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Hi! I'm a trans girl and use she/her pronouns. I've been a fan of Madoka Magica since 2016, and I am happy to be able to contribute to this wiki. Currently, I am hoping that Hitomi becomes a magical girl.

I just got into Magia Record so my Depression Arc is starting.

A personal list of projects I want to do on this wiki.

Status Task Progress
In progress Go through Magia Record events and find all of the minor organizations. In Progress.
Done Go through every chapter from the Manga and link character names to the character pages. Complete.
Done Go through Homulilly's and Kriemhild's galleries to find images relating to UM and DH. Complete.
Not Started That thing that happened to the Madoka Page a few months ago, look into that table at the top of it. Not Started.
Done Obsess over Mabayu for a month. Complete.
Not Started Go through the DeepL translated pages and touch up on it (this will happen later. I dont know nearly enough Japanese yet). Not Started.
In progress Add chapter summaries for Null Magical Girl. In Progress. (on volume 2)
Done Delete any unused files that cannot/will not be used in the future Complete.
Done Add usable files to their respective pages. Complete.
Not Started Re-summarize NMG Intro Not Started.
Not Started Get the Scene 0 L2D's (While similar, they aren't the same as their normal L2D's.) Not Started.
Done Make a stitch of the Homura tower from the WR trailer Complete.

Currently writing my own original PM story. On this wiki, I hope I can clean up a few things and add pages when I can, as long as I am free.

I know every character, Witch, Familiar, Uwasa, Minor Uwasa, and Doppel. Try me.

My Discord code is #5222, and the name is Amaterasu-23. I am a mix of on and off there, so I may not respond immediately.

Original Story

This section contains fanart images

Everything in the following fan gallery is created, or the comments accompanying them are created, for entertainment value and should not be confused with actual canon events of the Puella Magi franchise.

Ryuko, a Puella Magi who has been in the position for two years, does not know her wish. In fact, neither does Kyubey, nor anyone she knows. All Ryuko knows is that her ability is the erasure of memory. What did she want to forget? Why forget her wish, of all things? What did she do?

The town she is in is heavily overpopulated with Puella Magi. If one enters a witches labyrinth, it is more than likely more than one girl has entered. Every month, the death of at least five magical girls is found, meaning the police are on high alert in the area. There are many factions in the city.

Watchers, who attempt to make peace in the city. Their leader is a girl by the name of Reika.

The Last Bastion, who are allies with the Fated Sea. They try their best to keep the girls from killing each other. Their leader is Kokomi.

Fated Sea, the parent group of The Last Bastion. They work to save injured magical girls and take in neutral girls. Their leader is Cherika.

Saints of Aegis, a group dedicated to the salvation of the Puella Magi, at any cost. Their leaders are Miyu and Akako.

Scarlet Crow, a group convinced that the only way to save the city is by culling the "evil" Puella Magi. They are in direct opposition to the Watchers and Fated Sea. Their leader is Koharu.

Guild of Tomorrow, a group led by multiple people and two out of the three leaders have the goal of taking over the city completely. The other, however, just wants to kill a single Puella Magi and is supported by another leader. It is led by Hoshiko, Miyu and Koharu.

With Ryuko's power of memory erasure, she can wipe clean anyones memory of an event, including her own, simply by shooting herself or anyone else in the head. Using this power, Ryuko has fought with and forgotten many Puella Magi. One such Magi was a girl by the name of Satoko, Ryuko's and Hoshiko's first mentor. In the aftermath of a fight with a Witch, Ryuko was forced to put Satoko out of her misery. Hoshiko, seeing this from behind the rubble but not knowing why Ryuko murdered Satoko, made her wish.


