Magia Record Story Kamihama Cheese Panic!

Episode One
After using the Mirror Witch’s barrier as a portal, Nagisa Momoe has finally made it to Kamihama. She turns to the pink colored Kyubey next to her and asks it if they’re in the right city, but it doesn’t respond. After prompting it several times and getting no response at all, Nagisa jokingly warns it that it might end up as mincemeat.
Before she can continue to poke fun at it, she senses a magic signature that belongs to Charlotte. She realizes that the Nagisa of the Magia Record world has already become a Witch. Since having two Nagisas running around would pose a problem, she figures this actually works out since she can defeat Charlotte and then it’ll just be her. However, she’s picking up several signals from the same Witch in different directions!
Yes, there’s no doubt about it. Charlottes are popping up all over Kamihama. She wonders if maybe this is happening because she herself barged in from another universe. She turns to the pink Kyubey and jokingly dismisses the idea but once more the pink Kyubey remains silent. No sooner has Nagisa been resurrected but already she has to do pest control for her own Witches. She decides to find some cheese to nibble on first. As she says this, the pink Kyubey creeps closer to her. She knows that the Witches are her own remains, but she can’t be bothered with that now. She reminds the pink Kyubey that she was a part of the “Law of Cycles” too, one of billions of trillions of Magical Girls, so she’s not going to get all sentimental over the sight of her own Witch. Despite spending all that time with all those girls, Nagisa still thinks she’s very much herself.
Just as she finishes saying that, the two of them are engulfed in Charlotte’s barrier. Nagisa turns to the Charlotte and begins to berate it for treating her so rudely when they’re both Nagisas. She attacks the Charlotte only for another Charlotte to appear. Nagisa tells them they’ve gone too far and tries to attack once more but the Charlottes withstand the attack. Nagisa knows this is too much for a single Nagisa to handle so she flees for now in order to find help.
Episode Two
Now that she’s safely out of harm’s way, Nagisa decides to find some cheese to nibble on while she comes up with a strategy. But she’s not sure where would be the best place to look first. The pink Kyubey stares at her silently as she debates where to go. Sure she could just go to a supermarket or even a convenience store and pick up some common cheese, but Nagisa just got back from beyond the grave so she wants some extra-special cheese to mark the occasion. The pink Kyubey gives her an exasperated look but remains silent. Nagisa realizes the pink Kyubey must not understand what makes cheese so great and begins to give a detailed explanation as to the origins of cheese, but just as she gets started she senses the magical signature of another Charlotte nearby.
She quickly finds the barrier and enters it to find that Kanoko Yayoi is already inside, attempting to do battle with the Witch. She believes she defeated the Witch, but soon it sloughs off its dead skin and a fresh Charlotte emerges from inside its mouth. Kanoko tries to strike at it again but it’s no use so she attempts to flee, but the Witch blocks the exit. Nagisa unleashes a barrage of bubbles from her trumpet and manage to knock out Charlotte. Kanoko is surprised to see someone else in there and asks who she is. Nagisa introduces herself and tells her how glad she is that she ran into a Magical Girl from Kamihama. She had been hoping to find another Magical Girl so they could team up and defeat Charlotte. Kanoko is reeling a bit from all this new info, but Nagisa tells her to calm down and team up with her. Kanoko knows she stands no chance against Charlotte on her own, so she agrees the best thing would be for them to partner up for now. Nagisa grins and says she also wants to eat some delicious cheese when they’re done so she’s hoping for a good recommendation from Kanoko as well. Kanoko looks at her and asks if mushrooms aren’t just as good but Nagisa insists it’s cheese that’s best. As the two are conversing, the Witch gets up and strikes at the two of them. Nagisa calls it rude for interrupting their conversation so the two of them team up and defeat the Witch.
Episode Three
After their battle, Kanoko takes Nagisa to “Walnuts”. Nagisa places her order and soon Manaka Kurumi serves her up a three-course cheese meal: cheese gratin with cheese risotto and cheese hamburg steak. Kanoko tells her to dig in since it’s her treat. Nagisa tears into the plate like a hungry dog while Kanoko and Manaka discuss the Witch that had attacked them earlier. Kanoko describes how a new body emerged from the mouth of the old one just when she’d thought she’d defeated it. That’s when Nameko showed up to rescue her. Nagisa corrects Kanoko just as she finishes up her meal. Both Kanoko and Manaka stare with open mouths at how quickly Nagisa wolfed down her meal. Nagisa said it was too scrumptious, much to Manaka’s delight. Kanoko asks her why they came all this way just for some cheese. Nagisa says it’s because she just loves it so much!... and she needed to come up with a strategy for taking down that Witch. Kanoko is confused at first until Nagisa explains that the Witch can multiply very quickly, much more quickly than any common Witch. By now it’s probably spread to every corner of Kamihama.
