Magia Record Story Christmas String ~The Day the Fingers were Locked~

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Deliver Smiles! Reindeer Santa! Login Special

All of a sudden, Shizuka Tokime, Sunao Toki, and Chiharu Hiroe's phones ring. They all got a message from an unknown sender that "Come to Mikazuki Villa with a certain gift which can be obtained with a free ticket in the message". So the Tokimes go to Mikazuki Manor and they find that a bunch of other Magical Girls got the same message including Eternal Sakura, Touka Satomi, Nemu Hiiragi, Momoko Togame, Kaede Akino, Rena Minami, and all the members of Team Mikazuki. Apparently everyone else received the message too, which came with free vouchers for various things.

With the free ticket, Shizuka got some scary thick book called "History of punishment vol.3". Sunao got a book called "Ultra saving tech", Chiharu got Decagonball pajamas. Soon they found the all gifts were meant to be exchanged. They all exchange their gifts to meet their needs. Touka and Ui guess that this might be the AI TsuruFeli's doing. And it actually is. AI TsuruFeli are happy they made people smile. Suddenly, AI Tsuruno remembers that she (the original Tsuruno) had done something like this before. She remembers the reindeer song too. AI Tsuruno sings the song and the story ends.

Christmas Memory Tree


Screencaps of the website as well as examples of Christmas Trees

Story and Dialogue

Translated screencaps of the item descriptions as well as translations of the voice lines

Screenshot Text (JP) Translation

今まで通り過ぎてきた聖夜の物語がー。 それは、小さな想いが集まったとき 彩り豊かな輝きを放って かつての聖夜を目覚めさせる。 みんなで巡ろう"聖夜の思い出"と共に 少女が生んだ奇跡を生かすために。

In a big tree, a story lies dormant. The Holy Night’s tale passed the same as always. It is the moment when small thoughts gather with a colorful glow and awaken the former Holy Night. Let’s all go around together with the “memories of the Holy Night” in order to keep the miracle that the girls gave birth to alive.
『みかづき荘のMerry Christmas』

このアクセサリーに宿るのは、楽しさと切なさ。聖夜の 販わいに潜んでいた悲しみの断片に、そっと寄り添うよ うな癒しの雪が降り注いだ。だが、その癒やしの陰には 救済を求める儚い想いも含まれていた。

[Merry Christmas at Mikazuki Villa]

This accessory is all about joy and sadness. The soothing snow piled up on the fragments of sorrow that lurked in the bustling of the Holy Night, as if it was getting close. But behind the solace, there was also a transient desire of salvation.


てたんだねー。ん一、できればわたくしたちも参加したか ったにゃー

ねむ:僕たちはこのときのクリスマスをあまり覚えていな いんだけど、あのときのマミを見て聖女だと思った人もい たって聞くよ どこかの場所では、たくさんのキャンドルを飾ったり、ク リスマスカードを配ったり、盛大に祝ってたみたいだか ら、僕も一度見てみたかったかな

Touka: Onee-sama and the others were spending Christmas at Mikazuki Villa! Hmmm, I wish we were able to join them!

Nemu: We don’t really remember about Christmas at that time but I heard that some people saw Mami and they thought she was a saint. In some other places, it is said that they gorgeously celebrate it by decorating candles and giving Christmas cards, so I wish I could see it once.


プソディ~』 このアクセサリーに宿るのは、混沌と美。不幸を省みな い飽くなき美への執着と狂気は、自身と街に溢れる蹲に よって幸福へと昇華された。しかし、美の追究も生まれ る混沌も潰えず、未来には狂気の残滓が残されてい る…。

[Alina Is Coming to Town ~White Christmas Rhapsody~]

This accessory is all about chaos and beauty. Alina’s insatiable obsession and madness for beauty that doesn’t care about misfortune, was sublimated into happiness by the Rumor flowing over herself and the city. But the pursuit of beauty and chaos haven’t fallen apart, so the residue of madness has been left for the future.


スがめちゃくちゃになっちゃうなーって思ったけど、結局 ハッピーエンドになって… もしかしてクリスマスってまだ解き明かされていない不思 議な力が働いているのかもしれないよねー

ねむ:ほかにもアリナのクリスマスツリーが実際に飾られ たり 、ホーリークリスマスキューブが配られたね、貸えた 人はいるかな?懐かしいね

Touka: Ahh! It’s when Alina fused with a Rumor! I thought Christmas was going to be a mess but it ended up being a happy ending…

Perhaps there is a mysterious force at work on Christmas that hasn’t been unraveled yet.

Nemu: There was also the decoration of Alina’s Christmas tree in real life and the distribution of Holy Christmas Cubes, did anyone get one? How nostalgic!


