付き合えるのはここまでだ" "So, I'm a part-time worker, so that's as far as I can go with you."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "健闘を祈っている" "I wish you well."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ありがとうございます…" "Thank you..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あの…大丈夫なんですか…?" "Um... is it okay...?"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "フシュー…フシュー…" "Hushu... hushu..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "急に状況を理解して緊張してるんだと思う…" "I think he's suddenly realizing what's going on and getting nervous..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "ですよね…" "Right..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "何か様子が変わった…?" "Something has changed...?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "っすよね…?" "Right...?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "妙にぎこちなくなったような気がするっす…" "I feel like it's gotten strangely awkward..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "…姉さまに連絡しておこう" "...I'll call your sister."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "さなちゃん" "Sana."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "はい…" "Yes..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "やちよさんに連絡しておくね" "I'll call Yachiyo-san and let her know."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "今からモーモーファームに行くって" "They're going to MooMoo Farm now."
Part 14
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "向こうの目的を聞き出したいっすね…" "I'd like to find out what they want..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "うん…" "Yeah..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "あの、スタンプラリーを楽しんでた子の態度が" "Well, you know, the attitude of the kid who enjoyed the stamp rally."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "急に変わったのが、気になるんだよね~" "I'm just curious about the sudden change!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "車内には他にも何人か仲間が乗ってるっす" "There are a few other people in the car with me."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "三女さんなら、探れないっすか…?" "Can't you find out if you're the third daughter...?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "たぶん神浜の連中にバレてない面子もいるはずっすよ" "Maybe there are some faces that the guys in Kamihama haven't found out about."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "クスッちょうど考えてたところ" "Huh, I was just thinking about that."
Ao "プレイヤー2" "Player Two."
Ao "体を借りるよ…" "I need to borrow your body..."
File:Card 80011 d.png "…………" "............"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "1日で全部回り切れるなんてサイコーだよな" "It's awesome to be able to go around all of them in one day."
Felicia "フシュー…" "Hush..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "牧場に行くとしたら、いつが良いでしょうか…?" "When would it be a good time to go to the ranch...?"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "レナさんとも約束したし、日程を合わせるのは難しそう…?" "I've promised Lena, and it's going to be hard to fit the dates in...?"
Felicia "フシュー…" "Hush..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "でも、なんとか合わせたいな" "But I'd like to fit in somehow."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "かごめちゃんも一緒に行ける日にしたいし…" "I want this to be the day that Kagome can go with you and..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "いいんですか?" "Are you sure?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "もちろんっ" "Of course."
Felicia "フシュッ…フシュッ…" "Hush...hush..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ただ、フェリシアちゃんは早くしないと我慢できないかもね" "It's just, Felicia, you might not be able to resist if you don't do it sooner."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ったりめーだろ!?" "What the fuck?!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "今すぐにでも、アイツらをぶっ潰してやりてーのに!" "I'm going to crush those guys right now!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "――っ!?" "--?!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "フェリシアさん…!!" "Miss Felicia...!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "うー…あー…えと…" "Uh...uh...uh...uh..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ウシをオレのハンマーでぺっちゃんこに…" "I'll flatten the bovine with my hammer..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "潰しちゃうの!?" "You're going to crush it!"
File:Card 80011 d.png "…………" "................."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "う~ん?" "Hmmm?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "どうだったっすか、三女さん" "How was it, third daughter?"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "わたしたちの尾行に気付いてるような気がする…" "I have a feeling they know we're on their tail..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "む、まずいっすね…" "Mmm, that's not good..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "気付いてないような気もする…" "I don't think you've noticed..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "どっちっすか…" "Which one is it..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "取りあえず牧場に行ってウシを潰すって…" "For now, you're going to go to the ranch and crush the bovine..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "可哀相っすよ!牧場を何だと思ってるんすか!" "Poor thing! What do you think the ranch is!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "さぁ…" "Come on..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "ただ、わたしたちに気付いてる体で動くのが無難だよ" "Just be sure to move with a body that's aware of us."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "長女さんと次女さんが間に合えば良いんすけど…" "I hope your eldest and second daughter can make it..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "二木から戻って追いつくのは無理ふたりでクリアするしかないね~" "There's no way we can go back and catch up from Futatsugi, we'll have to clear it with the two of us~"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "っすか…" "What...?"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "もしも相手がこっちに気付いててスタンプラリーをしてたなら…" "If they had noticed us and were doing a stamp rally..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "相手は裏で別のゲームをしてたのかもしれない…" "Maybe the other guy was playing a different game behind the scenes..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "こっちの目をだまして、何かしてたってことっすか…!?" "Are you trying to trick me into doing something with your eyes?
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "それが調べ物なら…?" "If that's what you're looking for...?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "…………" "............"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "ちょっと、どこでどんな情報を手に入れたかわかんないっすね…" "Hey, I don't know what kind of information I got from where..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "地味に一杯食わされたかも…" "I think I might have been given a sober drink..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "でも、ひかるたちは最後に気付いたっすよ" "But Hikaru and the others realized that at the end,"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "だね…つまり、わたしたちは…" "Well... I mean, we're..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "1ヶ所だけでもキモチの位置を知れるかもしれないっす" "I might be able to find out where Kimochi is in just one place."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…………" "............"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "お姉ちゃん…どう…?" "Sis... how...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ピッタリとついてきてるやっぱり気付かれたかも…" "You're following me perfectly, and I think he might have noticed you after all..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "それに、この車両の近く、ひとりだけじゃないです…" "Besides, near this vehicle, I'm not alone..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そうだね" "Yes,"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "気付かなかったけど、他にも魔法少女がいる…" "I didn't realize it, but there are other magical girls out there..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "どーすんだ…?" "What are we going to do...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "想定していた範囲だよこのまま知らないフリでいこう" "That's the range we were expecting, so let's just go ahead and pretend we don't know."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "おう…" "Oh..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "(大丈夫…この調子なら、私たちの方がリードしてる…)" "(Don't worry... at this rate, we're in the lead...)"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "今の私たちは北養のキモチなら、知られても構わないよ…" "Now we don't mind being known if we're Hokuyo's kimochi..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "…………" "............"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "かごめちゃん今日は巻き込んでごめんね…" "Kagome, I'm sorry for getting you involved today..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ここからは危険だから離れておいて" "It's not safe from here, so stay away from it."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "戦いになるかもしれないから" "Because it could be a fight."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "…はい、わかりました" "...Yes, I understand."
Part 15
Name Japanese Translation
Felicia "「ラスト1個!」" "Last one!"
Chiharu "「ポンッ!」" "Poof!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "おめでとうございます!" "Congratulations!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "やったー!" "Yes!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "これで限定グッズも貰えるし、みんなで牧場に遊びに来れるぞ!" "Now you can get some limited edition merchandise and we can all come to the ranch to play!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "それで、キモチの場所は全部わかったの?" "So, did you find out where all the kimochi are?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "さすがに全部とまでは…" "Not all of them, indeed..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "でも、周りながら探知を続けていたので" "But we kept detecting it as we went around."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "なんとなく、ぐらいの場所は絞り込めたと思います" "I think we've narrowed it down to just about any place."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "それなら大成功ね!" "Then you're a great success!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はいっ" "Yes."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "…………" "............"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ういちゃん、どう…?" "Ui-chan, how...?"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "少し離れてるけど、キモチは森の中にいるよ…" "I'm a little far away, but Kimochi is in the woods..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "userNameはどう…?" "What about userName...?"
File:Card 80011 d.png userName "モキュッ" "Moccasins."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "だよね合ってると思う" "Yeah, I think it's right."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "こっちの方が他よりも魔力が少なくてわかりやすいもん" "This one has less magic than the other, and it's easier to understand."
File:Card 80011 d.png "…………" "............"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "この辺りにキモチが潜んでるのね…" "You've got some kimochi lurking around here..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "倒しちゃいたいけど、場所まではわからないんだよね?" "I'd love to take you down, but I don't know where you are, do I?"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うん、それはしっかり調べないと" "Yeah, we'll have to look into that."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "てか、そんなペラペラしゃべって良いんだっけ?" "I mean, is it okay to talk so flippantly?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うん、ここまで来たらもう大丈夫だよ" "Yeah, we're good to go now that we're here."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "ありがとう、状況は大体わかったよ" "Thanks, I think I have a pretty good idea of the situation."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "収穫っすね" "It's a harvest, isn't it?"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "うん、キモチはこの辺りにいる" "Yeah, Kimochi is around here."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "今日のところは退いて、姉さまたちと相談しよう" "Let's retreat for today and discuss it with your sisters."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "相手に取られる前にこっちで" "Come here before they get it."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "アオさん!" "Mr. Ao!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "ふぅ、間一髪っすね…" "Hmm, it's a close call..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "ありがとう…本当に守られちゃった…" "Thank you... you really protected me..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "まさか大物がここで現れるとは思わないっすよ…" "I didn't expect the big guy to show up here..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "こっちは計画通りあなたたちが誘い込まれただけよ" "This one was just a plan and you guys were lured in."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "作戦の話は聞いています悪いですが逃がしませんよ" "I'm sorry, sir, but we're not going to let you go."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "最強のわたしに捕まる覚悟はできてるね!?" "You are ready to be caught by the strongest of them all, aren't you?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "っ…" "Yes..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "逃げ道はないわよ" "There's no way out,"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "神妙にお縄にかかれぇ!" "How dare you hang on to me like a goddamn rope!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ごめんなさい" "I'm sorry."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私たちは二木の復讐を果たさせるわけにはいかない" "We can't let Futatsugi get his revenge."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私たちにとっても石が必要なんです…" "For us, we need the stones too..."
Part 16
Name Japanese Translation
"~~♪~~♪" "~~♪~~♪"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "え、電話…!?" "What, the phone...?"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "いろはちゃん!かりんちゃん面会できるって!" "Iroha-chan! Karin-chan said you can visit me!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "も、ももこさん!ちょっと今それどころじゃ!" "Momo! Hey, that's not possible right now!"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "うそ、タイミング悪かった!?ごめん…!!" "Oh no, bad timing! I'm sorry...!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あの、ちょっとあとでかけ直しますね!" "Um, I'll call you back later!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "…四面楚歌" "...under siege."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "でも切り抜けるしかないっす…" "But we'll just have to get through it..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "ふぅ…ハードモードだねぇ…" "Hmm... hard mode..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "それでもイージーゲーム…突破しよう" "Still, easy game... let's break through."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "っす!" "Sss!"
Part 17
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "はぁっ…どこか、活路は…" "Huh... somewhere, a way to live..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "(見つけたっす…!)" "(I found it...!)"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "アオさん!" "Ao-san!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "おっけ~" "Oops!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "行かせるかーーーッ!!" "I'm not going to let you go!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "バトルアックスだからって大ぶりだと思った~?" "I thought it was a big one just because it's a battleaxe~?"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "これでも速さにステ振りしてるんだよね~" "I'm still swinging the stakes in this one for speed!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ぬぅっ!なら、オレだって!" "Nuh-uh! Then it's me too!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "対応してきた…!?" "It's been handled...?"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "(なら、死角から斬り上げて…!)" "(Then slash up from the blind spot...!)"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "見えたぞ!!" "I see him!
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "かち合った…!?" "We have a connection.
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "ビックリっす…" "What a surprise.
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "よそ見は禁物!これでお縄を頂戴だー!" "Don't look away! Now give me the rope!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "なっ…十手が飛んで…!?" "Wha... ten hands are flying...?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "操るのは自由自在!これでグルグル巻きだよ!" "I can control it at will! Now it's all rolled up in a circle!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "ぐっ…ぅう!" "Ugh...ugh!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "ひかる、待ってて!" "Hikaru, wait for me!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ぬぁっ!" "Nuh-uh!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "え、ここは…" "Yeah, this is..."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "残念ですが、逃がしはしませんよ" "I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let you get away with it."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ワタシの幻覚と共に、その身を滅ぼしてください" "Destroy it along with the illusion of Watashi."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "ふん、これぐらいのデバフ簡単に解除してみせるよ" "Hmph, I'll remove this much of the debuff easily."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "主導権はこちらですよ" "The initiative is here, sir."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "やぁっ!!" "Hey!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "キャッ…" "Cah..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "さて、これで確保ね" "Well, we're all set.
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "作戦勝ちだね!ふんふん!" "You won the mission! Hmmm!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "っ…" "Huh..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "…………" "............"
Juri "ちょっと早いんじゃねーの?" "Isn't it a little early for you?"
Yuna "生け捕ろうなんて考えても" "Even if you think about taking him alive."
Yuna "それをさせないわぁ" "I won't let you do that!"
Juri "姉らしく助けに入らせてもらうぞ" "I'm going to go in and help you, like a sister."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "やちよさん、危ない!" "Yachiyo-san, look out!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "姉さま、姉ちゃん…" "Sis, sis..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "間に合って良かったわぁ" "I'm so glad you made it in time."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "退路は確保しといたさっさと帰るぞ" "I've got a clear path out, so let's get the hell out of here.
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ひかるも大丈夫…?" "Hikaru's okay too...?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "っす" "Sss."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "結菜さんに、恥ずかしいところを見せてしまったっす…" "I've shown Yuna-san the embarrassing part..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "無事ならいいわぁ" "I hope you're okay."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "あとで色々と報告しましょぅ" "I'll tell you all about it later.
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "一度は確保したのに…この捕り物を失敗するわけには!" "We've secured it once... and we can't afford to miss this catch!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "やぁああッ!!" "Hey!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うぁっ!" "Ugh!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "深追いは禁物よぉ覚えておきなさぁい" "Don't chase after it too far... just remember that."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "さぁ、あなたの出番よ" "Come on, you're on."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "威嚇でいいから、相手を退かせてくれる?" "Can you make them back off, just to intimidate them?"
??? "了解" "Yes, sir."
"パンッ!" "Pang!"
Hikaru "―ひかる―なぅっ…" "Hikaru-nah-nah..."
Yuna "―結菜―ひかる!!" "Yuna Hikaru!"
Ao "―アオ―狙撃…" "Ao-Sniper...
Hikaru "―ひかる―弾は…ひかるの体で止まったっす…" "Hikaru, the bullets... stopped at Hikaru's body..."
Juri "―樹里―時女のヤツか…" "Juri-Tokime..."
Shizuka "―静香―さすがに、ちゃるを傷付けられて何もしないわけにはいかないわ" "-Shizuka - as expected, I can't just do nothing after they hurt Charu."
Shizuka "―静香―帰るなら帰りなさい" "Shizuka, you're going home."
Shizuka "―静香―森の狩人の手で干し肉にされるわよ" "-Shizuka-you'll be turned into dried meat by the forest hunter."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "紅晴さん…" "Kureha-san..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "諦めないわぁ…全ての仲間を悼むためにも…" "I'm not going to give up... to mourn all my friends..."
"連絡を受けた私は内心ビックリしていた。" "I was inwardly surprised when I got the call," he said.
"誰も考えていない。" "No one thought about it."
"密かに誰もがリードしようとしている…。" "Secretly, everyone is trying to lead...."
"引き金がカチリと引かれてしまった。" "The trigger has been snapped off."
"なんだか少し軽くなってしまった気がする…。" "I feel like I've lightened up a bit..."
"みんなの心を煽って熱くしてしまう" "It fuels everyone's mind and makes it hotter."
"今もそう…。" "It's still that way...."
"引き金を引く力になっている…。" "I'm a force to be reckoned with when it comes to pulling the trigger...."
"次は他の人も追いかけてみよう。" "Next time, let's go after the others."
"例えば…そう、紅晴さんたちを…。" "For example....yes, Kureha-san and the others...."
Part 18
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "ったいっす!" "Fuck!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "傷が塞がる前に弾が取れて良かったじゃねーか" "You're lucky you got the bullets out before the wound closed up."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "痛いもんは痛いんすよぉ…少し優しくして欲しいっす…" "What hurts is what hurts...I just need you to be a little gentler..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "傷も浅かったし、警告だったのかな~?" "The wound was so shallow, was it a warning~?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "じゃないっすかね…" "Isn't it...?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "魔法少女が本気で撃てば、貫いてるはずっす…" "If a magical girl really shot it, she would have penetrated it..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "だよね~" "Right~"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "今回は完全に出し抜かれたわぁ" "You've completely outsmarted me this time!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "今は命があったことを感謝しましょぅ" "Let's just be thankful that we have life for now."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "それで、帰り際に言ってたことは本当なのよねぇ?" "So, what you said on the way home was true, right?"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "あの辺りにキモチが居る話?" "Is that the story of Kimochi being around there?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ええ" "Yes."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "本当だと思うよ~" "I think it's true~"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "こっちが最も土地勘のない、森の中を選んでるしね~" "And this one is the least landed, and I'm choosing the woods~"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "やっぱり、そろそろ神浜の協力者が必要ねぇ…" "I knew it, we're going to need someone to help out in the goddamn beach..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ニヒッ" "Nihil."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "それなら、樹里サマが行ってくるか" "Well then, Juri-sama will have to go."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "環さんたちがこの辺りを調べていたなら" "If Kan-san and the others have been looking around here,"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "キモチもこの辺りにいるかな…?" "I wonder if Kimochi is around here too...?"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "だと思う…" "I think..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "ぼくたちじゃ無理だけど" "We can't do it, but..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "手伝ってくれる人がいればひとつぐらい…" "If you have someone to help you, at least one thing..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "うん…" "Yeah..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "それなら、私たちの言葉にも説得力が生まれるよね…?" "That would make our words more convincing...?"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "うん…" "Yeah..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "頑張ろう、時雨ちゃん" "Good luck, Shigure-chan."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "まだ、今は私たちでも頑張れる範囲だと思うから…!" "I don't think we're as good as we can be right now...!"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "それに、お姉さんだし時雨ちゃんを引っ張らないと" "Besides, she's your sister, and we need to pull Shigure-chan."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "そんなの良いのに…居てくれるだけで十分…" "You don't have to do that... just being there is enough for me..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Juri "っと、見つけたぞネオマギウス" "Well, I've found it, Neomagius."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "プロミストブラッドの…" "Promise Blood's..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "な、何…" "What, what..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Juri "提案しに来たんだよ互いにユニオンは敵だろう?" "I'm here to suggest that we're both enemies of the Union, aren't we?"
File:Card 10304 d.png Juri "それなら樹里サマたちと手を組まないか?" "Then why don't we join forces with Juri-sama and the others?"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "え…" "Eh..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Juri "つまり、手に入れた石は互いのモンつーことだ" "I mean, the stones you get are each other's property."
File:Card 10304 d.png Juri "樹里サマたちはお前たちに力をやる" "JuriSama and the others will give you the power."
File:Card 10304 d.png Juri "だから、お前たちは神浜の知識をこっちに寄越せ" "So you guys should contribute your knowledge of the Kamihama over here."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "――っ!?" "--Huh?!"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "でも、今の私たちは一応ユニオンのメンバーだから…" "But we're members of the Union now, for one thing..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "うん…" "Yeah..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "裏切りだって言われたら、もう見逃してもらえないかも…" "If they say it's a betrayal, maybe they won't let you off the hook anymore..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Juri "ん?いや、勘違いするなよ" "Hmm? No, don't get me wrong."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "え…?" "What...?"
File:Card 10304 d.png Juri "提案じゃなくて命令だコッチに手を貸せってことだよ" "It's not a suggestion, it's an order, it's an order to help Koch."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "っ…" "Huh..."
Part 19
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "簡単に力を貸せとも言わない" "I'm not even going to ask you to help me easily."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "全力で樹里サマを退かせてみな" "Do everything in your power to make Juri Sama leave."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "それなら、お前たちを脅迫するようなマネはしねーよ" "Then I won't be doing anything to intimidate you guys."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "はぐむん…" "Hagumu..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "石を巡る競争に出るってことはいつか戦うっていうこと…" "If you're in a race for the stone, that means you're going to fight one day..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "避けられないんだよ時雨ちゃん…" "It's inevitable, Shigure-chan..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "精一杯やるしかない…" "We have to do the best we can..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "勝てたら自信にも、なる…" "If I win, it will give me confidence, it will give me..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "うん…" "Yeah..."
Part 20
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "うっ…ふぅ…" "Ugh... phew..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "どうして、いつもこんなに…ダメなんだろう…" "Why is it always so... bad...?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "はぁ…んなの簡単な話だろ" "Huh... it's pretty simple, isn't it?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "パチンコの方は戦うことへの覚悟が足りてない" "The slingshot is not prepared to fight."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "大剣の方は固有魔法の問題だろ" "The big sword is a matter of inherent magic."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "狙い所はいいけど、当たっても全然ダメージがない" "It's a good aim, but when it hits, it doesn't do any damage at all."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "なんつーかさ" "What a mess."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "強制だとか命令だとか無視して誰かと手を組んだ方が良いぞ" "You might as well ignore that it's a mandate or an order and join forces with someone else."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "普通に考えて自殺行為じゃん…" "That's a normal suicide mission..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "…………" "............"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "ぼくたちは…何をすればいいの…?" "What do we... what do we do...?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "神浜の知識をくれ当面は北養の方だ" "Give me the knowledge of Kamihama, for the time being, it's the northbound one."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "タイミングになれば連絡するからその時はよろしく頼むぞ" "I'll get back to you when the time is right, and I'll take care of you then."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "…………" "............"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ま、こっちのことは仲間だと思ってくれよ" "Well, consider this one one one of us."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "今度、一緒にファミレスにでもいこーぜ" "Let's go to the diner together next time."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "軽い…" "It's light..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "私たちはこんなに打ちひしがれてるのに…" "We're so devastated and yet..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "自分の固有魔法のせいなんて、最初からわかってるよ…" "I've known from the beginning that it's because of my own inherent magic..."
Momoko "なっ!えっ、ええええっ!?" "Nah! What, eh, eh, eh?"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "いや、コイツって…" "No, this guy is..."
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "そうなの!アリナ先輩なの!" "Yes! I'm senior Alina!"
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "まさか同じ病室で入院してるとは思わなかったの!" "I didn't think you'd be in the same hospital room as me!"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "えぇ…" "Yes..."
File:Card 10084 d.png Alina "はじめましてだヨネ?" "Nice to meet you, Yone?"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "なんの冗談だよ、知ってるって" "What a joke, you know."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "顔のひとつぐらい合わせてるよ" "I'm matching at least one of your faces."
File:Card 10084 d.png Alina "ソーリーアリナ、エンプティーなんだヨネ" "Solee Alina, it's empty, you know."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "エンプ…?どういうことだ…?" "Emph...? What do you mean...?"
File:Card 10084 d.png Alina "空っぽ" "Empty."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "空っぽ?" "Empty?"
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "アリナ先輩…記憶喪失みたいなの…" "Alina-senpai... it's like amnesia..."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "…………" "............"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "またまたそう言って罪から逃れようと…" "I'm trying to get out of my sin by saying that again..."
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "それならずっと面会謝絶でいいの" "Then I'll just have to apologize for the visitation all the time."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "…………確かに" "..................sure."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "でも、信じろって言われてもな…" "But you're asking me to trust you..."
File:Card 10084 d.png Alina "本当は退院予定だったんだケド" "I was actually scheduled to be discharged from the hospital, Ked."
File:Card 10084 d.png Alina "アリナの作品が来たカラ残ることにしたワケ" "Alina's piece is here, and that's why I've decided to stay."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "作品?" "Works?"
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "なんか、わたしのことみたいなの…" "It's kind of like me..."
File:Card 10084 d.png Alina "プア、アート" "Pua, Art."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "ッ…あったま痛いなぁ…" "Huh... it hurts so bad..."
"環 いろは" "Ring, Iroha."
"「私が望んでいること…?」" "What do I want...?"
"「うーん…」" "Ummm..."
"「笑わないでね…?」" "Don't laugh...?"
"それでも私はね…」" "Still, I'm not..."
"そう思ってるの」" "I think so."
"あるような気がするの」" "I have a feeling that there is."
"同じものがきっとある」" "I'm sure the same thing is there."
"みんなの幸せを探してみたい」" "I want to find happiness for everyone."
"苦しんでると助けてあげたいもん」" "When you're suffering, I want to help you."
"「そう、だから…なんだろう…」" "Yeah, guess..."
"優しくしたいんだと思う」" "I think I'm trying to be nice."

Section 2

Part 1
Name Japanese Translation
"魔法少女は秘密の争いを続けてるの。" "Magical girls continue to have a secret struggle."
"いつもと同じ自動浄化システム。" "It's the same automatic purification system as always."
"咲いては消えてを何度も繰り返してる…。" "It blooms and disappears over and over again..."
"冷たい顔で沸々と血をたぎらせている…。" "Cold faces and boiling blood...."
File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<いろはさんたちばかり見てはいられないよ>" "You can't just look at Iroha-san and the others..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "うん、わかってるよアルちゃん" "Yeah, I know, Al."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "私は魔法少女について纏めないといけないから" "Because I have to put together about magical girls."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "誰かひとりだけを見てられない…" "I can't look at any one person alone..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<だから次は…>" "So, next time..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "紅晴さんたちを追いかけてみないといけないね…" "I'll have to go after Kureha and the others..."
Part 2
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "いろはちゃんとは連絡とれた?" "Did you get in touch with Iroha-chan?"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "あぁ、プロミストブラッドと接触はしたみたいだけど" "Oh, I think I've made contact with the Promise Bloods."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "キモチの場所は大まかに把握できたし" "I've got a rough idea of where the motivation is."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "首尾は上々だってさ" "He said it worked out great.
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "わーっ、良かったね!" "Wow, good for you!"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "っていうか、ももこ戻ってくるの遅いわよ" "I mean, you're late coming back, Momo."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "待ってる間にココア買っちゃったじゃない" "You bought cocoa while you were waiting."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "そりゃ、悪かったな…" "I'm sorry about that..."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "他の子たちにも連絡してたんだよ天音姉妹とか、郁美さんとかさ" "I've been contacting the other kids, like the Amane sisters and Ikumi."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "あ、そういうこと?みんな驚いたんじゃない?" "Oh, is that what you mean? I think people were surprised, weren't they?"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "驚かない方が変だろ" "It would be weird not to be surprised."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "今さらだけど、直接話した方が良かったんじゃないかと思ってる" "I know it's too late now, but I think it would have been better to talk to him directly."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "まぁ、そうよね…" "Well, I guess..."
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "だって、かりんちゃんの入院先で" "Because I was in the hospital with Karin-chan."
Kaede "“アリナ”さんが見つかったもんね…" "I'm glad you found Alina..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "どぅぇええええええっ!?" "What the hell?
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "アリナが記憶そーーーーしつーーーー!?" "Alina is going to remember...?"
File:Card 10064 d.png Everyone "…………" "...........
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "あ?" "Oh?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私も聞いた時は信じられなかったんですけど…" "I couldn't believe it when I heard it either..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ほんとになーんにも覚えてないのか?" "You really don't remember anything about it?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うん、自分が誰なのかもわからないみたいだから…" "Yeah, you don't even seem to know who you are, so..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "なんかそれ、ちょーズリー気がするぞ…" "I don't know, I feel like that's a bit too much..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "はい…" "Yes..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "魔女を自分の作品として育ててたのに…" "I was raising a witch as my own work of art..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "悪い冗談みたいです…" "It sounds like a bad joke..."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "でも、そんなウソももこさんは吐きませんよ" "But I'm not going to spit those lies, Momoko-san."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そうね…現実なんでしょう…" "Well... it must be real..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "その入院してる人は、何か悪いことでもしたの?" "Did that hospitalized person do something wrong?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "魔女を育てるとか、耳を疑ったんだけど…" "I couldn't believe my ears about raising witches and all that..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "本当です…" "It's true..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それでいて、その魔女を使ってこの神浜を滅ぼそうとしました" "And yet, he tried to use that witch to destroy this Kamihama."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "滅ぼすって…え?" "Destroy it... what?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "そんなの魔女よりタチが悪いよぅ…" "That's worse than being a witch..."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "それで何も覚えてないのは、遣る瀬ないですね…" "And you don't remember anything about it, it's not worth doing..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい…" "Yes..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "とりあえず明日は、様子を見に行ってみます" "In the meantime, I'm going to go out tomorrow and see what's going on."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "かりんちゃんのお見舞いもしておきたいですし" "And I'd like to pay a visit to Karin-chan."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "キモチの場所はどうするの?" "What are you going to do about the location of Kimochi?"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "せっかくみんなで見つけたのに" "We've all been trying to find you."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "今日が新月じゃなければ、場所を特定したかったんですけど" "If it wasn't for today's new moon, I'd have liked to locate it."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "さすがに私たちでも、夜目はちょっと利かないわ…" "As expected of us, even we're a little hard to see at night..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "うちにひとりだけ、目が利く魔法少女がいるわよ?" "There's only one magical girl in our house who has a good eye, you know?"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "静香ちゃんたち以外に?" "Besides Shizuka and the others?"