Manaka and Kanoko are beginning to realize what a huge problem this is. Nagisa nods and warns them this Witch is very dangerous, dangerous enough to kill even a veteran Magical Girl if she were to be caught off guard. And now that there’s hundreds of them popping up all over Kamihama, simply fighting them won’t be enough. That’s why they have to come up with a strategy. Nagisa doesn’t have any ideas just yet, but she’s sure if she eats just a little more cheese she’s sure she’ll come up with something. Kanoko looks at Nagisa and points out how familiarly Nagisa is talking about it. She asks Nagisa if she knows a lot about this Witch and why. Nagisa grins and says that’s easy, because it’s her – but then Nagisa shuts her trap! Nagisa realizes she can’t tell them that Witch is her own Witch form. It would confuse them or possibly worse, she might not remain friends with them! Nagisa decides to tell them it’s her Witch that she’s been hunting for a long time now. Manaka asks if other cities aren’t swarming in Charlottes also, but Nagisa stammers and claims those ones were taken care of. She had been chasing the Witch up to now which is how she ended up in this town. Kanoko thinks that the Witch must be scared of Nagisa if it was running from her. If that’s the case, they can just do whatever it is Nagisa did to chase it out of the other towns.
Nagisa quickly realizes that her lie is starting to spiral out of control, so she tells them she just got really lucky the other times and the last of the Witches managed to flee to this town before she could get to it. That’s why Nagisa wants to come up with a strategy to defeat it once and for all rather than just rely on dumb luck. They’re going to need the help of all the Magical Girls they can get to keep up a continuous assault on the Witches as a team, en masse, with no breaks. Kanoko nods and realizes that would be very difficult to do on your own. But if they can get enough help, then the different girls can tag in and out and keep up the attack, preventing the Witch from regenerating and catching them off guard. Manaka agrees with the plan but she knows it’s going to take a heck of a lot of Magical Girls to rid the town of so many Witches. She thinks the best plan would be for them to form different teams and spread out so they can take them all on at once. The sooner they can spread the word out, the better. Nagisa says that’s a great plan and readies to go out and scout the territory while they call up all the Magical Girls they know. Both Manaka and Kanoko are worried about Nagisa going off by herself, but Nagisa assures them she’s just going to scout things out and wont’ be getting into any battles. With that she runs out the door, and immediately runs into a Witch’s barrier. Charlotte quickly slithers toward her as Nagisa cries out for help from Manaka and Kanoko.
Episode Four
Manaka and Kanoko race outside where they help Nagisa fend off the wild Charlotte. After that, they began contacting and gathering as many Magical Girls as possible. They soon gathered a large group of girls and began their attack on the Witches. During one such battle Kanoko and Manaka, along with Ria Ami, Rika Ayano, Ren Isuzu, Akira Shinobu, Sasara Minagi, Asuka Tatsuki, and Emiri Kisaki were teaming up to take on one of the Charlottes. After a somewhat grueling battle, the Witch was finally defeated thanks to their team work and efforts. Nagisa cheers the girls on as Himika Mao sighs, not having been able to help much in the battle. Even though the group had only arranged to meet up at the park, they hadn’t expected to get jumped by one of the rogue Witches during their meeting. Both Asuka and Sasara are worried, since it’s the third time they’ve fought Charlotte today. Ria cries out in exasperation that she’s had to fight Charlotte like five times already! They turn to Nagisa for an explanation, and she cheerily introduces herself to everyone. Emiri stares at her for a moment before declaring her nickname to be Nagie, much to Nagisa’s delight. Nagisa then gets down to businesses and gets everyone up to date on what’s happening.