このアクセサリーに宿るのは、弱さと思いやり。不思議 な出会いと、誰かを幸せにする行為。そのひとつひとつ は、ひとり見つめることではなく、お互いの弱さを見つ めること…。 だからどんな幸せよりも2つの幸せが輝い ている。

[The Page I Write on the Holy Night]

This accessory is all about weakness and compassion. A mysterious encounter and the deed to make someone happy. Each of them doesn’t look alone but they look into each other’s weaknesses. Therefore, happiness for two people is brighter than any other happiness.


を幸せにする夢を見たんだよねー 夢に「クリスマスの精」って出てきたけど、「クリスマス の守護霊」と並べてみると、集合的無意識の中で共通する 部分があってもおかしくないよね

ねむ:「精霊」と「守護霊」だから、深掘りするのは面白 いかもしれないね この時は、いろんなクリスマスケーキをみんなで作った り、見てもらったりしたけど、沢山の人が楽しんでくれた のは、それこそ集合的無意識が関係してるかもしれないね

Touka: In this Christmas, Rika and Ren had a dream of making the city happy together. A Christmas Spirit appeared on that dream, but if you compare it to Christmas Guardian Spirits, it’s not weird that there is something in common from the collective unconscious.

Nemu: They are “Spirits” and “Guardian Spirits”, so it might be interesting to dig deeper. This time, multiple Christmas cakes have been made with everyone, but the fact that so many people enjoyed them might have something to do with the collective unconscious.

『Angels on the Road ~トナカイサンタ繁盛記~』

このアクセサリーに宿るのは、探究と笑顔。人の知れな い世界で起きたのは、小さくて大きな革命。笑顔の力は 人智を超えて、理論を越えた成功を与えた。2つの想い は抵抗の果てに得た喜びに絖惚としながら、無限に広が る海原の旅を始める。

[Angels on the Road ~Reindeer Santa Prospering Season~]

This accessory is all about exploration and smiles. A small and big revolution in an unknown world. The power of smile provided success beyond human comprehension and beyond theory. Two minds, ecstatic for the joy gained at the end of their resistance, begin their journey across the infinite ocean.


ェリシアのだよね!放置されてた空間の中でAIがあんな変 化をしてるだなんて思わなかったにゃー

ねむ:自分の思考で動いて、独自の関係性を築き物語を作 っていく…。ただのプログラムの変化に灯花が興味を示す のはわかったけど、僕も想定外の行動をしたことはとても 興味深かったよ

Touka: Ah, those are Tsuruno and Felicia in the game I made! I had no idea the AI was changing like that in a neglected space!

Nemu: Thinking for themselves, building a unique relationship and creating their own story… I could see why Touka was interested in a minor change in the program but I was also very interested in the unexpected behaviour of the AI.

『Christmas String~指を結んだあの日~』

このアクセサリーに宿るのは、感謝と後悔。希薄だった 与えることへの想いと、奪われてきた過去。時間を巡る 旅は聖夜の中で奇跡の連なりをみせて、ふたりの人生を ひとつに縺める。そこには一抹の不安と一緒に小さな希 望が残された。

[Christmas String ~The Day the Fingers were Locked~]

This accessory is all about gratitude and regret. A desire to give and the past that was taken away. A time travel displays a series of miracles on the Holy Night and brings two people together. Little hope was left there, along with a bit of anxiety.


の守護霊」になって、過去や未来が見れるなんて思わなか ったにゃー

ねむ:あの日記のおかげで貴重な体験ができたよ。今はク リスマスに少しだけ特別な気持ちになれてよかったと思う よ

Touka: My Christmas and Nemu’s! I never thought I could become a “Christmas Guardian Spirit” and see the past and the future!

Nemu: Thanks to that diary, I had a precious experience. I’m glad I’m a bit more used to Christmas’ special feelings now.

Touka: Hey hey, now you have come so why don’t you take a ride on this!
Nemu: You might get motion sickness so take a ride when you are in good shape.
Nemu: Are you ready for this?
Touka: Aaall aboard!
Nemu: The tree will no longer be here when Christmas is over, so I want to watch over it quietly until the time comes.
Nemu: Since the transience in fading away, makes one of its beauty.
Touka: My heart is pounding!
Nemu: It’s pretty high!
Nemu: We are almost there.
Touka: Here we gooo! This is the potential energyyy!
Touka: Kyaaaaaaa!!
Nemu: Oof…
Touka: Fantaaaaaaastic!!
Nemu: It looks different when I see it from here…
Touka: Aah, that was fuuun!
Nemu: Yeah, that was helpful.