File:Card 10341 d.png ??? "我のことでありますか?" "Do you mean me?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "きゃっ!" "Yikes!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "どこから…!?" "Where did you...?
File:Card 10341 d.png ??? "驚かせて申し訳ない" "I'm sorry to have frightened you."
File:Card 10341 d.png ??? "少し距離を取って見守っていたのであります" "We were watching from a bit of a distance,"
File:Card 10341 d.png ??? "先の牧場で狙撃をした者…と言えば、わかるでありますか?" "The one who sniped at the ranch ahead...would you understand if I told you that?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あっ…!" "Ah...!"
Hikaru "―ひかる―なぅっ…" "Hikaru-nah-nah..."
Yuna "―結菜―ひかる!!" "Yuna Hikaru!"
Ao "―アオ―狙撃…" "Ao-Sniper...
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あの時の…" "That time..."
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "挨拶が遅れ申した我は三浦旭(みうら あさひ)" "I'm sorry I'm late to greet you, but I am Asahi Miura.
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "先だって時女一族に参画した者であります" "The one who has just joined the Tokime Tribe."
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "静香殿の仰る通り、我なら夜目も利くであります" "Shizuka-dono is right, I can see clearly at night."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "申し出は有り難いけど、やっぱり厳しいわ" "I appreciate the offer, but it's still a tough one."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "調べるにしてもういちゃんの目が利かないもの" "It's something that Ui-chan can't see to find out."
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "我ひとりではままならないし意味がないでありますな" "I can't do it by myself, and it's of no use."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "だから今日は解散して、続きは明日にするしかないわ" "So we'll have to break up today and continue tomorrow."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "残念だけど、仕方ないわね…" "I'm sorry, but I don't blame you..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ただ、このまま解散するのも少しもったいないような" "It's just that it's a bit of a waste of time to break it up as it is."
Card 10254 d.png Sunao "あっ、ではこれからお食事なんていかがですか?" "Oh, so how would you like to have dinner now?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "神浜と時女の親睦も兼ねてだね!" "It's also a great way to get to know Kamihama and Tokijo!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "せっかくだから水徳寺に来てもらう?" "Since you're here, do you want me to come to Suide Temple?"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "水徳寺ならこの近くですね良いと思います" "I think Suidokudera Temple would be a good place to go near here."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私は行きたいです" "I want to go."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "せっかくですし…" "Since you're here..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "わたしも何か手伝うよ!" "I'll help you with something, too!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そうね、ご厚意に甘えましょうか" "Well, let's take advantage of your kindness, shall we?"
Part 3
Name Japanese Translation
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "今日は圧力鍋を使って、ビーフシチューの予定ですよ" "We're going to use the pressure cooker today and we're going to have a beef stew."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "牧場に行って、お肉食べたくなったんだよね" "We went to the ranch and I wanted to eat meat."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "まじか…すげーな…" "'s awesome..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "寺だから、うちより薄味料理だと思ってたのに" "It's a temple, so I thought it was a lighter dish than ours."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "すげーいいのが出てくるぞ!" "It's going to be sooooo good!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "どっちにも失礼だよそれ…" "It's disrespectful to both of us, that's..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "あっ…?" "Oh...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…………" "............"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "あっ…" "Oh..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "うちのメシもうめーよなー…" "Our food is good too..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "まったく…" "Totally..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "やっぱり特訓して強くなって強敵を打ち破っていく" "After all, we're going to train and get stronger and beat a stronger enemy."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "それがデカゴンボールの醍醐味なんだよ!" "That's what the Decagon Ball is all about!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "デカゴンに秘められた謎もちょーいいよな!" "The mystery behind the Decagon is a bit better too!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "それ!" "That!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ちょっとネタばれはやめてよぅ!" "Don't spoil the story for a minute!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ちゃるも興味でてきただろ!?" "You're starting to get interested, aren't you, Charu?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "んー、そこまで推されちゃうとさすがに見たくなる" "Hmm, when you're pushed that far, you're right, I want to see it."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "スタンプラリーのパンフで、キャラクターも見ちゃったし" "I even saw the characters in the stamp rally pamphlet."
File:Card 10052 d.png Tsuruno "そうだフェリシア" "Yes, Felicia."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "わたしたちは今度宿無し探偵・等々力耕一を見よう" "We shall next see the inn-less detective Koichi Todoroki."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "せっかくだし、お互い感想を語り合おうよ!" "Now that we're here, let's talk about what we think of each other!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "それいいな!" "I like that!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "あと、ゆすりんぼう将軍もだよ!" "Oh, and the extortionist general, too!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "わぁ、このキャラクターとても可愛いですね!" "Wow, this character is so cute!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "こねこのゴロゴロっていう私が好きな人形劇なんです…!" "It's called Koneko's Rumble, my favorite puppet show...!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ニボシハジメ先生が書いてる作品は本当にオススメなんで…" "I really recommend the works written by Niboshi Hajime Sensei..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Ui "心温まる話もあるし、友情に泣かされることもあるし" "There are some heartwarming stories, and there are some friendships that make me cry."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "すっごく良い作品が多いの!" "There's so much good work!"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "わたしもさなさんに教えてもらって好きになったんだ" "I fell in love with it too, after Sana-san taught me."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ねっ" "Hey,"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うんっ" "Yeah."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "私も見てみたいです" "I'd like to see it too."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "実は神浜に来てからというものの可愛いものに目がなくって" "Actually, since I've been in Kamihama, I've been blind to the pretty things."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "特にキャラクターものは色々見たいと思っていたんですよ" "I've been wanting to see a lot of things, especially the character stuff,"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "たぶん、キャラもストーリーも気に入ると思います…" "I think you'll probably like the characters and the story..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "良ければ貸しますよ…!" "You can borrow it if you want...!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "いいんですか!?" "Are you sure?!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "さて、私たちは食事の後片付けでもしましょうか" "Well, let's go and clean up after our meal, shall we?"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "それならワタシがこれでも家事手伝いなので" "Then I'm still the housekeeper in this one."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "じゃあご厚意に甘えるわ" "Then I'll take advantage of your kindness."
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "我も手伝うであります" "I will help you too, sir."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "本当に良い親睦会になりましたね" "It's been a really good fellowship."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ええ、やってみて良かったわ" "Yeah, I'm glad I tried."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "それで、明日はどうするの?キモチを探すとは聞いたけど" "So, what are you going to do tomorrow? I heard you were looking for kimochi."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そうね放課後から場所の特定を急ぐわ" "Well, I'll have to hurry up and start locating the place after school."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "それ以降はまた、ひとつずつ調べる感じかしら…" "After that, I guess we'll just go through it again, one by one..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい、1ヶ所だけわからないままですけど" "Yes, although I'm still unsure of one place."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ういが、大凡の位置を調べてくれたので" "Uyi has checked out the general location for me."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "見つからないように少しずつ攻略していけば" "If we can attack them little by little so they don't find us,"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "有利に運べると思います" "I think we can take advantage of it."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "どうせなら地図に書いてもらって手分けしちゃえば早くない?" "Wouldn't it be quicker if we could get it drawn on a map and split it up anyway?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "小さな動きだとしても、数を増やせば大きく見えるわ" "Even if it's just a small movement, it'll look bigger if you add more of them."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "相手にキモチを見つけたと宣言するようなものだし" "And it's like declaring to your partner that you've found a kimoi."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "分散したところを集中して叩かれると" "When you get hit in a concentrated way in a dispersed area,"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "地図を奪われる恐れもあるわ" "They could take the map away from you."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "紙であってもデータを保存した端末でもね" "Whether it's on paper or on a device that stores the data."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "今はリスクを最小限にして動きたいのよ" "I just want to move with the least amount of risk right now."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "確かに時女の集落でも秘密にする物はひとつだけだわ" "Surely there's only one thing to keep secret, even in the Tokime's settlement."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "本でも巻物でも複製なんて有り得なかった" "There was no such thing as a copy of a book or a scroll."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "だから今はコピーは作らずに確実にキモチを倒しましょう" "So let's not make copies now and make sure we beat Kimochi for sure."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "取りあえずは明日の放課後だけどその前にお見舞いよね" "Well, for now, it's after school tomorrow, but we'll see you before then, right?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あ、それなんですけど、結構人数が多くなりそうで…" "Oh, that's it, but there's going to be quite a few of us..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ちょっと病院に迷惑がかかるかもしれません…" "I might be in a bit of trouble with the hospital..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "それなら、いろはさん…" "Then, Iroha-san..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "私とういちゃんは、あとで合流でも大丈夫ですよ…" "Me and Ui-chan can meet up with you later if you want..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "え…?" "What...?"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "私はアイちゃんのこともあるからアリナとは会いたくなくて…" "I didn't want to see Alina because of Ai's situation..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "それに、ちょうど鶴乃さんがプレゼントしてくれたんです" "Besides, Tsuruno-san just gave it to me as a gift."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "お姉ちゃん、見て!" "Sis, look!"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "こねこのゴロゴロがねカフェで見られるんだって!" "I heard you can see the kitten rumble at the Knee Cafe!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "へぇ、コラボカフェ" "Heh, collaboration cafe."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "って、どうして鶴乃ちゃんが?" "I mean, why is Tsuruno-chan?"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "デカゴンスタンプラリーで代わりに押してきてもらったから" "Because I had the Decagon Stamp Rally push it for me instead."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "お返しにチケットを用意してたんだ" "I had a ticket for you in return."
File:Card 10011 d.png Tsuruno "恩はしっかり返す魔法少女…それが由比鶴乃だからね!" "I'm a magical girl who owes you a debt of gratitude... and that's what you are, Tsuruno Yubi!"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "ねぇ、行ってもいい?" "Hey, can I go?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うん、人数も多すぎたから、あとで合流しよっか" "Yeah, there were too many of us, so I'll meet up with you later."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うんっ" "Yeah."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "あ、私もご一緒させてもらいます" "Oh, I'm going to have to join you."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "布教に成功してる…!" "It's a missionary success...!"
Part 4
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "今夜中に神浜の連中がキモチを発見すれば" "If the guys in Kamihama discover Kimochi tonight,"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "石は諦めざるを得ないわぁ" "I'm going to have to give up the stone."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "だけど今日は新月" "But today is a new moon."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "まだ見つけていない可能性は十分あるはずよぉ" "There's a good chance you haven't found it yet."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "でも、明日になればすぐにでも調べるはずっす" "But I'm sure we'll find out as soon as tomorrow."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "だからタイムリミットまで残された時間は少ない" "So there's not much time left until the time limit."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "この限られた時間の中で私たちはできることをしないと" "We have to do what we can in this limited time."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "…………" "............"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "あの環いろはの妹だけど" "I mean, that Kan Iroha's sister..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "前の電波望遠鏡での話と今回の行動を組み合わせると" "When you combine the previous radio telescope story with this action,"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "やっぱり何かあると思うんだよね~" "I still think there's something to it!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "さらって調べてみるか?" "Let's do a quick check, shall we?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "学校に仲間の魔法少女がいるはずだから" "I'm sure you have a fellow magical girl at school."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "間違いなくガードは固いはずよぉ" "I'm sure your guard is up."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "まぁそうだよね~" "Well, I guess so!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "となると、結局一番有効な手がかりっつーのは" "So, in the end, the most effective clue is..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "妹と馬が調べてきたキモチだけか" "So it's just the kimochi that my sister and her horse have been researching."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "連中も本腰を入れるだろうな" "I'm sure they'll get down to business."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "っすね…" "Right..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "だからタイムリミットまでに樹里の大嫌いなことをするわよぉ" "So I'm going to do something that Juri hates to do before the time limit."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "なんだよ、やめろよ何する気だよ…" "What the hell, stop, what are you doing..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ッふふ、小細工を仕掛けるのよぉ" "Hmmm, I'm going to have to play a little trick on you."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "――っ!?" "--Huh?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "そういうことかよ" "Is that what you mean?"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "わたしもなんとなくわかっちゃった~" "I kind of figured it out too~"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "え、な、なんすか?" "What, what is it?"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "今日は寝られそうにないよひかる" "I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep today, Hikaru."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "え?" "What?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "取りあえず、その辺りの“石”を拾って集めてきなさぃ" "Why don't you go pick up some rocks from the area and see what you can find?
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "魔力を込めて一気に巻き返すわよぉ" "We're going to reel you in all at once with our magic."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "――っ!?そういうことっすか…" "--What? Is that what you mean..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "策を使って相手を落とす、昔の結菜さんみたいっすね" "You're like the old Yuna-san, using trickery to bring your opponent down, right?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ええ、クールにいきましょぅ…" "Yeah, let's keep it cool..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ネオマギウスのふたりにも仕事が作れそうだな" "I think I can make a job for both of you neoMagius."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "リィちゃん、明日はお願いね紅晴さんを見つけたいから" "Li-chan, tomorrow, please, I want to find Kureha-san."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "…………" "............"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "それじゃ、おやすみなさい" "Well, good night then."
Kagome "…………" "............"
Kagome "寝ていても少しだけわかる…" "I can tell a little bit in my sleep..."
Kagome "リィちゃんに聞けば教えてくれる" "Ask Li-chan and she'll tell you."
Kagome "夜の帳に包まれて今日も魔法少女たちは闇を駆けている" "Today, wrapped in the book of night, magical girls are running through the darkness."
Part 5
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "…………" "............"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "(潜伏させている子の情報が正しいとするなら)" "(Assuming the information about the child in hiding is correct)"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "(樹里が焼いた子は既に意識は戻っているはず…)" "(The child Juri burned should have already regained consciousness...)"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "(魔法少女の回復速度を考えれば見舞いに行く時期は近いわぁ…)" "(Considering the speed at which magical girls recover, it's almost time to go visit them...)"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "リィちゃん…本当に紅晴さんがこっちに…?" "Li-chan... is Kureha really over here...?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "…………" "............"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "うん、大丈夫…信じてる…" "Yeah, I'm fine...I believe..."
"ピロン♪" "Pilon♪"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "――っ!?" "--?!"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あ、いろはさんから…" "Oh, Iroha-san..."
Iroha "今日、お見舞いに行ったあとでキモチを探しに行くんだけどかごめちゃんも良ければどうかな…?色々まとめるのに役立てられたら嬉しいんだけど…" "I'm going to look for Kimochi today after I visit her, if it's okay with you, Kagome-chan...? I'm hoping it will help me put things together..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "(ごめんなさい…)" "(I'm sorry...)"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "(今日はプロミストブラッドを追ってみたいので…)" "(I'd like to follow the Promise Blood today, so...)"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "…………" "............"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "正直に送った方が良いよね…" "I'd better send you the honesty..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<うん、ギクシャクするかもしれないからね>" "Yeah, it might be awkward, you know."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "きゃ!?" "Kya!"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あの…ごめんなさい…手を上げた方がいいですか…?" "Um...I'm sorry...should I raise my hand...?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "いえ、構わないわぁ" "No, I don't mind."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "一瞬、妙な魔力を感じて出てきただけよぉ…" "I just came out with a strange magical power for a moment..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "じゃあ、私は急いでいるから" "Well, I'm in a hurry, then."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あの!" "Um!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "…なにかしらぁ?" "What... what is it?
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "…………" "............"
File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<頑張って、かごめちゃん!>" "Good luck, Kagome! >"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "私、魔法少女のことを纏めてて…取材させてもらえませんか…!?" "I'm putting together a list of magical girls... can you let me interview them...?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "…あなた、神浜側の人間じゃないのぉ?" "...You're not from the Kamihama side?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "…………えと" ".........uh."
File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<たぶん、かごめちゃんはそうだよ>" "Maybe, Kagome, you are."
File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<いろはさんに命を救ってもらったんだから…>" "Since Iroha-san saved my life..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<でも…>" "But..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "でも、魔法少女のことをまとめるひとりの人間としては…" "But as one person who puts together a magical girl thing..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "魔法少女じゃない人間としては、公平に纏めたいと思ってます…!" "As someone who isn't a magical girl, I'd like to put it together fairly...!"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "みんなのことを知ってもらうのが私の…使命だから…!" "It's my... mission to get to know everyone...!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "…そう" "...yes."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "別にどう書かれたところで、私は構わないわぁ" "I don't care how it's written, I don't care how it's written, I don't care!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "付いてきて纏めたいのなら、勝手に纏めなさぃ" "If you want to follow me and put it together, don't put it together on your own."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "ありがとう…ございます…" "Thank you...thank you...thank you..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ただ、あなたのことは待たないわ" "I just won't wait for you."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "自分で付いてきて今日はとても忙しいのよぉ" "Follow yourself and I'm very busy today!"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "わかりました…" "Okay..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ふふっ" "Huh."
Yuna "準備をする時間はある仕掛も用意した水先案内人もいる" "We've got time to prepare, we've got work in progress, and we've got pilots who are ready to go."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "今日は圧倒的に有利だわぁ…" "You've got a huge advantage today..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "…………" "............"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "提案しに来たんだよ互いにユニオンは敵だろう?" "I'm here to suggest that we're both enemies of the Union, aren't we?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "それなら樹里サマたちと手を組まないか?" "Then why don't we join forces with Juri-sama and the others?"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "え…" "Eh..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "つまり、手に入れた石は互いのモンつーことだ" "I mean, the stones you get are each other's property."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "樹里サマたちはお前たちに力をやる" "JuriSama and the others will give you the power."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "だから、お前たちは神浜の知識をこっちに寄越せ" "So you guys should contribute your knowledge of the Kamihama over here."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "(ぼくたちはあの人に手を貸していいのかな…)" "I don't know if we can help him..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "(ユニオンを裏切ったら…ぼくは…)" "If I betray the Union, I'm..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "(何者でもないぼくよりもダメなぼくになりそう…)" "(I'm going to be worse than a nobody...)"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "(やっぱり今は隠れた方が良いよね…)" "(It's better to hide now, after all...)"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "(はぐむんと一緒に探さないとぼくたちの隠れ家を…)" "We need to find our hideout together with Hagumun, and..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "よっ" "Yo,"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "あっ…" "Oh..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ようやく水先案内人の出番だ" "Finally, it's time for the pilotage."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "北養の地理についてお前の知ってる全てを教えな" "Tell me everything you know about the geography of the Hokuyo."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "…………" "............"
Part 6
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "(どうしよう…はぐむんが来ちゃう…)" "(What do I do...Hagumun is going to come...)"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "(逃げないと…)" "(We have to run...)"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "(でも、逃げたらぼく、この人に何をされるか…)" "But I don't know what he'll do to me if I run..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "なーに、ひとりで勝手に緊張してんだよ…" "Nah, I'm nervous on my own..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "アメでも食うか?落ち着くぞ?" "Do you want some candy? Will you calm down?"
Part 7
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "(このまま利用されるのはやだ…はぐむんが来る前に逃げよう…)" "(I hate to be used like this...let's get out of here before Hagumun gets here...)"
File:Card 10294 d.png Hagumuの声 "時雨ちゃーん" "Shigure,"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "――っ!?" "--Huh?!"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "は、はぐむん!" "Ha, haggle!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "なんだ、仲間と待ち合わせしてたのかよ" "What, you've been meeting up with your buddies?"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "あっ…" "Oh..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ナイス" "Nice."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "これで樹里サマが探す手間が省けたっつーの" "This will save Juri-sama the trouble of looking for you."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "…………" "............"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "さっそくお前らに仕事を頼みたい" "I'd like to get a job for you guys as soon as possible."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "な、なに…?" "What...?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "こっから樹里サマたちが行くのは北養の山の中" "From now on, Juri-sama and the others will go to the mountains of the Hokuyo."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "モーモーファームっつう牧場の近くだ" "It's near a ranch called MooMoo Farm."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "あの辺りの案内をして欲しい" "I need you to give me a tour of that area."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "山に入っちまえば右も左もわからねーからな" "Once you're in the mountains, you don't know left or right."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "でも、あの…私たち…山の中なんて知らないです…" "But, um... we... we don't know what's in the mountains..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "細かいところまでは求めちゃいねーよ" "I'm not asking for any details,"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ただ、この辺りの学校じゃ遠足で牧場に行くんだろ?" "It's just, in the schools around here, you go on field trips to the farm, right?"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "…でも無理" "...but I can't."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "…えと、自由行動で山の中になんて入らないし…" "...Well, I'm not going into the mountains for free and..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "遠足なんて行かなくても自由に行動してるはずだろ" "You don't have to go on a field trip, you're supposed to be free to do what you want."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "山の中を歩く理由がないよ…" "There's no reason to walk in the mountains..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "マギウスの翼の本拠地が山の中にあってもか?" "Even if the home base of the Magius Wing is in the mountains?"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "…………" "............"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "うちのメンバーが黒羽根として世話になってたことがあるからな" "Our member was once taken care of as a black feather."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "知ってるんだよ、樹里サマは" "I know, Juri-sama,"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "時雨ちゃん…この人にウソは通じない…" "Shigure-chan... you can't lie to this man..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "ハッタリも…" "You're bluffing..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "じゃあ、言うことを聞くの…?" "So you're going to listen to me...?"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "今は、自分の身を守らないといけないよ…" "Now you have to protect yourself..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "…………うん" "......................................yes."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "引き受けるよ…" "I'll take care of it..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ニヒッ、いい返事だこれで樹里サマの準備は整ったな" "Nihil, good reply, now you're ready for Juri Sama."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "出番だぞ、馬!!" "You're on, horse!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "わざわざ神浜の外に出向いたんだ失敗するなよ…!" "We went all the way out of the Kamihama, don't make a mistake...!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "次女さんからのメッセージ…" "A message from your second daughter..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "…余計なお世話っす" "'s none of your business."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "みんなが魔力を込めた石と結菜さんの固有魔法" "Everyone's magic-powered stone and Yuna's unique magic."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "ひかるが無駄にするはずがないっす" "There's no way Hikaru is going to waste it."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "馬も動き始めたし、もう少ししたら行くとするか" "The horses are starting to move, and we'll get going in a little while."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ゆっくりと時間を見ながらタイミングを計るわぁ" "I'll take my time and time it right."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "これなら今回はイージーゲーム余裕でクリア出来そうだね~" "I think I can get through the easy game this time around with plenty of time to spare!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "えぇ…" "Yes..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "神浜の連中は、キモチに人員を割けなくなるはずよぉ" "The guys in Kamihama should not be able to devote any more manpower to Kimochi."
Part 8
Name Japanese Translation
"紅晴さんからみんなに流れてく。" "It flows from Kureha-san to everyone else."
"心の奥底に染みていくの…。" "It seeps deep into my heart...."
"空気に触れた途端に稲妻になる。" "As soon as it touches the air, it becomes a lightning bolt."
"いろはさんのことを考えていた…。" "I was thinking about Iroha-san...."
File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "よかった~" "I'm glad~"
File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "私のせいで大ケガしたと思うともう、夜も眠れなくてぇ~" "I can't sleep at night anymore when I think I'm so badly injured!"
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "いくみんのせいじゃないの" "It's not Ikumi's fault."
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "あの夜は、わたしがひとりで飛び出したのが悪かったの" "It was a bad idea for me to run out on my own that night."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "なに言ってんの…?" "What are you talking about...?"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "レナたちをかばってケガしたようなもんじゃない…" "It's not like you were injured defending Lena and the others..."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "これ、置いておくわよ好きなんでしょ?" "I'm going to leave you with this, you like it, don't you?"
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "あーっ!きりんちゃんのぬいぐるみ!" "Ah! Giraffe's stuffed animal!"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "ゲーセンのクレーンゲームでちょうど良いのがあったのよ" "There was a crane game at the arcade that was just right for me."
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "レナちゃん1回で取ったよね" "Rena-chan, you took it in one go, right?"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "とーぜん!" "Tozen!"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "って、それ言ったら安く見えちゃうじゃないのよ!" "I mean, you're going to look cheap when you say that!"
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "うゆぅ!" "Uuuh!"
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "それで、火傷の方は平気じゃないよね…?" "So, you're not okay with the burns...?"
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "まだ動けないんだよね…?" "I can't move yet...?"
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "うん…" "Yeah..."
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "でも治りが早いからお医者さんは驚いてるの" "But the doctors are surprised at how quickly you're healing."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そりゃあ魔法少女だもの" "That's because she's a magical girl."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ごめんね、かりんちゃん" "I'm sorry, Karin."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "もう少しちゃんと話を聞いておけばよかった…" "I should have listened to you a little better..."
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "みんな、謝りすぎなの…こっちの気が滅入るの…!" "Guys, I'm apologizing too much... it's depressing for me...!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そうね" "Yes,"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "反省はしつつも明るくいましょう御園さんも許してくれてるし" "Let's be remorseful, but let's stay cheerful, and Gono-san has forgiven me for that."
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "なの!" "Nah!"
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "それより、お見舞いのリンゴが食べたいの" "More importantly, I'd like some apples for a visit."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "じゃあ、うさぎさんにしてあげるね" "Well, I'll make you a rabbit, then."
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "きりんちゃんがいいの" "I want Kirin-chan."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それは、ちょっと…" "It's just that..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ふふっ、ここぞとばかりに甘える気ね" "Hmph, you're going to spoil it here."
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "病人の特権なの" "It's a privilege for sick people."
"1番線、“北養保養地”方面「神浜ビジネスパーク」行きが参ります黄色い線より下がってお待ちください" "Line 1, the "Shenbin Business Park" train is coming to you, please stand back from the yellow line.
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "ひかるは“北”から他の方面からは頼んだっすよ" "Hikaru asked for it from the north, not the other direction."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "それで、その同じ患者扱いのアリナはどうなんだ?" "So what about that same patient treatment, Alina?"
File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|…………|" "|.....................
File:Card 10084 d.png Alina "アリナはいつまで、頭を触られてないといけないワケ?" "How long is Alina going to be without having her head touched?"
File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|魔力の反応は前と同じ|" "The reaction to magic is the same as before."
File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|記憶を失ってる点については真偽を確かめることはできない|" "We can't be sure about the fact that you're losing your memory."
File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|だから私には結論を出せない|" "| So I can't draw any conclusions.
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "もしも偽証だとしたら、いつ、何をしだすかわからないわ" "If it's perjury, I don't know when they're going to start doing it."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "せめて変身に制限をかけられないかしら…?" "Can we at least put a limit on the transformation...?"
File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|それは、できない|" "I can't do that."
File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|今、アリナ・グレイの責任を追及しようとしても|" "| If you try to hold Alina Gray accountable right now...
File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|記憶を失っているという医師の診断を覆せない以上|" "Since we can't overturn the doctor's diagnosis that he has lost his memory,"
File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|責任追及を果たせない|" "I can't hold them accountable."
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "それに、アリナ先輩は演技ができるほど器用じゃないの" "Besides, senior Alina isn't handy enough to act."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "かりんちゃんが入院する前に退院しようとしてたんですよね?" "You were trying to get out of the hospital before Karin was admitted, weren't you?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それは、記憶が回復したからじゃないっていうことですか?" "Does that mean it's not because you've recovered your memory?"
File:Card 10084 d.png Alina "このホスピタルで受ける刺激はこれ以上ないからって" "Because the stimulation I get at this hospital couldn't be better,"
File:Card 10084 d.png Alina "退院しようとしていたワケ" "Why I was about to leave the hospital."
File:Card 10084 d.png Alina "要は元のライフサイクルに戻ってリカバーしようとしてたんだヨネ" "The point is, I was trying to recover back to the original life cycle, Yone."
File:Card 10084 d.png Alina "ケド、そのタイミングでアリナの作品が来たってワケ" "Ked, that's why Alina's piece came at the right time."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "それで入院を延長ね…" "So we'll have to extend your stay..."
File:Card 10084 d.png Alina "自分がマネーに困らないぐらいのアーティストっていうのは" "An artist who is so good at what he does that he doesn't have to worry about money."
File:Card 10084 d.png Alina "話に聞いて知ってたんだヨネ" "I knew it from the stories I heard, Yone."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "別に、記憶喪失でもいいけど、やっぱりモヤモヤするわね…" "I don't mind if you have amnesia, but it's still a bit of a blur..."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "振り逃げされたようなもんだよ" "It's like being swept away."
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "うん…" "Yeah..."
File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "時々、様子を見に来るしかなさそうだね" "I guess I'll just have to come back to check on you from time to time."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そうね…" "Well..."
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "大丈夫なの!" "It's okay!"
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "アリナ先輩には絵の描き方をいっぱい教えてもらったから" "Because Alina-senpai taught me a lot about how to draw,"
File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "今度はわたしが、アリナ先輩を更生させるの!!" "This time I'm going to reform Alina-senpai!"