The group is troubled by this news. One of those witches was hard enough to defeat even with all of them, much less several of them multiplying at an astonishing rate. Thankfully the girls of Kamihama are used to working in teams so as long as they continue to coordinate their efforts they can continue to avoid any major casualties. Despite not having a strategy yet, Nagisa believes that if they can keep working as a team then it should all work out in the end. The rest of the group agrees to do their best to work together, although Ria believes that a leader would help guide the rest of the team before blatantly suggesting she should be said leader. The rest of the team, who are already familiar with Ria, sigh at her predictable behavior. Hinano Miyako asks Ria what her vision is, but Ria thinks the important thing they should do is to fight as elegantly as possible. As Hinano thought, Ria had assumed that declaring herself as leader would be enough to get everyone to follow her. Ria turns to Hinano and tells her the children in the group should pipe down, which only serves to upset the already irritated Hinano. Hinano angrily informs Ria that she’s eighteen, much to Ria’s shock. Asuka thinks she should volunteer to be leader, but her whole plan consists of committing seppuku should the team fail. Sasara sighs, while Himika wonders if the leader will get financial compensation. The group chatters and bickers for a while until they’re all practically arguing. Manaka and Akira shake their head in dismay while Emiri cheers on both Ria and Hinano, who are still arguing with each other.
Episode Five
The bickering continues, with Kanoko unsuccessfully trying to get them all to quiet down. If Nagisa doesn’t do something soon, the whole plan will fall apart and no one will be able to cooperate long enough to defeat all the Charlottes. Even now the Charlottes are continuing to multiply unheeded. Nagisa decides she has no choice but to reveal her true identity. She loudly yells for everyone to listen, finally grabbing everyone’s attention and putting an end to the arguing. Nagisa explains that she was sent down to this mortal plane with the sole task of defeating that Witch. She then explains to everyone everything. Hinano can’t believe what they’re hearing, although Sasara points out that Magical Girls don’t make a lot of scientific sense to begin with. Rika, Ren, and Himika however, believe what Nagisa is telling them. Some of the others have their doubts, while others are still overwhelmed by what they just learned. Nagisa is pleased, since now she can speak more freely with everyone about what’s going on. Just then, all of them catch the magical signature of another rampant Charlotte in the area. They enter the barrier, only this time they all turn to Nagisa for directions. Nagisa yells out her battle cry, “For the sake of cheese!” as the group rushes at Charlotte.
Episode Six
Thanks to Nagisa revealing the truth about her, the group was able to unite as well and begin their counterattack on the wave of Charlottes terrorizing Kamihama. Akira had asked her friends Kako Natsume and Meiyui Chun to help, but Meyui had her reservations. Although she agrees that they will need to get rid of this Witch and that teaming up would be the best idea considering how much trouble those Witches were already giving Kako and Meiyui, Meyui still doesn’t trust Nagisa’s so-called “identity”. She turns to Akira and Kako and asks them if they believe Nagisa’s story. The two of them aren’t so sure, but Nagisa only giggles much to Meiyui’s surprise. Nagisa smiles and says she’ll just have to explain it one more time by declaring herself to be the Heavenly Messenger… of Cheese! Akira shakes her head since Nagisa said it with as much gusto as before while Meiyui still can’t believe what she’s hearing. Nagisa repeats herself once more and calls herself the “Magical Angelic Heavenly Messenger of Cheese” as if that was explanation enough. Meiyui says that didn’t explain anything, and that it only made the name longer and more redundant. Meiyui then turns to Akira and asks her how she ever got convinced to help. Akira isn’t so sure, but she does know that Nagisa is a little different from the rest of them. Meiyui says that’s no reason to let her guard down just because she’s dealing with a kid. Akira realizes it looks bad, but Nagisa had proof that she was an angel and not just a common Magical Girl. Nagisa beams at Meiyui and prepares to show her the proof, but the proof is missing! Nagisa looks around but the group suddenly senses the signature of another Charlotte approaching them, and fast. Before they know it they’re engulfed in its Witch’s Barrier. Even so, Meiyui’s mind hasn’t changed and she’s still not open to working alongside Nagisa. Akira tries to tell her there’s no time for that now but Charlotte has already set its sights on Kako. Meiyui mentions the proof once more, prompting Akira to transform. She tells Nagisa that there’s no budign Meiyui when she gets like this, so she offers to hold back Charlotte at least long enough for Nagisa to find where her proof went. Nagisa races off as fast as possible and searches throughout the barrier while Kako begins to panic. But no matter where she looks, Nagisa can’t find it anywhere. She yells out as she looks and before she knows it she stumbles upon her proof.