External Links

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Event Recordings

Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story Stories
Main Story Arc 1
PrologueChapter 1: Iroha of the BeginningChapter 2: The Rules of FriendshipChapter 3: Kamihama Rumor FileChapter 4: The Guardians of RumorsChapter 5: The Far End of SolitudeChapter 6: The Memories that Speak of the TruthChapter 7: The Eve of Awakening to ParadiseChapter 8: Kamihama Painted in LiesChapter 9: Closing In on Fendt HopeChapter 10: Dawn of a Shallow DreamLast Magia
Another Story Arc 1
Chapter 2: Only this City is DifferentChapter 3: The Same Appearance as UsChapter 4: The City I Heard About From HerChapter 5: I Want to Learn the SecretChapter 6: Confrontation with FateChapter 7: If We Could All Share with Each OtherChapter 8: Once Again From HereChapter 9: Take My HandChapter 10: The Place We Finally Reached
Layers 1 - 12Layers 13 - 24Layers 25 - 36
Main Story Arc 2: The Gathering of 100 Evils Arc
PrologueChapter 1: Forward with the Sound of ShoesChapter 2: Smiles and FireworksChapter 3: Dawn Within the Perpetual NightChapter 4: Ultramarine in the DistanceChapter 5: Shaky Ideals in a Hazy Love SongChapter 6: Raison D'etre on Thin IceChapter 7: Twilight RemnantChapter 8: Flowers Sprouting from the Remains of DreamsChapter 9: The Labyrinth of LightChapter 10: Scampering Drastic LoversChapter 11: The End of the Cycle of Joy and SorrowChapter 12: Tying The Eternal Coloring
Another Story Arc 2
Chapter 1: Choose For Yourself, Without Being OverwhelmedChapter 2: Kind-hearted ConnectionsChapter 3: I'll Show You My ResolveChapter 4: Anguish in the Safe ZoneChapter 5: Confused by Good and EvilChapter 6: The Changing World From Behind the ShieldChapter 7: Underwater PlotChapter 8: Final TriggerChapter 9: Invisible yet IndelibleChapter 10: Shadowy Reflection in the WaterChapter 11: Reportage of Intersections
Battle Museum
Yozuru SasameSudachi SawaKanagi IzumiRen IsuzuNanaka Tokiwa
Puella Historia
Present-day KamihamaThe Battle Shamanesses of KamihamaThe Mirage of AlexandriaThe Valkyrie of VikThe Rakshasi of TibetThe Heiress of YamataiThe Lovers in the Pax RomanaPillar of Tomorrow
Event stories (by year)
My Diary With YouAnd So, the Azaleas BloomMagical Halloween TheaterReaching a Happier HeightAnother DazeChristmas at Mikazuki Villa
Mitama's Special Training: Kyoko and FeliciaAmane Sisters and Tsuruno
New Year’s at Mizuna ShrineA la Carte ValentineThe Maiden of HopeSee You TomorrowWait, You Got It Wrong!Mitama's Photography Meet!FM Kamihama Holy Radio Station (Holy Radio Wave Broadcast Station)"I'm always the star!"Cross ConnectionVoices From BeyondBreakpoint300 Day Login Event: A Peaceful Day in Mikazuki VillaLet's See What You're Maid OfBeachside BondsSummer With Mikazuki VillaFirst Anniversary Special ScenesHereafterIt's Okay to Be ClumsyWe Invite You to a Delightful Halloween!Nagisa's WishKamihama Cheese Panic!Wings in the WindAlina Is Comin’ to Town
Mitama's Special Training: Iroha and YachiyoAlina and HinanoMitamaRumor TsurunoHomuraFeliciaKaede
Mitama's Festive FeastBeginning and Eternal: The Lost RecordA La Carte Valentine 2ndLast MagiaDreaming Cherry BlossomKamihama Twinkle Rarity StarGolden Week CampaignA Fledgling's First FlightThe Flowers' LamentSayuki Steps Up!Magia Clash!One Fleeting Summer NightRebel of a Dawnless LandSamaTore! The Summer Treasure that Disappeared into the FireCurry House CoCo ICHIBANYA CollaborationThe Green Jasper DivinersKamihama in a CircleA New BeginningMoon-viewing After an Elegant Tea PartyCrimson ResolveWill You Smile? Halloween Live Show!Rumors in DisguiseRondo of Oblivion Sleeps for EternityThe Page I Write on the Holy Night - From Here, With YouKamihama Kawaii Collection
Mitama's Special Training: AsukaNanakaMeiyui
The Purity of HaregiAlways Waving my Hand at YouWarming ValentineChocolatier in Mirror CountryHinamatsuri Login BonusNew Mirrors Ranking Held!Tracks of Cherry BlossomsKamiFest: Kamihama Idol Festival 2020I, the Reincarnated Overlord, Magnificently Thwart "THEIR" Conspiracy!!Trick ☆ Trouble ☆ School FestivalThe Flower That Blooms in a Hollow HeartEnd of a Legend, the Limits of LightMixed Summer!Unknown StoryWelcome to Uwasa Aquarium!Let's go to the All Gods Festival!Girls in the HoodDeliver to the Beyond, A Piece of HopeHalloween Castle of Prayers and FuneralSentimental GazeAngels on the RoadChristmas StringThe Dream That Transcends Today
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