File:Card 10084 d.png Alina "…………" "............"
File:Card 10084 d.png Alina "アリナの作品はフールガールなワケ…?" "Why is Alina's work a Fool Girl...?"
"“新西中央”方面「神浜市」行きが参ります" "The train is now on its way to Shinsei-Chuo, bound for Kamihama City.
"“大東会館”方面「中央取引所」行きが参ります" "The train is now on its way to Daito Hall, bound for Central Exchange.
"“南凪海浜公園”方面「栄」行きが参ります" "The train is now on its way to Minaminagi Seaside Park.
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "よっしゃー!" "Yes!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "これで、デカゴンボールグッズゲットだぞ!" "Now we're going to get some decagon ball merchandise!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "わたしもちゃんと貰えたよー!" "I got it right too!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ふんふん!" "Humph!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ふんす!" "Humph!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "いやぁ、わたしも何だかんだデカゴンボールファンだからねー" "Oh no, I'm a Decagon Ball fan too, for what it's worth!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "引っ越しの手伝いに行った時は悲しみを超えて震えたよね…" "I know you were shaking beyond sadness when I went to help you move..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "でも、結果オーライだな!" "But I guess it's all over!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "モーモーファームの団体券も手に入れたしね" "And I've got a group ticket to MooMoo Farm, too."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "おう!" "Oh!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "おっ…?" "Whoa...?"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "これ、魔法少女の反応…?" "Is this a magical girl's reaction...?"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "なに…これ…" "What... this..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "やべーぞ…なんだよこの数…" "Oh shit... what's with all these numbers..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "何人…来てるのこれ…" "How many... how many... this is coming..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "近付いてくるのが速い電車に乗ってきてる…?" "You're on a fast approaching train...?"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "外から何十人も魔法少女が来たんじゃねーか…?" "Didn't dozens of magical girls come in from outside...?"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "やちよに連絡しよう!" "Let's call Yachiyo!"
Part 9
Name Japanese Translation
"~~♪~~♪" "~~♪~~"
Tsukuyo "『あっ、環さんでございますか!?大変でございますよ!』" "Oh, is it Tamaki-san? It's a big deal!"
Tsukasa "「うん、東の方から魔法少女の反応が沢山あって!」" "Yeah, I got a lot of magical girl reactions from the east!"
Tsukuyo "『もしかしたらですが他の町の魔法少女たちも神浜に来たかもしれないでございます!』" "It's possible, but the magical girls from other towns may have also come to Kamihama!"
Tsukasa "「ねー!」" "Hey!"
Tsukasa "「こっちは十七夜さんにも連絡を取ってるから!少し追いかけてみるね!」" "We've been in touch with Kanagi over here, too! I'll have to chase it down a bit!"
Tsukuyo "『ねー!』" "Hey!"
"~~♪~~♪" "~~♪~~"
Miyako Hinano "「やちよさんか!」" "You're Yachiyo-san!"
Miyako Hinano "「南の方の鉄道を使って魔法少女が神浜に侵入してきたぞ!」" "A magical girl has invaded the Kamihama using the railroad in the south!"
Miyako Hinano "「穏やかな言い方じゃないが数が普通じゃない」" "I don't mean to sound mild, but the numbers aren't normal."
Miyako Hinano "「このまま放置すると何十人も魔法少女たちが神浜に溢れ出す」" "If left unattended, dozens of magical girls will flood the Kamihama."
Miyako Hinano "「さらに悪い知らせだけどなどうも他からも同じように魔法少女が来てるらしい」" "Even worse news, though, apparently there are magical girls coming in from other places as well."
Miyako Hinano "「もしも示し合わせているとしたらかなり厄介かもしれないぞ…」" "If they're showing you, it could be pretty nasty..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "鶴乃ちゃんだけじゃなくてみんなからも連絡が…" "It's not just Tsuruno-chan, everyone else has contacted me as well..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "…他の地域の魔法少女が手を結んで徒党を組んで来た…?" "...Magical girls from other areas came to join hands and form a clique...?"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "いや、いくらなんでも、できすぎじゃないか…?" "No, it's too much to ask...?"
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "うん、勘違いかもしれないし…" "Yeah, I could be wrong and..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "揃いも揃って同じような連絡で勘違いはさすがにないわよ…" "You're not going to be mistaken for the same kind of communication with all the same people..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "状況を真剣に受け止めた方が良いかもしれません…" "You might want to take the situation seriously..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ねむちゃんが言ってたんです" "Nemu said."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "危険なイレギュラーが起きた時人は“大丈夫”だって思う" "Whenever there's a dangerous irregularity, people think it's going to be OK."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "“正常性バイアス”がかかるって" "He said there's a "normalcy bias" going on.
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "でも、真剣に対応するなら、どうするっていうの?" "But if you're going to take it seriously, what are you going to do?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…………" "............"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "外から来た魔法少女への対処も必要だけど" "We'll have to deal with the magical girls from the outside, though."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "キモチの発見も急がないと…" "We've got to hurry up and find Kimochi..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "たぶん時間を空けたら、紅晴さんたちに先を越される…" "Maybe if we give them time, Kureha-san and the others will beat us to it..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "北へは少数で向かう…それしかないでしょうか…?" "We'll head north in small numbers... is that all we can do...?"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "そうだね…" "Well..."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "神浜に来た数が多いとなると、キモチに人を割くのは危険だよ…" "When the number of people who have come to Kamihama is so large, it's dangerous to devote people to Kimochi..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そうね…" "Well..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "となると、ももこたちは、西にいる鶴乃たちのヘルプ…" "Then, Momoko and the others will help Tsuruno and the others in the west..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "東は十七夜と天音姉妹でハンドリングできると思うわ" "I think East can handle it with the Kanagi and Tenon sisters."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "最後に南は都さんたちだけど、数だけは心配ね…" "Finally, the south is the capital and others, but I'm worried about the numbers..."
File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "私が令ちゃんと一緒に、ひなのさんを助けるから安心して" "Don't worry, I'll work with Rei-chan to help Hinano-san."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ええ、ありがとう" "Yes, thank you."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "そこまで割いちゃうと、面子は決まったようなもんだな" "When you divide it up that far, it's like you've got a face to face."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい" "Yes,"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私とやちよさんは、ういとさなちゃんと合流します" "Me and Yachi-san will meet up with Ui and Sana."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それに静香ちゃんたちもいるからきっと大丈夫です!" "And Shizuka and the others are here, so I'm sure you'll be fine!"
Yuna "道具に魔力を込めて強化するのは魔法少女にとって基本中の基本" "Putting magic power into a tool to strengthen it is basic for a magical girl."
Yuna "だけど、それと私の対象変更の力を合わせて応用すれば相手が石に込められた魔力を認識した時に魔法少女だと誤認するように変更できる" "But if you apply that, combined with my power to change the target, you can change it so that when they recognize the magic in the stone, they will mistakenly believe that you are a magical girl."
Yuna "その数を重ねれば“疑似的な大軍”を作れるのよぉ" "The more of them we have, the more we can create a pseudo-army.
Yuna "今回も数十個の石に夜通し魔力を込めて各方面の魔法少女に持たせてるから" "This time, too, I'm putting magic power into dozens of stones all night long and letting magical girls from all sides hold them."
Yuna "こちらのメンバーはひとりでも魔力を感知した魔法少女からすると大軍が押し寄せたように錯覚をするはずよぉ" "Even if one member of this group is alone, from a magical girl who senses magic power, it should give the illusion of a large army coming in..."
Yuna "ふふっ" "Huh."
Yuna "こうした小細工を樹里は嫌うけど私は昔からよく使っていたわぁ" "I know Juri hates these little tricks, but I used to use them a long time ago!"
Part 10
Name Japanese Translation
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ふぅ…" "Huh..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "今の電話いろはちゃんから?" "Was that Iroha-chan on the phone?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "…………" "............"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "何かあったの?" "What's going on?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "外から大勢の魔法少女たちが攻めてきたかもしれないって" "He said there could be a lot of magical girls attacking us from outside."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "しれない…?どゆこと…?" "Might...? What do you mean...?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "魔力の数だけがたくさんあって、まだ判別できていないみたい" "There are only so many magical powers, and it seems we haven't been able to identify them yet."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うーん…" "Ummm..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "どのみち友だちの大ピンチだよね?" "You're in big trouble with your friends anyway, right?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "これは時女一族の出番なんじゃないかな!?" "I think this is the Tokime's Tribe's cue!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "もう提案してみたわ" "I've already suggested it."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "でも、環さんが、遠慮するって言ってたわ" "But Tamaki-san said she's going to refrain from it."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ぇええ?" "Yeah?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "石とは関係がないことで巻き込むのは申し訳ないそうよ" "She's sorry to get you involved in something that has nothing to do with the stone."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "えー水臭いなぁ" "Yeah, it smells like water."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "でも、逆の立場だったら同じかもしれないわ…" "But if it were the other way around, it might be the same..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "かなぁ…" "I wonder..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "でも、そうかも…" "But maybe..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "自分の事情に友だちまで巻き込んじゃうんだもんね…" "You're even getting your friends involved in your own situation..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うぅ、何もできないのはもどかしぃ~" "Ugh, it's frustrating not being able to do anything!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "そうでもないわよ?これから私たちも動くんだから" "Not really, okay? We're going to be moving on, too."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "はぇ?巻き込みたくないのに…?" "Huh? You don't want to get involved, but...?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "神浜の混乱には他の魔法少女たちで対応して" "You'll have to deal with the chaos of the Kamihama with the other magical girls."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "環さんたちは昨日に続いてキモチの調査をするんですって" "Tamaki-san and the others are going to investigate Kimochi after yesterday."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "まぁ、あの二木市の魔法少女に先を越されるワケにいかないしね" "Well, I can't let that magical girl from Futatsugi City beat me to it."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "じゃあ、今の電話は…?" "So, what was that call you just made...?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "近況報告とお願い" "An update and a request."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "私たち時女一族は、昨日のモーモーファームに行って" "We, the Tokime Tribe, went to the moo-moo farm yesterday."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "環さんたちを待ち受けるのよ" "We're waiting for you, Rin and the others."
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "静香殿、今の話我々も聞いていたでありますよ" "Shizuka-dono, we've heard what you just said, too."
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "昨日北養へと赴いた面々は、今日も共に参る所存であります" "Those of us who went to Hokuyo yesterday are willing to come with you today."
File:Card 99999 d.png "神浜と協力することの意義は私たちも理解しています" "We understand the significance of working with Shenbin,"
File:Card 99999 d.png "行きましょう北養へ" "Let's go to the Hokuyo."
File:Card 99999 d.png "そして時女と日の本の未来のため必ずや石を手に入れましょう" "And for the future of the Tokime and the Book of Days, we will surely get the stone."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ありがとう、みんな" "Thanks, guys."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "すなおちゃんは向こうで合流かな" "I wonder if Sunao-chan will be joining us over there."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "そうね" "Yes,"
Part 11
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "…………" "............"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "…………" "............"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "どう…?" "How...?"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ぜんっぜんわかんねーぞ…" "I don't understand any of this..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "けど、この中にたくさん魔法少女がいるはずなんだよな?" "But there must be a lot of magical girls in here, right?"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "そうなんだけど、これは正直上手いよ…" "Yeah, but I'm honestly good at this..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "乗客の中に学生が多いし魔力の反応も入り交じってるから" "There's a lot of students on board, and there's a lot of mixed magical reactions."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "全然判別できない…" "I can't discern any..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "指輪してるやつもぜーんぜんいないよなー" "There's no one wearing a ring, either!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "今わかるのは列車で中央区に向かってるぐらいだね…" "The only thing I can tell you right now is that you're on a train headed for Central..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "むむぅ…" "Mmmm..."
"ピロン♪" "Pilon♪"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "お、ももこだ" "Oh, it's a peach."
Momoko "そっちの調子はどうだ…?誰か特定できそうか?" "How's it going over there...? Can you identify who it is?"
Momoko "せめて動きとか…" "Or at least a movement or something..."
Tsuruno "んにゃ、全然ダメだよ…カムフラージュされちゃって…" "Nah, not at all...I'm camouflaged..."
Momoko "マジか…" "Seriously..."
Tsuruno "途中で降りたりしないと中央区に入りそうだよ" "If we don't get off in the middle of the road or something, we're going to be in the median."
Momoko "そこで改めて探りを入れる?" "Is that where you're going to explore again?"
Tsuruno "うん、十七夜たちもみんなそうするしかないと思う…" "Yeah, I think all the Kanagiers will have to do that too..."
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "月夜ちゃん、このまま中央区に向かおう" "Tsukuyo-chan, let's continue to head to Central Ward."
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "十七夜さんが相手を判別できないって…" "Kanagi, you can't tell who you're dealing with..."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "向こうが降りたところで探るしかないでございますね" "We'll just have to find out where they went down, sir."
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "だめだね、ひなのさんも誰が魔法少女かキャッチできない" "No, Hinano-san can't catch who's a magical girl either."
File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "電車が向かってるのは、中央区…だよね" "The train is headed to...central...right?"
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "うん…" "Yeah..."
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "四方から来てる電車が決まって神浜の中心に向かってる…" "The trains coming from all directions are decidedly headed for the center of the Kamihama..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ちょっと、この魔力って…" "Hey, this magical power is..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "環さんが言っていた外から現れた大勢の魔法少女…?" "The many magical girls who appeared from outside that Tamaki-san was talking about...?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "この速さ…" "This fast..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "これって近くを走ってる電車からだよ!" "This is from a train running nearby!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "…………ふふん"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "確かに魔法少女が何人もいるけど何かおかしいよぅ…" "Sure, there are a few magical girls, but there's something wrong with them..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ちゃる…?" "Charu...?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "複数の魔法少女が乗ってるのにひとり分の悪意しか臭わない…" "There are multiple magical girls on board, and I can only smell the malice of one..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "…………" "............"
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "ひとりを中心にして他の魔法少女が騙されている…?" "The other magical girls are being tricked around one of them...?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "もしくは…偽物…?" "Or... fake...?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "フェイク!?そんなのできるの!?" "Fake! How is that even possible?
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "できるかも…" "Maybe we can..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "時女も刀に魔力を込めて鍛え続けてきたんだから…!" "Tokime has been forging her sword with magical power for a long time now...!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "これは、いろはちゃんに教えてあげないと…!!" "I'll have to teach Iroha-chan about this...!"
Yuna "学生が溢れる放課後は魔法少女の数をごまかすには絶好のタイミング" "After school filled with students is the perfect time to cheat on the number of magical girls."
Yuna "他の生徒たちも揃って電車を使う時間になるでしょぅ?" "It's time for all the other students to use the train, right?"
Yuna "空いている時間ならすぐにネタがバレるけど混んでいる時間ならカムフラージュが有効誰が魔法少女なのかは簡単にわからないでしょうねぇ…" "If it's empty, the story is immediately obvious, but if it's crowded, the camouflage is effective, and it won't be easy to tell who's a magical girl..."
Yuna "結果、姿を見るまでは離れられないし時間だけが削がれていく" "As a result, you can't leave until you see them, and time just gets cut down."
Yuna "となると、北へ向かった少数の精鋭たちは助けを求められない状況へ追いやられるわぁ" "Then those few elites who headed north will be forced into a situation where they can't ask for help, huh?"
Yuna "―結菜―じゃあ私たちも向かいましょうかぁ" "-Yuna - then let's head over there too, shall we?"
Juri "―樹里―なんで樹里サマたちも神浜の外から回って入るんだよ" "-Juri - why do Juri Sama and the others have to go around and enter from the outside of the Kamihama?"
Yuna "―結菜―中心に向かう魔法少女が多い中で私たちだけ逆に動いていたら?" "-Yuna - what if we're the only magical girls who are moving in the opposite direction of many magical girls who are moving towards the center?"
Juri "―樹里―…怪しいな" "Juri-...I doubt it."
Yuna "―結菜―そういうことよぉ" "Yuna."
Ao "―アオ―ひかるから連絡" "Ao Hikaru called.
Ao "―アオ―まだ神浜の連中にはバレてないみたいだよ~" "-Ao - I don't think the guys in Kamihama have found out yet~"
Yuna "―結菜―首尾は上々ねぇ" "Yuna... it's going great."
Ao "―アオ―あとはこのまま時間をかせいで" "-Ao - we just need to buy ourselves some time."
Ao "―アオ―モーモーファームの周辺で泳いでもらって~" "-Ao - get them to swim around the MooMoo Farm -"
Ao "―アオ―わたしたちで囲めばゲームオーバーだよね~" "-Ao - if we surround it with us, it's game over!"
Juri "―樹里―そのためにも頼むぞ同盟を組んだんだからな" "-Juri - for that, please, we've formed an alliance."
Shigure "―時雨―…………" "-Shigure........................."
Hagumu "―はぐむ―はい…" "Haggle-yes..."
Part 12
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "こっちだよ、お姉ちゃん!" "This way, sis!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "時女の皆さんも一緒です…!" "The Tokime are with you...!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はぁ…はぁ…ごめんね遅くなっちゃって" "Huh...huh...sorry I'm late."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "そんな私たちもさっき来たばかりですよ…" "Oh, we just got here, too..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ずっとゴロゴロカフェに居ましたから" "I've been in the raggedy cafe the whole time."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "すみません大変な時に、私たちだけ…" "I'm sorry, it's a tough time and we're just-"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "全然気にしてないよ" "I don't mind it at all."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "3人で遊びに行くのは、昨日からわかってたことだから" "The three of us are going to go out and play, because we knew yesterday that we were going to play together."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "それで環さん…外からの魔法少女はどうだった?" "So, Tamaki-san... how was the magical girl from the outside?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うん、連絡してくれた?" "Yeah, did you call me?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "偽物かもしれないってみんなに連絡しておいたよ" "I've called everyone to tell them it might be a fake."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そんな発想は私になかったわありがとう" "That idea never occurred to me, thank you."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "悪意を嗅ぎ取るわたしの能力のおかげだねっ" "It's because of my ability to sniff out malice, isn't it?"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ということは、皆さんはこちらに合流できるんですか?" "So, does that mean you guys can join us here?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "確信が持てない以上離れるのも危険かもしれないから" "Because it might be too dangerous to leave when you're not sure."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そのまま対応することになってるわ" "We're supposed to deal with it as it is."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "そうですか…" "I see..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Sunao "あの、もしかしたらなんですけど" "Um, maybe..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Sunao "電車に乗っていた魔法少女たちが本当にフェイクだとしたら" "If those magical girls on the train are really fakes,"
File:Card 10022 d.png Sunao "危険なのは私たちじゃないですか…?" "Aren't we the ones in danger...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…そうなんだよね" "...I guess so."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "へ…?" "Heh...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "プロミストブラッドの目的はねこっちの注意を他に逸らせて" "The purpose of the Promise Blood is to divert my attention away from the real world."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "キモチを調べに来た私たちを倒すことかもしれないから…" "I've come to check on Kimochi because it might mean taking us down..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "あ…" "Oh..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "幸い、周辺に魔法少女の反応はないわね…" "Fortunately, there's no magical girl reaction in the vicinity..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "この状況に乗じて、彼女たちに先を越されるわけにはいかないわ" "We can't take advantage of this situation and let these girls get ahead of us."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うん、こうなったら今は時間との勝負だよ!" "Yeah, it's a race against time now when it comes to this!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そうだね、追いつかれる前にキモチを見つけちゃおう" "Yes, let's find the kimochi before it catches up to us."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "はっ…ふぅ…はっ…" "Ha...hmmm...hmmm..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "あ、十七夜だ!" "Oh, it's the Kanagi!"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "む、由比君か" "Mm, Yui-kun?"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "お前ら!" "You guys!"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "なんだ、揃いも揃って神浜の中心でぶつかったな…" "What, you're all together and you bumped into each other in the center of the Kamihama..."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "つまり、外からきた連中は1ヶ所に集まったみたいだね" "I mean, it looks like the guys from the outside are all in one place."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "これ、いろはから来た情報は確定なんじゃないの?" "Isn't this information that came from Iroha confirmed?"
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "偽物っていう話?" "You're talking about fakes?"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "そう、あんな何十も居そうな魔力反応があって" "Yes, there were dozens of magical reactions like that,"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "ここで合流したっていうのに" "You said you were meeting us here."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "人の気配が全然ないなんておかしいわよ" "It's funny how there's no sign of anyone at all."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "自分も水波君の意見に同意だ" "I agree with Minami-kun myself."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "恐らく相手は数人" "Probably a few of them."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "速く移動している割に聞こえる音が少なすぎる" "There's too little sound to hear for moving so fast."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "なんか乗ったり降りたりするヤツの数と" "With the number of people getting in and out of the car."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "魔力反応の数が合わなくて、怪しいとは思ったんだぞ" "I knew it was suspicious because the number of magical reactions didn't match up."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "珍しく冴えてるな" "That's unusually bright."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "って、鶴乃が言ってた" "And Tsuruno said."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "なんだよ…" "What..."
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "もし偽物を運んでる人がひとりだとすれば4人だよね" "If there's one person carrying a fake, it's four."
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "ウチらだけでも捕らえられるよ!" "You can catch us alone!"
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "ねー" "Hey,"
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "それに、きっと環さんたちを孤立させるために仕掛けた" "Besides, I'm sure they set it up to isolate Tamaki-san and the others."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "プロミストブラッドの仕業でございますよ" "It's the Promise Blood, sir."
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "ここはひとつ、もう少し相手さんに近付いて" "There's one thing you need to do here, you need to get a little closer to your partner."
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "特ダネの1枚をキャッチさせてもらいますか" "Would you like me to catch one of the specials?"
File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "うんっ" "Yeah."
File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "令ちゃんの写真に閉じ込めちゃおう!" "Let's lock her in a picture of the decree!"
File:Card 30534 d.png Hikaruの声 "別に追いかけてこなくても構わないっすよ" "I don't mind if they don't come after me."
File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "――っ!?" "--What?
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "写真の中どんな居心地なんすかね" "What's your comfort in the picture?"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ガルルルル…" "Gululu..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "やっぱりプロ…なんとかってヤツらじゃねーか…" "I knew he was a pro... what the hell is up with those guys..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ぜってーに逃がさねーぞ!!" "I ain't missing nothing!"
Part 13
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "怒ったところでどうにもならないっすよ" "I can't help you if you're angry."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ヒキョーな方法でこっちをだまして" "Fool us in a hippy way."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "いろはたちまで追い詰める気だろ!?" "You think they're trying to push us to the edge, don't you?
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "んなの許せるかよ!" "We can't let them do this!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "なに言ってんすか…" "What do you mean..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "戦いは常に引っかかった方の負けっす" "In a fight, the one who gets stuck always loses."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "ヒキョーなんて言葉が飛び出す時点で甘ちゃんすね" "You're a sweetheart when the word hikyo comes up."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "負け犬のルーザー君っす" "You're a loser, Mr. Looser,"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ムッカー!" "Mooker!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "こうなったらもうドカンでズガーンだ!" "When it comes to this, it's all boom, it's all Zugan!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "なんか次女さんっぽいっすね…" "It's kind of like being your second daughter..."
Part 14
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "おい!" "Hey!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "なんでちょこまか逃げるんだよ!" "Why do you have to run away a little bit?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "そんなの決まってるじゃないっすか" "That's obvious, isn't it?"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "自分はその決まりを知らん" "I don't know the rules myself."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "――っ!?" "--What?
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "いつの間に…" "When did you...?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "また、ひかるの心を覗き見するつもりっすね!?" "You're going to peek into Hikaru's mind again, aren't you!"
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "今回はシンプルだよ!" "It's simple this time!"
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "捕まえるでございます!" "We will catch you, sir!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "どうせあと少しで、それも叶わなくなるっす!" "It's not going to happen in a few minutes anyway!"
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo&月咲 "笛花共鳴!!" "Fuehua resonance!"
File:Card 10184 d.png Hikaru "っ、音が頭に…!!" "Huh, there's a sound in my head...!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "これぐらいどうってこと!" "It doesn't matter!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ちゃらあっ!!" "Challah!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "くぁぅッ!" "Kuh!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "かえで、今のうちに!" "Kaede, while you're at it!"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "ツタで絡め取っちゃいなさい!" "Let's tangle them up with ivy!"
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "うんっ!" "Yeah!"
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "ふゆぅっ!" "Whew!"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "どこから…!?" "From where...?
File:Card 10184 d.png Yozuru "中立地帯で何をしてるんですか?" "What are you doing in the neutral zone?"
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "中立地帯…?" "Neutral zone...?"
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "で、ございますか…?" "Is it, sir...?"
File:Card 10404 d.png Yozuru "ただでさえ建物が崩れやすい被災地である上に" "On top of being in a disaster area where buildings are prone to collapse,"
File:Card 10404 d.png Yozuru "ここは調整屋がある場所です" "This is where the adjuster is located."
File:Card 10404 d.png Yozuru "八雲みたまの調整屋に通っているならご存知でしょう" "If you've been to Yakumo Mita's Adjustment Shop, you know that."
File:Card 10404 d.png Yozuru "調整屋で戦うのが御法度なのは…" "It's not legal to fight in a tune-up shop because..."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "まさか、ここでルールを持ち出してくるか…" "No way, you're going to bring up the rules here..."
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "観鳥さんもさすがに驚いたねぇ…" "You're a bit of a surprise, Kwando-san..."
File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "わざわざ中心に4人で移動してたのって…" "I mean, the four of us were moving all the way to the center..."
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "捨て身過ぎる" "Too much abandonment."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "っ…す" "S...s."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "それが結菜さんの馬の役目っす" "That's what Yuna's horse is for."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "ひかるたちにかまけてる間に環さんはどうなってるっすかね…" "I wonder what's going on with Tamaki-san while she's indulging in Hikaru and the others..."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "いろはちゃん…" "Iroha-chan..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ここは…" "This is..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "すごい爆発でもあったの…?" "What was that amazing explosion...?"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "木々がなぎ倒されてます…" "The trees are being torn down..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "マギウスの翼の拠点フェントホープがあった所だよ…" "That's where Fent Hope, the winged base of the Magius, was located..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "そして、わたしが居た場所だね…" "And that's where I was..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "飛び散ったイブのかけらがここに落ちたのなら" "If the scattered pieces of Eve fell here,"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "嫌な因果ね…" "A nasty twist of fate..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい…" "Yes..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "でも、この近くにキモチがいるよ" "But there's a kimochi near here."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "待って…キモチ以外にもいる…!" "Wait... there's more than just Kimochi...!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "1・4…?" "One, four...?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ううん、もっといるよぅ…" "Nah, there's more..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "魔女じゃない…魔法少女ですよね…" "You're not a witch... you're a magical girl..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "完全にこっちを囲んでるわ…" "They're completely surrounding us..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "思ったよりも早かった…" "That was quicker than I thought..."
Card 10264 d.png Yunaの声 "ふふっ…" "Hmmm..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "私も思ったより早く追いついたわぁ" "I caught up with you faster than I thought I would, too!"
Yuna "相手が石を使ったフェイクに気付いたところで既に遅い" "By the time your opponent realizes he's faking with a stone, it's already too late."
Yuna "昨日はアオとひかるを陥れるために山奥を選んだんでしょうけど今日は自分たちを追い込むことになるわぁ" "I know you picked a place deep in the mountains yesterday to bring down Ao and Hikaru, but we're going to put ourselves in a bind today!"
Yuna "深い山の中では私たちも攻撃の手を緩める必要はないしキモチの場所だって案内してくれた所に向かうだけだから" "In the deep mountains, we don't have to let up on our attacks either, and even the location of Kimochi, because we're just going to head to the place you led us to."
Yuna "あとは追い詰めて、退かせて、手に入れる" "Now we have to hunt them down, make them retreat, and get them."
Yuna "っふふ、呪うなら自分たちを呪うしかないでしょうねぇ" "Hmph, if we're going to curse, we'll have to curse ourselves, won't we?"
Yuna "…………" "............"
Yuna "それだけじゃないわねぇ" "That's not all,"
Yuna "あわよくば環いろはの妹…生きたキモチの地図も手に入れたいわ" "If I could, I'd like to get the ring Iroha's sister... and a map of living kimochi."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "紅晴さん…" "Kureha-san..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "昨日とは真逆になったわねぇ環さん" "It's the complete opposite of yesterday, isn't it, Tamaki-san?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "案内してくれて助かったぞ" "Thank you for showing me around."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "まぁ安心しなキモチは樹里サマが頂くからさ" "Well, don't worry, Juri-sama will take care of the motivation."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "早く逃げた方が身のためだよ~" "The sooner you get away, the better for you~"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "いえ、逃がさないわぁ" "No, I won't let you get away with it!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "あれ?" "Huh?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "前回とは違ってこちらは多勢…" "Unlike last time, this one has more people..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "山狩りの始まりよぉ" "It's time to start the hunt."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "っ…" "Huh..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "いろは、今はもう退くしかないわ…" "Iroha, we have to retreat now..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "わたしたち、案内しただけになっちゃったっていうこと…?" "Do you mean to say that we've only shown you around...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "大丈夫とまでは言えないけど、取られない可能性もあるよ…" "I can't say it's okay, but there's a chance it won't be taken..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ひとまず、ここからは撤退ね" "I guess we'll just have to pull out of here for now.