Episode Seven
She holds the proof up for Meiyui and Kako to see: the pink Kyubey. Even Meiyui has to admit that even she’s never seen a pink Kyubey before. Nagisa asks them to come together as part of her team to help defeat the Charlottes, but even though Kako is convinced, Meiyui still isn’t. She instead tells Nagisa she should use dye on animals, even if that animal is a Kyubey. Not only that, having a pink Kyubey isn’t proof enough. If she was a cheese messenger, then shouldn’t the Kyubey be yellow colored, like cheese? Even Nagisa has to admit that’s a good point. Nagisa struggles to come up with an answer and prepares to unleash her ultimate attack on Meiyui, but Meiyui smiles and says she’s changed her mind. Witches and Angels aside, even Meiyui has to admit that Nagisa is a very interesting person so this should be interesting. Meiyui is willing to play along with the angel angle since everyone else is. Secretly, Meiyui’s job was to confirm the sighting of the pink Kyubey in the hopes they might learn some new secrets about Magical Girls in the future. Now that all three of them have identified it her job is done for now and she can report to Nanaka Tokiwa later. Kako and Meiyui apologize to Akira before transforming and joining into the fray. As Nagisa prepares to direct everyone in an attack, she’s struck by inspiration. She’s finally figured out a strategy for defeating the mass of Charlottes, and she’s going to call her plan “Welcome to Kamihama Cheese Party!” But before she can go into detail, this well-oiled team has to defeat the Charlotte that’s attacking them now.
Episode Eight
Down by the river, Manaka has set up a giant cheese fondue. Everyone has brought along some kind of cheese based food item. Himika drools at the cheese fondue and asks if she can’t take some home to her family, so Kako offers her the cheese tarts she brought. With so much cheese in one location, they’ll be sure to attract every Charlotte in the city thanks to the miracle power of cheese and put a stop to them once and for all. Meiyui is naturally suspicious that the power of cheese would happen to attract this particular Witch, but even she won’t say no to a lunch party. Nagisa knows that this plan will work since all the Charlottes are ex-Nagisas, but she doesn’t mention this outloud. Kako says this reminds her of a legend she read once, where everyone held a banquet in order to lure a goddess out from her cave. Before they know it, even Nanaka has arrived. Meiyui offers to fill Nanaka in, but Nanaka warns them they won’t have long before trouble arrives. She sensed a dense swarm on its way to the park as she was making her way over. Meiyui can’t believe the plan actually worked but before anyone can react the group is engulfed in a Witch’s barrier filled with a number of Charlottes. The group cheers to their success but Akira reminds them they still have a job to do so they all start their attack (even though Himika is still sad she didn’t get to finish trying all the dishes).
Episode Nine
The plan was a resounding success! Thanks to the teamwork of the Kamihama Magical Girls, they were able to defeat and every one of the Charlottes. Nagisa is certain that the Law of Cycles saw how strong and bravely everyone fought through the eyes of the pink Kyubey. Nagisa thinks everyone deserves a medal for their efforts. As the pink Kyubey continues to stare at Nagisa silently, Nagisa begins to wonder why the Law of Cycles would send her to Kamihama in the first place. She wonders what the Law of Cycles actually wants. If it were just a question of investigating this universe that separate from the Law of Cycles, one with a future that even the Goddess of Magical Girls can’t see, then she could have sent some other more suitable Magical Girl instead. When Nagisa first awoke in the Law of Cycles, she’s certain that the voice she heard was a human voice. And when she’d exhausted the last of her strength as a Magical Girl, the voice who welcomed her to the Law of Cycles was the same voice. Not only was that voice human, it sounded like she too was a Magical Girl. This makes her think that the Law of Cycles has its own personality. She turns to the pink Kyubey and asks if the Law of Cycles chose that form because it would comfort Nagisa or because it wanted to look that way.
All of this was a little too much for Nagisa, so she decides the first thing she should do is secure her freedom. She blows the pink Kyubey up into smithereens.
Pink Kyubey explodes!
Nagisa wants to start her new life without the watchful eyes of the Law of Cycles on her. She’s certain that she was sent down not to unify this universe with the Law of Cycles, but to do the opposite. In order for humans to live their lives in a more human way, the future must remain unknown. The Law of Cycles must have wanted the future to remain a blank canvas full of possibilities. Nagisa doesn’t care one bit if that future ends up breaking the entire universe into a million little pieces. This must be why she was chosen: because she would be willing to turn against the Law of Cycles, betraying even God! Now Nagisa is sure of it, she was sent down to protect the humanity that dwells within the Law of Cycles and preventing this universe from uniting with the Law of Cycles as well. But first, time for some sightseeing.
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