Infinite Iroha

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Infinite Iroha
Japanese Name ∞(インフィニット)いろは
(Infinite Iroha)
Character Designer
Primary Artist
Ume Aoki
Voiced by Japanese: Momo Asakura
ID No: 1601
Release Date (JP): August 22, 2022
For her full bio, see Iroha Tamaki.

Infinite Iroha was a playable character in the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record. She is Iroha with all the powers of the Kimochi stones.

General Info

Physical Features
Date of Birth August 22
Age 15
Eye colour Pink
Hair colour Pink
Height 156cm
Soul Gem Pink circle in the center of Kimochi stone emblem, connected to Kimochi stone chains across the rest of the torso
Weapon Wrist-mounted Crossbow, Wrist-mounted Dagger
Witch Form Giovanna
Powers and Abilities Healing Revealed to be "Reversal" in Arc 2 Chapter 12
Wish “Make Ui healthy again!”
Japanese pronoun watashi ()
Known relatives Ui Tamaki (younger sister)
Origins Takarazaki City (formerly); moved to Kamihama City
School Takarazaki Municipal First Middle School (formerly); transferred to Kamihama City University Affiliated School, 9th grade
Affiliation Kamihama Magia Union (leader)

Game Info

Stats, Connect, Magia Data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute

4★→ 5★




Initial 7463 2288 2250

Max at ★4 26866 8236 8100
Max at ★5 33168 10168 10000

Max SE 38168 12168 13168
Connect: To the Tomorrow We Envisioned!

★4 Regenerate HP [VIII] (3T) & Attack UP [VIII] & Defense UP [VIII]
★5 Regenerate HP [X] (3T) & Attack UP [X] & Defense UP [X]
{{{2}}} Magia: Massed Hundred Wishes

★4 Attribute Strengthened Damage to All Enemies [V] & Anti-Debuff [x1] (All / 3T) & Negate Status Ailments [x1] (All / 3T) & Regenerate HP (All / 3T) & Remove Status Ailments (All) & Revive Ally (Single / Random)
★5 Attribute Strengthened Damage to All Enemies [VII] & Anti-Debuff [x1] (All / 3T) & Negate Status Ailments [x1] (All / 3T) & Regenerate HP (All / 3T) & Remove Status Ailments (All) & Revive Ally (Single / Random)
{{{2}}} Magia 2: Giovanna

★5 Attribute Strengthened Damage to All Enemies [IX] & Anti-Debuff [x2] (All / 5T) & Negate Status Ailments [x2] (All / 5T) & Regenerate HP (All / 5T) & Remove Status Ailments (All) & Revive Ally (Single / Random) & Variable (Self / 3T)
EX Skill: Building the Bridge to Tomorrow

1 - 3 slots Regenerate HP [II] (All) & Magia Damage UP [II] (All)

4 slots Regenerate HP [III] (All) & Magia Damage UP [III] (All)
Spirit Enhancement Data
Max Stat Bonuses
HP ATK DEF Accele Blast Charge

4★ +6% +6% +6% +6% +6% +4%
5★ +7% +7% +7% +7% +7% +5%

SE +7% +7% +7% +13% +13% +10%
Spirit Enhancement

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

Shield Adept Damage Cut [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Neatness Adept Regenerate HP [III] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [II]

Full Gauge Guard Defense UP While At Max Health [V]

Full Gauge Drive Attack UP While At Max Health [VI]

Fury Adept Attack UP When Ally Dies [III] & Defense UP When Ally Dies [III]

Mana Spring Adept Regenerate MP [V]

Fast Mana Up MP Gauge 15% Full on Battle Start

Mana Spring Aura Regenerate MP [XX / Quest Only] (Self / 2T on Battle Start)

R Barrier Aura Barrier [5,000 HP] (All / 3T) & Regenerate HP [II] (All / 3T) CD: 8 turns


A girl who has acquired the power to give a Tomorrow to the Magical Girls who seek salvation. In this figure, established as a trinity, two of the figures are hidden from view. Normally she lives a hectic life, living communally with other girls, though no one knows the reason for this.