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ごめんなさい手伝ってもらったのに" "I'm sorry I had to ask for your help."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "いいわよ、仲間じゃない" "Okay, not one of them."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "この状況だったら、また旭が頼りになりそうね" "If this was the situation, I'd be relying on Asahi again."
"紅晴さんの稲妻がいろはさんたちをかすめる…。" "Kureha-san's lightning bolts graze Iroha-san and the others...."
"今日のごほうびを得るために足は止まらない。" "My feet won't stop to get the reward for today."
"目の前の出来事を記録していくの…。" "I'm going to record the events in front of me...."
"森の中で息を潜めながら…。" "I'm going to be in the woods, hiding my breath...."
"ひどく苦しそうに私の耳に聞こえてきた。" "It sounds terribly painful to my ears."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "は、はぐむん…怖いことになってきちゃった…" "Ha, ha, ha... it's getting scary..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "今…言ったよね…山狩りって言ったよね…!?" "You... said... you said we were going hunting... in the mountains?"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "ぼくたちが案内したせいで…" "We shouldn't have let you go.
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "…どうしよぅぅぅ" "...What do I do..."
"ドン" "Don,"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "キャッ" "Caw."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "ぁうっ" "Ugh."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あ…" "Oh..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Hagumu "あっ…" "Oh..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "ご、ごご、ごめんなさい…" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<邪魔をするつもりはなくて、ただ今日は追ってたんだよ>" "I didn't mean to interrupt you, I was just chasing after you today."
File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<紅晴さんのことを>" "About Kureha-san."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "だから気にしないで…!" "So don't worry about it...!"
Part 15
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10404 d.png Yozuru "争いは禁止だと伝えましたが、まだ続けるつもりでしょうか?" "I've told you that fighting is forbidden, but do you still intend to continue?"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "…ピュエラケアのアンタたちに手を出すつもりはないよ" "...I'm not going to mess with the Puellacare."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "それに…" "And..."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "今はプロミストブラッドの幹部を捕らえる機会だ…" "Now is our chance to capture the Promise Blood cadre..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "十七夜、ピュエラケアに手を出すのは危険かもしれないよ" "Kanagi, it might be dangerous to mess with Puellacare."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "引き下がれと…?" "You want me to back off...?"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ううん、捕らえる機会なのは十七夜の言う通りだと思う" "No, I think Kanagi is right about it being an opportunity to catch them."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ただ、ピュエラケアを傷付ければ怒る魔法少女が沢山いるんだよ" "It's just that there are a lot of magical girls who would be angry if you hurt Puellacare."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "だから、あのヨヅルっていうピュエラケアの子を牽制しながら" "So, with that Puellacare kid called Yozuru in tow."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "煌里ひかるを捕まえたいなって" "I just wanted to get Hikaru Kakari."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "なるほど、合点がいった" "I see, I get it."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "それなら自分が牽制の役割を引き受けよう" "Then I'll take on the role of a check and balance myself."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "プロミストブラッドの騎士には、必要以上に警戒されているからな" "I'm a bit more wary of the Promise Blood knights than I should be, you know."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "月夜君、月咲君我々でピュエラケアを牽制する!" "Tsukuyo-kun, Tsukasa-kun, we will check Puellacare with us!"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "付いてきてくれ!" "Follow me!"
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "え、はい!" "Yes, yes!"
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "わかったでございます!" "I understand, sir!"
File:Card 10404 d.png Yozuru "――っ!?" "--Huh?!"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "ケガをさせるつもりはないが、多少は戯れさせてもらうぞ" "I'm not going to hurt you, but I'm going to have some fun with you."
File:Card 10404 d.png Yozuru "やっていることは争いに違い無い妙な言葉遊びはやめてください" "What you're doing must be contentious, and please don't play strange word games."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "わたしたちは、煌里ひかるを捕まえるよ!" "We'll get Hikaru Kirari!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "しゃー!" "Shhh!"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "レナ、かえで!" "Lena, Kaede!"
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "次こそやらないとねレナちゃん!" "We'll have to do it next time, Lena!"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "絡め取れるのはアンタぐらいなんだから" "You're the only one who can get involved."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "失敗したら承知しないわよ" "I won't agree to it if you fail."
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "わかってるよぅ" "I know."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "みんな、まて!そう簡単には終わらなさそうだ" "Guys, wait! It doesn't look like it's going to be that easy."
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "おっと、こりゃまた大物だ…" "Whoa, that's another big one..."
File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "あの人もピュエラケア…?" "Is he a Puellacare...?"
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia]] "えらい騒がしいと思ったら、アンタらか" "I thought it was going to be a big deal, you guys."
Part 16
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia "この間おうた時、私らに手を出す危険性については" "As for the danger of messing with us the other day,"
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia "ちゃーんと伝えたつもりやったんやけどな" "I thought I told you in a chunky way."
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia "こらまた、けったいなことになっとるわ" "Hey, it's another one of those things that happens."
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia "悪いことは言わんからやめとき" "I won't say anything bad, so don't do it."
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia "ヨヅルはルールでは縛れるけど、感情で縛るのは難しいんや" "Yozuru can bind you with rules, but it's hard to bind you with emotions."
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia "優しさを知らん子やからな、ほんまに手加減はできひんで?" "He doesn't know how to be kind, so you can't really go easy on him, can you?"
File:Card 10404 d.png Yozuru "…………" "............"
Part 17
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "…………" "............"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ごめん、十七夜…" "I'm sorry, Kanagi..."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "む…?" "Mm...?"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "やっぱり今回は諦めよう" "I knew we'd have to give up this time."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "…………" "............"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "なぜだ" "Why?"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "そうだぞ!コイツ放っといていいのかよ!" "That's right! You can't just leave this guy alone!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "じゃなくて、安心できる場所を奪う方が危険なんじゃないかって" "No, but it's more dangerous to take away a place where you feel safe."
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia "やっぱ鶴乃ちゃんは頭がええな~" "Tsuruno-chan's got a good head on her shoulders after all!"
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia "よーく理屈をわかっとる" "I understand the logic very well."
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "安心できる場所…" "A safe place..."
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "要は中立地帯っていうのも言い換えれば安全地帯ってこと…" "The point is that the neutral zone is also, in other words, a safe zone..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "うん…" "Yeah..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "今回はその安全地帯を利用されたけど" "This time, though, they took advantage of that safe zone."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "本当は深く関わっていないのに、巻き込まれちゃう魔法少女とか" "Or a magical girl who doesn't really get deeply involved, but gets caught up in it."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "重いケガをしちゃった魔法少女とか" "Or a magical girl with a serious injury."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "そういう人たちを救うための場所なんだよ" "It's a place to help those people."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "それを一度壊しちゃうとどこもかしこも無法地帯になるし" "And once you break that, it's outlawed everywhere."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "守れる人も守れなくなる…" "The people you can protect won't be able to protect you..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "わたしは、その切っ掛けをここで作りたくないよ" "I don't want to make that cut here,"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "どんな場所でも病院などの施設が尊ばれる理由だな" "That's why hospitals and other facilities in any place are so respected."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "それを奪うのは自分の首を締めるのと同じようなものっす" "Taking that away from me would be like tightening my own neck, you know."
File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "言われた通り、みたまさんの調整屋と同じだね…" "As you said, you're just like Mitama's adjuster..."
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "調整自体は争いを激しくする原因にもなっちゃったけど" "The adjustments themselves have caused the conflict to intensify."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "あの場が安息の地だったのは事実でございます" "It is true that the place was a resting place, sir."
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "ね-…" "Hey-"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "そんな理屈を出されたら手が出せないよ…" "I can't touch you if you give me that kind of logic..."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "アタシらだって、いつどうなるかわからないんだからな" "Even we don't know when it's going to happen, you know."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "でも、この一帯から出てきたら手を出していいのよね?" "But if you come out of this one area, you can get your hands on it, right?"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "まぁそうだけど…" "Well, yeah, but..."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "それなら出た瞬間、ソッコーで捕まえてやるわ" "Then I'll catch you in the sockpit the moment you get out."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "ひかるのストーカーになる気っすか" "Are you trying to be Hikaru's stalker?"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "好きでなるわけじゃないわよ" "I'm not going to like it,"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ストーカー上等だぞ!出た瞬間にドーンだ!" "Stalker-proof! The moment you get out, Dawn!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ふんす!" "Humph!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "…………" "............"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "なら、ひかるはケアトレーラーでお茶でもしてるっす" "Then Hikaru is having tea in the care trailer."
File:Card 10404 d.png Yozuru "ついでに調整はいかがでしょう?" "And while you're at it, how about an adjustment?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "今日は支払えるものがないから遠慮しておくっす" "I don't have anything to pay you today, so I'll pass on that."
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia "まぁ、私らはお茶だけでも歓迎するで" "Well, we're welcome for tea alone."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "みんなはひかるのお茶に付き合うつもりっすか?" "Are you guys going to go along with Hikaru's tea?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "構ってる間に環いろはがやられるかもしれないっすよ?" "You might get hit by the ring Iroha while you're away, you know?"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "あいつ、むかつくなぁ…" "That guy is disgusting..."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "…試してみるか" "...let's give it a try."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "何か思うところでもあるのか?" "What do you think?"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "今日の一件、宮尾君と安積君にも来るか尋ねていたのだが" "I was asking Miyabi-kun and Azumi-kun if they were coming for today's one, too."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "都合が悪いと断られてな" "They said no when it was inconvenient."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "ネオマギウスだったわけだし、そりゃ気まずいだろ…" "So it was neo-Magius, that's awkward..."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "いや、聞いたところによると、北に用事があると言っていた" "No, from what I've heard, he said he had business up north."
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "それなら、いろはちゃんたちのヘルプをお願いできないかな!?" "Then can't we ask for help from Iroha and the others!"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "って言ってるぐらいなら、アタシらもヘルプに向かおう" "If you're saying that, then let's head to help us too."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "こっちには人数が多すぎるぐらいだからな" "There's almost too many people over here, you know."
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "じゃあ、ウチらも一緒に行くよ!" "Well, we'll go with you!"
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "ねー" "Hey,"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "では自分は望み薄ではあるが、連絡を入れておこう" "Then I'll call in, even though I'm a bit of a long shot myself."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "いわゆる" The "so-called"
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "いわゆる?" "So-called?"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "ワンチャンってやつだな" "It's called a one-chance,"
Part 18
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はっ…はぁ…っ!" "Ha...ha...ha...ha!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "本当にこっちで方角は合ってる!?" "Are you sure it's in the right direction this way?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "前の戦いで山を下りた時は、この方角だったような…" "I think it was in this direction when we went down the mountain in the last battle..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "でも、少しだけそれてるかもしれません…?" "But maybe it's a little off...?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ええ、一度高く跳んで、町の位置から割り出しましょう" "Yes, let's jump high once and figure it out based on the town's location."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "すみません…方向も地図も得意じゃなくて…" "I'm sorry...I'm not very good with directions or maps..."
File:Card 99999 d.png "時女本家に近付くなら、まずは我々が相手をしましょう!" "If you're going to approach the Tokime's Main Family, we'll deal with them first!"
File:Card 99999 d.png "いざ、一対一で!" "Now, one on one!"
File:Card 99999 d.png "そんなお利口に戦えるか!" "You can't fight that smart!"
File:Card 99999 d.png "っ!" "Huh!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "消えなさぁい" "Don't go away."
File:Card 99999 d.png "ぐぁっ!" "Guh!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "みんな!今は逃げるのを優先して!" "Guys! Right now, you need to run away!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "私たちの足止めになろうなんて考えて、命を無駄にしないで!" "Don't waste your life thinking you're going to hold us back!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "静香ちゃん!" "Shizuka!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ぐっ…あ…!?" "Ggh....ah...?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "っ…そんな大物を軽々と振り回して…!" "Huh.......swinging such a big thing around so lightly...!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "お腹にクリーンヒットかと思ったけど勘がいいね~" "I thought it was a clean hit to the stomach, but you have good instincts!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "ギリギリでかわした?" "Did you dodge just in time?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…………" "............"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "お姉ちゃん、これって…" "Sis, this is..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "もう、囲まれてる…" "We're surrounded by..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "この辺りの地理に詳しくないはずいくらなんでも早すぎるわ…" "You're not supposed to be familiar with the geography of this area, it's way too soon..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "どこか…抜けられるところは…" "There's somewhere... that we can get out of..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…………" "............"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "見つけた…" "I found..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "静香ちゃん、包囲が薄いところがある" "Shizuka, there's a thin envelope in some places."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "旭ちゃんに穴を空けてもらえないかな?" "Can you make a hole in it for Asahi-chan?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "やっぱり出番が来たわね旭…どう…?" "I knew it was time for you to come on, Asahi... how's that...?"
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "ふん…" "Hmm..."
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "ちょうど我の射線上でありますよ" "It's right in my line of fire, sir."
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "相手も守りに入って動く気配もない" "There's no indication that they're going to move in on the defensive, either."
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "お望み通り、あの程度の薄皮なら軽く破れるであります" "As you wish, sir, a skin that thin could be torn lightly."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "じゃあ、お願いできる…?" "Well, can you please...?"
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "当然であります" "Of course, sir."
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "…………" "............"
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "ソウルジェムも丸見えだけど、殺しはしないでありますよ" "I can see the soul gems in full view, too, but I'm not going to kill them, sir."
"ターーーン…" "Ta-da..."
File:Card 99999 d.png "ぐぁあっ!" "Guh!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "やったよ!" "I did it!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "皆さん今のうちに!!" "Ladies and gentlemen, while we're at it!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "こうも見通しが良いとすぐに追いつかれる…" "With prospects like this, they'll soon catch up to you..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "森の中の方がまだ隠れられませんか…!?" "Can't we still hide in the forest...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そうだね…やちよさん!!" "Yes....Yachiyo-san!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ええ、目隠しぐらいにはなるわ!" "Yes, it's at least a blindfold!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "魔力の反応は隠しきれないのよねぇ" "You can't hide your magical reactions, can you?"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "さっき…時女の人がやられた…" "Just now... when the woman was hit..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "樹里さんの仲間の人もパーンって…!" "Juri-san's companion also perked up...!"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "はぐむん、もう無理だよ…!!" "Hagumun, I can't do this anymore...!"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "うん、これ以上関わってられないよね" "Yeah, I can't be involved in this anymore, can I?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "おい、出番だぞ!" "Hey, you're on!"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "わーーーー!" "Woohoo!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "わーーーっ!?んだよ、うるさいな!" "Whaaaaat? Nah, shut up!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "良い感じに追い詰めてるんだよ早くこっちに来い!" "I've got it cornered for good, get over here now!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "マギウスの翼の拠点が吹っ飛んで魔女が町に下りていっただろ?" "Didn't the Magius' wing base blow up and the witch went down to town?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "そのルートを教えろ!" "Give me that route!"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "さ、さすがにそこまで私たちも知らない…" "Well, as expected, we don't know that much either..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "こっちは知識ゼロだから、何もないよりマシだろ" "We have zero knowledge over here, so it's better than nothing."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "うぅ…" "Ugh..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "んじゃ、急いで来いよな!" "Then you better hurry up and get here!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "その代わり今日はファミレスでプレートメニューをおごる!" "Instead, I'll treat you to a plate menu at a diner today!"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "安い…" "It's cheap..."
"ピロン♪" "Pilon♪"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "メッセージ?" "The message?"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "うん、十七夜さんから…" "Yeah, Kanagi..."
Kanagi "環君たちについてだがもしかしたらプロミストブラッドの術中にはまったかもしれない" "About Rin and the rest of you, maybe you've fallen for the Promise Blood's tricks."
Kanagi "ちょうど北養に居ると思うのだが差し支えなければ助けてやってくれ" "I think I'm just in the north nourishment, if you don't mind helping him out."
Kanagi "以上、期待しているぞ" "That's all, I'm counting on it."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "もう、わからない…" "I don't know anymore..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "灯花様とねむ様には拒否されて、ネオマギウスは解散して…" "Touka-sama and Nemu-sama rejected me, and Neo-Magius disbanded..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "ぐすっ…" "Gus..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "環いろはのことはキライだけど、ぼくのせいで死ぬのはイヤ…" "I don't like I don't like Iroha Kan, but I don't want her to die because of me..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "手伝わないと樹里にウェルダンにされるかも…" "If I don't help, Juri might turn me into a well-done..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "でも…ここでぼくたちが逃げたら…" "But... if we run away from here..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "ぼくたち魔法少女なのに、手記を纏めてる子よりも弱い…" "We're magical girls, but we're weaker than the girl who's putting together a memoir..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "時雨ちゃん…" "Shigure-chan..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "ぼく、普通の人よりも弱いのは嫌だ…" "I don't want to be weaker than most people..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "そうだね、魔法少女の方がみんなより優れてるんだから" "Yeah, well, magical girls are better than everyone else."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "…時雨ちゃん" "...Shigure-chan."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "ん…" "Hmm..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "ごまかそう…!" "Let's cheat...!"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "え?" "What?"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "先回りしてごまかすんだよ" "You have to cheat ahead of time."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "距離を離せてない…" "I can't keep my distance..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "魔力反応のせいで、完全に撒けてないんだ…" "I haven't been able to completely disperse it because of the magical reaction..."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "こうなると時間の問題ですね…" "It's only a matter of time before this happens..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "何か誤魔化しが利く、良い切っ掛けがあればいいけど…" "I hope there's some kind of deception, some kind of a good clue..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そう都合良くはないわね…" "It's not so convenient..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "環…いろは…!" "Ring...Iroha...!"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "ここは私たちに任せて…先に逃げて…!" "We'll take care of this... run away first...!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "――っ!?" "--?!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "時雨ちゃん…?それに、はぐむちゃんも…!?" "Shigure-chan...? And Hagumu, too...?"
File:Card 10294 d.png Yachiyo "あなたたち殺されるわよ!?" "You guys are going to be killed!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "はい…一緒にこっちに来てください…!" "Yes... please come with me...!"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "大丈夫…" "It's okay..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "私たちは…弱いから…絶対にやられないよ…" "We're... weak... and we'll never get beaten up..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "何か考えがあるの…?" "What do you have in mind...?"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "うん…だからぼくたちに任せて…" "Yeah, so we'll take care of it..."
Part 19
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "黒羽根の時に使ってた近道…メッセージで送ったから…" "The shortcut I used at Black Feather... because I sent you a message..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ごめんね…ありがとう時雨ちゃん…" "I'm sorry... thank you Shigure..."
Part 20
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "姉ちゃん、姉さま!こっちから魔力反応があるよ!" "Sis, sis! There's a magical reaction from over here!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "それにしても変ねぇ" "That's still weird."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ここまで急に距離を離されるなんて" "I can't believe you've gotten so far away from me so suddenly."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "土地勘のある場所に出たとか、そういうことかしらぁ…" "I wonder if you've gone out to a place where you know the land or something..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "どーだろうなぁ" "I wonder."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "――っ!?" "--?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "おい、お前ら…!" "Hey, you guys...!"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "ご、ごめんなさい…" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "案内するはずだったのに、環さんたちに遭遇してしまって…" "I was supposed to show you around, but I ran into Tamaki-san and the others..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "ぼくたちじゃ敵わなかった…" "We were no match for him..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Yuna "…気にしなくても良いわぁ" " don't have to worry about it..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Yuna "あなたたちに期待していたのは、水先案内人としての役割" "I've been expecting you guys to act as pilots."
File:Card 10304 d.png Yuna "戦力だとは思ってないものぉ" "I don't see you as an asset."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "うん、遭遇しちゃったのが不幸だったんだよ~" "Yeah, it was unfortunate that I ran into you~"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "本当にすみません…" "I'm really sorry..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "…………" "............"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "はぁ…ふぅ…もう、誰も追ってこない…?" "Huh... phew... no one's coming after me anymore...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うん、やっと撒けたみたい" "Yeah, I think I finally got it spread."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "それにしても、相手もかなり計算ずくだったわね…" "Then again, they were pretty calculated, too..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "昨日はこっちが先手を取ったけど…" "We took the lead yesterday, but..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "今日はやられちゃいましたね…" "You've been beaten today..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ほんともう、等々力耕一もビックリの逃走劇だったよぅ…" "Really, it was a surprising escape for Koichi Todoroki, too..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "いっぱい感謝しないと" "I have a lot to be thankful for."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "時雨ちゃんとはぐむちゃんのおかげで助かったから" "Because Shigure-chan and Hagumu-chan saved my life."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "本当は私のことなんて、助けたくなかったと思うし…" "I don't think he really wanted to help me, and..."
"ガサッ…" "Gasp..."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "キャッ…!" "Cah...!"
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "どうしたでありますか?" "What is it, sir?"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "もう、急に出て来ないでください" "Please don't come out of the woodwork again,"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "まだ、気が張ってるから、物音に敏感になってるみたいで…" "He's still so uptight, it's like he's more sensitive to noises..."
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "それは申し訳ない…" "I'm sorry about that..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "今日も助けられたわね、旭" "You've helped me today, Asahi."
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "我も時女一族のひとりお役に立てて何よりでありますよ" "I am also a member of the Tokime Tribe, and I am happy to be of service to you."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "そう言ってくれると嬉しい…わ…" "I'm glad you said that... wow..."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "静香!" "Shizuka!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "静香ちゃん!" "Shizuka!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "っ…ごめん…" "Sh... sorry..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "――っ!?" "--What?
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ちょっと、そのケガ…" "Hey, you're hurt..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "血が…" "Blood..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "染み出てきたわね…" "It's starting to seep out..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "さっきの斧の子…地味に良いとこに入ったのよ…" "That axe boy from earlier... he got into a nice, sober place..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "我慢してたんだけど…" "I've been trying to be patient, but..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ちょっと待って!少しでも治癒できれば…!!" "Wait a minute! If I could just heal a little bit...!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "これ、酷いよ…" "This is terrible..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "どうすれば良いの!?" "What am I supposed to do?!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "集落で大ケガした時も治ったから大丈夫だと思うけど…" "I think I'll be fine since I was healed when I was badly injured in the settlement..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "でも、調整屋さんに連れていった方が早いですよ…" "But the sooner you take him to the adjuster, the better..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うん、治りは違うと思う!" "Yeah, I think the cure is different!"
File:Card 10011 d.png [[Sudachi] "ふむっむ!" "Hmmm!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "キャッ!?" "Cah!?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "え、あなたはピュエラケアの…!?" "What, you're Puellacare's...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Sudachi "ふんふ、ふむっむふむんむむ!" "Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "へ…" "Heh..."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "あら…?" "Oh...?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うぇええっ!?静香ちゃんがさらわれちゃった!" "Eeeek! Shizuka's been kidnapped!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "何をされるかわからないわ!言ってる間に追いかけないと!" "I don't know what they'll do to me! I've got to catch up while I'm saying it!"
Part 21
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "先ほど安積君から連絡があった" "I just got a call from Azumi-kun earlier."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "環君たちは無事に北養を抜けて戻ったそうだ" "I heard that Tamaki-kun and the others returned safely through the Hokuyo."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "よかったぁ~" "Thank God!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "胸をなで下ろすっていうのは、こういうことを言うんだねー" "This is what you mean when you say you're going to get it off your chest!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ホッとすると、何かが抜ける気がするよなー" "When you feel relieved, you feel like you're getting something out of it!"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "天音の双子と十咎たちは良い取り越し苦労になったな" "The Amane twins and the Ten Blights have been a good overture."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ただ、ももこだけはレナに責められてそうな気がする" "I just feel like Momo is the only one who seems to be blamed by Lena."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "タイミングが悪いせいだーって?" "Is it because of bad timing?"
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "絵が浮かぶよ" "I can picture it."
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "でも、これで残された課題は観鳥さんたちだけってことだね" "But I guess this means that the only task left is for the birds of prey."
File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "うん、ひかるちゃん、全然出て来ないもんね…" "Yeah, Hikaru-chan, you haven't come out at all..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "出てきた瞬間にぺちゃんこにしてやるつもりなんだけどな…" "I'm going to flatten you the moment you come out..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "最悪、このまま朝を迎えそうだよね…" "Worst of all, it's going to be a morning like this..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "あれから何十分!?これ以上待ってられないよ!" "How many minutes since then! I can't wait any longer!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "こうなったら、みんなで楽しく歌って躍ろう!" "When this happens, let's all sing and dance together for fun!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "それで出てくるのか!?" "So you're going to come out!"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "天の岩戸か!" "A heavenly rock door!"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "む、この反応環君たちのようだな" "Mm, this reaction ring sounds like you guys."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ほんとだ!" "Really!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "なんか、揃って来てるぞ?" "What's going on here?
File:Card 10394 d.png Sudachi "ふむんむー!" "Hmmmmm!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ほ…?" "Ho...?"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "担がれてるのは時女のリーダーか!?" "They're leading the women of the hour?
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "ちょっと、一体全体どうなっちゃってるのさ" "Hey, what the hell is going on here?
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia "おかえり月出里やっぱ私の言うた通りやろ?" "Welcome back, Sudachi, I'm right after all, right?"
File:Card 10394 d.png Sudachi "ふんむ!ふんふんふむむ!" "Hmmm! Hmmmmmmm!"
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia "プロミストブラッドの子らを調整した時に" "When I adjusted the Promise Blood children,"
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia "必ずこうなると思ってたんや" "I knew this was going to happen."
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia "月出里に待機しといてもろて正解やな" "You were right to wait in Sudachi."
File:Card 10394 d.png Sudachi "ふんむむ!" "Hmmm!"
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia "何言うてるかわからん" "I don't know what you're talking about."
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia "あとでヨヅルに通訳してもらわなあかんな" "I'll have to ask Yozuru to translate for me later."
File:Card 10394 d.png Sudachi "ふんむ!" "Humph!"
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia "ほなら、1名さんご案内や!" "Then you'll have to show me one!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "呆気にとられている今がチャンス…" "You're in a daze, now's your chance..."
Part 22
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "(待っててもらったところ悪いっすけど)" "(I'm sorry you had to wait for me.)"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "(ひかるはここで失礼させてもらうっすよ!)" "(Hikaru is going to have to excuse me here!)"
Part 23
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "しかし今日は失態だらけだな…" "But you're full of blunders today..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "というよりも、まんまと相手の策にはまりきったわね…" "Or rather, you've fallen right into their schemes..."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "プロミストブラッドの幹部はいつの間にか消えてるしな…" "And the Promise Blood cadre will be gone before you know it..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "これは、反省会ですね…" "This is a reminder..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ほんとだぜ" "It's true,"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "見つけたキモチも、アイツらに取られたかも知んねーんだろ?" "You don't know what kimochi you found, or if they took it from you, do you?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うぅ…ごめんね…それも反省会するよ…" "Ugh...sorry...I'll have a reflection on that too..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ただ、この数時間の間に見つかるとは到底思えないわ" "It's just that I don't think we're going to find them in the next few hours."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "“ギミック”に気付くまでにはまだ時間がかかるはずよ" "It's going to be a while before you notice the gimmick.
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "だけど気付いたらキモチだけじゃなくて" "But then I realized it wasn't just about the kimochi."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "“うい”ちゃんが余計に狙われるかもしれないよ" "'Ui' might be an extra target for you."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それだけは避けたいです…" "I don't want that to happen..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "心配しないでわかってるし覚悟もできてるよ" "Don't worry about it, I know and I'm ready for it."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "だってイブだったんだもんわたしは…" "Because it was Christmas Eve and I didn't..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "無理しなくていいからね…?" "You don't have to push yourself...?"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "ありがとう、さなさん" "Thank you, Sana."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "とりあえず今は残された時間で、巻き返しを図るしかないわ…" "For now, we'll just have to use the time we have left to rewind..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい、素早く対応することが、ういを守ることにも繋がります" "Yes, reacting quickly will help protect the ui."
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "それで、時女のリーダーのケガは問題ないのかい?" "So, is there a problem with the leader of the Tokime's injuries?"
File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "なかなか出て来ないよね…" "It's hard to come out of it..."