Main Characters

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Ryuko Hirota

"I don't want to remember this! I can't... I can't!" - Ryuko after killing Satoko

Physical Features
Age 14
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Grey
Soul Gem Blue diamond on her hat.
Weapon Twin pistols
Witch Form Persopine
Powers and Abilities Memory Erasure (can be expanded to Replacement at the cost of a lot of Magical Energy)
Wish "I want everyone forget what just happened, including me. Do it now, Kyubey!" (After murdering the kids at school who bullied her).
Japanese pronoun Unknown
Known relatives Unnamed mother, deceased father.
Origins Japan
School Mishimizu Middle School
Affiliation Last Bastion, Watchers, Fated Sea
Kokomi Yong

"If you want, I'll lead you! Follow my lead, young lady!" - Kokomi, to Ryuko

Physical Features
Age 16
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Blonde
Soul Gem Yellow magatama on belt
Weapon Bo staff
Witch Form Zetian
Powers and Abilities Revitalization (She can sacrifice herself to keep others alive.)
Wish "Please... save me!" (After being caught in the crossfire from Ryuko's revenge.)
Japanese pronoun Unknown
Known relatives Unnamed father, deceased sister.
Origins Japan (Father from China)
School Mishimizu High School
Affiliation Last Bastion, Watchers, Fated Sea
Himari Kisaki

"If possible, I want to be like you, Kokomi." - Himari, to Kokomi

Physical Features
Age 13
Eye colour Green
Hair colour Pink
Soul Gem Pink hyacinth emblem on boot
Weapon Dual knives
Witch Form Kempeitai
Powers and Abilities Predict (She can predict the actions of an enemy.)
Wish "Please... if it stops this... give me the power to read minds!"
Japanese pronoun Unknown
Known relatives Deceased grandparents, abusive parents.
Origins Japan
School Not attending
Affiliation Last Bastion
Hoshiko Hanabasu

"Why would you kill her, Ryuko!? Satoko was like a sister to me, and you... I thought you were more than a sister! I thought you would be different! So why... why would you kill her!?" - Hoshiko, to Ryuko

Physical Features
Age 14
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Brown
Soul Gem Blue rose emblem on glove.
Weapon Bow & Arrow, twin blades.
Witch Form Chiomara
Powers and Abilities Denial of Fate (Ryuko cannot turn into a witch until Hoshiko causes a fatal wound, until Hoshiko dies or until Hoshiko loses her reason for revenge.)
Wish "I want to kill her... I want to kill her with my own hands!"
Japanese pronoun Unknown
Known relatives Unnamed parents
Origins Japan
School Sanmyaku High School
Affiliation Guild of Tomorrow

Other Characters

Collapsed to free up space.
Akako Takeshi

"Big sis, you told me... that I had the power to do anything I wanted. This is my last gift to you, Miyu. Please... use me one last time." - Akako to Miyu

Physical Features
Age 11
Eye colour Green
Hair colour Brown
Soul Gem Green tear-shaped gem on choker
Weapon Needles and thread
Witch Form Tepes
Powers and Abilities Self-Revision (If her sister wishes it, Akako can change her abilities. However, this uses a lot of magical energy)
Wish "I want to help my sister in any way I can!"
Japanese pronoun Unknown
Known relatives Deceased brother, Miyu Takeshi
Origins Japan
School Gyokai Middle School
Affiliation Last Bastion (infiltrated), Saints of Aegis
Miyu Takeshi

"You... you destroyed my family. You killed my brother. Now... it's time to kill you." Miyu to Ryuko

Physical Features
Age 14
Eye colour Green
Hair colour Brown
Soul Gem Green mace-head shaped jem on the back of her neck
Weapon Mace
Witch Form Brugse Metten
Powers and Abilities Memory Revival (The opposite of Ryuko's power, she can bring memories back)
Wish "I want to know what happened to my brother."
Japanese pronoun Unknown
Known relatives Deceased brother, Akako Takeshi
Origins Japan
School Gyokai Private High School
Affiliation Saints of Aegis, Watchers, Guild of Tomorrow
Reika Ushimaru

"This war has raged on long enough. It's time to end it all, here and now! From now on, the Watchers step down from neutrality!" - Reika

Physical Features
Age 15
Eye colour Yellow
Hair colour Light Brown
Soul Gem Yellow spike-shaped earring
Weapon Scythe, microphone
Witch Form Reinke
Powers and Abilities Announcement (Whatever she says, people will listen to her. Lasts longer the more passion she has.)
Wish "I want people to hear what I have to say."
Japanese pronoun Unknown
Known relatives Unknown
Origins Japan
School Sanmyaku High School
Affiliation Watchers
Hibana Aiko

