The Player, Sayaka, Madoka, Mami and Kyoko find a group of people under the effects of a witch's kiss. Madoka exclaims that they must save the people and defeat the witch.
After defeating some familiars, Madoka remarks that the people they were trying to save collapsed. Mami says that they've just fainted and says that the police will be coming soon to help them, saying that they should get out of there while they still can.
Madoka asks what exactly a witch's kiss is, and Kyoko says they are marks bestowed by a witch on their prey. While they wonder how a witch gives the kiss, Sayaka finds another group of witch's kissed individuals.
After they fight, Sayaka and Madoka talk about how much talent the Player has as a magical girl. Homura appears, saying that they will have to keep fighting like this unless they find the witch that is causing the kiss. If they continue to fight like this, she says, someone will end up getting hurt.
Next day, while on patrol with Madoka and the Player, Sayaka rants about Homura and how she always ruins the moment. Madoka chimes in that she thinks Homura is trying to look out for them, and Sayaka says that she only thinks that because she is so caring. Suddenly, Mami telepathically communicates with them and says that she has found more individuals under the effect of a witch's kiss. She encourages them to come to her quickly.
Sayaka says that the people are safe now, and says that she wishes that were the case. Madoka says that Homura was right, with one of them probably going to get hurt if they keep this up. Kyoko says that the kiss cannot be erased until the witch is killed, with Madoka finishing that they need to find the witch and save these people.
Some time later, Sayaka complains about having to patrol and fight every single night with Madoka responding that Sayaka has been saying that a lot and that Mami would not like it. Kyoko jumps in and says that complaining won't solve anything and that they need to keep searching for the witch. Sayaka asks what causes Kyoko to have such an attitude if she only became a magical girl a few years before Sayaka. Mami responds that Sayaka is blessed enough to have people to fight alongside her, and that not everyone is as blessed. She says that, because they are together, they should stay together.
After a battle, Sayaka says she can't take the fighting anymore and asks Mami if there is anything they can do. Mami responds that she knows it's hard, but they currently have no other options until they can find the witch. As Sayaka complains more, Madoka spots more people under the effect of a witch's kiss and resolves to save them.
Sayaka remarks that these people seem different from the others, and both she and Mami realize that these are direct victims of the witch. Madoka spots Hitomi in the crowd and says that she won't listen to anything she says. Kyoko shouts that stress won't solve anything and that they are currently the only hope of surviving these people have, saying that now is the time to focus. Madoka snaps out of her stress and says that now is the time to beat the witch once and for all.
After the battle, Madoka says that she is glad she became a magical girl and met everyone, causing Mami joy. Sayaka thanks Kyoko for saving her during the fight, and Kyoko tells her that it's unlike her to be like this. No matter how thankful she is, Kyoko says, she will not give Sayaka any of her grief seeds.