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "ほんと、驚いてシャッターを切っちゃったよ" "Really, I was so surprised I shuttered it."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "お前は本当に問答無用で記録するよな" "You really do keep track of things without question, don't you?"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "お待たせしました!" "Sorry for the wait!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "静香ちゃん大丈夫だよ!" "Shizuka, it's okay!"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "よかったー!" "Thank God!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ちょっと止血をするのに時間がかかりまして…" "It took me a little while to get the bleeding to stop..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "今はゆっくり眠ってるし、リヴィアさんが調整もしてるよ!" "He's sleeping peacefully now, and Livia is making adjustments!"
File:Card 10404 d.png Yozuru "私たちの器は頑丈になっていますすぐに回復すると思いますよ" "Our vessels are getting sturdier, and I'm sure they'll recover soon."
File:Card 10394 d.png Sudachi "ふむっむむ!" "Hmmmmm!"
File:Card 10404 d.png Yozuru "よかったねと、申しております" "Good for you, sir," he said.
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia "ちょいとだけ調整もかけといたったし" "I made a couple of minor adjustments.
File:Card 10414 d.png Livia "次からはもう少し踏ん張れると思うわ" "I think I can hold on a little longer next time."
Shizuka "―静香―…………" "-Shizuka................."
Livia "―リヴィア―聞こえてへんか" "Livia, can you hear me?"
Livia "―リヴィア―しかし、アンタも生粋のピュアピュア少女やなぁ…" "-Livia-but you're a genuine pure pure girl too..."
Livia "―リヴィア―ほんま、どんだけ汚そうと思っても穢れなさそうやわ" "-Livia - really, you don't seem to be unholy, no matter how much you try to make it dirty."
Shizuka "―静香―…………" "-Shizuka................."
Livia "―リヴィア―やけど、山から降りたら苦しむだけやろ…" "-Livia, but if you come down from the mountain, you'll suffer..."
Livia "―リヴィア―どこかで折り合いつけんと身を滅ぼすで" "Livia, if you don't come to terms with this at some point, you'll end up dead."
Livia "―リヴィア―せやからなもうちょいワガママになり" "Livia, we have to be a little more selfish."
Livia "―リヴィア―ちょっとぐらい自分のために生きてもええんやで?" "-Livia - it's okay to live for yourself a little bit, right?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "…………" "............"
"抜けて行くガサガサとした音が聞こえてくる。" "I can hear the rustling sound of it coming loose," he said.
"鉛のように重いんだって初めて知った。" "This is the first time I've ever known it to be as heavy as lead."
"運命を覆す準備をしているの。" "I'm getting ready to overturn my fate."
"みんなのためになるように。" "For the good of all of us."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "(プロミストブラッドの人たちもきっと悪い人じゃない…)" "(I'm sure the Promise Blood people aren't bad people either...)"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "(みんな始まりは普通の女の子で魔法少女になって変わったんだ)" "(We all started out as normal girls and then changed as magical girls.)"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "(みんなに敵意は向けていても…仲間にはとても慈悲深い…)" "(Though he may be hostile to everyone... but he's very merciful to his friends...)"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "紅晴さんも、本当は優しすぎるから…" "Kureha-san is really too kind, too..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "どこかで心がパンクしちゃったのかもね…" "Maybe my mind got punked somewhere..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "どこにも魔力の反応がない…?" "I don't see any magical response anywhere...?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "っす" "Sss."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "くまなく探してみたっすけど、キモチらしい反応はないっす…" "I've looked everywhere, but I don't see any kimochi-like response..."
"七海 やちよ" "Nanami, Yachiyo."
"「私が望んでいることね…」" "So that's what I want..."
"このまま続くことかしら」" "I wonder if this is going to continue."
"二葉さんも明るくなってきたわよね」" "You're starting to lighten up, Futaba-san."
"なんとなく中心にいて周りを元気にする」" "It kind of centers you and energizes the people around you."
"今となっては未来を考えちゃう」" "I think about the future now."
"二葉さんが見える王子様が現れるかも…とか」" "Maybe a prince who can see Futaba-san will appear... or something."
"長く続かないことも知ってるわ」" "And I know it won't last long."
"この争いの中でいつ果てるかもしれない」" "You may end up in this conflict at any moment."
"みんなといる1分1秒を大切にしてるわ」" "I cherish every minute I'm with everyone."
"「でも、本当は望みたい」" "But I really want to hope."
"みかづき荘にいることを…」" "That you are at Mikazuki Villa..."

Section 3

Part 1
Name Japanese Translation
"“自動浄化システム”。" ""Automatic Purification System"".
"の石を狙っているの…。" "They're after the stone of...."
"山の中を満たしていた。" "It filled the mountain."
"紅晴さんたちが残っている。" "Kureha-san and the others are still there."
"辺りをくまなく探っているはず。" "They must be searching the entire area."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "どこにも魔力の反応がない…?" "There's no magical response anywhere...?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "っす" "Sss."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "くまなく探してみたっすけど、キモチらしい反応はないっす…" "I've looked everywhere, but I don't see any kimochi-like response..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "おかしいわねぇ…環ういはこの辺りを調べていた…" "That's funny....Tamaki Ui has been checking this area..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "あの子はキモチの居場所を感知できるはずよぉ…" "She should be able to sense where Kimochi is..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "じゃあ、何も感じないけど、ここにキモチが居るんすかね…?" "So, I don't feel anything, but is there a kimochi here...?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "そうねぇ…" "Well..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "樹里とアオで倒した時はどうだったのぉ?" "What about when we beat you with Juri and Ao?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "あの時は、ネオマギウスの獲物を上手く横取りしただけだからな…" "That time, I just successfully sidestepped the neoMagius' prey..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "うん…" "Yeah..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "キモチが現れた時は、すごい魔力を感じたけどね~" "When Kimochi showed up, though, I felt a great deal of magic~"
File:Card 10211 d.png "∵ウゥ、グ、ヌァアアアッ!!" "∵Uu, gu, nuaaaaah!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "お前の怒りなんざ、姉さんに比べりゃ生ぬるい" "Your anger is lukewarm compared to your sister."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "だな…" "Well..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "あと特徴的だったとすれば、強い感情を放ってたことか…?" "And if there was anything else that was distinctive, it was the fact that he was radiating strong emotions...?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "強い感情…?" "Strong emotions...?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "ひかると結菜さんで初めてキモチを感知した時は" "The first time I detected kimochi in Hikaru and Yuna-san,"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "特に感情なんて感じなかったっすよ?" "I didn't feel any emotions, you know?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "待って、ひかる感知した時じゃないわぁ…" "Wait, that's not when I detected Hikaru..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "確か、神浜に来てまだ環いろはたちと遭遇する前…" "As I recall, I came to the Kamihama and it was only before I encountered Kan Iroha and the others..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "情報も集まってきたことだし、神浜の連中と遊んであげましょぅ" "Now that we've gathered some information, let's play with the guys in Kamihama."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "フッフフ…" "Hmph..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "この町の魔法少女が金棒のサビになると思うだけで" "Just think of all the magical girls in this town who would be the rust of the goldenrod."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "悦びが溢れてしまうわねぇ" "You're going to be so full of pleasure."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "――っ!?" "What...?
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "なに…この計り知れない魔力…" "What... this unfathomable magic..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "うぅ…変な汗が出たっす…聞いてたエネルギーっすかね…?" "Ugh...I'm sweating that the energy you were listening to...?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ひかる、ふたりじゃまずいわぁ体勢を整えて挑みましょぅ…" "Hikaru, we can't do this together, let's just get ready for the challenge..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "そう…あの時は、私の感情が引き金になったかも…" "Well...maybe my emotions were triggered at that time..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "じゃあ、何か感情を出せば感知できるんすね!?" "So you can sense it if you give some emotion!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "何の感情が必要なのかはわからないけどね~" "I don't know what emotions you need to have, though~"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "なら、演技っす!" "Then it's an act!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "通じるとは思えないよわたしたち演技派でもないし…" "I don't think you'll understand, and we're not in the acting business, so..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "アオさん!否定ばっかっす!" "Ao-san! All I can do is deny it!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "妹が言うことも、一理あるんじゃねーか?" "My sister has a point, doesn't she?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "さすがに今のところはお手上げだろ" "You're right, you're in over your head at the moment."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "とりあえず明日から、やれることはやりましょぅ" "Anyway, starting tomorrow, let's do what we can."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "失敗したって構わないけど、諦めるのだけはいけないわぁ" "I don't mind if you fail, but you shouldn't just give up!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "失敗していいの?" "Are you sure you want to fail?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "私が放った矢は1本じゃない" "I fired more than one arrow."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "別の方角から放った矢がいずれユニオンに刺さるわぁ" "An arrow fired from the other direction will eventually pierce the Union!"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "プロミストブラッドの連中も逃がした上に" "On top of letting the Promise Bloods get away with it."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "キモチの居場所も確保された…" "And a place for Kimochi has been secured..."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "今回ばかりは完敗だな…" "This is a complete defeat for once..."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "偽物の大軍を作るなんて驚きました…" "I'm surprised you'd build a fake horde..."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "対策をとっておかないと、また弄ばれてしまいますね…" "If we don't take action, they'll play with us again..."
Card 10274 d.png Tsuruno "それは、大丈夫!" "It's all right!"
Card 10274 d.png Tsuruno "固有魔法を使わないと、説明できないような現象だし" "And it's a phenomenon that can't be explained without the use of inherent magic."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "何度も使うなら、この由比鶴乃が見破っちゃうよ!" "If you're going to use it again and again, this Yui Tsuruno will see through it!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "でも完敗なのは変わらねーだろ" "But it's still a total loss, right?"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "うぐっ…" "Ugh..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そうだね…せっかくリードしてたのに…" "Well... you were leading so hard..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "なら、早く取り返そうぜ!見つけたのはオレらだろ!?" "Then let's get it back! We're the ones who found them, right?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私だってそうしたいけど、向こうには紅晴さんたちがいるし" "I'd like to do that too, but there's Kureha-san and the others over there."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "すぐに取り返す方法なんて、思いつかないよ…" "I can't think of any way to get it back right away..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "私たちも、ケガ人は出したくないですしね…" "We don't want anyone to get hurt, either..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うん…" "Yeah..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私たち神浜の魔法少女も紅晴さんたち二木の魔法少女も" "Both we, the magical girls of Kamihama and Kureha-san and the other magical girls of Futatsugi."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "傷付く人は最小限にして、全てを終わらせたい…" "I want to minimize the number of people who get hurt and get it all over with..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "まだ時間はあるはずよ" "There's still got to be time for you to do that."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "相手はキモチを感知する上で、感情の発露が必要なことも" "The other person may need to have an emotional outpouring in sensing their motivation."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "今回のキモチが何の感情に反応するかも気付いてないわ" "You don't even realize what emotional response this time the kicks are going to have."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "その間に、できる限り考えましょう" "In the meantime, let's think about it as best we can."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "あの…" "Um..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "また山の中に戻って、みんなとぶつかっちゃうなら" "If I have to go back into the mountains and bump into everyone else,"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "わたし、他のキモチを探してみるよ?" "I'm going to look for other kimochi, okay?"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "それなら、傷付けあわなくても大丈夫だよね?" "Then we don't have to hurt each other, do we?"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "自分は構わないが、それが良策と言えるかどうか…" "I don't mind, but I'm not sure it's a good idea..."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "今回と同じように一進一退を続ければ同じだぞ" "If you continue to go back and forth as you did this time, it'll be the same."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "いや…いっそスタンプラリーで大凡の位置を掴んでいるなら" "No... if you're just grabbing the majority of the positions in the stamp rally."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "全員に協力を願い出てユニオン総出で叩くのもありか…" "We could ask for everyone's help and hit them all with the whole Union..."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "すぐにキモチを見つけられるのはういちゃんだけだぞ" "Only Ui-chan can find your kimochi right away."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "みんなが出たところで、1体ずつしか対処できない" "When everyone is out, we can only deal with one of them at a time."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "む…確かにそうだな…" "Mmm... it's true..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "それにキモチを狙うグループが他にも出てきたら大変だよ!" "And if there's another group that goes after Kimochi, we're in trouble!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "見つけちゃったキモチの数だけメンバーが散らばっちゃうからね" "The members will be scattered around for as many kimochi as I've found."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ひとつひとつ倒していかないと共倒れになっちゃう…?" "If we don't take them down one by one, they'll fall together...?"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "かもねー…" "Maybe..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うえー…それってつまり時女一族もってことだよねぇ…" "Ehh... that means you have the Tokiwa Tribe..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ふぬぬぬ…" "Mmmmmm..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "ふぁ…ぁぅ" "Huh...ah."
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "おっと、さすがにもう良い時間だね" "Whoa, it's as good a time as any."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "ご、ごめんなさい!" "I'm sorry!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ここで唸っているよりも、一度リセットをかけた方がいいわ" "It's better to do a reset once in a while than to be snarling here."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ひとまず帰って改めて考えてみましょう" "Let's go home and think about it again for a while."
"~~♪~~♪" "~~♪~~♪~~♪"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "電話…?" "Phone...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "こんな時間にですか…?" "At this hour...?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "…みふゆだわ" "'s Mifuyu."
Part 2
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "やちよお姉さんと繋がった?" "Did you connect with your sister Yachiyo?"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ちょっと待ってください今コールしているので…!" "Wait a minute, I'm calling now...!"
File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "嫌われたんじゃないのー?" "I thought you didn't like me!"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "なんで、そんなこと言うんですか!" "Why do you say that?!"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "あっ、ほら、出ましたよ!出ました!" "Oh, look, there it is! It's out!"
File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "早く用件を伝えてくれるかな" "I hope you'll let me know what you want to do as soon as possible."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "わ、わかってます!" "Wow, I know!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "こっちは散々なのにずいぶんと楽しそうね" "You seem to be having a lot of fun, despite the fact that we've been through a lot over here."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "違います、勘違いです!" "No, sir, you're mistaken!"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ちゃんとワタシたちは陰で力になってたんですよ!?" "You know, we've been helping out in the shadows, properly watas!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "どういうことかしら?" "What does that mean?"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "今回見つけたキモチについて灯花たちと調べていたんです" "I was researching the kimochi I found this time with the lanterns and others."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "それで共通点から類推できることがありまして…" "So I can draw an analogy from the similarities..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "類推…?" "Analogy...?"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "やっちゃんたちが戦ったキモチなんですが" "That's the motivation that Yachan and the others fought for."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "今まで出現した場所とかつてうわさがあった場所が" "Where it has emerged and where it was once rumored to be."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "比較的近かったんです" "We were relatively close."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "っ…" "Huh..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "確かに最初に戦ったキモチは、絶交ルールのうわさと同じ場所…" "Indeed, the first kimochi I fought was the same place as the rumors of the Exclusionary Rule..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "まさか、今回のキモチが北養区の山中にいるなら…" "No way, if Kimochi this time is in the mountains of the Hokuyo District..."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "はい、マギウスの翼の拠点があった場所ですから" "Yes, because that's where the Magius' wing base was located."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "結界の中はホテルフェントホープかもしれません" "The inside of the wards may be Hotel Fendt Hope."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "やっぱり…" "I knew it..."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "フェントホープ内は複雑です" "It's complicated inside Fendt Hope."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "キモチの結界がある場所を押さえられたとしても" "Even if they can hold the place where the kimochi wards are."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "内部構造を知っているワタシたちなら有利に動けます" "We know the inner workings, and we can move in our favor."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ありがとう、みふゆ最高に嬉しい情報だわ" "Thank you, Mifuyu, that's the most delightful information."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "あとは、その状況をどうやって上手く使うかね…" "Now we just need to figure out how to make that situation work..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "現状、結界の近くには、プロミストブラッドがいるし" "As it stands, there's a Promise Blood in the vicinity of the wards, and..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "私たちが結界に入るまでに衝突してしまうわ" "We're going to collide before we get to the wards."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "お互いにケガ人は最小限に留めたいのよ" "We both want to keep injuries to a minimum."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "その最小限プランについて、ワタシから提案があります" "I have a suggestion for that minimum plan from Watashi."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "聞いてくれますか?やっちゃん" "Will you listen to me? Yachan."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ええ、もちろんよ" "Yes, of course."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それで、みふゆさんはどんなプランを立てたんですか?" "So, what kind of plan did you have in mind, Mifuyu-san?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "簡単にまとめて言うと" "In a nutshell,"
Yachiyo "「相手をあざむきながらキモチを倒して石を手に入れようって話よ」" "We're talking about mocking them and knocking down their kimochi to get the stone."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "いやいや、ししょーわかってるよ!" "No, no, shishou, I know!"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "アタシだってそうしたいが、簡単じゃないだろ" "I wish I could, too, but it won't be easy."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "具体的には何て言ってたの?" "What exactly did he say?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "まず、先に行く3人を選抜してキモチの場所に向かうわ" "First, I'm going to select three people to go ahead and head to Kimochi's place."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "たった3人か…相手の数が多ければ格好の的だ" "It's only three... the more of them there are, the better off we'll be."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "人数は魔力反応でわかるから多ければ早く撤退すれば良いわ" "I can tell how many people there are by their magical reactions, so if there are too many, the sooner we retreat the better."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "それに、明け方を狙えば相手も少ないはずよ" "Besides, if we go for the dawn, there should be fewer opponents."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "明日も学校がある以上は、仲間を拘束し続けられないもの" "As long as we have school tomorrow, we can't continue to hold our guys back."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "確かに、十分対処できそうだが、3人で何をするつもりだ" "Sure, I think I can handle it well enough, but what are the three of us going to do?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "交渉するのよ" "We're going to negotiate."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "私たちはお互いに足りない部分があるからね" "We're both lacking in each other, you know."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ん~?お金とか…腹減ってたり…?" "Hmm~? Are you hungry for money or... or...?"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "お金はそうですけど…互いに補いたいことですよね…?" "Money, yes... but it's something we want to compensate for each other... right?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そう、プロミストブラッドは、結界がある場所は占拠したものの" "Yes, although the Promise Blood has occupied the area where the wards are located."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "“結界を見つけられない”" ""I can't find the wards.""
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "対して私たちは、結界がある場所を占拠されたけど" "We, on the other hand, have been occupied where the wards are, though."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "“結界を見つけられる”" ""We can find the wards.""
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "だから、ユニオンがキモチを見つけることを条件に" "So, on the condition that the Union finds Kimochi."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "今回のキモチを巡る争いの決着を先延ばしにするわ" "I'm going to postpone the resolution of this fight over Kimochi."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それは…" "It's..."
Yachiyo "「結界に入ってキモチを倒した方が勝利よ」" "Whoever enters the wards and defeats Kimochi wins."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "結局、争うことになるんですね…" "So you're going to end up fighting..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それに相手が仲間を呼んだら、争いが大きくなりませんか…?" "And wouldn't the conflict grow if the other party called for a mate...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "もしかして、短い時間で終わらせるとか…?" "Could it be that we'll be done in a short amount of time or...?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "もちろん短期決戦のつもりだけど" "Of course I'm going to be a short term decision."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "相手を上手く“あざむけば”もっと被害を小さくできるわ" "The more you can taunt them, the less damage you can do.
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それってつまり…" "That means..."
Yachiyo "「先発3人の目的は、交渉のあとでプロミストブラッドのメンバーを隔離すること」" "The purpose of the first three starters is to isolate the members of the Promise Blood team after the negotiations."
Yachiyo "「フェントホープ内でキモチに案内するのはあくまでブラフよ」" "It's only a bluff to guide you to Kimochi within Fendt Hope."
Yachiyo "「もしも相手の増援があればこちらも同じ人数のメンバーを追加先発の3人と合流させて数をそろえるわ」" "If they have reinforcements, we'll have the same number of guys over here to join the three additional starters to get our numbers up."
Yachiyo "「そして、相手のメンバーが集まったら地下の礼拝堂で階段を破壊してユニオンのメンバーは隠し通路で撤退プロミストブラッドのメンバ-を閉じ込めるわ」" "And once the opposing members are assembled, we'll destroy the stairs in the basement chapel and the Union members will retreat in a hidden passage to lock up the Promise Blood members."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "すごい…" "Wow..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "じゃあ、撤退した人たちは?" "So what about the people who withdrew?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "キモチと戦うために入った後発の人たちと合流" "I'm going to join the latecomers who came in to fight Kimochi."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "一気にキモチを仕留めるわ" "I'm going to kill Kimochi all at once."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "キモチを倒す前には、ウワサを倒す必要があるけど" "Before we can beat Kimochi, though, we need to beat the rumor mill."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私たちなら“建物を壊す”ことでウワサが出るって知ってます" "We know that 'tearing down the building' is going to cause a lot of rumors."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "オレたちが有利だし朝イチでドカーンで勝利だな!" "We have the advantage, and with a bang first thing in the morning, we'll win!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "隔離して無力化しちゃうのはすごく良いと思うよ!" "I think it would be really good to isolate and incapacitate them!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ただ、相手の人数が少ないならみんなで攻めた方が早いような?" "It's just that if there's not enough of them, it's like it's faster to attack them all together?"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "いや、騙し討ちをして、圧倒的な力でねじ伏せれば" "No, if we can trick them and screw them over with overwhelming force."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "連中は我々を殺して回るかもしれない" "They could go around killing us."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "石の回収が優先となった状況をこちらで崩すのは危険だ" "It's dangerous to disrupt a situation where the recovery of the stone has become a priority over here."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "それに時女一族のあなたたちも目をつけられるわ" "And you guys from the Tokime's Tribe will be noticed."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "とは言っても、今回ばかりは力を借りるつもりはないんだけど" "That said, I'm not going to ask for help for once."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "そんな!" "Oh no!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "私たちも仲間ですし、協力させてください!" "We're on the same side, and we're willing to help!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "でも、時女さんのケガがあるし付いてあげた方が良いと思うわ…" "But I think it would be better for you to follow her with your injury, Tokime..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うん、気持ちは嬉しいけど、一番大切な人が倒れてる時だから" "Yeah, I'm glad you feel that way, but that's when the most important person in your life is down."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "静香…そう、ですね…" "Shizuka... yes, I know..."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "それにリーダーが不在では、判断が難しいですしね…" "And it's hard to make decisions without a leader..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "悪いわね…" "I'm sorry..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それじゃあ今の話、みんなに送っておきますね" "Well then, I'll send you all what I just said."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ありがとう" "Thank you."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ついでに、みふゆから聞いたチーム編成も送っておいて" "And while you're at it, send me the team composition that Mifuyu told me about."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "先発の3名は、みふゆと天音姉妹" "The three starters are Mifuyu and the Amane sisters."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "後発は私たちチームみかづき荘みたいよ" "The latecomers are like us, Team Mikazuki-so."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい、わかりました" "Yes, I understand."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "間髪入れずに次の作戦ねぇ天音姉妹にも連絡は来た?" "Quickly, our next mission, have you heard from the Amane sisters?"
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "うん、ちょうど環さんからね" "Yeah, just from the ring."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "まさか明け方に決行とは思わなかったでございます" "I didn't think you'd decide to do it at dawn, sir."
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "でも、場所がフェントホープならウチらの出番だね、月夜ちゃん" "But if the place is Fendt-Hope, it's our turn, Moonlight Night."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "元白羽根としての本領を発揮するチャンスでございます!" "This is your chance to show your true colors as a former white feather!"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "でも、レナたち北養まで来たのに今日は無駄足ってことよね…" "But Rena and the rest of the team came all the way to Hokuyo, and that means we're wasting our time today..."
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "途中でいろはちゃんたちとすれ違ってると思わなかったもん" "I didn't think we were passing Iroha and the others on the way."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "あはは…ま、こういうこともあるさ" "Haha... well, these things happen."
Rii-chan "…………" "............"
Rii-chan "…………!!" "............!"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "リィちゃん?魔法少女の反応?" "Rii-chan? A magical girl's reaction?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "戦いが終わって、みんなが帰ってきたのかもしれないね" "Maybe the fight is over and everyone's back."
"フッと体から力が抜けた。" "Poof, the strength left my body," he said.
"その理由に気付くと、ギュッと切なくなった…。" "When I realized why, I became squishy and sad...."
"静香さんがケガをしたって書かれていた。" "It said that Shizuka-san was injured."
"私の書いた文字を通して和らげば良いのに…。" "You should have softened it through the letters I wrote...."
"次は静香さんと話してみようと考えていた。" "I was thinking of talking to Shizuka-san next."
Part 3
Name Japanese Translation
Rii-chan "…………" "............"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "すぅ…すぅ…" "S...s...s..."
Rii-chan "…………!" "..........!"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "んむ…" "Hmm..."
Rii-chan "…………!!" "...........!"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "ふぇ…?リィちゃん…?" "Huh...? Rii-chan...?"
Rii-chan "…………" "............"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "え、魔法少女が動いてる…?" "What, the magical girl is moving...?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "でも、こんなに早い時間から…?" "But it's so early...?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "偶然、ひとりかふたり反応があっただけとか…" "I just happened to have one or two reactions or..."
Rii-chan "…………" "............"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "違うって…そんな…何かあったっていうこと…?" "No... that's not... that's not... that's not... that's not what happened...?"
Rii-chan "…………" "............"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "うん、そうだね時女の人たちも動いてるかも" "Yeah, well, maybe the women are moving on, too."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "みんな、また北養の山に向かってるかもしれないし" "Everyone else might be heading back to the North Yosu Mountains again."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "私もすぐに着替えて…" "I'll get dressed as soon as I can..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あ…まだ電車動いてない…!" "Oh... the train isn't moving yet...!"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "明け方にして正解です" "It's the right thing to do at dawn."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "想定通り、相手の人数は少なそうです" "As expected, the number of opponents seems to be small."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "あとは私たちで敵を、礼拝堂に隔離するでございますね" "Then we will isolate the enemy in the chapel, sir."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "そして、隠し通路を使って“脱出”" "And then use the hidden passageway to escape."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "キモチと戦うやっちゃんたちと“合流”する予定です" "We're going to meet up with Yachan and the others who are fighting Kimochi.
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "羽根としては古株だし、絶対に成功させないとね" "I'm an old-timer as a feather, and I've got to make sure I make it."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "脱出に失敗した場合は、どうするでございますか…?" "What will you do if you fail to escape, sir...?"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "最悪、礼拝堂を崩して“死なば諸共”でしょうか…" "Or worse, bring down the chapel and die together..."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "一番危険なグループを潰せますよなーんて" "You can destroy the most dangerous group of people..."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "ひぃっ…" "Hee..."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ふふっ" "Huh."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "でも自分の黒歴史が、今になって役立つとは思いませんでした" "But I didn't think my black history would help me now."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "マギウスの翼の幹部だったことでございますか?" "That you were an officer of the Wing of the Magius, sir?"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "はい、運命とは本当にわからないものですね" "Yes, you really don't know what fate is, do you?"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "普通の女性になるために縋って後悔したはずの組織なのに" "It's an organization I should have regretted clinging to in order to be a normal woman."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "そこでの記憶を頼りに、戦ってるんですから" "I'm relying on my memory of what I did there, because I'm fighting."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "であれば、私たちも同じでございますよ" "Then the same is true for us, sir."
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "魔法少女の呪縛から解放されて一緒に暮らすつもりだったもんね" "Well, you were going to live with us, free of the magical girl's spell, weren't you?"
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "ねー" "Hey,"
File:Card 10201 d.png Juriの声 "敵を前にして雑談なんてずいぶんと余裕じゃねーか" "You've got a lot of room to chat in front of the enemy, don't you?"
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "――っ!?" "--Huh?!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "本当だったら、今頃樹里サマの炎でウェルダンだぞ" "If it were true, you'd be well-done with Juri Sama's flames by now."
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "大庭樹里…" "Juri Oba..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ニヒッやっぱり待ってて正解だったな" "Nicely done, I knew you were right to wait."
File:Card 99999 d.png "次女さん、相手は3人ですここで撃退しますか?" "Second daughter, there are three of them, do you want to fight them off here?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "当たり前だっつーの" "It's a given,"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "しかも現れたのは敵の幹部不足はない" "But there is no shortage of enemy cadres that have appeared."
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "…………" "............"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "待ってください" "Wait."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ワタシたちに争う意思はありません" "We have no intention of fighting you and your people."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "信じろっつー方が無理だろ" "You can't expect me to believe that."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "魔力を探知してもらったら" "If you have your magic detected,"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ワタシたちが本当に3人だとわかるはずです" "You'll know that we are really three."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "…交渉させてくれませんか?" "...Will you let me negotiate with you?"