"Listen, Magical Girls like you are the reason I'm so damn pissed off!" - Hibana, to Kokomi

Physical Features
Age 13
Eye colour Grey
Hair colour Red (Dyed), Brown (Natural)
Soul Gem Flame emblem on the back of her hood
Weapon Flamethrower
Witch Form DeKoven
Powers and Abilities Pyrotechnics (She can manipulate fire at will. She can also cause small explosions.)
Wish "Give me the power to destroy everything I hate."
Japanese pronoun Unknown
Known relatives Mother and father, older brother
Origins Japan
School Mishimizu Middle School
Affiliation Scarlet Crow
Koharu Shimizu

"I don't see what's so wrong... are you really going to try and stop me?" - Koharu, to Himari

Physical Features
Age 15
Eye colour Blue/Green
Hair colour Black
Soul Gem White eye on her back
Weapon Rifle
Witch Form Witch of Endor
Powers and Abilities Reanimation (She can force any corpse to follow her orders)
Wish "I want to see him one last time." (After her boyfriend died from a disease)
Japanese pronoun Unknown
Known relatives Grandmother
Origins Japan
School Takae Private Academy
Affiliation Scarlet Crow, Watchers, Guild of Tomorrow
Cherika Tatsuda

"Too bad... I really thought she would survive. Get up, Ryuko. We need to kill her here and now." - Cherika, after Kokomi turned into a Witch

Physical Features
Age 17
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour White
Soul Gem White moon clasp on her belt
Weapon Yari
Witch Form Tsuki no Usagi
Powers and Abilities Rescind Feelings (People agree with her more easily, and she can use it to bargain or manipulate.)
Wish "Please bring peace to my family."
Japanese pronoun Unknown
Known relatives Mother and Father, younger sister, older brother, grandparents
Origins Japan
School Takae Private Academy
Affiliation Fated Sea, Watchers
Satoko Kannao

"Hah! That was a tough fight, but I'm glad we made it through together! Whats your name?" - Satoko, to Ryuko

Physical Features
Age 13
Eye colour Green
Hair colour Blonde
Soul Gem Green diamond brooch
Weapon Rapier
Witch Form Strombola
Powers and Abilities Manipulation (She could manipulate others to be her friend and do things they otherwise wouldnt)
Wish "I dont want to die alone. Help me make friends!"
Japanese pronoun Unknown
Known relatives Unknown
Origins Japan
School Takae Middle School


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Proserpine (PROSERPINE), Ryuko's Witch. "The Witch of lost memories, her form is a skeleton infected with pomegranates. Her nature is grasping at memories sealed away. She entangles her victims and sucks their memories away, hoping to regain her own. When the victim is but an empty husk, she throws them away for her familiars, the Erinyes (ERINYES), to consume. Their form is of a dog, without a head but instead the buds of a pomegranate. Every day, the crown she wears grows tighter, causing more and more agony and desperation."

Zetian (ZETIAN), Kokomi's Witch. "The Witch of executions, her form is a pair of twin horses and chariots each dragging one half of a body. Her nature is running from her fate. Her familiars, the Caishikou (CAISHIKOU), clap endlessly for her coming execution. Their form is that of spectators, not human but instead walking flasks of wine. If interrupted, her familiars begin to grow angry and mangle the interrupter, throwing their body into the Witches path and laughing as she tramples them to death. Zetian constantly begs to deaf ears."

Kempeitai (KEMPEITAI), Himari's Witch. "The Witch of torture, her form is a giant bamboo sprout, covered in eyes. Her nature is all-seeing. Her familiars, the Ana-Tsurushi (ANA-TSURUSHI), torture their victims. Their form is a well with ropes, reaching for those who dare approach them before dragging them in. Kempeitai sees the death around her and laughs in the voice of a baby."

Chiomara (CHIOMARA), Hoshiko's Witch. "The Witch of revenge, her form is a guillotine. Her nature is decapitation. Her familiars, the Gnaeus (GNAEUS), stand ready for their execution. Their form is that of a crowned frog. Chiomara travels using the blood of the dead as her fuel. Her familiars, waiting for their execution, are excited to see what will come next."