Doppel Description

Giovanna, Iroha's doppel

The Doppel of vocalization. Its form is emotion. The master of each and every one of these emotions works to collect the thoughts and feelings that overflow, while circulating them between herself and her Doppel. This Doppel can summon forth all emotions, but even if it were to mix all of those emotions together, they would not combine into a chaotic black. They form brilliant, white rays of hope, filled with the elements of light. Those who are bathed in the strongest of these rays will not only become unable to control their own emotions, but will even be dissolved at the atomic level, transforming them into raw energy with which to create a future… though they do appear to feel ultimate joy as well. However, because this Doppel maintains its body via a miraculous balance of conflicting emotions, it will vanish if its master’s emotions veer too heavily in a particular direction, and will leave behind nothing but a guidepost pointing to tomorrow.

Side Story

Event Appearances

Other Appearances

Powers and Abilities

See also Iroha Tamaki#Powers and Abilities.

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  • Her outfit resembles Shitori Egumo in it's Embryo Eve state, with the dress itself and the gemstones decorating it resembling its body and her wings resembling the giant altar/Magius emblem it was initially chained to.
  • Her Magia and Doppel attacks both feature a magical seal containing text in an unknown script. This same script is featured on her Doppel's giant crossbow.
  • The preview image for the Puella Historia arc contains all the associated Magical Girls in release order, starting from top left to lower right.


Game Gallery

Official Art

Memoria Cards

To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
A Trivial Prank of Fate
Accele Draw
Accele Draw 5 turns
Max Limit Break
Accele Draw 4 turns
**Unique to Infinite Iroha**
It's just a small change that happened in an unchanging everyday life:

I just kicked a stone that had rolled under my feet. And yet, our destiny was to change drastically.

To die... or to live... so much difference awaits us in the future

ただ、足元に石ころが転がってきて蹴っただけ それでも運命は大きく変わることになった

Shouldering Everybody's Hope
Universe Adept
Normal Passive
Accele MP Gain UP [IV] & Blast Damage UP [II] & Charged Attack Damage UP [II] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [II]
Max Limit Break
Accele MP Gain UP [V] & Blast Damage UP [III] & Charged Attack Damage UP [III] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [III]
"Is what's written in here the future you all envisioned...?"

"Yes, I think so. I'm sure that's the kind of happiness we seek." "It's painful to wish for something so earnestly, but it's sparkling, isn't it?"

"That's why we're taking them with us. So we can eliminate that sadness."

「そうだね。きっと私たちが求める幸せの数々なんだと思う」 「何かを切実に願う思いって切ないけどキラキラしてるんだね」

Vivid Emotions
Aegis Shield
Negate Status Ailments [x1] (Self / 3T) & Regenerate HP [IV] (Self / 3T) & Damage Cut [IV] (Self / 3T) 8 turns
Max Limit Break
Negate Status Ailments [x1] (Self / 3T) & Regenerate HP [V] (Self / 3T) & Damage Cut [V] (Self / 3T) 7 turns
Anger sears, sadness seeps in, joy melts away.

Feeling the emotions contained in the various thoughts spread out to every cell As if tracing a person's memory, we experience long moments in an instant.

The possibilities that everyone envisions are shining like glittering stars.

様々な想いに含まれる感情が、細胞の隅々に行き渡るのを感じながら まるで人の記憶をたどるように、長い刻を一瞬で経験する

What If, One Day
Neatness Adept
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
Regenerate HP [III] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [IV]
Family, friends, and sometimes even a fluttering love!

The name of this gentle place where troubled girls run to is Mikazuki Villa. Even today, Mikazuki Villa is crowded with the memories of girls

...Such a what-if story

悩める少女たちが駆け込む、優しい場所の名前はみかづき荘 今日もみかづき荘は、少女たちの想いでひしめきあっている

The Light We Seek, the Future We Can Save
Roll Call
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Damage DOWN [III] (All / 3T) & Status Ailment Resistance UP [IV] (Self / 3T) 8 turns
The everyday life that might have been, the past that we miss but cannot return to.