File:Card 99999 d.png "どうしますか…?" "What do you want to do...?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "…………" "............"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "マジだな…話だけは聞いてやるよ" "Seriously...I'll just listen to you."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ありがとうございます…" "Thank you..."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "それでは、単刀直入に申し上げます" "Then I'll be blunt."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "今回のキモチですが早い者勝ちにしませんか…?" "This time Kimochi, shall we make it an early winner...?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "はぁ?" "Huh?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "何を言い出すかと思えばずいぶんと馬鹿げた提案だな" "That's a pretty ridiculous suggestion, considering what you're going to say."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ワタシたちが結界を見つけると言ってもですか…?" "Even if I tell you that we will find the wards...?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "なるほどな" "I see."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "こっちが見つけられない状況を把握してるってことか" "So you're aware of a situation that we can't find."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "はい" "Yes,"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "1体のキモチに時間を割くのは不毛ですよね?" "It's barren to spend time on one body's kimochi, isn't it?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "そうか?" "Yeah?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "時間をかければ確実にキモチの石は手に入るぞ" "You'll definitely get the Kimochi stone if you give it time."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "その間、ワタシたちに他のキモチが取られますよ?" "In the meantime, you'll have other kimochi taken away from you by the watashies, right?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "今回と同じように横から奪えば問題はないだろ" "If we take it from the side like we did this time, there won't be a problem."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "それを繰り返せば、あなた方の戦力が分散しますが" "If you repeat that, though, your forces will be dispersed."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "お互い様だろ" "We're both in this together."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "そう、なのでワタシは、今の状況を危惧しているんです" "Yes, that's why I'm concerned about the situation we're in."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ワタシたちの敵はひとつじゃありませんから" "Because we're not just one enemy."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ひとつずつ対処しないと誰かに脇腹を刺されるって?" "You're telling me someone will stab you in the side if you don't deal with them one by one?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ニヒッ、わかった乗ってやる、競争上等だ" "Nihil, okay, I'll ride, I'll be competitive."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "代わりに、キモチの結界は、見つけてもらうぞ" "Instead, Kimochi's wards are going to be found."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "はい、もちろんですただし1点だけお願いが…" "Yes, of course, but I would like to ask one thing of you..."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "結界が見つかるまではここで待機してもらえませんか?" "Would you mind waiting here until we find a ward?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "騙し討ちだったら、どうなるかわかってるな?" "You know what would happen if it was a trick, right?"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "もちろんです" "Of course."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "(待ってる間に姉さんたちに連絡しとくか…)" "(I'll call my sisters while I wait...)"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "(交渉が成立した旨をももこさんたちに知らせないと…)" "(I have to let Momo-san and the others know that the negotiations have been concluded...)"
Juri "姉さん、妹、馬早くこっちに来い扉が開くぞ" "Sister, sister, horse, come here quickly, the door is opening."
Juri "まさかとは思ったがユニオンの連中が攻めてきた" "I didn't think it was possible, but the Union guys attacked us."
Juri "キモチを取ったもん勝ちって競争だが行儀良く付き合うつもりはないもちろん相手も同じはずだ" "It's a race to get the kimochi, but I'm not going to play nice, and of course the other guy should be too."
Mifuyu "ワタシたちの準備は整いましたこの場で待機してますのでその間に結界を見つけてください" "We're ready for the watahs, and we'll be waiting here, so you can find your wards in the meantime."
Mifuyu "後ほどそちらに合流することになると思います" "I'm sure I'll be joining you later."
Part 4
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "みふゆさんから合図があったいけるか、ういちゃん" "Mifuyu-san gave me a signal, can you go, Ui-chan?"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "場所はわかったからいつでも大丈夫だよ!" "I know where it is, so you're always good to go!"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "アンタは結界を見つけたら万年桜のうわさに避難しなさいよ" "When you find the wards, you should take refuge in the Rumor of the Eternal Sakura."
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "いるってわかったら、狙われるかもしれないからね…" "If they find out you're there, they might go after you..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "う、うん…!" "Uh, yeah...!"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "あとは、自分のタイミングでやりな" "Now, do the rest in your own time."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "ふぅ…………よしっ…"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "えーいっ!!" "Eeeeee!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "この魔力は…キモチの結界を見つけたか…" "This magical power... you found the Kimochi wards..."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ワタシも直接感じるのは初めてですけど…" "I've never felt it firsthand either, but..."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "本当にただの魔女とは思えないでございますよ…" "I really don't think she's just a witch, sir..."
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "うん…体が震える…" "Yeah... I'm shaking..."
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "イブの欠片だとは言っても、こんな強い魔力だったなんて…" "Even though it's a piece of Eve, I didn't know it was such a strong magical power..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "お前たちで提案しておいて震えてるなら、世話ねえな…" "If you guys are shaking after suggesting it, then I don't care..."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "ようやく来たか待ちわびたぞ" "Finally, you're here, we've been waiting for you."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "仲間を待たせてたってことは、ハナからやり合う腹か…?" "You've been keeping your people waiting, so you're going to have to start fighting with them...?"
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "勘違いをしてもらうと困るでございます" "I don't want you to get the wrong idea, sir."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "はい、彼女たちはあくまで待機組です" "Yes, they are only a standby group."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "そういうこと" "That's what I mean."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "こっちは同じ人数でキモチを奪い合うつもりだけど" "We're going to have the same number of people over here fighting for kimochi, though."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "アンタたちが、仲間を呼ぶかもしれないでしょ?" "You know, you guys might call your people, right?"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "アタシらはその時に追加で結界に入る要員だよ" "Atta and the others will be additional warders at that time."
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "数を揃えないといけないからね" "We've got to get the numbers right,"
File:Card 99999 d.png "あくまで対等に奪い合うつもり?" "So you're just going to take them as equals?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "今のところは話に乗っかってやろう" "Let's just get on with the story for now."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "現状こっちの方が不利な以上" "As it stands now, our side is at a disadvantage."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "キモチまで案内してくれるなら御の字だっつーの" "If you could take me to Kimochi, I'd be fine."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ただ、嘘っぱちだとしたら、お前らをウェルダンにしてやる" "Only, if you're lying, I'm going to make you guys well-done."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "…………" "............"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "では、3人ずつ結界に入るということで良いですね?" "So, we're going to enter the wards three at a time, correct?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ああ、それでオッケーだ" "Yeah, and that's OK."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "では参りましょう…" "Then let's go..."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo&月咲 "…………" "............"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "本当にうわさの写しですね…" "It's really a copy of a rumor..."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "(ここならワタシたちのホーム…全てはこちらの掌に…)" "(This is our home... all in the palm of our hands...)"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "お姉ちゃん、わたしはここに居ればいいの?" "Sis, am I supposed to be here?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "近くに居ると見つかるし、狙われてるかもしれないから" "They'll find us if we're close enough, and they might be after us."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "終わるまではここに居て" "Stay here until it's over."
File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|ういのことなら任せて|" "I'll take care of Ui.
File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|いろはたち以外は、みんな敵だと考えるから|" "|Because we think of everyone else as enemies, except Iroha and the others."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ありがとう、桜子ちゃん" "Thank you, Sakurako-chan."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "じゃあ、うい私は結界に向かうからね!" "Well, yeah I'm going to head to the warding!"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うん!気をつけてね、お姉ちゃん!" "Yeah! Take care of yourself, sister!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "行ってくるね!" "I'm going to go!"
Part 5
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "時女の人たちは水徳寺にいるって聞いてたけど" "I heard that the Tokime were at the Suide Temple."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "こんなに大きかったんだ…" "It was so big..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "本当に合ってるかな…?" "Are we sure it's right...?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<入口に書いてたから、合ってると思うよ…?>" ""
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "そうだよね…" "Yeah, I know..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "でも、呼び鈴がない…どうやって呼べば良いんだろ…?" "But there's no doorbell... how do I call it...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Ryouko's voice "おっ、なんだこんな朝っぱらから客かい?" "Whoa, what's with all the early morning visitors?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "ひぁっ!" "Hee!"
Card 30584 d.png Natsu Ryouko "なっはは!悪い悪い驚かせちまったな!" "Naha! Sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!"
Card 30584 d.png Natsu Ryouko "で、何の用だ?" "So, what do you want?"
Card 30584 d.png Natsu Ryouko "今なら住職も居るし、葬式の相談ならし放題だ!" "We have an abbot now, and I can talk to him about funerals all I want!"
Card 30584 d.png Natsu Ryouko "って、縁起でもねぇな!" "I mean, it's not a good omen!"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あ、あの…" "Oh, um..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "静香さんと話したくて…ケガをしたって聞いたので…" "I just wanted to talk to Shizuka...I heard you were hurt..."
Card 30584 d.png Natsu Ryouko "本家の知り合いか" "You know the original owner?"
Card 30584 d.png Natsu Ryouko "…………" "............"
Card 30584 d.png Natsu Ryouko "なるほど魔法少女じゃない噂の取材をする少女ってことか" "I see, so you're not a magical girl, you're a girl who covers rumors."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "は、はい…" "Yes, yes..."
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "静香殿なら、ちょうど目を覚ましたでありますよ" "Shizuka-dono would have just woken up, sir."
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "体の加減も良さそうなので上がってもらっても良いかと" "It looks like your body is in good shape, so I thought it would be okay to ask you to come up."
Card 30584 d.png Natsu Ryouko "んじゃ、あたしはちょっくら茶でも淹れてくるよ" "Well, I'll go make myself a cup of tea."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "ありがとうございます…!" "Thank you...!"
Card 30584 d.png Natsu Ryouko "じゃあ、ゆっくりしていきな" "Well, take your time, then."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "は、はい…!" "Ha, yes...!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "わざわざ来てくれてありがとう" "Thank you for coming all the way out here."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "あなたは私にとって、魔法少女以外の友だち第1号ね" "So you're my first non-magical girl friend."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "第1号ですか!?" "The first one?!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ええ、神浜の中では" "Yes, in the Kamihama."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "って言っても集落で同世代なんて数えるぐらいだけどね" "But I can only count the number of people my age in the settlement."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "それで、今日はお見舞い兼取材って感じでしょ?" "So, it's like a visit and an interview today, right?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "聞きたいことがあれば、何でも聞いていいわよ?" "You can ask me anything you want, okay?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "気分も良いし答えてあげる!" "I feel good and I'll answer you!"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "えっ、えっ…!" "What, eh...!"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "そんな、お話は聞きたいですけど…" "Oh no, I'd love to hear your story, but..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<かごめちゃんは、無茶をさせるつもりはないからね?>" "Kagome-chan isn't going to make you do anything rash, okay? >"
Card 10254 d.png Chiharu "そうだよ、静香ちゃん大ケガしてたのに!" "That's right, Shizuka, you were seriously injured!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "はい、安静にしてください" "Yes, please rest."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "でも、調整してくれたから魔力は安定してるし" "But you've adjusted it, so my magic power is stable."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "お腹のケガも塞がって、痛みも全然ないわよ" "My stomach injury is closed up and I'm not in any pain at all."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "元気元気っ!" "Cheerful, cheerful!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "むぅ…静香ちゃんからは、無理をしてる匂いがするよ" "Mmm...I can smell you pushing yourself too hard from Shizuka."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ちゃるの能力で嗅ぎ取るのは悪意だけでしょ" "The only thing you can sniff out with Charu's ability is malice."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "そうだけどぅ" "Yes, but..."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "心配なんですよ、みんな" "I'm worried, guys."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "それは、本当に悪かったわ…" "I'm really sorry about that..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "でも、環さんたちは、あれから大丈夫だったの…?" "But have you and Rin been okay since then...?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "はい、無事ですよ" "Yes, you're safe."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "ただ、プロミストブラッドの煌里さんには逃げられて" "It's just that I got away from the Promise Blood's glittery lady,"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "キモチの結界がある場所も取られたみたいですけど…" "It looks like they also took the place where Kimochi's wards are..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "そのあとは…?" "And then...?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "負けを認めるってわけじゃないわよね…?" "Doesn't mean you're going to admit defeat...?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "私もわからないです…でも…" "I don't know either... but..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "でも?" "But?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<明け方から神浜の魔法少女に、動きがあったみたいなんだよ>" "Since the dawn of time, it seems that there has been some movement in the magical girls on the Kamihama."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "そうなの…?" "Really...?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "はい…" "Yes..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "…………" "............"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "スマホに連絡はないけど…ちゃるとすなおは…?" "I don't have any calls on my phone... but Charu and Suna...?"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "えっと…私たちは聞いています…" "Well... we're listening..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "えっ…" "What..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "じゃあ、どうしてここに居るの?助けに行くべきじゃない" "Then why are you here? You shouldn't go to help."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "七海さんたちのご厚意で、静香の看病をしていてと…!" "Nanami-san and the others have kindly asked me to take care of Shizuka...!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "言ったでしょ静香ちゃん!わたしたちも心配だったんだよ!" "I told you, Shizuka! We were worried about you, too!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "…今のは私が悪かったわ" "...I'm sorry about that one."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "でも、だからって仲間が戦っててじっとしてるだなんて…" "But that doesn't mean you're going to sit still with your friends fighting..."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "静香!まだ動けるような状態じゃ!" "Shizuka! You're still in no shape to move!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "動ける状態よ私は全然動けるわ" "I'm in a state of motion, and I'm perfectly capable of moving."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "だから、ちゃる!すなお!みんなが居る場所を教えて!" "So, charu! Smooth! Tell me where everyone is!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "…本当に平気なんですね?" "...You're sure you're okay with this?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "もちろんよ" "Of course."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "わかりました…" "Okay..."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "では、他の一族の方々にも声をかけてきますが" "So, I'm going to call on the other tribesmen,"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "環さんは相手を刺激して被害が出るのを危惧していたので" "Tamaki-san was afraid that he was going to provoke the other person and cause damage."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "人数を連れていくにしても、慎重になった方が良いと思います" "I think it's best to be cautious if you take a number of people with you."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "そうね" "Yes,"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ちなみに、佐鳥さんも私たちと一緒に行くでしょ?" "By the way, Satori-san is going with us, right?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "は、はい、お願いできるなら…!" "Ha, yes, if you could please...!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "それだったら、わたしがおんぶしてあげる!" "Then I'll give you a piggyback ride!"
Part 6
Name Japanese Translation
Kagome "『わ、わわっ、高い!!』" "Wow, wow, that's high!"
Kagome "『これが、移動する魔法少女が見ている景色…』" "This is the view a moving magical girl sees..."
Kagome "『魔法少女ってこんなに身軽に移動できるんですか…!?』" "Puella Magi are able to move around so lightly...?"
Kagome "『ひやぁああっ…!!』" "Hiyaaahhhh...!"
Kagome "『ビルの隙間…!落ちちゃうぅぅぅ…!!』" "A gap in the building...! I'm going to fall...!"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あ、ぁぅ…心臓が飛び出しそう…" "Ahhhh... my heart is going to jump out of my chest..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うーん…ごめんね…?" "Umm... sorry...?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "わたしのおんぶだと、すっごく揺れちゃうみたい…" "I feel like my piggyback ride is making it very bumpy..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "せっかくだから、北養まで一緒に行けたらと思ったけど" "I was hoping that since we're going to be here, I could go with you to the Hokuyo."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "ごめんなさい…" "I'm sorry..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あの、遅れちゃうから先に行ってください…" "Um, I'm going to be late, so please go ahead..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<その方が良いよ…>" "That's better..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "でも、わたしたちのことを、記録して纏めたいんだよね?" "But you want us to be recorded and put together, don't you?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "え…はい…" "Er...yes..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "それなら、辛いかもだけど一緒に北養まで行こう!" "Then I know it might be hard, but let's go to the Hokuyo with you!"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "どうしてそこまで?" "Why are you there?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "等々力耕一が言ってたからね" "That's what Koichi Todoroki said."
Todoroki (Chiharu) "事件にトリックがあるとすれば世界は物事が起きるトリックの集まり誰もが何かの役割をもっているんだよ" "If there's a trick in the case, then the world is a collection of tricks that make things happen, and everyone has a role to play in it."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "つまり!" "I mean!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "かごめちゃんの取材も何かの役割を持っていて" "Kagome-chan's coverage also has some role to play."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "きっと魔法少女にとって大切なことなんだよ、うん!" "I'm sure it's important to a magical girl, yes!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "だから惜しみなく力を貸すよ!" "So I'll lend you a generous helping hand!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ただ、ちゃるだと揺れちゃうんですよね?" "It just shakes when it's charu, doesn't it?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "そう!それがネック…!!" "Yes! That's the bottleneck...!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "それなら私が担いでいくわよ?" "Then I'll carry it for you, okay?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "魔法少女歴は長いし、安定して移動できると思うから" "I've been a magical girl for a long time, and I think I can move consistently."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ちょっとケガは!?" "You look a little uncomfortable.
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "大丈夫って言ってるじゃない" "I said I'm fine."
Shizuka "「ちゃると比べてどう…?」" "How does it compare to Charu...?"
Kagome "『はい、すごく良い感じです風が気持ち良く感じるぐらいです…』" "Yes, it feels so good, the wind feels so good..."
Shizuka "「ふふっ、そうそれなら良かったわ」" "Huh, well that's good to hear,"
Chiharu "「うぅ、悲しい…!」" "Ugh, it's sad...!"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "あの、ひとつだけ聞いても良いですか?" "Um, can I ask you one thing?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ん?" "Hmm?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "どうして、こんなに神浜の人に協力的なんですか?" "Why have you been so cooperative with the people of Kamihama?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "そんなの簡単よ環さんたちって良い人でしょ?" "It's that easy, aren't you and your friends good people, Rin?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "良い人…?" "A good man...?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "違うかしら?" "Isn't it?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "い、いえ…" "No, no..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "私も以前、魔女から助けてもらったので…" "I was rescued from a witch before, so..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "でも、それが理由ですか?" "But is that why?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "あとはそうね…" "The rest, well..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "時女と神浜で魔法少女への想いは違うけど" "Although my feelings for magical girls are different between Tokijo and Kamihama."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "そこを気にしなければ素敵な友人のひとりだから" "If you don't mind that, you're one of my wonderful friends."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "そもそも日の本のために戦うって時女を除けば特殊なんでしょ?" "To begin with, fighting for the book of sunshine is special, except for women, right?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "だからって自分たちの矜持を捨てるつもりはないけど" "That doesn't mean we're going to give up our pride in ourselves, though."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "環さんたちと一緒にいる中でみんなの想いを理解したいのよ" "I just want to understand everyone's thoughts and feelings while I'm with Rin and the others."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "それって集落以外での生活に慣れるためでもあるんですか…?" "Is that also to get used to life outside of the settlement...?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "まぁ、そんなところねなるべく早く馴染みたいから" "Well, that's about it, because I want to settle in as soon as possible."
Part 7
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "本当にこのまま争わずに進むつもりか?" "Are you sure you're going to go on without a fight?"
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "最初からキモチを倒した人が勝者だと言ってるでございますよ" "I'm telling you, the person who defeats Kimochi from the beginning is the winner, sir."
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "ねー" "Hey,"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "そちらが仕掛けてくるのであれば話は別になりますが…" "It would be a different story if you're going to set it up, but..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "いいや、馬鹿正直なもんだと驚いてるだけだよ" "No, I'm just surprised it's so stupidly honest."
File:Card 99999 d.png "…………" "............"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "それでも、お仲間の方は、ただならぬ雰囲気ですね…" "Still, your people are in an unusual atmosphere..."
File:Card 99999 d.png "当然だろ" "Of course."
File:Card 99999 d.png "こちらからすれば、神浜の魔法少女は仲間の仇だ" "From our point of view, the Magical Girl of Kamihama is the avenger of our friends."
File:Card 99999 d.png "アンタたちさえいなければ、苦しむ人は少なくて済んだ" "If only you guys hadn't been around, fewer people would have suffered."
File:Card 99999 d.png "いがみ合わずに殺さなくて済んだんだ…" "We didn't have to kill each other without bickering..."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "…………" "............"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "殺し合いの火蓋を切ったのはこっちだろ" "We're the ones who started the killing spree."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "互いに責任はあるっつーの" "We're responsible for each other, you know."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "ずいぶんと、達観しているのでございますね…" "You are quite masterful, sir..."
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "互いに責任があると思うなら、どうしてウチらを攻めるの…?" "If you think we're responsible for each other, why are you attacking us...?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "原因の一端はそっちだ多少は恨ませてくれよ" "You're the one who caused it, so let me hold a little grudge."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "それに、樹里サマは姉さんのものだからな" "Besides, Juri-sama is your sister's."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "それは、どういうことでしょう…?" "What does that mean...?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "色々あるんだよお前らと同じようにな" "There's a lot going on, just like you guys."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "色々と…そうですね…" "A lot of things... well..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "特殊な事情がなきゃ、魔女なんて集めないだろ?" "You wouldn't collect witches without special circumstances, would you?"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "どうでしょうか…ワタシは特殊だとは思いません…" "I don't know...I don't think I'm special..."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "魔女化を知った人であれば解放を望むのは自然だと思います" "I think it's natural for anyone who knows about witchcraft to want to be freed."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ただ、魔女を集めるという方法が特殊なものだったんです" "It's just that we had a special way of collecting witches."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "解放を求めたのは生きるためか?" "Did you seek liberation to live?"
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "そうでございます" "Yes, sir."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "魔法少女になっても、生きていけない子も沢山いて" "There are a lot of girls who can't live with being a magical girl."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "魔女を倒して生きていく呪縛から解かれたかったでございます" "I wanted to be released from the curse of defeating the witch and living in the world, sir."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "まぁ、そんなもんだよな" "Well, that's about it, isn't it?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ただ、気持ちは察するけど、同情はできねえな" "I just know how you feel, but I don't feel sorry for you."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "あなたは、普通の女性に戻りたいとは思わないですか?" "Don't you want to be a normal woman again?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "樹里サマは考えたこともないね" "I've never thought about that, Juri-Sama."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "この魔力…" "This magical power..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "姉ちゃんのメッセージ通り、本当に結界を見つけたんだね…" "You really did find the wards, just like your sister's message..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "ユニオンの連中も卑怯っすね" "It's not fair to the Union guys, either."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "わざわざ数が少ない時間を狙ってくるだなんて" "I can't believe you went out of your way to go out of your way to get a small number of hours."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "でも、相手も少数でしょ?" "But they're few and far between, aren't they?"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "大規模な争いを避けるための、駆け引きだと思うけどね~" "I think it's a bargaining chip to avoid a major conflict~"
File:Card 99999 d.png "三女さん、ひかるさん…!ユニオンの連中が…!" "Three girls, Hikaru-san...! The Unions...!"
File:Card 99999 d.png "さすがに相手も多少は疑り深いみたいだな" "You're right, they're a little skeptical of the other side, too."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "わぉ" "Wow."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "ひかるたちでパワーバランスを崩そうと思ったのに…" "I was going to use Hikaru and the others to upset the balance of power..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "これは無理だね~" "I can't do this!"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "1、2、3、4名をご案内すれば良いってことか?" "You mean to tell me that I should show you one, two, three, or four people?"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "こちらも4人だビーチバレーで勝負ができるな" "There are four of us here too, so we can play beach volleyball."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "まーたおちょくってくるっすね…" "You're going to piss me off..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "本人は馬鹿にする意図はなさそうだけどね~" "He doesn't seem to have any intention of making fun of me~"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "悪いけどレナたちだって、勝ちにいくつもりなんだから" "I'm sorry, but even Rena and the others are going to win."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "数で有利になるようなマネはさせないからね" "I'm not going to let you do anything that gives you an advantage in numbers,"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "ま、バレバレだよね~" "Well, it's obvious!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "さっきはご案内って言ってたけど一緒に結界に入るってこと?" "You said earlier that you were going to show me around, but do you mean you're going into the wards with me?"
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "そ、そうだよ…!" "Yes, that's right...!"
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "私たちで4人ずつ入って7対7でキモチを取り合うの" "We'll go in four at a time, and we'll fight for kimochi, seven on seven."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "…ひかるは構わないっすよ" "...I don't mind Hikaru."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "じゃあ、付いて来てもらおうか先発隊と合流しよう" "Well, why don't you follow me, and we'll meet up with the advance team."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "今、ももこさんから連絡がありました" "I just got a call from Momo-san."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "増援が来たでございますか?" "We have reinforcements, sir?"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "はい" "Yes,"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "プロミストブラッドの増援が来たようです" "It looks like Promise Blood's reinforcements have arrived."
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "テレパシーが通じたなら、もう近そうだね" "If your telepathy came through, you're already close."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "こちらに向かってるようなので後ほど合流しましょう" "It looks like they're on their way this way, so we'll meet up with them later."
File:Card 99999 d.png "三女さんたちですか?" "Are these the three girls?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ま、だろーな" "Well, I guess."
Part 8
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ももこのメッセージを読む限りだと" "From what I read in this message, Momo,"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "笠音アオと煌里ひかるも結界に入ったみたいね" "It looks like Kasane Ao and Kirari Hikaru have also entered the ward."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "紅晴さんが来てないのが、少し気になりますけど" "I'm a little concerned that Kureha-san isn't here, though."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "でも、主力の大部分を隔離してくれたら助かるわ" "But it would help if you could isolate most of the main force."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そうですね" "Yes,"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あとは上手く、みふゆさんたちと合流できたら良いんですけど" "Now if only I could successfully meet up with Mifuyu and the others."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "できなかったら、私たちでフェントホープのウワサを倒す…" "If you can't, we'll take down Fendthope's rumors with us..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "そう、ですよね…?" "Yes, isn't it...?"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "別に合流なんてしなくても、オレらでいけるぞ!" "You don't have to join up with us, we can do it on our own!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "前にキモチと戦った時だってズガーンって倒したじゃんか!" "Even when you fought Kimochi before, you defeated him with a Zugan!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "でも、みふゆさんが、死にかけた相手なんですよ…?" "But Mifuyu-san is the one who almost died...?"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "フェリシアさんには、何か勝算があるんですか…?" "What do you think the odds are against you, Felicia...?"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "なんとなくだぞ!" "Sort of!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "えぇ…" "Yes..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "でもまぁ、ウワサはコピーだし、そこまで強くないと思うよ" "But, well, the rumor is that it's a copy, and I don't think it's that strong."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "それよりもキモチとの戦いが本番なんだから" "It's more of a real battle with Kimochi, you know."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "みかづき荘の最強団結パワーで思いっきり乗り越えないと!" "We have to get over this with the strongest unity power of Mikazuki Villa with all our might!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "そうですね…!私、気合いを入れ直します…!" "Yes...! I'll get back into it...!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "では、あとはお願いしますひなのさん" "Then, please take care of the rest, Hinano-san."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "あぁ、任された" "Oh, you're in charge."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "相手のリーダーが来たらこっちで死守しないとな" "We'll have to defend it to the death over here when their leader comes in."
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "長く耐えられるかはわからないしなるべく早めに片付けてよ" "I don't know if you're going to be able to hold out much longer, and you need to get this out of the way as soon as possible."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい、頑張ります…!" "Yes, I'll do my best...!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ただ、紅晴さんの到着が遅いのが気になります…" "It's just that Kureha-san's arrival is late..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "かなりの数を連れてくる可能性もあるわ…" "It's possible they'll bring quite a few..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "その時は無理しないでね" "Don't take it easy then."
Part 9
Name Japanese Translation
"コツ…コツ…コツ…コツ…" "Knack... knack... knack... knack... knack... knack..."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "こんな奥に入るのはアタシもはじめてだな…" "I don't think I've ever been this far in, either..."
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "なんか暗くて湿気も多いし気持ち悪いね…" "It's kind of dark and humid and weird..."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "かえでが好きそうな植物がグングン育ちそうじゃない" "It's not going to be a gung-ho plant that Kaede would like."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "確かにちょっとした温室のような感じだな" "It's definitely a bit of a greenhouse."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "みふゆさん、まだ結構かかるのか?" "Mifuyu-san, is this still going to take quite a while?"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "もうすぐで到着しますよ" "We're almost there."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "でも、良かったです" "But it was good,"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "キモチの所に辿り着く前に皆さんと合流できて" "I was able to meet up with all of you before I got to Kimochi's place."
File:Card 10064 d.png Juri "3対3の時よりかは、確実に相手を狩れるからな" "It's a lot more reliable than when it's three against three, because we can hunt them for sure."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "…………" "............"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "ねぇねぇ、姉ちゃん" "Hey, hey, sis,"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ん?" "Hmm?"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "ユニオンの人たち、絶対に何か仕掛けてくるよ" "Union people, they'll definitely try something."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "んなの百も承知だっつーの" "I'm pretty sure I know what it is."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ちなみに、妹だったらどうする…?" "By the way, what would you do if you were my sister...?"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "うーん…どうするかな…" "Ummm...I don't know what to do..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "自分たちが有利になるとしたら…やっぱりあれかな…" "If we're going to give ourselves an advantage...I guess it's still that one..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "あれ?" "Huh?"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "主力の分断" "Fragmentation of the mainstream."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "…なるほどな確かに有り得そうな話だ" "...I's certainly a likely scenario."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "もしもそうだとしたら絶対に逃がさねえ" "If I did, I wouldn't let you get away with it."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "キモチを狩る代わりに、アイツらを狩らないとな" "Instead of hunting kimochi, we should be hunting those guys."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "それにしても、どうして初めての結界に詳しいんすか?" "Then how are you so familiar with your first wards?"