Tepes (TEPES), Akako's Witch. "The Witch of blood, her form is an iron maiden. Her nature is to suck out life. Her familiars, the Dracul (DRACUL feed on the visitors and lick up the blood leaking from their queen. Their form is that of a hole-riddled bat. Tepes, always disappointed in herself, constantly remolds her metal to become more and more terrifying."

Brugse Metten (BRUGSE METTEN), Miyu's Witch. "The Witch of hate, her form is a clocktower. Her nature is rage. Her familiars, the Navarre (NAVARRE), lure and entrap intruders in their webs. Their form is that of a contorted angel. When Brugse Metten's bells toll, her familiars awaken and begin to feast."

Reinke (reinke), Reika's Witch. "The Witch of speech, her form is that of bladed vocal cords. Her nature is annoyance. Her familiars, the Lamina Propria (lamina propria), support their Witch and cart her around, and they find it to be a great honor to do so. Their form is that of decaying speakers. Reinke is annoyed with herself and her own voice, and rarely speaks. When she does speak, the screeching noise is so loud and terrible that even her familiars drop her, killing themselves as she falls on them."

DeKoven (dekoven), Hibana's Witch. "The Witch of lanterns, her nature is all-destroying. Her form is a matchbox with missiles inside. Once she opens, multiple missiles shoot out of her, tearing her ligaments in the process. Her Familiars, the Sheridan (sheridan), prance around and try to save anything they see, but in reality, cover what they save in burning acid. DeKoven hates everything, even herself, and is looking for a way to end the world. However, due to her weakness, its a fools errand."

Witch of Endor (WITCH OF ENDOR), Koharu's Witch. "The Witch of life, her form is that of a beheaded old woman with tentacles under her cloak, consuming her old head. Her nature is resurrection. Her familiars, the Elohim (ELOHIM), take the form of malnourished, bloodshot angels, ready for their next feast. They skewer anyone they see and bring them to their Witch so that she can turn the dead intruder into more Elohim. If she is left alone for too long, then no one can be able to stop her or her army."

Tsuki no Usagi (TSUKI NO USAGI), Cherika's Witch. "The Witch of moonlight, her form is a rabbit. Her nature is hope. Her familiars, the Okami (OKAMI), welcome visitors with open arms. Their form is that of gods, each one taking a different form than their former. While not hostile, they become easily enraged and ritualistically behead an intruder if they speak out of turn to their queen. Tsuki no Usagi, similarly to her familiars, is very calm and quiet. However, if bored, she will gladly play a deadly game with any intruder."

Strombola (strombola), Satoko's Witch. "The Witch of lies, her form is a puppet on a string. Her nature is an endless show. Her familiars, the Mangiafuoco (mangiafuoco), control her strings, creating her jagged dance. Their form is that of bloody wooden hands with a broken face in their palm. Strombola's dance is never ending, always there to entertain intruders until they breathe their last."

Alyssia (alyssia). "The witch of light, her form is a hedge maze (and her true form, barbed wire). Her nature is killing off weeds. Her familiars, the Heckenschere (heckenschere), cut away any stray leaves. Their form is that of clippers. Alyssia will never stop working as the sun beats down on her."

Maitea (maitea). "The witch of love, her form is a ring. Her nature is finding the one for her. Her familiars, the Amor (amor), search endlessly for a groom in order to fill their maidens desire. Their form is that of paintings, all different from the last. Even though Maitea weeps, she knows that what she did was for the best."

Spina (SPINA). "The witch of poison, her form is an open book. Her nature is entrapping those who reject her. Her familiars, the Maledictum (MALEDICTUM) skewer the enemies of their master. Their form is a quill. Spina searches for revenge against the ones she used to trust.

Calix (CALIX). "The witch of sacrifice, her form is an overflowing goblet. Her nature is fooling those around her. Her familiars, the Caprae (CAPRAE), run endlessly into the endlessly growing sea created by their master. Their form is that of spider, screeching until their end. It is not uncommon for them to pull intruders in along with them. The Sacerdos (SACERDOS), however, try in futility to keep their flock from their grim fate. Their form is a priestly spider. Calix grows more dangerous the more she overflows, as her ocean is merely an extension of her body.