Even if they're forced to do so with painful reluctance, the only thing that lies ahead is the future. No matter how painful or hard it is, Magical Girls don't give up.

Aiming for the one and only future that shines ahead, a future that can be saved.

後ろ髪を引かれたとしても、進む先は未来だけ 苦しくても、辛くても、魔法少女たちは諦めない

The Glow of Deepening Bonds
Heart Warm Adept
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
Episode Experience Gain Increased [III] & Regenerate HP [III]
"Congratulations!" is the magic word that makes your heart tremble.

When the smiles and voices of those you love are combined with the surprise The whole room lights up and the hearts of the people in the room heat up

"Now I have to pay them back..." I want to repeat this feeling over and over again

大好きな人たちの笑顔と声色がサプライズと一緒に重なれば 部屋の中が一斉に輝いて胸が熱くなる

Serial Connect
Damage Increase [IX] (Self / 1T) & Doppel Damage UP [II] (Self / 1T) 10 turns
Max Limit Break
Damage Increase [X] (Self / 1T) & Doppel Damage UP [III] (Self / 1T) 8 turns
"First there's me, then there's me, then there's me again...

I found myself connecting all the way around, and the infinity of me was complete! If we're connected in series, it's even stronger than in parallel!

There's no doubt about it... we'll be able to draw any rarity!"

気がついたらぐるりと一周コネクトして無限大な私が完成! 直列でつながれば並列よりも強烈!

Reverted Time Cannot be Reverted
Full Gauge Bloom
Normal Passive
Attack UP While At Max Health [IV] & Defense UP While At Max Health [IV]
Max Limit Break
Attack UP While At Max Health [IV] & Defense UP While At Max Health [IV]
"There are things that can't be undone... For example, I burned the tofu hamburger that I was looking forward to at that time, and I tried to use the 'rewind' ability to bring it back to the point where it was just before it was burnt, but I got too much momentum. I'm sorry... there were soybeans lying around on the plate..."「取り返しのつかないことって、ありますよね…例えばこの時の私

楽しみにしていた豆腐ハンバーグを焦がしてしまって 『巻き戻し』の能力を使って焦がす手前まで戻そうとしたのですが

My Possibilities
Wisdom Up
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Magia Damage Up & Skill Quicken (Self / 1 Turn) 6 turns
"The primordial form evolving towards the future... That's me, 'Unfinished Iroha'!

If I walk this path, I too will reach a new stage in my life... Wha? ...There's a person walking in front of me who is really glitchy...

Could it be that that's the next generation of me... '3DCG Iroha'?"

この道を歩いていけば、私も新たなステージに到達できるはず… おや?…随分とカクカクした人が前を歩いていますが…

A Battle That Will Make History
Star Breaker
Attack UP [VII] & Damage Increase [IV] (Self / 1T) 10 turns
Max Limit Break
Attack UP [VIII] & Damage Increase [V] (Self / 1T) 9 turns
Magical girls who try to resist their fate end up in sorrow.

The witch breeds sadness and paints over the history that has seeped into it. Breaking the chain of sorrow is the legend that connects hope to the future.

When the despair engraved in history is connected to the present, hope is carried to the future.

その染みついた歴史に、魔女が悲しみを繁殖させて上塗りする 悲しみの連鎖を断つのは、希望を未来へ繋ぐ伝説

To Iroha Tamaki in Some Other Time
Glow Adept
Normal Passive
Attack UP [IV] & Defense UP [III] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [II]
Max Limit Break
Attack UP [V] & Defense UP [IV] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [III]
I can't believe that a single wish led me to where I am today.

I bet if I asked you back then, you wouldn't believe me. me who couldn't even express my opinion yet and only put on a good face...

I know there will be hard times, but there will be more happiness waiting for me.

あの頃の私が聞いても、信じてくれないんだろうな …まだ自分の意見も言えなくて、いい顔ばかりしていた私へ

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text

External links

Gameplay Videos

Side Story and Dialogue Lines