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "ここは、ホテルフェントホープ元マギウスの翼の拠点だからだよ" "That's because this is the base of the Hotel Fendt Hope's former Magius wing."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "コピーではございますが、構造は同じなのでございます" "It's a copy, but the structure is the same, sir."
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "そして、この先にはイブが居た" "And then there was Eve down the road."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "そう、マギウスが育てていた最大の魔女が…" "Yes, the biggest witch the Magius had ever raised..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "…だからキモチもそこに?" "...and that's why you're there, Kimochi?"
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "たぶんね" "Maybe."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "…………" "............"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "礼拝堂に着いたら予定通りプロミストブラッドを隔離します" "When we get to the chapel, we will isolate the Promise Blood as planned."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "到着後、ワタシの合図で階段を破壊して通路を封鎖" "When we arrive, the watashi signaled us to destroy the stairs and block the passage."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "その時は、ももこさんたちも手伝ってくれると助かります" "It would be great if Momo and the others could help us with that."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "もちろん、任せておいて" "Sure, I'll take care of it."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "その後は、フェントホープの隠し通路を使って離脱か" "After that, you're going to have to use Fendt Hope's hidden passages to get away."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "はい" "Yes,"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "階段の破壊とほぼ同時に移動を開始するので" "Since we start moving almost as soon as the stairs are destroyed."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "付いてきてください" "Follow me."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "遅れないようにしないといけないわね" "We'll have to make sure we don't fall behind."
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "いろはちゃんたちとキモチを倒さないとだもんね" "I have to beat Kimochi with Iroha-chan and the others, right?"
"コツ…コツ…コツ…コツ…" "Knack... knack... knack... knack... knack... knack..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "すごいっす…本当に温室みたいな場所が…" "It's amazing... there's a place that really looks like a greenhouse..."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "皆さん、準備は良いですか…?" "Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready...?"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "というよりも、荘厳な礼拝堂って感じだね~" "It's more like a majestic chapel!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "ラスボス感もあるし、確かにキモチが出てきそうかも" "It's a bit of a raspy feeling, and it's definitely going to be creepy."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ここで、一気に階段を破壊して、脱出します!" "Here, we'll destroy the stairs at once and get out of here!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "暴れるには十分な広さだな" "It's big enough for a riot."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "今です、お願いします!!" "Now, please!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "なっ!" "Nah!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "次女さん、三女さん!仕掛けてくるっすよ!!" "Second daughter, third daughter! They're going to make a move!"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "レナ、かえで、いくぞ!!" "Rena, come on, let's go!"
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "思いっきり壊してやるわ!" "I'm going to destroy it!
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "いっけーーー!" "Icky!"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "月夜さん、月咲さん!" "Tsukuyo, Tsukasa-san!"
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "全ての音は空気の震え…" "Every sound is a tremor in the air..."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "細かい振動で崩してみせるでございますよ!" "I will break it down with fine vibrations, sir!"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "仕上げは自分だな隙間なく埋めてやるとしよう!" "You're the one who's going to finish the job, so let's fill in the gaps!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "姉ちゃん、相手が逃げてく!" "Sis, they're running away!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "妹の言った通り、こっちを分断すんのが目的だ!" "It's like my sister said, they want to divide us!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "絶対に逃がすな!" "Don't let him get away with it!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "キモチまで案内してくれるなら御の字だっつーの" "If you could take me to Kimochi, I'd be fine."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ただ、嘘っぱちだとしたら、お前らをウェルダンにしてやる" "Only, if you're lying, I'm going to make you guys well-done."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "有言実行…!!" "Word...!"
Part 10
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "ふゆぅ!!" "Fuyu!"
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "かえで!" "Kaede!"
File:Card 99999 d.png "退路は断たせてもらった絶対に逃がさない!" "I've been cut off from the retreat, and I won't let you get away with it!"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "っ、通路が壊されたか…" "Huh, the pathway has been broken..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ニヒッ間一髪ってところだったな" "That was almost a nihilistic moment."
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "こちらの裏には気付いてるとは思ってましたが…" "I knew you'd be aware of what was going on behind here, but..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "なんとな~く、わたしなら力を分断すると思ったんだよね~" "Somehow I thought I would divide up the power~"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "テヘッ" "Teh-heh."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "互いに逃げられなくなった今、狩らない理由はないっす" "Now that we can't run away from each other, there's no reason not to hunt."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "あぁ、デスマッチだ" "Oh, it's a deathmatch."
Part 11
Name Japanese Translation
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "佐鳥さん、大丈夫?" "Satori, are you okay?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "はい" "Yes,"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "森の中まで運んでくれてありがとうございます…" "Thank you for carrying me into the woods..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "キモチの場所も、だいぶ近いですよね…?" "Kimochi's location is also much closer...?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "うん、そろそろ気を引き締めていかないと" "Yeah, I'm going to have to get my shit together soon."
"日食のように、少しだけ陰りがあるみたい。" "It's like a solar eclipse, with a little bit of shade."
"それを静香さん自身が気付いているから…。" "Because Shizuka-san herself is aware of that...."
"自分を信頼してくれるから。" "Because she trusts herself."
"周りの願いや生き方を理解しようとしてる。" "She's trying to understand the wishes of those around her and the way they live."
"真っ直ぐで、笑顔をキラキラさせながら。" "Straight and with a sparkling smile."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "はっ…!!静香ちゃん、すなおちゃん!!" "Ha...! Shizuka, Sunao-chan!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "はい、魔法少女が近付いてきますかなりの数です…!" "Yes, the magical girls are approaching, quite a few of them...!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "中にはプロミストブラッドのリーダーがいるわね…" "There's a Promise Blood leader inside..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "わたしたちの動きを知って来たのかな…" "I wonder if they've come to know our movements..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "環さんが動き始めたら、すぐに連絡がいってるはず" "I'm sure they'll be in touch as soon as Tamaki-san starts moving."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "私たちと同じ時間なんていくらなんでも遅すぎるわ" "It's too late for any amount of time to be the same as ours."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "急いで来なかった…?違う、準備をしてた…!" "You didn't come in a hurry...? No, I was getting ready...!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "仲間を沢山そろえてるかも…!?" "I think we have a lot of people in here...?
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "だとしても、こちらも一族の方々をそろえてます!" "If so, we have a whole tribe of people here too!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ぶつかっても、きっと大丈夫です" "I'm sure you'll be fine if you bump into them."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "キモチの結界に入る前に食い止めないと!" "We've got to stop it before it enters Kimochi's wards!"
File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "ひなのさん、令ちゃん魔法少女が来るよ…!" "Hinano-san, Ryou-chan, a magical girl is coming...!"
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "って、勘弁してよ!" "I mean, give me a break!"
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "3人で抑えられるような数じゃないって…!" "There's not enough of them to keep the three of us down...!"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "待て!時女の反応もあるぞ!" "Wait! There's a reaction from the Tokime!"
File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "3つのグループがぶつかっちゃうの~!?" "The three groups are going to collide~?!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "見つけた…プロミストブラッド…!" "I found it...Promise Blood...!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "気付いていたのは、そっちだけじゃないわよぉ" "You're not the only one who's noticed."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "時女一族…" "Tokime..."
File:Card 30443 d.png Chizu Ranka "ユニオンの連中も雁首揃えてちょうどいいじゃん!" "And the Union guys are just as good as the goose that's been going on!"
File:Card 30212 d.png Suzuka Sakuya "こっちの標的はキモチなんだから目的をはき違えないでよ?" "The target over here is Kimochi, so let's not miss the point, okay?"
File:Card 30443 d.png Chizu Ranka "知ってるって真面目ちゃんがウルサイな" "You know, you're a wolverine, you're a serious girl who knows."
File:Card 30212 d.png Suzuka Sakuya "なっ…" "Nah..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "相変わらず、がらの悪い連中ね…" "As usual, you're a badass bunch..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ごめんなさい佐鳥さん離れてくれる…?" "I'm sorry, Satori-san, can you leave me alone...?"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "は、はい…" "Yes, yes..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ここからは私も身の安全を保証できないわ" "I can't guarantee my safety from here either."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "記録するなら気をつけて" "If you're going to record it, be careful."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "静香さんも…無理はしないでくださいね…!" "Shizuka-san... please don't take it easy...!"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "数が多い…!" "There are so many...!"
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "一気にこっちを畳みかける気だね…" "You're trying to fold this side at once..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "数を集めるのに時間を使わせてもらった以上" "As long as I was allowed to spend my time gathering numbers."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "キモチの石は必ず頂戴するつもりよぉ" "I'm going to have to take the Stone of Motivation."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "それなら、アタシらは必ず死守するだけだ…!" "Then we will definitely just defend ourselves to the death...!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "私たちも加勢します!" "We'll join you!"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "すまない、助かる!!" "I'm sorry, thank you!"
Part 12
Name Japanese Translation
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "関所を破るっていうなら、この場でお縄だあ!" "If you're going to break the barrier, then I'm going to take the noose right here!"
File:Card 99999 d.png "ぐっ、紐が絡みついて…!" "Gosh, the strings are tangled up...!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "そして眠っていてもらいます!" "And I'll have you sleeping!"
File:Card 99999 d.png "く、そ…" "Shit...."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ナイスだよ!すなおちゃん!" "Nice! Sunao-chan!"
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "この調子で上手く足止めできれば" "If we can hold them off well at this rate,"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "強制的にストッパーを排除するだけよぉ…" "We're just going to force the stoppers out..."
File:Card 99999 d.png Ikumi's voice "令ちゃん、気をつけて!" "Ryou-chan, be careful!"
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "――っ!?" "--What?
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "一閃でなぎ倒す!" "I'll knock you down with a flash!"
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "…………" "............"
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "あれ、当たったはずなのに…" "Oh, I thought I hit that one..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "対象変更…" "Change of subject..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "全ての衝撃はふたりに集約されたわぁ…" "All the shocks came down to you two..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うぁっ!!" "Whoa!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "きゃあっ!!" "Kyah!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "キモチへの道はできたわ!一気に乗り込みなさい!!" "We're on our way to Kimochi! Get in at once!"
File:Card 30212 d.png Suzuka Sakuya "長女さんに続こう!" "Let's follow your eldest daughter!"
File:Card 30443 d.png Chizu Ranka "これで勝率も上がったってもんよね-" "It's a great way to improve your odds..."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "完全に不意を突かれました…" "I was completely caught off guard..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ふたりとも動ける?" "Can you two move?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "こんなの諦める痛みじゃない…全力でいけるよ、静香ちゃん…!" "This isn't a painful way to give up... I can do my best, Shizuka...!"
File:Card 99999 d.png "長女さんたちの追跡は諦めた方が良いよ" "You'd better give up the pursuit of your eldest daughters."
File:Card 99999 d.png "ここからは攻守交代" "We'll take offense from here."
File:Card 99999 d.png "今度は私たちが結界への侵入を阻むわ" "This time we're going to prevent them from getting into the wards."
File:Card 99999 d.png "であれば、追跡可能にするのが分家である我々の役目!" "Then it's our job as the branch family to make it traceable!"
File:Card 99999 d.png "時女…!" "Tokime...!"
File:Card 99999 d.png "ここは私たちで受け持つので、静香さんたちは追跡してください" "We'll take care of this place, so Shizuka-san and the others can track it down."
File:Card 99999 d.png "ユニオンの方々も早く!" "The Unionists can't wait!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "必ず良い報告を持ち帰るわ!" "I'll definitely bring back a good report!"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "アタシらも入るぞ!" "We're going in!"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "しかし、この様子だと、中の方もどうなってるか…" "But by the looks of it, we'll see what's going on inside..."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "ウワサとすら戦ってなかったら出現させるところからだな…" "If we weren't even fighting rumors, we'd start making them appear..."
File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "うん、うわさを否定するためにフェントホープを破壊しないと…" "Yeah, we need to destroy Fendthope to deny the rumors..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "…………" "............"
File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<かごめちゃんはどうする…?>" "What about Kagome-chan...? >"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "大丈夫、怖くない…わたしだって追いかけるよ…!" "Don't worry, I'm not afraid...I'll chase after you too...!"
Part 13
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "みふゆさんたち、合流する気配がないですね…" "Mifuyu-san and the others, there's no sign of them joining us..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あの礼拝堂で問題が起きたんでしょうか…" "I wonder if there was a problem in that chapel..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "プロミストブラッドを隔離する際何かあったのかもしれないわ…" "Maybe something happened when they quarantined the Promise Blood..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "下手をすると、戦ってるかもしれないわ…" "If we're not good, we could be fighting..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それなら私たちで、ウワサもキモチも倒しましょう" "Then we'll take down both rumors and Kimochi with us."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "そうですね…" "Well..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "紅晴さんが追いかけてくる前に終わらせたいです…" "I want to finish this before Kureha-san comes after me..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "元々短期決戦が前提の作戦だからね!" "It was originally intended to be a short-term operation!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はいっ" "Yes."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "環さん!!" "Tamaki-san!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "きゃっ!?え、静香ちゃん!?" "Kyah! What? Shizuka!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "どうしてここに!?" "What are you doing here?
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "細かい話はあと!" "I'll tell you the details later!
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "それより、紅晴結菜たちが侵入したわ!" "More importantly, Kureha Yuna and the others have broken in!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "えっ…数は…!?" "What... how many...?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "多いわこっちを圧倒する気よ" "There are so many, they're trying to overwhelm us."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そんな…" "Oh no..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "侵入者は私たちで抑えてるし外の相手も仲間が対応してるけど" "We've got the intruder under control, and our guys are dealing with the guy outside, too."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "対人戦になると相手の方が上手よ" "When it comes to fighting against you, your opponent is better than you."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "どこまで持つかわからない以上急いで戦いを終わらせて!" "Since we don't know how long it will last, hurry up and finish the fight!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "わかったけど、静香ちゃんのケガは…!" "Okay, but Shizuka's injuries...!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "心配してる場合じゃないでしょ!?ほら、早くして!" "You can't worry about that! Come on, come on!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "っ…" "Huh..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "いろは、誰からだったの…?" "Iroha, who was it from...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "静香ちゃんから…" "Shizuka-chan to..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "紅晴さんたちが侵入したから急いでキモチを倒せって" "Kureha-san and the others have broken in, so they want us to hurry up and take down Kimochi."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "数もかなり多くて、抑えてくれてるみたいです" "There are quite a few of them, and they seem to be keeping it down."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "マジかよ!" "Seriously?!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "急がねえと、あの角のヤツに追いつかれるぞ!" "Hurry up or the one in the corner will catch up to you!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ほら、来たぞ!" "Here it comes!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "いえ、今のは遠かったわ…" "No, that was too far..."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "聞こえるか、やちよさん!" "Can you hear me, Yachiyo-san!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "都さん" "Miyako-san."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "この様子だとウワサとも戦ってないみたいだな" "By the looks of it, it doesn't look like you're fighting the rumors either."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ええ…" "Yes..."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "それなら想定通りだ" "Then it's to be expected."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "実はプロミストブラッドの侵入者は時女に任せて" "Actually, leave the Promise Blood intruder to the Tokime."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "アタシらの方は建物を壊してるところだ!" "We're just tearing down the building on our end!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "今の衝撃、そういうこと…" "Now the shock, that kind of thing..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "これで、みふゆが礼拝堂への階段を壊していれば…" "Now if only Mifuyu had broken the stairs to the chapel..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ウワサが出るまでもう一息っていうところね…" "We're just about ready to get the word out..."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "あぁ、だから最後は頼む!" "Yeah, so please finish it!"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "アイツらに追いつかれる前にウワサとキモチを倒してくれ!" "Take down Ursa and Kimochi before those guys catch up to you!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "わかったわ!" "All right!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "時女さんに続いて、都さんからも連絡があったわ" "I've heard from Miyako-san after Tokime,"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "彼女たちの方はフェントホープの破壊を進めてくれてる" "The girls have been working on the destruction of Fendt-Hope."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "きっとあと少しで、ウワサを出現させられるはずよ!" "I'm sure you'll be able to make the rumors appear in just a few minutes!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "タイミングばっちりじゃん!鬼のヤツが来る前に倒せるぞ!" "That's perfect timing! We can take it down before the demon guy comes!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "だね!" "Right!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "みんなの力でウワサを倒して、キモチも一気に倒しちゃおう!" "Let's take down the rumors with everyone's help, and let's take down Kimochi all at once!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ふんふん!" "Humph!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "だなっ、ふんす!" "Duh!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "私も、いつでもやれます…!" "I can always do it, too...!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それじゃあ、みんないくよ!" "Well then, we'll all go!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "せーーーーのっ!" "Se-no!"
Part 14
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10052 d.png "|!!0。*ー(●(工)●)ー*。0!!|" "|! !!!0.*(●(engineering)●)*!0! |"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "出てきましたねホテルフェントホープのウワサ…" "There you go... rumors about the Hotel Fendt Hope..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ももこたちからは、かなり手強いって聞いたけど" "I've heard from Momo and the others that they're pretty tough to beat."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そんなに強い魔力を感じないわね" "You don't seem to have such a strong magical power."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "やっぱりオリジナルと比べたら弱いのかもしれないよ!" "Maybe it's still weak compared to the original!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "まぁ、それ以前に本体がキモチだからかも?" "Well, maybe it's because the body is kimochi before that?"
File:Card 10052 d.png "|!!0。*ー(●(工)●)ー*。0!!|" "|! !!!0.*(●(engineering)●)*!0! |"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "はい、これぐらいの攻撃なら私の盾で十分防げます…!" "Yes, my shield is enough to prevent an attack of this magnitude...!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ぶら下がってるクマ、オレがぜーんぶ落としてやるぞ!" "Dangling bears, I'm going to drop all of them!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ひとまず1回戦は、余裕で切り抜けられそうね" "I guess we'll get through the first round in good time for now."
Part 15
Name Japanese Translation
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "わわっ、屋根が崩れるよぅ!" "Wow, the roof is going to collapse!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "環さんたちが動いてる証だからこれで良いのよ" "It's a sign that the rings are working, so this is good."
File:Card 30212 d.png Suzuka Sakuya "結菜、今の魔力反応だけど外からで間違いない!" "Yuna, that's a magical reaction now, but I'm pretty sure it's from the outside!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ありがとう、さくや" "Thank you, Sakuya."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "進行方向は間違ってなかったようねぇ" "Looks like we're headed in the right direction."
File:Card 30443 d.png Chizu Ranka "それにユニオンの攻撃からどこか焦りも感じるし" "And I also feel somewhat impatient from the Union attack."
File:Card 30443 d.png Chizu Ranka "先に入った次女たちも何かやらかしたっぽいじゃん" "It looks like the youngest girls who came in first have done something too."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "そうねぇ" "Well,"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "この調子で切り崩していけば、まだまだ勝率は上がる" "If we continue to cut down at this rate, we'll still have a good chance of winning."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "次に向かうのは外ねぇ" "We're not going to the next one.
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "いえ、これ以上先には行かせないわ" "No, I won't let you go any farther."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "…………" "............"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ちゃる、これで動けそうですか?" "Charu, do you think you can move on this?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うん、すなおちゃんの癒やしがある限り倒れないし" "Yeah, and I won't fall down as long as Sunao-chan's healing is there."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "まだまだ壁になることだってできる!" "You can even still be a wall!"
File:Card 30212 d.png Suzuka Sakuya "おっと" "Oops."
File:Card 30443 d.png Chizu Ranka "ほんと攻撃が一辺倒" "Really, the attack is all over the place."
File:Card 30443 d.png Chizu Ranka "もう少し魔法少女同士の戦いを研究しなさいよね" "You should study a little more magical girl fights with each other, right?"
File:Card 30443 d.png Chizu Ranka "あんま邪魔ばっかしてると、マジでブチ切れちゃうよ?" "You're going to get seriously pissed off if you keep interrupting me too much, okay?"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "っ!?" "What?!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "危なかったぁ~" "That was close!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "確かにあなたたちは強いわぁ…" "Surely you guys are strong..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ただ、こうして戦っていても私たちの動きを止められていない" "It's just that fighting like this hasn't stopped us from moving."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "この神浜の戦いにおいて、対人経験の少なさは命取りねぇ" "In this Battle of Kamihama, your lack of interpersonal experience is deadly."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "神浜に来るまで、魔法少女同士で争うとは思わなかったわ" "I never thought I'd see magical girls fighting each other until I came to Kamihama."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "日の本を穢す悪鬼から人を守るその使命を持つ者同士だから…" "Because we are both on that mission to protect people from the demons that defile the book of days..."
File:Card 30443 d.png Chizu Ranka "ほんと日の本とか意味不明馬鹿げてるとしか思えないって" "He said it's really just a book of the day or something unintelligible and ridiculous."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "なっ…" "Nah..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "らんか…" "Ranka..."
File:Card 30443 d.png Chizu Ranka "でも、そう思うでしょ?" "But you think so, don't you?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "…………ふっ"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "そうねぇ" "Well,"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "たった1度の願いばかりか、人生の全てが他人のため" "It's not just one wish, it's your whole life for others."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "自分の命は誰の命なのかって思うわぁ" "I'm wondering whose life is my own, you know?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "…あまり馬鹿にすると、許さないわよ" "...If you make too much of a fool of yourself, I won't forgive you."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ユニオンの連中ですら、利他の中に利己を持ってる" "Even the Union guys have self-interest in their altruism."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "対して全てが利他であるあなたの魂は" "Versus your soul, which is all altruism."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "他人がいないと存在できない抜け殻のようなものよぉ" "It's like a shell that can't exist without others."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "やめなさい" "Don't do it,"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "己を尊ばない者は、機械で良い" "He who does not respect himself is good for the machine."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "そんな者の矜持など、叶える必要なんてないわぁ" "I don't need to fulfill the pride of being such a person!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "…………" "............"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "こんなに誰かを嫌だと思う気持ちは久しぶりだわ" "I haven't felt this bad about someone in a long time."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "はぁ…はぁ…" "Ha...ha...ha..."
"私が見たから…静香さんを見たから…。" "Because I saw it...because I saw Shizuka-san...."
"金環食のように現実離れした雰囲気を纏ってる。" "It's wearing an atmosphere as unreal as an annular eclipse."
"ドボンと黒い沼に落ちてった…。" "I fell into a black swamp with a bang...."
"誰かを拒否する“嫌悪”の表情だと思う。" "I think it's the look of disgust in someone's face."
File:Card 10201 d.png "|!?;*(T(工)T)*;!?|" "|! ;*(T)*;! |!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "本当に、聞いてたよりも弱かったですね" "Really, it was weaker than I'd heard."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "おかげで、あまり疲れずにキモチに挑めますね…" "Thanks to that, I can take on Kimochi without getting too tired..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そうね、本番はここからよ…" "Well, here's the real deal..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい、ただでさえイブの欠片…油断はできません…" "Yes, even just a piece of Eve... you can't be too careful..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "来ます…!" "It's coming...!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "フェリシア、前みたいに飛びこむのは禁止だからね!" "Felicia, you're not allowed to jump in like you did before!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "オレもがくしゅーしてるぞ!溜めてからズガンだ!" "I'm squishy too! Accumulate and then Zugan!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "学習してない!" "I'm not learning!"
File:Card 10201 d.png "∵ウゥゥ…クゥアゥ!!" "∵Uu.......coooooooo!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "…………っ!" "....................!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "すごい鳥肌が立った…" "I got amazing goosebumps..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "前と同じ…心に感情を叩き込まれるみたい…" "It's like the same as before... it's like they're hammering emotions into my mind..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "この感情は…" "These feelings..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "誰かをすごく拒絶するような…" "It's like you're going to reject someone so much..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "なにか…重くてドロドロした気持ちです…" "There's something... heavy and sludgy about it..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "気分が悪いぞ…" "I don't feel so good..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "――っ!?" "--?!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "キモチが出てきた…" "I'm starting to get a kick out of this..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "あなたとは、この場で決着を付けるわ!" "I'm going to end it right here with you!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "っ…" "Huh..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "メンタルを崩すつもりが、少し火が着き過ぎね…" "I'm trying to break your mental health, but you're getting a little too fired up..."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "静香、少し冷静に!キモチが出てきてます!" "Shizuka, chill out a bit! I'm getting a kick out of it!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "隙を作っちゃうよ!" "I'll create an opening!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "っ…!" "Huh...!"
File:Card 30443 d.png Chizu Ranka "感情的になるのは、ゲームだけにしとけってね" "You're supposed to only get emotional about the game."
File:Card 30212 d.png Suzuka Sakuya "結菜、このままダッシュでキモチと接触するよ!" "Yuna, I'm going to dash in and make contact with Kimochi at this point!"
File:Card 30212 d.png Suzuka Sakuya "なにっ…!?" "What...?!"
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "一直線に行けるほど、障害物は少なくないぞ!" "There aren't enough obstacles to go in a straight line!"
File:Card 30212 d.png Suzuka Sakuya "ユニオン…" "Union..."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "建物を壊す役目は果たしたし続きはアタシらが引き受ける!" "We've done our job of tearing down the building, and we'll take care of the rest!"
File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "静香ちゃんはキモチを殴って、ストレスを解消したらどうだい?" "Shizuka, why don't you punch Kimochi and relieve your stress?"
File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "この人たちに変わってね♪" "Change to these people..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "…………" "............"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "さっきの嫌な感情と同じような相手が外にいる" "There's someone out there who has the same kind of bad feelings I had earlier."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ちゃる、すなお…少し行ってくるわ…" "Charu, Sunao...I'm going to go out for a bit..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "前にも感じたこの気持ちを、私が連れて行くために…!" "To take this feeling I've felt before, to take me with you...!"
Part 16
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "っ…ふぅ…ぅ…" "Hmm...hmm..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "ベテランの割には膝を折るのが早いんじゃねーか?" "For a veteran, you break your knees pretty fast, don't you think?"
File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "事情があって、持久戦は苦手なんです…" "Due to circumstances, I'm not very good at endurance fighting..."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "姉ちゃん、これ以上戦うのは得策じゃないと思うよ~" "Sis, I don't think it's a good idea to fight any more~"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "あ?イージーモードじゃねえのか?" "Oh? I thought you were in easy mode?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "けほっ…" "Keho..."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "どう考えても、互いに一進一退っすよ" "For all intents and purposes, we're going back and forth with each other."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "ううん、ベリーハードモードだよ" "Nah, I'm in belly hard mode."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "これ以上やると、礼拝堂が丸ごと崩れるかも" "If we do any more, the whole chapel might collapse."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "これだけ派手に暴れたらね…" "When it's this loud and outrageous..."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "教えてあげるけど" "Let me tell you something."
File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "アンタたちの命は、レナたちが握ってんのよ" "You and Rena and the others are the ones who hold your lives in their hands."
File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "今は私の植物で支えられてるけど…" "I'm supported by my plants right now, but..."
File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "私たちが全力で笛の音を反響させてしまえば" "Once we've done our best to echo the sound of the flute,"
File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "みんなそろってお陀仏だよ!" "We're all together for Buddha!"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "マジか…でも、んな度胸あるのか?" "Seriously... but what kind of balls do you have?"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "デスマッチと言ったのはそちらだろう" "You called it a deathmatch, didn't you?"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "全員押しつぶされるのがお望みの終焉で合ってるか?" "Is it the end you want to see us all crushed, correct?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "…………" "............"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "いや、姉さんひとりを残すのはさすがに忍びないな" "No, I can't bear to leave my sister alone, indeed."
File:Card 10241 d.png "∵ヌゥゥ―ッ_アグゥ!!" "∵nu-uh-uh-agh!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "背後を取ったり!炎扇斬舞!!" "Or get behind! Flaming Fan Zanmai!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ちゃらぁあああッ!!" "Charaaah!"
File:Card 10241 d.png "∵ギギギィィィイ!?!?" "∵Giggyyyyy?!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "このままエラを貫く!一気に致命傷を与えるわよ!" "I'm going to pierce the gills like this! I'm going to give you a fatal blow all at once!"
File:Card 10022 d.png "∵ヌゥゥゥゥ ̄!!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "速い…!" "Fast...!"
File:Card 10032 d.png "∵ヌゥ_ギゥゥ!?" "∵nu_giu?!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "やちよさん、止まらないでそのまま!!" "Yachiyo-san, don't stop, keep going!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ありがとういろは!" "Thank you, Iroha!"
File:Card 10032 d.png "∵グゥゥ_―ァア!!" "∵guh_-ah!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "やぁあああっ!!" "Yaaaah!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ふぅ…やった…?" "Huh...did you...?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そんな…手応えはあったのに…!" "Oh no... you had a good response...!"
File:Card 10032 d.png "∵グゥ…!!" "∵Guu...!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "やちよさん…!!" "Yachiyo-san...!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "あぅッ!!" "Ahh!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ったた…" "Whaaaat..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "二葉さん…ごめんなさい…" "Futaba-san...I'm sorry..."
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "いえ、間に合って良かったです…" "No, I'm glad I made it in time..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "やっぱり隙を与えて攻撃をするんじゃなくて" "I knew we shouldn't give them an opening to attack."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "前と同じように力を重ねないといけないわね…" "We'll have to pile on the same power as before..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "もーまんたい!もっかいいってみよー!" "Moo mantai! Let's try it again!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "まだ機会があるなら、任せてもらって良いかしら?" "If you still have the opportunity, may I be allowed to take care of it?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "静香ちゃん…!" "Shizuka-chan...!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "キモチが何を訴えたいかなんてわからないけど" "I don't know what Kimochi wants to appeal to, though."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "この誰かを嫌悪をする気持ちを私に連れていかせて…!" "Let me take this feeling of disgust for someone else...!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "たぶん、今の自分が向き合うべきだと思うから…!" "Probably because I think I should face it now...!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うん、わかった" "Yeah, okay."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それなら私は静香ちゃんに任せるよ" "Then I'll leave it to Shizuka."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "その代わり、サポートは私たちに任せてね" "In return, you'll have to leave the support to us."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ありがとう、環さん" "Thank you, Rin."
Part 17
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "静香ちゃんが前に出るので、サポートをお願いします!" "Shizuka will step forward and we need your support!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "タイミングは時女さんに任せるわ!" "I'll leave the timing to Ms. Tokiwa!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "はい…そちらの攻撃に合わせて私たちも攻撃を重ねます…!" "Yes... we'll be able to match your attack with our own...!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "たぶんフェリシアのハンマーが威力を重ねやすいと思うから" "Probably because I think Felicia's hammer is easy to stack power on top of."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ここぞの一発は頼んだよ!" "I'm asking for a shot here and there!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "おう!ぺちゃんこにしてやるぜ!" "Oh! I'm going to flatten you out!"
Part 18
Name Japanese Translation
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "時女の矜持は私の生きる証で魂の証" "The pride of a Tokime is the proof of my life and my soul."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "決して無ではなく、他に代用の利くものではない" "It is never nothing, and there is no other substitute for it."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "きっと己のために生きて火花を散らす利己の対峙より" "Surely it is more than a confrontation of selfishness that lives and sparks for its own sake."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "誰かのために生きる方が優しくて平和なはずよ" "It would be kinder and more peaceful to live for someone else."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "誰かを否定してでも、それを証明してみせる" "I'm going to prove it to you, even if it means denying someone else."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "母様から教わった時女一心流で見事、片付けてみせます!" "When your mother taught me, I will clean up the mess, brilliantly, in a woman's single-minded way!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "時女一心流!!懐隠しの四肢落とし!!" "Tokime Isshin style! Pocket-hiding limb drop!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "からの!" "From!"
Shizuka "―静香―時女一心流!!" "-Shizuka-Tokijo Isshinryu!"
Shizuka "―静香―旋風鎌鼬(せんぷうかまいたち)!!" "-Shizuka-Senpūkamaitachi!"
"∵フグゥ_ヌゥ―ング―!?" "∵Fuguu-Nu-ng-?!"
Tsuruno "―鶴乃―いいよいいよ、効いてるよ!ふんふん!" "-Tsuruno-It's good, it's working! Hmmm!"
"………!" ".........!"
Sana "―さな―でも、まだ動きます…!" "-Sana - but it still works...!"
Felicia "―フェリシア―んじゃ、オレもここぞの一発はカッコ良くキメてやるぜ!!" "-Felicia, then I'm going to make this one look pretty cool too!"
Felicia "―フェリシア―ウルトラグレートビッグハンマー!" "-Felicia- Ultragreat Big Hammer!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "はぁ…はぁ…" "Ha...ha...ha..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "キモチはどうなった…?" "What happened to Kimochi...?"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "いない…です…" "I'm not... sir..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "倒した…倒したよ静香ちゃん…" "I beat you... I beat you, Shizuka..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "私、今回もやれたのね…" "I guess I could do it again..."
File:Card 99999 d.png "――っ!?" "--What?
File:Card 99999 d.png "結界の入口が消えた…!" "The warding entrance is gone...!"
File:Card 99999 d.png "勝敗は、一体どちらに…!" "The winner will be whoever wins...!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "私たちよ" "It's us,"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "これでプロミストブラッドに石を渡さずに済んだわ" "Now I won't have to give the Promise Blood a stone."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "しずかちゃーーん!追いかけてきて良かったね!" "Shizuka-chan! I'm glad you've been following it!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ゆすりん坊将軍も驚きの逆転劇だよ!" "It's a surprise reversal, even for General Yulinbo!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "はい、集落の方々にも良い報告ができそうですね!" "Yes, I'm sure we'll have a good report for the village!"
File:Card 99999 d.png "それで肝心の石の方は…?" "So what about the important stone...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "もう少ししたら、現れると思います" "I'm sure they'll show up in a little while."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "っ!" "Huh!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "今の光…" "Now the light..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい、ブレスレットが付いた時と同じ光です!" "Yes, it's the same light as when the bracelet was on!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "静香ちゃん、どう!?" "Shizuka, how's it going?!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ちょ、ちょっと待って…!" "Wait, wait a minute...!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "…………" "............"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ついてないけど…?" "I don't have any luck...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あ、あれ…?" "Oh, that...?"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "でも、結界も消えたし、倒したはずよね…?" "But the wards are gone, and we should have defeated them...?"
Card 10254 d.png Tsurunoの声 "うわぁあっ!!" "Whoa!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "フェリシアの腕に付いてる…" "It's on Felicia's arm..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "オレに付いてどうすんだよ!" "What are you doing with me?
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ふっ、んーーー!外れねーし!" "Huh, hmmm! It's not going to miss!"
File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "あっ…もしかして…最後のハンマーで倒したから…?" "Oh...could it be...because I beat you with the last hammer...?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "それ以外、考えられないわね…" "I can't think of anything else..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "あれだけ意気込んだのに…" "After all that enthusiasm..."
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "えと、オレは別にいらねーけど…なんか…ごめんな…!!" "Well, I don't need it, but I'm sorry about that...!"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "ぷっ、ふふっ、まぁ別にいいわ" "Pfft, pfft, well, it's okay."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "あなたたちに渡るなら、嫌でもなんでもないもの" "If it's going to cross over to you guys, it's not something I don't like or want to do."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "ひとまず、アタシらの勝利ってことだけど" "For now, though, it's a win for us."
File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "もう一戦交える?" "Another round?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "…………" "............"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "悪いな姉さん、キモチの石は相手に渡っちまった" "Sorry sis, I'm afraid the stone of jealousy has been crossed over to them."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "それでも樹里サマは、姉さんがやるっていうなら戦うぞ" "Still, Juri-sama, if your sister wants to do it, I'll fight her."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "ひかるもやるっすよ" "Hikaru's going to do it too."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "え~三女としては反対しまーす" "Eh - as the third daughter, I'm against it."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "そうね、三女の言う通りよさすがに引き上げるわ" "Well, you're right, the three girls are right, and I'll pull out indeed."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "過度に衝突をする段階じゃないし何事も腹八分目よぉ" "We're not at the point of excessive conflict, and we're pretty much ready for anything."
File:Card 30212 d.png Suzuka Sakuya "はいはーい" "Yes, yes,"
File:Card 30212 d.png Suzuka Sakuya "ケガの程度が重い人は私に教えて出張調整屋に連れて行くから" "If your injuries are severe enough, let me know and I'll take you to a traveling adjuster."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "これが長女の判断だとさとりあえず次回に持ち越しだな" "That's the eldest daughter's decision, so I guess we'll carry it over to next time for now."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "また戦えるのを楽しみにしてるぞ" "I'm looking forward to fighting again."
File:Card 30443 d.png Chizu Ranka "ねえ樹里、憂さ晴らしに、ゲーセン寄ってかない?" "Hey Juri, why don't you stop by the arcade to get rid of your gloom?"
Card 10254 d.png Juriの声 "おい、こっちは徹夜だぞ?疲れたし店が開いてねーっつーの" "Hey, we've been up all night over here, okay? I'm tired and the store isn't open."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "…………" "............"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "みんな行ったみたいね" "Looks like everyone's gone."
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "不気味なぐらい潔く引き下がったな" "You've pulled back with an eerie grace."
File:Card 30032 d.png Miyako Hinano "何か裏があるかもな…" "Maybe there's something to it..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "疑り出したらキリが無いけどね" "There's no doubt about it, though."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "取りあえず消耗してる人が多いですし" "And a lot of people are worn out for now."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "みたまさんの所に寄りませんか?" "Why don't we stop by Mitama-san's place?"
File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "うむ、八雲なら調整屋で待っているはずだぞ" "Mm, I'm sure Yakumo would be waiting for you at the adjustment shop."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あと、ケガがひどい人は言ってください" "Also, if you have a bad injury, please tell me."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "一応、傷を治せるので、少しは楽になると思います" "In the meantime, I think it's going to be a little bit easier because I can heal the wound."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "…………" "............"
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "環さん、お願いしていい…?" "Tamaki-san, can I ask you to...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "もしかして…" "Could it be..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "あはは、やっぱり無理して傷が開いたみたい…" "Haha, I knew I'd pushed myself too hard to open the wound..."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "だから言ったじゃないですか!" "That's why I told you!"
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "でも、ほら石も手に入ったし結果オーライだから!" "But, you see, I got the stones, and it's all right with the results!"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "…………" "............"
File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "どうしようやちよ悪い事した気がするぞ" "I feel like I've done something wrong."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "それが罪悪感っていうものよ" "That's called guilt."
Part 19
Name Japanese Translation
"が出てきたの…。" "I'm getting out...."
"を倒すという不思議な予感。" "A strange premonition that I'm going to take down the..."
"フェリシアさんの手首に着いちゃった。" "It got to Felicia's wrist."
"少しずつ時間は経っていく。" "Little by little, time is passing."
"気付くと静香さんは元気になっていた。" "I noticed that Shizuka-san was getting better."
"今は太陽として輝いている。" "Now she's shining as the sun."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "じゃあ、傷の方は…" "Then the wound..."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "さすがに今回はたっぷり休んでこの通り!" "As expected, plenty of rest this time, and this way!"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "み、見せなくても良いですよ…!!" "See, you don't have to show me...!"
Card 30584 d.png Natsu Ryouko "ただ、帰ってきた時は、あたしも面食らったねぇ" "It's just that when you came back, I was baffled, too."
Card 30584 d.png Natsu Ryouko "静香が重いケガをしてるって言うもんだから" "Shizuka says she's got a serious injury."
Card 30584 d.png Natsu Ryouko "旭と一緒に滋養強壮に効く、良いモン揃えようと動いてたのに" "I was working with Asahi to get you all the good stuff, nourishing and tonic."
Card 30584 d.png Natsu Ryouko "本人が帰宅したら、悪化してんだから" "When he gets home, it's going to get worse."
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "いや、全くでありますよ" "No, not at all, sir."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "はい…無理しました…" "Yes... it was too much..."
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "それでも、無理のおかげで石も手に入ったわけですし…" "Still, thanks to the impossibility of it, you've got the stone, too..."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "やめてよ、かごめちゃん!" "Don't do it, Kagome!"
File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "ひゃっ!?" "Hiya!?"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "そうです!" "Yes!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "変に静香を調子に乗らせたら、大丈夫大丈夫って" "If I let Shizuka get carried away in a strange way, she said it's okay, it's okay."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "どんどん歯止めが利かなくなります!" "It's getting more and more unstoppable!"
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "反省する時は、してもらわないと!" "When you're reflecting on it, you've got to do it!"
File:Card 10201 d.png Shizuka&かごめ "あ、はい…ごめんなさぃ…" "Oh, yes...sorry...I'm sorry..."
Card 30584 d.png Natsu Ryouko "そういや、お三方は今日みかづき荘に行くんだっけ?" "Well, are the three of you going to Mikazuki Villa today?"
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "そういえば、そんなことを言ってたであります" "Come to think of it, you said something like that."
Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うん、夕飯にお呼ばれしてるから今日は向こうで食べてくるよ" "Yeah, I've been invited to dinner, so I'm going to eat over there today."
Card 10254 d.png Shizuka "全快した報告兼、とりあえずの祝勝会ですって" "He said it's a full recovery report and a victory celebration for now."
Card 10274 d.png Sunao "すみません、おふたりもお誘いしたかったんですけど…" "Excuse me, I wanted to invite you both to join us..."
Card 30584 d.png Natsu Ryouko "こんな広間がある家なんてないんだし" "There's no house with a hall like this one."
Card 30584 d.png Natsu Ryouko "気にするこたぁないよ" "Don't worry about it."
File:Card 10341 d.png Asahi "留守は我々に任せるであります" "We'll take care of the absences, sir."
Part 20
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "今日は人数も集まりますし、沢山作りやすい献立にしないと" "We're going to have a lot of people here today, and we need to make a menu that's easy to make a lot of."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "いっそ、うちではやらないビュッフェとかやってみる?" "Would you rather do a buffet or something that we don't do at our house?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あぁ、そういうのは、私が作り慣れてなくて…" "Oh, I'm not used to making those things up..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "それもそうね" "That's true, too."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "結局小分けにするのは大変だし、時女さんは混乱しそうだし…" "It's going to be hard to break it up into smaller pieces after all, and Ms. Tokiwa is going to be confused..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "やっぱりみんなで食べると言えば大皿料理のある中華だよ!" "After all, if we're going to eat together, it's going to be Chinese with a platter!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ここはもう、万々歳の出前にお任せするしか!" "We've got no choice but to leave this place to Banbanzai's Delivery!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "それ、うちでやる必要がなくなるわ" "That's going to save us from having to do it at our house."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "確かに…!" "Sure...!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ういちゃんは、食べたいものってある?" "Ui-chan, is there anything you want to eat?"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うーーん…?" "Hmmm...?"
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "あっ!" "Ah!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "麻婆豆腐!?" "Mapo tofu?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "誘導しないの…" "You're not going to lead me to..."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "お好み焼きとか、あと、たこ焼きとか!" "Okonomiyaki, and maybe some takoyaki!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "――っ!?" "--What?
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うちって粉物は食べないかも…" "I don't think we eat powdered food..."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "みんなで作るのも楽しいし、うん、良いかもしれないわね" "It's fun to make it together, and yes, it's probably good."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "でも、たこ焼きの鉄板なんてあるんですか?" "But is there such a thing as a takoyaki griddle?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "下宿時代のものが、しまってあるはずよ" "I'm sure you've got some stuff from your boarding house days tucked away."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "それもガスで焼けるしっかりしたやつがね" "And a solid one that can be burned on gas, too."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "たこ焼きクルッてやりたい!" "I want to do a takoyaki cruiser!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "お姉ちゃん、上手にできるかなぁ…" "I wonder if I'll be good at it, sister..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "…………" "............"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "…………" "............"
Iroha "この間はふたりにも助けられたからちゃんと感謝をしたいの静香ちゃんの快気祝いも兼ねてるから良ければ一緒にご飯を食べようねあの…待ってるから…!" "I want to properly thank you both for helping me out the other day, and since this is also a celebration for Shizuka's recovery, if you don't mind, let's have dinner together and I'll be waiting for'll be waiting for you...!"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "この人、キライって言ったのに、実は肝が据わってるよね…" "This guy, even though I said he's disgusting, he's actually got a lot of heart..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "頑固なのかな…?" "Is he stubborn...?"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "はぐむん…どうする…?" "Hagumun... what do we do...?"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "樹里さんはプロミストブラッドの“邪魔をしないなら”いいって…" "Juri-san said it's fine as long as you don't interfere with the Promise Blood..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "どうしよ…" "What do I do..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "環…いろは…!" "Ring...Iroha...!"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "ここは私たちに任せて…先に逃げて…!" "We'll take care of this... run away first...!"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "確かに助けたし…" "I've certainly helped and..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "プロミストブラッドの邪魔にもならないからいっか…" "It won't interfere with the Promise Blood, so why not..."
"ピロン♪" "Pilon♪"
File:Card 10304 d.png Shigure "――っ!?" "--What?
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "また、環いろは…" "Also, Tamaki Iroha..."
Iroha "良ければ一緒にお買い物とか…する?" "Do you want to go shopping with me or... if you want?"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "距離の詰め方…!" "How to close the distance...!"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "実は、この人も人付き合いってあまり得意じゃないのかも…" "Actually, maybe he's not very good at socializing either..."
Part 21
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "結菜さん" "Yuna."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "あれからひかるたちは、何もしてないんすけど" "Hikaru and the others haven't done anything since then."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "このままで良いんすか…?" "Are you sure you want to keep this up...?"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "トントントン♪" "Thump thump,"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "な、何するんすかアオさん!" "Hey, what are you doing, Ao-san!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "つむじを押すと、お腹壊すんすよ!?" "If you press your whip, it makes you sick to your stomach!"
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "少しだけ考えたらわかるよ~って" "Just think about it for a minute and you'll understand!"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "こっちがキモチを見つけられないのは知ってるっす" "I know I can't find my kimochi over here."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "魔力探知もできないし、場所がわかったとしても" "We can't even detect magic, and even if we knew where it was,"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "どの感情に反応して見つかるかわからないんすもん" "I don't know which emotions I'm going to find in response to them."
File:Card 10234 d.png Ao "ならほぼ正解だよ~" "Then you're almost right~"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "そうねぇ" "Well,"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "向こうが動かない限りは、こちらも動けないのよぉ" "As long as they don't move, we can't move, either."
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "確かに、環ういには全然動きがないっすけど…" "It's true, there's no movement at all in the ring ui..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "他のユニオンの連中にも動きがないところを見ると" "When you look at the lack of movement among the other Union guys,"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "こちらが動けないのは承知の上でしょうし" "You know we can't move, and you know that we can't move."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "休息時間にでもしてるんじゃないかしらぁ" "I think he's just taking a break, you know?"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "それって" "That's,"
File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "向こうが動かなかったら、一生このままっすか…" "If they don't move, is this going to be the case forever..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "いーや" "No."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "そうさせないために動いてるぞ" "I'm working to keep you from doing that."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "そう、無理矢理動かすわぁ" "Yes, I'm going to force you to move it."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "それに言ったでしょぅ…" "And I told you..."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "私が放った矢は1本じゃない" "I fired more than one arrow."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "別の方角から放った矢がいずれユニオンに刺さるわぁ" "An arrow fired from the other direction will eventually pierce the Union!"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "そして、その矢は、少し前から動きだしていた…" "And that arrow had been in motion for some time..."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "それで、新しい仲間には会ってきたのか?" "So, have you met your new friends?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ええ" "Yes."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "二木に引っ越してきたばかりで、神浜に顔は割れてないはずよぉ" "I just moved to Futatsugi, and I'm sure your face isn't cracked by Kamihama, oh."
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "引っ越してきたばっか…?なんか怪しくないか…?" "Just moved in...? Isn't there something fishy about it...?"
File:Card 10241 d.png Juri "この逼迫した状況で争いに首を突っ込む気か?" "Are you going to stick your head into the fray in this tight situation?"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "それは、私も気になってるわぁ" "I'm curious about that, too,"
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "だから少しだけ試させてもらおうと思うのよぉ" "So I think I'm going to give it a little try."
File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ちょうど欲しかった手駒だったからねぇ…" "It was just the handheld piece I wanted, you know..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "時雨ちゃんとはぐむちゃんが来てくれて" "Shigure-chan and Hagumu-chan came to see me."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "今日の夕飯がもっと楽しみになっちゃった" "I'm looking forward to more dinner today."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "たこ焼きってたこ以外も入れていいんだね!" "You can put more than just octopus in a takoyaki!"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "お餅とかチーズとかこんにゃくとか" "Like rice cakes and cheese and konnyaku."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "色々と試してみるとパーティーっぽくて楽しいよ" "It's fun to try out different things, it's party-like."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "はぐむん、そんなことしたことあるんだね…" "Hagumun, you've done that before..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "昔に一度だけだよ?" "Once a long time ago, you know?"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "やちよも何か買ってたよね?" "Yachiyo bought something too, didn't she?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ええ、小エビとかね" "Yeah, with the little shrimp."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "他にも家の食材を使ってねアヒージョを作ろうと思って" "I used some other ingredients from home, and I thought I'd make an ahijo."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "そんなの作れるの!?" "You can make that?!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "たこ焼き器を使ってできるから試してみたかったのよ" "I can do it with a takoyaki machine, and I wanted to try it out."
File:Card 10011 d.png ??? "イヤァアッ!" "Yeaaaaah!"
File:Card 10011 d.png ??? "だ、だれか!!" "Duh, somebody!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Yachiyo "――っ!?" "What the--?
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "今の声…" "What was that voice...?
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "向こうの路地からだよ…!!" "It's from the alley over there...!"
Part 22
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 99999 d.png "環いろはに七海やちよ…面倒な相手だな…" "Tamaki Iroha and Nanami and Chiyo... you're a pain in the ass..."
File:Card 10361 d.png ??? "た、助けて欲しいんよ!" "Ta, I need your help!"
File:Card 10361 d.png ??? "この人たち、突然ウチを襲ってきたんよ!" "These people, they attacked our house all of a sudden!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "神浜の魔法少女と、勘違いしてないかしら" "I hope you haven't mistaken me for a magical girl from Kamihama."
File:Card 99999 d.png "こちらの事情はお前たちには関係ない…" "Our situation is none of your business..."
File:Card 99999 d.png "邪魔をするなら容赦はしない" "If you interfere, I won't tolerate it."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うい、この人と一緒に離れてて!" "Oui, stay away from this guy!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "時雨ちゃんとはぐむちゃんも、一緒にさがった方が良いよ!" "Shigure-chan and Hagumu-chan, you'd better stand back with us!"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "えっ…" "What..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "プロミストブラッドは苦手でしょ?" "You don't like Promise Blood, do you?"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "だから、ういちゃんとその子を後ろで守っておいて!" "So, keep Ui and that kid behind you!"
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "その間にわたしたちで追い返すから!" "In the meantime, we'll send him away!"
File:Card 99999 d.png "相手が相手だ" "You're dealing with them."
File:Card 99999 d.png "ええ、深追いは禁物ね…" "Yeah, don't go too deep..."
File:Card 10361 d.png ??? "あの、本当に助かるんよ…!" "Um, it's really helpful...!"
Part 23
Name Japanese Translation
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "神浜の魔法少女以外も狙うなんてこれじゃあ見境なしだよ!" "You're going after more than just the magical girls in the Kamihama, and this is just a bit of a blind spot!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私たちが動きを見せないから出てきたんでしょうか…?" "Did it come out because we're not making a move...?"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "さぁ、業を煮やした仲間をコントロールできないなんて" "Come on, I can't believe you can't control a fellow worker who's out of work."
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "あの三姉妹だと考えられないんだけど…" "I can't think of anything that could be those three sisters..."
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "お待たせ、うい!" "Sorry to keep you waiting, oui!"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…………うい…?"
Shigure "―時雨―…………" "-Shigure........................."
Hagumu "―はぐむ―…………" "-Huff......................"
Iroha "―いろは―時雨ちゃん…はぐむちゃん…?" "-Iroha-Shigure-chan...Hagumu-chan...?"
Iroha "―いろは―あの子はどこに行ったの?" "-Iroha - where did that girl go?"
Tsuruno "―鶴乃―まさか…うそだよね…" "-Tsuruno - you don't're lying..."
Yachiyo "―やちよ―宮尾さん、安積さんウソを吐かないで教えて!" "-Yachio-Miyabi-san, Azumi-san, don't lie to me and tell me!"
Yachiyo "―やちよ―ういちゃんは…!" "Yachiyo-Uichan...!"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "ッ…ごめんなさい…" "Huh... I'm sorry..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "守れなかった…" "I couldn't protect..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "あの子は、襲われてるフリをしてただけなんです…!" "She was just pretending to be attacked...!"
File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "じゃあ、もしかして…" "So, maybe..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "はい…" "Yes..."
File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "プロミストブラッドのひとり…さらわれたっていうこと…?" "One of the Promise Bloods... you mean they took you...?"
File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そんな…" "Oh no..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "無理だ無理だ無理だ無理だ…" "I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "もう、ぼく、環いろはにも誰にも合わせる顔がない…" "I don't have a face for me, I don't have a face for Kan Iroha or anyone else..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "私も一緒だよ…ユニオンと一緒には居られない…" "I'm with you...I can't stay with the Union..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "取り返しが付かないことしちゃった…" "I've done something I can't take back..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "でも…" "But..."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "仕方ないじゃない…" "I don't have a choice..."
File:Card 10361 d.png ??? "こうして糸でぐるぐる巻いちゃって" "I wrapped the string around it like this."
File:Card 10361 d.png ??? "ヨーヨーでピンと止めれば、人質のできあがりなんよ" "Pin it with a yo-yo and you've got yourself a hostage."
File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "むぅ…むぅ…!" "Mmm...mmm...!"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "ういちゃん…!" "Ui-chan...!"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "その子はだめ!離して!" "Not that girl! Let me go!"
File:Card 10361 d.png ??? "騒ぐのは良くないんよ?" "It's not a good idea to make a fuss, you know?"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "った!" "Ta!"
File:Card 10361 d.png ??? "長女さんと次女さんにオシオキされるんよ…" "Your eldest daughter and your second daughter are going to osioze me..."
File:Card 10361 d.png ??? "邪魔をするなって言われたはずなんよね?" "You were told not to interrupt me, weren't you?"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "――っ!?" "--Huh?!"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "あの時、樹里さんがメッセージで釘を刺してきたのは" "At that time, Juri-san nailed it in her message."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "みかづき荘に呼ばれたことじゃなくて" "It's not that I was called to Mikazuki Villa."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "ういちゃんを、さらうことだった…" "It was to take Uichan..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "何もしなかった…ぼくたち何もできなかった…" "We didn't do anything... we didn't do anything..."
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "うっ…うぅ…" "Ugh...ugh..."
File:Card 10011 d.png ??? "あなたたちがネオマギウス?" "You guys are the neoMagius?"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "――っ!?" "-What?
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "だれ…" "Who--?"
File:Card 10281 d.png ??? "魔法少女至上主義とか言ってるから" "Because you're talking about magical girl supremacy and all that."
File:Card 10281 d.png ??? "どんなとんがった人かと思ったけど~" "I was wondering what kind of pompous person you were~"
File:Card 10281 d.png ??? "ちょーダサいじゃんキャハッ★" "That's so lame!"
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "…………" "............"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "…………" "............"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "ほっといて…" "Leave me alone..."
File:Card 10281 d.png ??? "ねぇねぇ" "Hey, hey,"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "…………" "............"
File:Card 10281 d.png ??? "私チャンが天辺に連れてってあげよっか?" "Do you want me to take you to the top?"
File:Card 10294 d.png Shigure "え…" "Eh..."
File:Card 10281 d.png ??? "とりあえず自己紹介" "For now, I'll introduce myself."
File:Card 10281 d.png Himena "私チャンの名前は藍家ひめな(あいか ひめな)" "My's name is Aika Himena."
File:Card 10281 d.png Himena "とりま、よろ~★" "Torima, all right."
File:Card 10304 d.png Hagumu "な、なんなの…?" "What is it...?"
"―取材記録―由比 鶴乃" "Interview with Tsuruno Yui."
"「わたしが望んでいること…」" "What I want..."
"「うーーーん…?」" "Hmmm...?"
"由比家を再興させることだよね!」" "It's about reviving the Yui family, isn't it!"
"「っていうのは今でもあるんだけど」" "I mean, it's still there,"
"幸せになって欲しいんだよ!」" "I just want you to be happy, you know!"
"わたしの偉業が何かしら生まれる!」" "There will be something of my greatness!"
"わたしが幸せにすれば偉業が生まれて!」" "If I make you happy, greatness will be born!"
"「最強の由比鶴乃が完成するのだーーーー!」" "The strongest Tsuruno Yui will be completed!"
"その辺に転がってる平穏な日常だと思う」" "I think it's just a peaceful routine lying around."
"みかづき荘に遊びにいったりすることだよね」" "It's about going to vis